Outside of contest (I won once and I just don't find it fair to run again - you know, spreading the love and have as many people as possible win)....
Daily bump - 178.57 credits ATM.
Daily bump; always looking for new job offers. :)
Grats, Slip! :) And nice signature, although I really don't agree with the message. :P Pets are cool! :D
Really nice way of presenting your loot... love it! :D
Yeah, really nice log; would love to see you continuing it. :) And big grats for the awesome results! :)
Bump :) Still looking for more ideas. :)
Daily bump - 176.38 credits ATM.
Personally I would never use a tatoo, neither IRL or in-game, but I'm always up for more options for players to customize their avatars; so yeah,...
Hahaha! I'm in those pictures too! :D And btw, was really cool event. :)
I third it. :P You really have great talent. :)
That would be... awesome. :D
Nice services range and nice skills; best of luck with it, Lizzy! :)
Thank you for the full tutorial, but in my case problem was different - that I'm only looking for items which are not normally achievable via...
Labrys is UL? If yes where it comes from? Bukin's Blade I have it - is a bit less eco than the TT options, but it is UL and it has higher DPS, so...
Limited of unlimited one, Swampy?
Hyellow! :) I know, I know, I'm a total weirdo... and I honestly don't expect anyone to understand my reasons (and, in all honesty, you have all...
Free BUMP... summer is coming (or winter is coming if you live in southern emisphere or are a GOT fan :P) so is time for all of us to get in...
Removed healing, mining and hunting services. The two remaining services - advertising (and co-hosting) and dog walking are still on. Please let...
Separate names with a comma.