Antrace is right, you can go to Bill in the Quarry to trade the armor back. You need to have it at full TT and Bill will exchange your full set...
Closing in on 2,5k peds loss at 15k killpoints still to do. Seriously, F this.
Weapon and amp sold, thread can be closed.
Bokol are now dropping oil res in big quantities too on the high maturities.
Decided to step off the melee path, as I do strongly believe that ranged is more helpful in the long rung. Besides, doing 46-47 runs of 30 minutes...
Selling my tier 2,9 Dehera Immolation Sword + Melee Trauma Amplifier VI because I currently rather go with ranged after all. I'm selling them as...
Need to take a little till after my vacation. My new smuggler outfit had a hole in it's pocket and I lost my pedcard. Requested a new one from the...
Location for high Maturity is N/W of Mamba. On the mob map it is listed together with Yuka, that is not the case.
Thank you, I'll edit it. Oh, and N/W of Mamba
Going to try and remember to separate the defensive costs from the total decay.
Now I got 24 hours off, so i will work on my smuggler missions I guess. Happy that for both go's at stage 6 I ended with profit. Changed my Opalo...
Finished the run, gained 37,88% in my evade skill and 0,5 HP from the Athletics reward. Bokol stage 6, run #2 Total Decay; 8658,03 TT Returns;...
I'm back B*TCHES! Date ; February 8th, 3013 Location ; Arkadia, N/W of Mamba Digsite. After an Earthly break minding my own business and some...
Bokol stage 6, run #1 Total Decay; 8290,24 TT Returns; 8818,54 MU Gained; 177,61 % Returns; 108,51% Profit/Loss; 705,91 Globals; 26 Hof; 0 I got...
As most of you know already, I'm back in the game after an extended break. I have decided to farm Bokols at max maturity and see how I do. I'm...
Yes, you need a minimum of two member now to enter the doors. However, if you talk to the female NPC next to the guy you trade in your keys, you...
[ATTACH] Or you can go to the Smuggler Secret Hideout and barter your way into a special zone with what you need in mobs for arkoins.
Improved open letter to MA. Date ; July 13th, 3012 Location ; Arkadia. Dear MindArk, You know me, I think we have a strong love-hate...
Derp Yuka. Couldn't help myself, it looks silly. Makes you wonder how they got this strong! [ATTACH]
Calypso Memories Date ; July 9th, 3012 Location ; Calypso, Cape Corinth. So yes, I said in my last log entry that I initially landed on Planet...
Separate names with a comma.