[Please close] Newbie healer looking for work

Discussion in 'Services' started by DaughterOfAnarchy, Dec 1, 2015.

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  1. DaughterOfAnarchy

    DaughterOfAnarchy Active Member

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    Since I created a new thread for my service (because this one got a bit too cluttered), please close this one! :)

    After quite a lot of thinking I decided that (one of) the main professions I'll aim to skill up in the game is the medic one, so here I am, trying to get a start in this new career. :)

    I have to admit that I'm definitely not the best healer on planet and you could find tons of better skilled, better geared, more dedicated or more social players, and to be honest there is really nothing I can do compensate for this. What I can say though is that, being an almost free player (very, very, very small depositor) any contract I'll get (no matter if it will include a tip or not) will be one I'll greatly appreciate; so if you'll hire me instead of another healer (of course, when the hunting level will allow it) you'll also do your good deed for the day and you'll know you made some other player's day. :)

    But enough with the chit-chat, let's get to the cold numbers (which don't work in my favor, but well... everyone has to start from somewhere).

    Relevant skills (last updated December 13th, 2015):
    - Paramedic - 2.36
    - Biotropic - 0.74

    Gear (last updated December 13th, 2015):
    - [I0-Pulse Unit] - maxed out; econess: 10.59 HPP (heal per pec); power: 6.30 HPS (heal per second)
    - [Herb Box] - maxed out; econess: 10.06 HPP (heal per pec); power: 6.56 HPS (heal per second)
    - [S.I. H.E.A.R.T.] - not maxed out; econess: 15.59 HPP (heal per pec); power: 4.43 HPS (heal per second)

    Can also heal with [Fanoos Medical V1 (L)] at a cost of 33.3 pec / one (1 PED for three fanoos).

    A few final considerations:
    - IGN is Daughter of Anarchy (feel free to PM or add me there at any time when I'm online);
    - I'm basically available at any time (but obviously not all this time) between like 10:00 game time 'till 24:00 game time;
    - I pretty much prefere to have any healing session scheduled in advance (like here on forum), so I can plan my RL activities accordingly (because otherwise I have a very chaotic program and I may have to get off-line at worst possible moments), but even if not I will try to adapt;
    - I found to be most comfortable with around one hour gaming sessions, so would love if it would be possible to have healing sessions around this length (but really anything between 30 and 90 minutes would do the trick);
    - Tips are not required at all, but highly appreciated (and, anyway, even at no tips, even the free skills I get are highly appreciated).
    Last edited: Dec 27, 2015
  2. Wauspaus

    Wauspaus Active Member

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    Had her healing at tonights SSI, hopefully learned some things. Was very good :)
    • Friendly Friendly x 1
  3. DaughterOfAnarchy

    DaughterOfAnarchy Active Member

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    Daily bump with the free health tip of the day:

    Copy your kitty: Get the habit of doing stretching exercises when you wake up; it is known to boost circulation and digestion and, at the same time, to ease the back pains. :)
  4. MrJoey

    MrJoey Member

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    Thx for healing me yesterday on Togolossi.
    On Prowler/Stalker i need to fap 1-3 times - sometimes more, with you in my back it was avg. <1

    So it was helpful and i will hire you again.
    Skills will come :)
    • Friendly Friendly x 1
  5. DaughterOfAnarchy

    DaughterOfAnarchy Active Member

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    Daily bump with the free health tip of the day:

    Good night, sweetheart! A good sleep (around eight hours per night) heals the body and lowers the risk of heart and psychological problems.
  6. DaughterOfAnarchy

    DaughterOfAnarchy Active Member

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    Daily bump with the free health tip of the day:

    Save steamy scenes for the bedroom!
    If you shower or take a bat in water that's too hit, you should know that it will dry out your skin and will cause premature aging; sing just warm water is soo much better! Also, a good habit is to apply moisturizer after bath, and do it while skin is still damp, so it can be absorbed more easy. Another trick is to add just a bit of olive oil to your bath; the effect will be the same - a better moisturized and healthier skin.
  7. DaughterOfAnarchy

    DaughterOfAnarchy Active Member

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    Daily bump with the free health tip of the day:

    Don’t skip breakfast! There are tons of studies that confirmed the same thing - skipping breakfast will result in gaining, not losing weight! A good, balanced breakfast should include fruits (or some natural fruit juice), high-fiber cereals, low-fat milk or yogurt, boiled eggs or wholewheat toasts (some of these, not all, of course). Eggs and bacon is of course also an option, just that a really bad one. :p
  8. DaughterOfAnarchy

    DaughterOfAnarchy Active Member

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    Bone up daily! Get your daily calcium intake (about 200 milligrams per day)by popping a tab, chugging milk or eating yogurt, if you want to maintain your bones strong! Remember that their density start declining as early as we pass the age of 30. Also don't forget that you have to add some magnesium to the mix (like from bananas) or the calcium will simply not be absorbed.
  9. DaughterOfAnarchy

    DaughterOfAnarchy Active Member

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    Daily bump with the free health tip of the day:

    Enjoy the curry flavour! Hot and spicy foods that contains curry, chillies or cayenne pepper are known to trigger endorphines (also called the feel-good hormones) which are the same hormones that are released after exercising and which have a powerful, almost narcotic effect and make us feel great. Be careful though on what else those spicy foods contains, because if they're full of lamb, pork and mutton meat of high-fat creamy dishes which are common in many exotic restaurants, than this will definitely not make us healthier. :)
  10. DaughterOfAnarchy

    DaughterOfAnarchy Active Member

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    Daily bump with the free health tip of the day:

    The secret of stretching: When you're doing stretching exercises, slowly ease your body into the desired position 'til; you feel the stretch, then continue to hold the position for about 25 seconds, while breathing deeply to help the body move oxygen-rich blood to the muscles you're working out. Don't bounce or force yourself into an uncomfortable position, since this is a guaranteed recipe for injuries.
  11. DaughterOfAnarchy

    DaughterOfAnarchy Active Member

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    Daily bump with the free health tip of the day:

    Load up on vitamin C! Our bodies need at least 90 milligrams of vitamin C per day and the best way to get is is by eating fiver servings or more of fresh fruits or vegetables per day! So stop hesitating and hit those oranges and guavas; and if life throws you lemons, be quick to make a lemonade, because it's loaded with vitamin C. ;)

    * * * * *

    Relevant skills:

    - Paramedic - 2.27
    - Biotropic - 0.68

    - [I0-Pulse Unit] - maxed out; econess: 10.59 HPP (heal per pec); power: 6.30 HPS (heal per second)
    - [Herb Box] - maxed out; econess: 10.06 HPP (heal per pec); power: 6.56 HPS (heal per second)
    - [S.I. H.E.A.R.T.] - not maxed out; econess: 15.59 HPP (heal per pec); power: 4.43 HPS (heal per second)

    Can also heal with [Fanoos Medical V1 (L)] at a cost of 33.3 pec / one (1 PED for three fanoos).
  12. DaughterOfAnarchy

    DaughterOfAnarchy Active Member

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    Daily bump with the free health tip of the day:

    Put your dirtiest foot forward! If you started jogging and noticed that your ankles, knees, hips or back are aching from running on pavement, head on for the dirt. It was proven times over time that soft trails and graded roads are putting way less stress on joints than concrete, pavement or other hard surfaces. Also dirt trails tend to be uneven, which forces us to slow down a bit and focus on placing our foots on the right spot, which is great both for agility and concentration; not to mention that these changes in speed are somehow remembering us of HIT sessions. :)

    * * * * *

    Relevant skills:

    - Paramedic - 2.30
    - Biotropic - 0.70

    - [I0-Pulse Unit] - maxed out; econess: 10.59 HPP (heal per pec); power: 6.30 HPS (heal per second)
    - [Herb Box] - maxed out; econess: 10.06 HPP (heal per pec); power: 6.56 HPS (heal per second)
    - [S.I. H.E.A.R.T.] - not maxed out; econess: 15.59 HPP (heal per pec); power: 4.43 HPS (heal per second)

    Can also heal with [Fanoos Medical V1 (L)] at a cost of 33.3 pec / one (1 PED for three fanoos).
  13. DaughterOfAnarchy

    DaughterOfAnarchy Active Member

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    Daily bump with the free health tip of the day:

    Learn to cool off without a beer! After you finished exercising, try not to eat carbohydrates for at least one hour, in order to force your body to break down body fat, instead of using the food you just ingested. A good idea is to stick with fruits and fluids only during that hour (note though - that while technically a fluid, the beer is not a good options, since it's loaded with carbs).

    * * * * *

    Relevant skills:

    - Paramedic - 2.33
    - Biotropic - 0.71

    - [I0-Pulse Unit] - maxed out; econess: 10.59 HPP (heal per pec); power: 6.30 HPS (heal per second)
    - [Herb Box] - maxed out; econess: 10.06 HPP (heal per pec); power: 6.56 HPS (heal per second)
    - [S.I. H.E.A.R.T.] - not maxed out; econess: 15.59 HPP (heal per pec); power: 4.43 HPS (heal per second)

    Can also heal with [Fanoos Medical V1 (L)] at a cost of 33.3 pec / one (1 PED for three fanoos).
  14. DaughterOfAnarchy

    DaughterOfAnarchy Active Member

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    Daily bump with the free health tip of the day:

    Brush up on hygiene! It's surprising how many people don't know how to brush their teeth properly, despite the fact that improper brushing can cause just as much damage to our teeth and gums as not brushing at all. The toothbrush should be hold in the same way we would hold a pencil and we should brush vigorously for two to give minutes, and not only resume to our teeth, but also brush the gums, the tongue and the roof of the month. Also, instead of buying a super fancy, angled, electric, golden plated toothbrush that we'll keep for one year or more, is better to but a cheap, regular, sturdy soft-bristled one that we can afford to replace every (second) month.

    * * * * *

    Relevant skills:

    - Paramedic - 2.34
    - Biotropic - 0.73

    - [I0-Pulse Unit] - maxed out; econess: 10.59 HPP (heal per pec); power: 6.30 HPS (heal per second)
    - [Herb Box] - maxed out; econess: 10.06 HPP (heal per pec); power: 6.56 HPS (heal per second)
    - [S.I. H.E.A.R.T.] - not maxed out; econess: 15.59 HPP (heal per pec); power: 4.43 HPS (heal per second)

    Can also heal with [Fanoos Medical V1 (L)] at a cost of 33.3 pec / one (1 PED for three fanoos).
  15. DaughterOfAnarchy

    DaughterOfAnarchy Active Member

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    Daily bump with the free health tip of the day:

    Neurobics for your mind! The term 'neurobics' start being used in quite a few recent research studies for those tasks which activate brain's own biochemical pathways and/or bring new pathways that can help to strengthen or preserve brain circuits. A few examples are using your left hand (presuming you're not left handed :p) for certain tasks like eating or brushing teeth, take a new route when commuting to work or just pick your clothes without looking, just based on touch sense. All these increase mental agility, which at its turn lowers the chance of catching Alzheimer's disease or other age-related degenerative mental diseases at an older age.

    * * * * *

    Relevant skills:

    - Paramedic - 2.36
    - Biotropic - 0.74

    - [I0-Pulse Unit] - maxed out; econess: 10.59 HPP (heal per pec); power: 6.30 HPS (heal per second)
    - [Herb Box] - maxed out; econess: 10.06 HPP (heal per pec); power: 6.56 HPS (heal per second)
    - [S.I. H.E.A.R.T.] - not maxed out; econess: 15.59 HPP (heal per pec); power: 4.43 HPS (heal per second)

    Can also heal with [Fanoos Medical V1 (L)] at a cost of 33.3 pec / one (1 PED for three fanoos).
  16. Saltkin

    Saltkin Member

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    i like reading your daily bumps :)
  17. DaughterOfAnarchy

    DaughterOfAnarchy Active Member

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    For the time being, my priorities in game shifted a bit, so I will take a break from healing 'till January 1st.

    But I won't stop before trying to give one more healthy living advice (or call it a challenge if you want).

    The idea comes from Arnold Schwarzenegger himself and says that you only need to invest 1% of your time in exercising in order to be among top 1% best fit people on earth. :) What's 1 percent of our daily time? Let's make a quick (and not very exact, but still quite acurate math): 24 hours / 100 = 0.24 hours - let's round this to 0.25 and we got exactly a quarter, so 15 minutes. And the following two exercises routines, part of Arnold's 1% challenge, have exactly that, 15 minutes. :D

    Routine one (bodyweight):

    Routine two (free weights):

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  18. DaughterOfAnarchy

    DaughterOfAnarchy Active Member

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    Since I created a new thread for my service (because this one got a bit too cluttered), please close this one! :)
  19. Snape

    Snape Master of the BanHammer Staff Member PAF Administrator

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    Too cluttered? Doesn't look cluttered to me, as it's still just 1 page of posts.

    I'll close this one but please don't go closing the new one after such a short period and make a third claiming that it too is cluttered. You can always request that the thread be cleansed and you can reformat the OP

    *Thread closed as per request*
    • Agree Agree x 2
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