San's hunting log

Discussion in 'Hunting' started by San, May 1, 2015.

  1. San

    San Well-Known Member

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    And a mere 1200 Hadraada later, all given up again. And more. Ark is doing it again, costing way too much to sustain. Slamming on the brakes, returning to small Halix with the remaining funds. Maybe can complete my first stage 6. And perhaps some rounds of the Jori instance. Then on the flight out to return after confidence is restored.
    Last edited: Oct 7, 2015
  2. OZtwo

    OZtwo Active Member

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    Well as you fully support user Bound items..then just think of this mission as a achievement and complete it? Not sure what your issue is here? Remember the hides do have a TT value?
  3. San

    San Well-Known Member

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    Returns well below 80% on a not-so-small sample size, that is an issue because my money comes neither from daddy nor from the government. Switching/downsizing mobs, switching places, all common advice. And sounding off a little about the shorter-than-expected experience, because it has happened before for prolongued periods especially on this otherwise much liked planet. Not sure what your issue is here and what that has to do with user-bound items.
  4. OZtwo

    OZtwo Active Member

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    Well think of User Bound items in that same frame of mind and you may just start to understand.
  5. San

    San Well-Known Member

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    There are plenty of threads on various forums discussing this and other fundamental issues. I respectfully ask you to take it there instead of turning my log into another one.
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  6. San

    San Well-Known Member

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    At last :) Or at first... there is room for 500 figurines in underground storage :wacky:
    Entropia 2015-10-09 10-20-19-10.jpg

    Observation: Average loot returns are much better on small maturities than on big ones, at least with "noob" mobs such as this one. Been trying out switching for quite some time now. Especially during downswings, going "back to the roots" has always been a lifesaver not only stretching remaining funds, but making it possible to maintain or even build up again. If I could only manage to keep records over a full stage 6, that would be good to see confirmed.
    • Gratz! Gratz! x 4
    Last edited: Oct 9, 2015
  7. San

    San Well-Known Member

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    Entropia Universe time: 2015-10-09 19:41:30
    Location: Underground 15500, 22800
    Target: Wombana Young to Provider (2091 to 2471 of 10000 killpoints)
    Objective: Test previous setup on smaller maturities instead of trying stronger armour.
    Result: Defense cost 1.27%, and that using melee only. Also 23% more killpoints covered for the same input. Perfect, will be wtg through this mission. And decent returns yet again, quite unlike on the surface lately.

    Armor Plating Mark.2C
    -0.23 PED​
    Musca Arm Guards Adjusted (M)
    -0.08 PED​
    Musca Foot Guards Adjusted (M)
    -0.09 PED​
    Musca Gloves Adjusted (M)
    -0.02 PED​
    Musca Harness Adjusted (M)
    -0.13 PED​
    Musca Helmet Adjusted (M)
    -0.10 PED​
    Musca Shin Guards Adjusted (M)
    -0.03 PED​
    Musca Thigh Guards Adjusted (M)
    -0.09 PED​
    Philosopher's Sword
    -63.69 PED​
    S.I. H.E.A.R.T.
    -0.05 PED​
    Total expenses.
    -64.51 PED​
    Advanced Stone Extractor
    +0.48 PED​
    Animal Hide
    +2.00 PED​
    Animal Muscle Oil
    +4.41 PED​
    Animal Oil Residue
    +0.25 PED​
    BLP Pack
    +0.97 PED​
    Electronic Stabilizing Component
    +1.00 PED​
    Focus Lense Component
    +2.60 PED​
    Inferior Cloth Extractor
    +0.62 PED​
    Melee Trauma Amplifier I (L)
    +12.26 PED​
    Nova Fragment
    +0.00 PED​
    Paint Can (Blue)
    +0.15 PED​
    +18.60 PED​
    Socket I Component
    +2.30 PED​
    Soft Hide
    +1.20 PED​
    Surface Hardener Component
    +1.00 PED​
    Thin Wool
    +0.75 PED​
    Tier I Component
    +1.70 PED​
    Treasure Map 1
    +0.03 PED​
    Treasure Map 2
    +0.02 PED​
    Weapon Cells
    +9.64 PED​
    +1.20 PED​
    Total returns.
    +61.18 PED​
    -3.33 PED​
  8. San

    San Well-Known Member

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    Wrapping it up a day early this month, need to keep my funds together for the Gold Rush! No hope at winning anything with this PED card, but there are extra evade skills to grab. Much time spent on Caly again, most auctions successful and Kerberos S4 done for yet another evade bonus. Made inroads with Hadraada also, just returns are not as good as to permit rushing through. Only passed the 1/3 mark in S5. Maybe I should grind out Jori, S6 has combat reflexes as reward. Anyways the trail of blood can be followed here. Nothing to write home about, one Allophyl for 95 PED and nothing else even close.

    Relevant skills/professions at month's end: Evader 19.96 (duh!), BLP Sniper 36.8, Pistoleer 35.2, Dmg 35.7, Knifefighter Dmg 28.2, Hit 26.6, Swordsman Dmg 26.1, Hit 23.6, Health points 132, total skill points 111830.
  9. San

    San Well-Known Member

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    Gold Rush!! :battleroar:

    There is only one number that counts for the time being: With a Piron PBP-12, I get up to 800 of these things killed within one 2-hour instance of category 1. With my Ozpyn BP S1X3 ca. 770 at the price of some overkill, with a S&B BP-6 or equivalent and Rage 5 ca. 650, with the Enblade-6 E.L.M. ca. 510. Okay, since in a competition, should stop being so fundamentalistic for a while. The gap between attack and defense skills will widen again, so be it. The great news is, returns are good enough to allow for compromising a little eco for speed and still maintain the budget pretty well. Thanks Ark!

    Edit: Must have been falling over my own feet the first time around, now I manage 690 kills with the mentioned blade (and Trauma I amp, of course, which was also on in the beginning). Might stick with this weapon till the end, it's the most rewarding really. Loot pill to enable uninterrupted hitting is the only buff I use, no other drugs, rings, or pets. Goblin or CDF Scout armour.
    • Informative Informative x 1
    Last edited: Nov 5, 2015
  10. San

    San Well-Known Member

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    Most active month ever in terms of kill count: 13 times the Magurg Breeder 1 mission equals 26000, then 10000 Jori, ca. 1000 Ostelok, several hundred each of Oro and Wombana, a couple Madana and Tiarak to skin, several Aakas key 1's plus random roadkill. One single notable global of 119 ped from Magurg, failed to take screenshot. Might have managed to carry over the momentum and finish Jori stage 5 if it wasn't for the waiting time to get the hide stacks sold, but happy with standing at 6k. Still no love from Hadraada. Shot the last ammo today into a bunch of Mutated Riptor in the futile hope to get something, anything other than peanuts after swatting so many flies. Rage is building up to kill something big with the next deposit, unless a fit of GAS is catching me again. But no, I am not complaining, got the best out of available means. This was a very good month, thanks Arkadia devs.

    Relevant skills/professions at month's end: Evader 21.3, BLP Sniper 37.5, Pistoleer 36.7, Dmg 37.0, Knifefighter Dmg 30.9, Hit 29.8, Swordsman Dmg 27.6, Hit 24.6, Health points 134, total skill points 116793.
    Last edited: Nov 30, 2015
  11. DaughterOfAnarchy

    DaughterOfAnarchy Active Member

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    Read the whole thread tonight (and took me close to two hours :p) and I have to say is by far the most amazing an detailed log I ever saw.

    Keep up the good work and thank you for sharing with us; lots of things to learn from it, not to mention the good laughs at the vixen story. :)
    • Friendly Friendly x 1
  12. San

    San Well-Known Member

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    Thanks for the kind words!

    Just completed Jori stage 5 :oldman:. Apart from opening the door to repeatable combat reflexes increase, it now makes more sense also to continue with the Oratan Payback inside the instance. It has remained sustainable without further depo so far solely based on the markup of the hides. If prices for animal oils and other common loots don't return to pre-Goldrush levels, it will be hard to make any progress with other species that don't have this advantage. We'll see.
    Entropia 2015-12-07 08-41-15-67.jpg

    Found out a trick for rounding up large numbers of them little piranhas. Go to the exact coordinates shown here:
    View attachment 1760
    There may not be so many around at first, but they begin spawning around your avatar if you stay. Ideally go afk for a while, when you return the radar is all blood-red. Stand on top of the rock, not directly at the water or they can reach you. Found myself gobbled up once. Then eat a loot pill, pack the knife between your teeth and have fun! :biggrin2:

    Time for a break now. Going to put in some holiday money later today and fly off to Next Island. Cheers!

    • Gratz! Gratz! x 2
  13. Heidi Stassinopolis

    Heidi Stassinopolis Active Member

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    Hi, nice info, what is Next Island like? I am tempted to go but is it as easy to get into as Ark? (I came from Caly originally) I tried Cyrene before Ark and hated every minute of it. It seemed very convoluted and user unfriendly there.

    Also rather than packing a knife would the old Skildek P40 work vs the piranhas?
    • Friendly Friendly x 1
  14. San

    San Well-Known Member

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    It is gorgeous and has a pristine feel to it. This is not unlikely due to the fact that development of new content has stopped a long time ago and seems kinda unfinished. NI has its fans who like it exactly because of that, as "OldTimer" I am one of them. There are some easy missions to do, but some are bugged. Don't expect much guidance, but no major difficulties either. A list of teleporters can be found here (note that the Club Neverdie part is gone, i.e. all coordinates with longitude over 140000). Since large areas are devoid of mobs, it is also good for mining. I should not spill out all the details really, it's great fun to explore :) Start at Crystal Center and visit every orange dot in sight.

    Cyrene was always designated beta stage when it first appeared, and right now it continues on a reduced map while development is undergoing. It is the planet of epic missions and story lines. "The Hub" is a unique pvp place where everybody's skills are equal (wish it was like that in space). Things have been and still are a bit chaotic, yes. Lots of wrinkles to iron out. But just like Arkadia, there is a friendly and active community manager and a helpful (although smaller) crowd. Look here and here for information.

    I don't know, have not tried this technique, neither during the puny missions. I rather have the skills I get along with doing it the hard way.
    • Informative Informative x 1
    Last edited: Dec 8, 2015
  15. San

    San Well-Known Member

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    On an extended break from the break - my computer went kaputt again :arghh: :drowning: :mad: :poop: :yuck:
    Until it's restored or replaced, I may be liable for excessive spills on various forums... better have umbrella and laundry clamp prepared.
  16. Hideo

    Hideo Active Member

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    maybe play with the mobile app :biggrin2:

    there´s always a way if you´re addicted ;)
    • Funny Funny x 1
  17. San

    San Well-Known Member

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    With a new hard drive, reinstalled and kickin' again...

    First Jori Stage 6 completed. The mission reward increased Combat Reflexes from 3590 by 105 to 3695 points and my Evader profession from 21.6035 to 21.7193. If progress is linear within the interval of interest, it means I can reach level 25 after just another 28.33 rounds of the same, skill gains in between not counted. Yeah... :doctor:

    Anyways, the most efficient way to do it remains the Secret Camp. Thanks again for that! Discovered something which I thought was a bug at first or a possible exploit, but seems to be by design: You do not have to pay the Arkoin fee upon re-entering as long as your daily Payback mission is unfinished. I left mine standing at day 5 of Punies half done, and the Smugglers let me go fishing by the side as much as I want. They only charge again after the ammo reward is given. So Smugglers are honest :thumbsup:

    With that said, turns out I manage between 15000 and close to 20000 killpoints worth of Jori per 2-hour instance, depending on spawn density and RL interruptions. This means a full stage 6 can actually be completed within a single day, very much like the Gold Rush missions. Do I want to do this? See above... cough. Besides, so far this mob was sustainable based on the markup of the hides, which sold quite well until recently. But the latest stack keeps now sitting, and I don't know what happens if the market got flooded with a whole lot more. I'll decide about continuing after stock is sold (ca. 200 PED left).

    Weapon used is the very fast Piron PBP-12 which drops from Wombana, Musca Adjusted is sufficient protection although healing is needed after several Stalkers in a row. No additional buffs or drugs, just plenty of caffeine.

    Attached Files:

    • Gratz! Gratz! x 1
  18. San

    San Well-Known Member

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    A global and a rare item HoF both from the same mob, in a lowly Aakas key 1. And a mission stage completed on the same run. All at the end of a day that seemed already as if the well had dried...

    Attached Files:

    • Gratz! Gratz! x 3
    Last edited: Dec 28, 2015
  19. San

    San Well-Known Member

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    The year concludes right in the middle of the big run on Wombana, since it has been released where the Smuggler missions are leading and determined that I want to go there. Arkadia devs have truly outdone themselves!

    With lackluster interest in this mob before, the journey began about 5k/20k into stage 3 and stands at 33k/60k in stage 5 now. In the mission chain total of 195k killpoints this amounts to 55%. At the same time Arkoins have to be collected running key instances, current state of affairs 8.3%. Loot returns especially from Wombana were better than usual, topped by two globals over 400 ped. Otherwise progress would have been slower. It might become again, should the party end. 5 units of Graphene Polymer were collected so far.

    Quite the opposite with other mobs, and here it gets strange, because one is lost for an explanation. If it's a surge of year-end deposits trickling through the system, one should assume that everything gets to benefit equally. Jori were still fairly good as mentioned, but forays into other areas keep incurring losses, some so much it would be devastating if they were stubbornly pursued. Especially Hadraada keep giving no joy, and also Sal'diresh's Vaults (I like no. 3 for the Ubo -- maybe this is the wrong approach, but lacking data input for a more scientific method).

    For the stated skill goals I actually should be hunting Navi, if only for the mission bonusses. I don't fully understand why this mob is rated only number two among the four which lead to the Warehouse instances. Neither Badgers nor Togolossi pose a significant challenge other than the deep pockets needed to go through. The Navi with its singular damage type I find much harder to tackle. If the spawn of small maturities would top out at Old, there would be no problem (as it is with the almost identical Ambulimax on Calypso, which makes them easy target in comparison). But the huge jump in damage from Old to Provider makes it almost impossible to find an economical compromise between over- und underprotection, and a critical hit from them reliably sends me back to make the trip over 1 km every time. Have yet to see what to do about it. A teleporter there would really, really help.

    Relevant skills/professions at month's end: Evader 21.8, BLP Sniper 38.9, Pistoleer 38.1, Dmg 38.4, Knifefighter Dmg 31.5, Hit 30.3, Swordsman Dmg 28.4, Hit 25.8, Health points 135, total skill points 118420.

    Attached Files:

    • Gratz! Gratz! x 3
    Last edited: Jan 1, 2016
  20. San

    San Well-Known Member

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    New Year's resolution: To make at least some progress on this drool list, which hasn't changed much since donkeys ages save for new content released in the game. This won't be possible without a substantial increase in investment. This is to serve as motivation to change certain ways and turn things around in RL, so that the luxury of spending that amount of money for "nothing" isn't such a big deal anymore. It's just proof to yourself that you can and all in the mind anyway, like the memories left of a holiday trip or whatever. About time to indulge oneself.

    Herman SIR-10 or -20
    B.A.M.F ZK7 :drool:
    Ozpyn BP S1X4 (through mission)
    Omegaton Power Claw Mentor Edition (-> Ranked Psy-Blade) or
    Ozpyn RSB S1X2 (-> Ranked Combat Knife -> Songkra Corrosive Dagger)
    Ranked FlameThrower
    Smuggler armour (was: Eon, still plan B)
    Regeneration Chip VII (-> XI)
    Adjusted or Improved Restoration Chip
    Owning a planet... :wacky:
    • Optimistic Optimistic x 2
    Last edited: Jan 1, 2016