healing tools?
i was made aware that bukin´s blade is not tradeable anymore. taken-off-the-list-bump :bump:
yep. me, me. pick me ;) ...fly me to the moon [MEDIA]
at my profile page there is something wrong... [ATTACH]
:biggrin2: [ATTACH] :p
Added some stuff and it is now obvious what i added. ;)
my sweat? no, gonna make mindessence with it...
spoken history by a great men [MEDIA] LKJ eagle and the bear. unforgettable. masterpiece
will edit the list at a later date ==>sold some stuff :biggrin2:
you deserve a friendly but not to hard smack on the back of your head...............-rating :biggrin2:
oh, the bashing..!! count them punys till they last next time they´ll be eradicated. ...personaly...by me... i hate ´em... [MEDIA]
thats when PP`s should step in and promote and even sponsor such events to make our universe what it should be... so much potental in universe...
saturday bump from me to you :biggrin2::bump::cowboy:
sure and wouldn´t it be awesome to have planet champions whom fight in epic battles for universe championships.
would have liked to add newst squarepusher LP Exjag Nives but this is good for an evening too [MEDIA]
todays bump :bump: [IMG]
i still hope there will be an arkadia boxing event like it was announced a few years ago. we do have the rings, needs only lots of organizing...
could you add something like this: [ATTACH] ;) am a proud owner of this badge and would be delighted to hand it out to similarly talented people....
best wishes and may your love last forever...
loot?! :shrug:
Separate names with a comma.