Boss Idea, Eater of Worlds.

Discussion in 'Wishlist' started by Bradley Killer Kell, May 24, 2015.

  1. Bradley Killer Kell

    Bradley Killer Kell Member

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    So I have an idea for Boss, and what is unique is that he would not require any addition to the Loot Pool.

    This HUGE Alien Monster can Planet Hop, and only stays one each Planet for 1 Day before hopping to a random 'next' Planet. So you have a limited window of finding him.

    He spends his time killing other Mobs, of any and all level types, as he travels the Planet... this is how he Acquires Loot. Also, he 'absorbs' the PED Cost of Decay that he inflicts to Players as well (but he doesn't steal their Items, that would be harsh).

    He has a shield that keeps him safe as he 'feeds', but once he hits 1,000,000 PED in Value the shield drops and it's Open Season.

    He would be impossible to Solo, with AoE Damage Attacks (hey all you Psy-Healers with the AoE Heal!) and might even take different KINDS of Damage to defeat him (X Amount Laser, X Amount BLP, X Amount Melee, X Amount Psy... heck, maybe X Amount of Explosive as well).

    No need to team, anyone 'tagging' on the Boss would be eligible for the Loot Pool, and any Healing (of actual Damage) would count equal to Damage (can't kill him if we are all dead) so that Healer's get Fair Loot for the efforts. The best way to do this is to have a 'Combat Range Overlay', so as long as you are within that distance of him Healing, it counts towards the Loot Pool (emergency heal centers outside the range would need to do so by charity or charge for service, so people can leave the area to SAFETY to heal).

    When he's finally dropped, ALL the loot he has obtained is split among everyone who did Damage during the Fight that killed him. This Fight could last a long time, so what ever was recorded is yours (say you fought for 10 Minutes, then logged off... IF he was killed you'd get a Loot Window for your share).

    Everyone who Healed/Damaged (eligible for Loot) would also receive some Coin or something denoting they had been part of a Kill on him, and this could be turned in for a Deed. This Deed, costing 1 Coin, would hold 10% of the Loot Value and only Pay Out each time the Boss was Killed. Say something like 1,000,000 Deeds, so the first 1,000,000 in on a Kill get a Deed. Dedicated Hunters would get more, but even the random Mid/Low level player could earn one. It may take MANY MANY Kills to hand out all the Deeds, but that's okay as they 'retain' their Value. So the Deeds not yet given out would still hold the 10% (divided by 1,000,000 Shares) Value on them.

    In other words, you get part of a Kill and the Coin can be swapped for a Deed that pays every time the thing is killed. The thing only becomes able to be attacked when it holds 1 Million PED or more in Loot, and each of the 1 Million Deeds Tax 10% of this Loot.

    Kill it once, get paid every time it dies. Keep killing it, get more and more shares.

    But those thinking "Ah, shoot it once with TT Weapon, and wait!" If it doesn't die, everyone wasted all that PED for nothing, and added all that Decay to his Loot Pool for the next group that decides to Kill It instead of tickle and hope.
  2. Lizzy

    Lizzy Deactivated User

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    I'm sorry, but this won't work.

    Every planet works individually, so if one planet creates a mob, there is no way it can show up on another planet. Period.
    Also, something like that would need more of an MA control and not a planet control.

    Most bosses are also on a timer, isn't it killed in that timer it will just despawn.

    Looking at what all the planets have to offer, there are a lot of bosses to kill already + there are only 3 planets a boss like this could work. Caly, RT and Arkadia. And truth is, Caly and RT already got very nice bosses to kill, no need for more.

    What is needed, in my personal perspective, is a few small mid level bosses for Arkadia. We already got the Oratan and Smuggler events that got a ton of boss like mobs for us to kill.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  3. SallyBridges

    SallyBridges Adviser Arkadia Adviser

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    I think this idea is ! ! ! ! Drum Roll ! ! ! !


    Pants ! ! well ok maybe a correction Panties / Knickers but we all get the idea right.

    I am not sure what sort of record your trying to set on Arkadia Forum but your obviosly after some form of Achivment weather thats most posts in a week or most necro posts ! ! ! ! ! .

    I would rather fight Ned Kelly Smuggler - and usualy die lots and lots than be expected to Travel cross planets - dont get me wrong Next Island is nice for a holiday - Toulan for a sand storm - Rocktropia - Quick impression of europe around the shops - Caly well a lot of us were born there so lets move on - Cyrene - just to see how many npc's you can fit on a la ;D

    Whilst your entisiasm is to be congratulated maybe chill and see what the Arkadian Community likes ;)
    • Agree Agree x 2
  4. Bradley Killer Kell

    Bradley Killer Kell Member

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    Was an idea in Space while discussing with Traveler's. Would get more activity in space as some Hunters would Planet Hop to get in on killing such a Universal Boss, and then the idea of Loot from Multiple Planets where some Merchants might find it worth the risk to take Stack Items into Space to be sold in the proper Location (Risk vs. Reward) versus getting 0 MU% at the TT.

    Plus the idea of knowing the Loot Pool would always been a Minimum of 900,000 PED (since 10% would be locked into the Deeds) of an amazing variety might interest some.

    As for the posts, I'm excited for the potential of Arkadia. We need more people to come live in Arkadia for it to grow. Part of enticing more people to move here... is activity on the Forums. Also some Necro-Threads are worth revisiting... popping my head into the one on Space Skilling got me the Contact I needed so I could get on a ship and Skill. It doesn't matter that the Thread was started in 2013, it matters that the information in it is valuable and should be shared.
  5. SallyBridges

    SallyBridges Adviser Arkadia Adviser

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    Yes and it seams #arkadia is the new #rookie thanks to all the space skillers not on planet !

    Whilst Arkadia Advisors are VERY happy to help out it seams more and more #arkadia chat chanel is the place to turn to ! not only for advice but all space skilling non planet avatars to ask advice ! and now you have just reconfirmed this.

    If you wernt in space you would realise arkadia is full of residents and people that love arkadia and the whole planet are behind Arkadia Studios I am now going to keep quite before i take this to another level - check the forums for appartment prices and you will have your anwser also check land areas purchased and investments and also check #hawkwing #5$ #Ben Cobra #GD #ADM + other memorable charictors.

    The Search function ! very usefull ! and yes there is lots of hidden info but some of this is old and compleatly different to today ! to necro can bring bad feeling as well ! ! !

    Hope you land soon and join the community and become apart of it ;)
  6. Bradley Killer Kell

    Bradley Killer Kell Member

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    I am in Space skilling for Blue Print Comprehension. Since I came back to the game, I came directly to Arkadia bringing every possession with me. To that, I've brought other players to Arkadia with me as well.

    Do you suggest I skill for BPC on Arkadia instead? Would that be a good or smart thing? I didn't head to Space until yesterday, I've been on Arkadia every single day since I've came back to the game. It looks like I won't have my BPC by the end of today, so today will be the FIRST day I won't have ANY time on Arkadia.

    So I'm not sure what you are talking about or trying to insinuate. I've played the game since 2013, and upon coming back to the game made the decision to move to Arkadia and support it. But here you are chirping about #rookies and Space Skillers.

    So yeah, being on ground in Arkadia since I've returned I've met plenty of people that love and support Arkadia, and the PED I've deposited while in Arkadia suggests that I am one of them... so I have zero clue what in the heck you are even talking about right now.

    Or what it has to do with the Boss Idea I had, which is what this Thread's Topic is.
  7. SallyBridges

    SallyBridges Adviser Arkadia Adviser

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    If you search forum posts not only I have made but others made posts about BPC then yes space skilling can unlock the required Blue Print Comprehension but as things have changed and evovled and we love contreversy then you could equilly go to monria with an explosive bp1 and then craft 500 of them and get the .75 enginering skill implant whilst keeping explosives you craft. you can then fire these at the low level mobs on monria and then get additional rewards to other skills or go mining.

    Account Created 2006-01-15 - if you really want to compare and yes I will as you say chirp on about the #arkadia chat chanel been used by space skillers and rookies as a source of information - calypso have RECENTLY got there act together and got advisors for calypso at weekends Arkadia has had these for YEARS and we help as and where we can more or less 24 / 7 and always appear to be helping assisting #spaceskillers.

    Maybe this has gone of topic hence in my previose post but as well if your avatar was born on another planet like most of us then arkadia studios unfortunatly get a bad deal - check the planet partner agreement - i so wish this would change for old avatars but MA & Planet Calypso ( one and the same ) have to make peds ! ! !

    But then all previose advice is there - the search function can provide many an anwser. Also Really another DEED in game
    next time your going to tell me compets croud sourced by EU players ( MA / CALY ) is going to hit Star Citizen croud sourcing ! ! i just checked thats at $82 million ! cant wait ;) now going to buy some popcorn and watch pets its another deed like the one your suggesting.
  8. Bradley Killer Kell

    Bradley Killer Kell Member

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    1. Monria and the Daily is a nice bonus. I've been Logging my Repairing Skill in Space, and I just can't see anything beating it for Speed Skilling. The problem is what you are limited in focusing, which is where Monria comes in. The future advice I will be giving new Crafters (and it took me YEARS to learn this, because I always felt 200 PED was to much investment) is to go right to Space Skilling, and once you have BPC to hit Monria for the Daily to continue what ever vein of Crafting you desire.

    You are absolutely correct about EP BP and then using the EP to level some Hunting Skills... which in that funny way goes back to helping Level Construction.

    2. I wasn't trying to start some contest on who had played longer, I was just curious because you were all #rookie and acting as if I hadn't spent any time on Arkadia. Since I have been able to return to the game, all my time has been in Arkadia. I bought AUDs to help support Arkadia (and hope for Profits in the long run), so I've invested in Arkadia. You seemed to suggest I was out of touch with Arkadia and the people on it, like I hadn't stepped foot there. This confused me.

    3. I knew nothing of the Partner Agreement... I just figured where I spent my PED is what mattered. Sadly, I've invested WAY to much in this Avatar to make an Arkadian Avatar.

    4. Who knows with ComPets. You look at Pokemon and Battle Pets, and how many of those Apps blow up over night and cash in huge in the F2P Markets... it could be a Billion Dollar Idea. Or they could completely screw up the Platform and earn nothing. Big speculation on those. Obviously I hope it goes great, because that helps keep EU going while it failing might cripple them.

    Either way, was looking for a fun Heavy Loot Boss that would share with a plethora of players that could be 'Universal' and possible lead to 'Hunter Planet Hopping' to chase for the Kill (more Space Play would be nice).
  9. SallyBridges

    SallyBridges Adviser Arkadia Adviser

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    We will need to see in the next update - a huge amount of peeple currently avoid space as you leave an SS then this is lootable pvp.
    lots of playes dont like this and again contreversy surounds this ! we will need to see what MA come up with as they control this and they have ahem promissed updates this year ! .

    MANY an old player has skills and achivements that MA / CALY are holding the cards on - they wont ever allow a recitizenship program although it would be exciting to do one ;) - they have to protect there beloved CLD DEEDS they earn to much from old players as opposed to an open playing field -

    Technically MA and CALY are seporate - just a shame they share offices - location - testing - coffie machine - pub underneath the office ! ! ! I havent yet seen a event to test arkadia servers and drop nice items ! I am aware the frustration of arkadia players / Arkadia Devs & working relationships with MA I have been in game long enough to not even go there ( it would be a XX page document rant if not more and possibly a plane trip & free nights accomodation ).

    I maybe anti pets meybe they might pull something out the bag - personal oppinion is this is to old an approach but then if people are in to buying deeds and want to source the project then thats fine its a personal choice afterall and just like you I dont want to see MA mess up its been going for a long time a record in itself ;) and should continue we are all playing ;) and at the end of the day I have a shotgun license ;)

    Now If your origenal post was Universe Wide ( SPACE MOBS ) this might not have gone the direction it has but hey we lightened the air a bit and get there in the end ;) space should fingers crossed get interesting with the planet to planet auction fees going in to a pool of #somesortofmission ! we will await and see ;) as a lot of players are paying fees for instant goods the pool is there for the taking the way of taking the pool is yet to be activeted.

    Shared loot is screwed up at the moment as well and so the logoff idea / crash might be usefull especially when item drops happen but again we will wait and see if this gets resolved it ! numerouse suggestions have gone forward none yet to be activated ! but again we can wait and see ;) .
  10. Bradley Killer Kell

    Bradley Killer Kell Member

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    I did it in Planet because we wouldn't actually fight this boss in Space... only on Planets.

    Also, he doesn't HAVE to Planet Hop, just an idea to make him more interesting and vary the loot even more.

    Basically just looking at a Mob-Absorbing Boss that feeds on Other Mobs and Player Decay, and then becomes some Million PED Prize to take down.

    The Deed idea was extra, as the only cost would be what ever was spent in an active Hunt that yielding a Kill, so really anyone... even Day 1 Joe... could be part of something and get a Deed (as long as he was there for the first 1,000,000 or what ever the Deed Amount is).

    It would also keep the 'Rich' from buying them all, as the only way to get them is to Hunt the Boss, and you can only get 1 Per Boss Hunt. So Day 1 Joe might have as many Deeds from this thing as Professional Hunter Dave does, because Joe tags along every time the thing is open to hunt.

    Of course, it only Pays Out when hunted and Killed, and only a Taxed Percentage of the Loot it holds. So MA (or Planet Company) could still profit with this thing, as it would take in a LOT of PED to sustain fighters and kill it. I want Healers to be a BIG part of this kind of fight, along with all different types of Damage.

    The more Loot he has, the Stronger he gets, so that we can reach the usual 90% Return that MA loves, with that chance at +/-. So gunning for him at 1M PED would be easier than going after him at 10M PED, etc. Sort of a Dynamic Boss.
  11. mastermesh

    mastermesh Active Member

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    Sounds like diablo 2 end game where d shows up at random spots in map... in theory mindark could do bot events on any planet but they have to protect baby caly...
  12. Bradley Killer Kell

    Bradley Killer Kell Member

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    If you have Diablo III (or the expansion to it) it might be a bit like Nemesis just showing up out of no where, wiping the MOB you were hunting, and you with it.

    The you put out in the PlanetChat the alert so everyone can come a' running to blast him. :p