SaW Open for Business.

Discussion in 'General Trading & Business Discussion' started by Bradley Killer Kell, May 20, 2015.

  1. Bradley Killer Kell

    Bradley Killer Kell Member

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    Hello, Arkadians!

    I'm Bradley Killer Kell. I'm the President of SaW (Soldiers at War).

    Our Vision is to become a Supplier. While we still Hunt, Mine and Craft, among a variety of other things, I am opening the doors again (after a hiatus for a Deployment, then time transitioning out of the Army) to my Society.

    I'm interested in learning who needs what out there in Arkadia, and reaching a fair price to get such goods to them. I need to know what is needed so we can focus on those items first, instead of investing into some item that sits and later gets TT'd.

    Right now, there is only one thing I can rest my head on... and that is the Animal Muscle Oil that I can move. I have a legit and consistent (and awesome) buyer for that, but there is a WORLD of Goods out there and people that need them.

    If you have Needs, feel free to contact me to set up an order. I know a lot of people just don't have time to buy things in 1's and 2's when they need 1,000 and that the AH can hurt with those fees, so please let us know if you have an Order we can fill.

    Thank you!
  2. Bradley Killer Kell

    Bradley Killer Kell Member

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    A note:

    If you wish to place an order, please do remember that I will be Purchasing the inventory in small lots (just as you could, but you have better things to do with your time so we are here to do that step for you) from Gatherers, both from my Society and outside it.

    Why do I mention this? Because WE need to be fair to the Little Guy as well. Please leave me some room, so I can pass some MU% on to the guys working to help fill the orders.

    Remember, the more players that find ways to remain and grow in the game, the stronger Arkadia grows!
  3. KikkiJikki

    KikkiJikki Well-Known Member Pro Users

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    I will purchase as many Halix tails as you can supply @3.5k%
  4. Bradley Killer Kell

    Bradley Killer Kell Member

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    Ah, the Halix Tail! I do love this item!

    Halix is in great demand for all those that haven't done the Quests for them yet (IFN Challenges), and I myself have landed a few. Decent Base Price for something with such a good MU% (as opposed to 0.0001 items with insane MU%).

    KikkiJikki, this is something I can work with. Many thanks.

    Is there a Quantity per Transaction you are looking for? The idea is to get away from selling 1 or 2 here and there, I'd like to be able to collect X and deliver. :D
  5. KikkiJikki

    KikkiJikki Well-Known Member Pro Users

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    I'll buy 1 or 1000. or some number in between. I don't mind if you want to batch them up.
  6. Bradley Killer Kell

    Bradley Killer Kell Member

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    Thanks! I also find Quantity to be a great Motivator. Things like 'one last push, we need 3 more of X to fill this order!' Helps to give incentives as well. I like to be good to those that work with me.
  7. Gotabecoolman

    Gotabecoolman Member

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    I like this page. I do similar things on a smaller scale waiting to go up to the next level.