I wonder how long it will take to release smuggler content?it seemed it was gonna happen after few months after moon was released.i lost track of...
Even if the map dont centre when you press P in game the radar follows fine.you only have to drag the lbml map where you are currently at and mine...
Tagging is good for high aggro mobs but a person who is hunting non stop with high dps will be a pain in the ass.even if u tagged all within the...
Never leveled a nusul or a pandi since not worth it for their passives.pandi pup was never able to spawn on other planets just like vixen from...
Omg poor souls.Is it maybe signs of pvp4 area maybe?:cowboy:
Domes are for controlling faction to call home.....seems like IFN and Smugglers gonna have to fight to get the dome for their side.woo hoo need to...
God damn wonderful Ark team.cant wait to explore the lovely moon :banana:
Just lol to all that what u said.u mean u wanna send someone else to fight ur battles is that it?rofl.pls send ur fighters i like ppl with guns...
U r just crack thats all jj lol.i noticed u just hide in vehicles rather than pvp so was funny when u show there are two sides on u but actualy...
Lol morse i already completed the kill and blew the ul jeep but i saw jj was hving fun hiding in the vehicles.jj is just like our friend kelly and...
I hv landed on ark JJ where are u:battleroar:
Seems i have to visit arkadia after all to see who this big shot JJ is.could it be the same Lovefall avatar re- animated? God look at those...
Killing the normal ones spawned the high level bosses when we were shooting on the event.
Cant complain about the loot landed on ark just after Dylan started the rising and bunch of us hit 10k + on lancer.Sad few who started the hunt...
I will come to aid my fellow smugglers during the raid.pew pew
Yea could be slapper...but can it always be what MA realy states?i hardly see ppl say im getting more than i spent.if everyone gets more than what...
How can someone come to a conclution that all are recorded in entropia life?does it show our each kill or just globals and hofs i wonder?if its...
You are not the only one who left ark for its bad return.i myself is ark born and now living in caly.No matter what mob i hunt loot returns are...
Arkadia oil rig used to be very entertaining for most players back in the day and now its only alts running around 24/7.when ever i visit ark i...
pet sold for 11k thread can be closed Thanks Hitman
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