Sold GLP-36 Added Dehera Immolation Sword T3.3
There is no ongoing fees to owning a shop deed. Payouts from sales (similar to selling from your apartment) go to your ped flow card. So any...
OK. If we don't catch up over the next evening or so, then I am having a week off after an overnight hospital stay (Don't Panic!) so we can...
How many of those empty shops are owned by Arakdia Estate Manager, meaning they aren't failed, they just haven't been made available for purchase...
Sold a Philosopher Sword. One left.
I use it regularly to acquire crafting materials as well as occasional guns and such and manage to do ok. It's true you can't list items in a...
You know you can buy goods on any planet from any planet and teleport the loot back to you for a fee, right? It's called auction transport.
Already lots of uses for sweat in game. No need for tp bullshit.
Yes I sell Aakas keys from Celeste North 1 and Sanctuary Cove 5.
Well that took longer than I had planned. All of my shops on Arkadia and Caly are now fully restocked. Except for Longreaches - pending the...
AFAIK There's only been one drop of the smuggler armour parts - an F glove.
Not that many (say 20 or so?). I had no luck in wh1 (100s of runs) due to low TT loots so I powered thru the navi final stage to get into WH2.
Hi all, just wanted to let y'all no I am back in game and taking care of business after a wee time away. Every so often I am unable to...
Made my 3rd smuggler plate yesterday. Looted the moonshine plate in warehouse 2. Bought the composite off auction. So it's still possible. But...
Folks, this coming weekend I plan to put together a thread showing economy rating for Ark weapons and attachments. My initial focus will be on...
A more conventional term for expectation seeding is "marketing". One might think this a reasonable activity for planet partners to undertake on...
Added GLR-27
I looted masks from Navi. It seems like a rare loot mechanic except that when it happens you get x TT worth of masks made up of 6 or so different...
I'm hesitant to post here as I don't want to distract from the actual service advertisement, but I have noticed some posts about trust issues. I...
Howdy, I am at work right now so I can't check my inventory spreadsheet or log into visit shops, but unless they have sold overnight, there...
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