In an hour or so the first 2 events will be taking place. Sign up while you can :)
Hey krazykat, If you are signed up to an event a message will appear on your screen when it starts asking you if you wish to teleport to the...
You know it :D
I specified this towards event areas because they are not privately owned, they have 0% tax on Arkadia at least and most events which happen...
That does not make them an Event Area, it is still a Land Area. Please make a new topic if you wish to discuss it. This topic was not created for...
Hello Bashers! Today was a nice closure of the weekly Puny Bash streak. From now on the Puny Bash will be done on a bi-weekly basis again. So...
Thank you for your input Spawn. Although I do believe this information is not really in it's place in this thread. Seeing as it is focused...
PFEU hunt number #178 is going to be launched today against Tiaraks. No coverage of the hunt itself since I am pretty tired :) Wish us luck!...
No I can not. Even if I did know a way how to accomplish this then it would be rather silly for me to post it since everyone who wants to "earn...
Hello everyone, For my fellow players I decided to explain a bit how the event creation system works a bit by making this tutorial. I made most...
[ATTACH] Welcome all to the Arkadia KeyFest 2017 In the weekend of September 15,16 and 17 you will be seeing 4 events being made on the event...
Hello everyone, Today was the second to last Puny Bash which is going to be done on a weekly basis. I hope everyone had a good time, here are...
Here we go, another Puny Bash being completed! This time with some new names taking the top prizes! Soon the new Puny Bashes will be setup until...
Today we gona have some fun in my new Dropship! Transporting the hunt team in ARKADIA STYLE! YESH! Hunt number 176... HERE WE GO!!!! Rakeshi...
Small correction. The upcoming event on Sunday, August 20, is a HSL event not a ML as mentioned in the title. Apologies for the wrong title.
Hello all, Some exploration has been done and during this we came across a rock formation where Dylan explained that it looked like the formation...
Another Puny Bash wrapped up for the books! :D Seems we got some new players in who were able to snatch some prizes, hopefully this trend will...
New Puny Bashes setup into the system for August 12 and 19! Prizes are a bit more unique then in the last set :D BASH ON BROTHERS AND SISTERS!
Another Puny Bash came to it's conclusion. Seems people had fun again which is always AWESOME! Now then for our winners for today which were; 1:...
Separate names with a comma.