Todays Puny Bash was a bit boring to witness, not much chat going on. However people seemed to have fun. Which is really important.... + we had...
Small bump
You are able to go in solo, there are 2 ways to get in, solo by talking to the NPC or team by going to the door. You can enter the team one solo...
Hello everyone, As some of you might have noticed after some time I was finally able to switch to a new site for the PFEU related things. Seeing...
Pilot is Ekko BIG Pilot. Guestlist is purged after a scheduled warp flight has been completed I believe so not sure if you can just hang around on...
It still runs yes
Todays Puny Bash has been concluded, it seems that the prize combo of weapon + amp was a success. In anycase here is the winners list: 1: youneaa...
Hello Puny Bashers! If you look on your calander you can see 2 Puny Bashes now setup. This is to celebrate the new website being launched which...
Hello everyone, Finally the update on the latest Puny Bash... 1: Mr Nanoc Berger with a Piron PLP-2 (L) and Weapon Cells (worth 10PED) 2: Piki...
Todays registration is over and done. We found our 6 volunteers for our little hunt again :D. Hunt number 163 is underway regardless of the server...
Another edition of Puny Bash, somewhere in the upcoming days more will be set into the system. So tell your friends, family pets, friends of...
Hello everyone, Sorry for the delay on the update here. I wasn't present at the last Puny Bash I do hope to be there the next time to do the...
Hello everyone, Todays hunt number #162 will be done by Dr Clausius again. Sadly enough I am still sick so I am rather useless :(. But...
Todays HSL on ALA5 has been wrapped up. We only had 1 global today but we did have 3 winners: 1: Michel Wibbele Bijlsma who had a 68PED global,...
Thank you Qster
That would become our problem then right if it were to be one :)
Hello everyone, Yesterday a Puny Bash happened, sadly enough I am still sick and wasn't able to be there myself. But I assume it was a blast :)....
Hello everyone, Tonights PFEU hunt won't be happening. Sadly enough I have been sick all week and I am not able to stay logged in long enough to...
Most Loot event :)
Todays event on ALA5 was a ML event. Good participation, seems the higher maturity is to peoples liking. The winners for today were 1: John...
Separate names with a comma.