Missions Daily Craft Mission Please

Discussion in 'Wishlist' started by SallyBridges, Feb 12, 2015.

Would You Use a Daily Crafting Mission On Arkadia

Poll closed Mar 12, 2015.
  1. Yes

  2. No

  1. May

    May Active Member

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    Hehe, wonder what's worse: (not) being Necro, or being Off Topic? :laugh:

    But about the crafting missions:
    Having an unique feature is great to stimulate interplanetary travel. But is a crafting daily really an unique feature?
    The Monria Daily just gives a disproportionate reward, for what (now) is essentially EP clicking with TT ingredients. (Which doesn't seem to help the Monrian economy: just MA.)
    Being the only one with untaxed indoor mining would be more Monria's 'attractor'?
    Anyway, it is up for sale: the missions may all be changed.
    And yay for local ingredients. [​IMG]
    I like the Cyrene Dailies, but tweaked a bit, so it asks for a different item (or xx amount) to be crafted.
    Randomly chosen from a set group of selected Arkadian BPs.
    So it creates a demand for a variety of both Ark resources and (low level) ingredients.
    While the resulting output would not flood a specific market, since it doesn't have everyone clicking the same BP.
    (Actually, aren't Caly Crafting Dailies working in that kind of way? I don't have any experience with those.) [​IMG]

    Oh, and later on, perhaps even expand with higher level crafting missions/daily, that uses bigger mob's ingredients?
    Maybe another small incentive to keep skilling up in crafting, to be able to do those missions too?
    Might keep it interesting for the higher level/bigger crafters. :biggrin:
    • Agree Agree x 1
  2. Bradley Killer Kell

    Bradley Killer Kell Member

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    Some really good additions here. I like the idea of the Crafting Daily 'scaling' to the Player.

    I wanted to do a Crafting Daily on Calypso, but it was way out of my league.
    • Agree Agree x 2
  3. Grizgal

    Grizgal Active Member

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    I would love to see crafting dailies on Ark, however, they dont adress the probelm. Most of the crafted stuff would either flood a market, sit in inventory for ages or be TT'd. That does not address the issue of a broken economy.

    Crafters should be driven to craft by consumption. There should be a demand for products they produce. However, as far too much stuff drops, there is less real demand.

    A brave new economic model would be that everything in game is made by crafters with a few exceptions (such as a new BP being dropped by a certain creature or found in mining loot and beginners kit etc). This would ensure the market adapted to what players actually wanted and restore the interdependencies of mining, hunting and crafting.

    Crafters requirements would change over time and this would be reflected in teh MU paid for loot, exnouraging hunters and miners to go after different things.

    The market is far too distorted at present. It would run a lot better if MA backed off and let it find a natural equilibrium.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  4. Bradley Killer Kell

    Bradley Killer Kell Member

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    Way to much stuff isn't useful in a general sense. We have Clothing and Furniture, when like 1% of the Player Base has Housing to use Furniture and to dress nicely in.

    We have players SITTING on literally MILLIONS of Sweat... it should be a vital component in more things (Yep, I know, it's in like 90 things already) because MA wins when we spend PED on Low TT/High MU Items that get Consumed.

    Because it isn't MA that pays for the Sweat... that stuff is like 1,000 for 0.01 TT... it's the PLAYER (that usually DEPOSITS) that pays for the Sweat.

    Crafting is the hub that all this Economy SHOULD flow around, they really need to fix things.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  5. KikkiJikki

    KikkiJikki Well-Known Member Pro Users

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    Actually less people should be sweating and instead get on with playing the game. PPs have add a bunch of ways for sweat to be used and it never seems to be enough.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  6. Bradley Killer Kell

    Bradley Killer Kell Member

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    Something like 90 Blue Prints Sweat is in.

    Sure, some Weapons. The Golden Key (50K of it needed). But a lot of Clothes and Furniture require it, and there just isn't a sustained market for it (due to such a small percentage of people having housing).

    But yes, they eventually need to venture out and do more. I agree... but they can't do more (smartly) until they can get some kind of ability to Sustain. Well, MA isn't going to Sustain them... MA has bills to pay.

    Which is where the Trader comes in, but to be worth doing he needs to Profit as well (problem is, a lot of them are just to greedy).

    Now, if the AH worked properly, there would be LESS need of Traders (they will also fill a role in an Economy) as more could do it themselves.

    So Traders sustain New Players so they can keep Hunting/Mining... but we depend on Crafters for US to sustain.

    Crafters sustain off Hunters and Miners needing the Gear.

    It's an effective circle, that is broken because to much can be found on a Loot Drop or the TT to 'replace' the Crafter.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  7. San

    San Well-Known Member

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    THIS. Whichever way it can be made to work.

    As a sidenote, I don't think the criticism against bringing back old threads is justified as long as the topic is current or becomes interesting again. Some things that have been discussed in the past don't need to be repeated from scratch this way.
  8. MaxHecWalker

    MaxHecWalker Active Member

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    IMO Monria currently has the best set of crafting missions for new players who just want to try their hand at crafting.
    So I'd like to see several crafting missions here on Arkadia, especially daily ones.
    Also some kind of Iron missions er... I mean ACA/IFN Craft-a-Lot missions for those hardcore crafty people. ;)

    As far as I know Monria's successfully craft 500 times is repeatable, but lack of economy & too small a skill bonus plagues Monria.
    Unlike the Monria crafting missions... Explosive Projectile & non-Ark BP's must Not be accepted to complete the Ark missions.

    So I'd like to take this 1 step farther and suggest adding few new Ark BP's that require a lot of sweat. :eek:
    Then add daily missions for sweaters, for example:
    Collect X amount of Vibrant sweat (other dailys from certain wave or land areas?) and get to choose a skill gain, from say 5 skills?
    ???(be tricky to get this right) Bribe a smuggler/official with X amount of sweat/fruit/crafted item for some small amount of skill gain/token???
    Anyways a daily sweat missions might suck the sweaters right off Caly and er, um, bring them to Arkadia. :angel:

    Monria Crafting missions: (for everyone who hasen't gone to Monria)
    Note: the big leap (for new players or those just messing around) to make 500 items... Suggest some tiering for dailys here

    I don't see why dailys could not be applied to crafting, sweating, sculpting, hair designing, even gathering fruit/stone, merchants/selling, etc.
    • Like Like x 1
  9. Kiddoo

    Kiddoo Deactivated User

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    Well the reason is called Arkadia Forum Rules; we can debate all day and night if the rule is a good or a bad one (hint: if you think is bad, the best approach would be to discuss it in the section pertaining the rules), but as long as it's in effect we have to respect it.

    Quoting from there:

    e) – Necro Posting
    A thread is considered inactive if there have been no new replies in the last six (6) months. Posting in such a thread is strongly discouraged. If you feel an issue or topic from an inactive thread deserves renewed discussion, please create a new thread in the appropriate forum and provide a link to the original thread for reference. Members who repeatedly necro threads will be slapped with an infraction.

    However, in this case, the necro acusations was a wrong one, since the last replay was less than six months old (even less than three which was the old standard); also the right way to deal with real necroing, is to report said post using the report feature, not make public accusations, which would, invariably, lead to discussions like this.