Need sum healer Advice.

Discussion in 'SocTalk' started by Mr Super Muis, Nov 3, 2015.

  1. Mr Super Muis

    Mr Super Muis Active Member

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    i have been healing for the passed year with a S10. but lately i c the healing work drop to nothing where is i always get like 4 jobs a week + -... my question is: whats my next best FAP to get... the one i saw is a mod fap..but that's 7k... is there any other fap to go for that will increase my usefulness for hunters that will need my healing, "that will not cost me a arm and a leg to buy". :angel:
  2. T79x

    T79x Adviser Arkadia Adviser

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    go to cyrene and get fap from mission there
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  3. hHitman

    hHitman Member

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    Hunters love the S10 when they hunt smaller mobs but since the gold rush and halloween healing jobs hv reduced a bit cos u do those alone.cyrene fap is a little bit advanced than the s10 but it takes a lot of grinding of mobs to get the matts for it.if u want more jobs my guess is u will hv to buy a mod fap 2350 or 2600 thats where real ped is earned.hunters pay 70 ped per hour.As u said those faps are expensive.iv been trying to get my hands on the 1st MF chip from mission galactica and will take some time as well.5k is still expensive but i will save matts for it till i get it done.that chip is worth getting in my of luck to u
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  4. Mr Super Muis

    Mr Super Muis Active Member

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    thanks. was looking @ mod fap 2350. its @ 7k...the 1st MF chip i can pick up for 5k... i like doing healing... think ill buy the chip. then once i have enaf saved up sell it and go for the mod fap :)