Sweat Traders of Arkadia (STA)

Discussion in 'General Trading & Business Discussion' started by Gotabecoolman, May 18, 2015.

  1. Gotabecoolman

    Gotabecoolman Member

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    I may get some hate for posting this but I do not intend to hurt the non-depo players and their hard earned sweat. I also understand this idea has likely been thought of before, although I intend to follow through with it whether or not it catches on.

    The idea is simply reselling, but how it helps all players both new and experienced is by the more people that join the system. So for you to get a better deal there needs to be more players involved. I will buy sweat from both sweaters and resellers for as best of a price as I can give (hopefully at least 2PED/k) and will sell to bulk buyers for a little more than I bought it for (let us say around 10PEC/k more).

    I need a few buyers to start off with that will give me at least 2PED/k and I also need a lot of both cheap resellers and hardworking sweater for me to buy from.

    Your reputation will not be hurt by buying/selling to me.

    PM/Mail me in-game or Reply on this forum if you're interested.

    Thanks for reading, Gotabecoolman

    Addition: Creating a sweat trading channel. To join do /join #sta this will hopefully prevent spamming of sweat sales and will also concentrate sweat sales!
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    Last edited: May 19, 2015
  2. Lizzy

    Lizzy Deactivated User

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    I like the idea, mostly because I see people spamming to sell sweat a lot. And a steady Arkadia buyer with a steady price can be helpful to new players.

    I also like to see resellers are offering a service of proving fast ped for loot and such, without the seller having to wait for auctions and auction fees.
  3. Gotabecoolman

    Gotabecoolman Member

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    yeah im willing to do it all pretty much.
  4. mastermesh

    mastermesh Active Member

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    Buy a shop or work with a shopowner with one slot dedicated to mass sweat quantities. That way buyer can access 24/7... every dy add more sweat to the pile and lower price per bottle within tolerable range. That will attract more buyers
  5. Gotabecoolman

    Gotabecoolman Member

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    Thanks ill try that if I get the chance.
  6. Gotabecoolman

    Gotabecoolman Member

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    Update: Selling 25k sweat at 1.9/k or best offer.
  7. Bradley Killer Kell

    Bradley Killer Kell Member

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    If you will Buy, I will Sell at 2P/K all day, every day. I'm in serious need of Buyers.

    Also, friendly note to EVERYONE on Arkadia.

    If you do not know ieme, you should.

    He pays 4P/K on up to 5K of Sweat PER PERSON per Month. So that's 20P for 5K every month, but he will ONLY BUY FROM YOU ONCE A MONTH.

    He does this because (1) he's Awesome, because (2) the price was at 4P/K when he started playing and (3) he wants to help players out without being taken advantage of (which is why he only buys from each person ONCE per Month).

    I give this information freely, even as I battle to buy and sell sweat myself, because everyone should take ieme up on his offer (he slows his Buying once he has 1M in stock for the Month) because the more Players that can find ways to sustain in this game, the more Players that will STAY with this game.

    I want a GROWING Community... not a DYING one.