Exactly, that is why there should be more yellow, cheese is yellow and everyone knows the moon is made of cheese ! [SPOILER]
This made me wonder, if it would be possible to adjust the Gravity, i.e. make it possible to jump higher and fall slower ?
Good Job Liviu !, as always you are in the background drawing the pictures and slaving away with a lot of attention to detail. Do not know how...
Also found this: Deep Gold White paper: https://www.deep.gold/index/whitepaper.pdf All the above makes me wonder, is MA with DeepToken, following...
So my PC is now approaching upgrade time (I upgrade every 5 years). (Keep in mind that I am not a PC techie person) Currently I have an Alienware...
Perhaps it was not successful ?
Glad to see so much excitement and curiosity, that is a good sign indeed. Do keep in mind that for Arkadia to grow, bigger mobs may be required,...
Always check the Release notes after the patch. https://account.entropiauniverse.com/news/ Release notes are usually published soon as the Patch...
Found this out there on the net: DeepToken will fuel our vision and act as a vessel within Entropia Universe, overcoming current constraints and...
http://www.deeptoken.io/ https://www.forbes.com/sites/lawren...ation-of-a-new-world-i-said-yes/#2907a51a18b8
uhmm, was expecting a land plot, slight smaller than a moon.... Glad to see the expected continuation of the Smuggler story / missions, quite...
This thread raises quite a few issues, that have snowballed a bit, I believe a lot of this could have been mitigated by a friendly / monthly...
Did you hear from them ? is the reward still in place for Kadra ?
Yep, if you kill too fast you may be over killing and wasting ammunition/ped.
Firstly; welcome to Entropia, and most importantly to Arkadia. You are asking some good questions there, but you may be asking them too soon in...
Separate names with a comma.