Oratan Prospector

Discussion in 'Creatures' started by May, Dec 22, 2014.

  1. May

    May Active Member

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    Oratan Prospector

    [​IMG] [​IMG]


    The Oratan are believed to be the race warned of in The Signal, intercepted by the Celeste Space Probe.

    It follows that this species inflicted genocide on the Ancient Arkadian people. Accordingly, the Oratan should not be underestimated.

    As a species, they revel in battle and killing, specifically targeting human colonists on Arkadia.

    They have also shown a tendency to loot and steal, and appear in particular to crave technology. Advanced weapons appear to be within their ability to use, but beyond their capability to develop for themselves.

    In this case, the creature appears to have fashioned a pickaxe in order to search for materials.

    This may indicate a change in the previously observed behaviour of the Oratan, which will need to be investigated further.

    The Imperial Federal Navy knows little of the origins of the Oratan. However, the destruction of the Ancient Arkadians at their hands seem certain, and the threat they pose to humanity is very real and immediate.

    Creature Type:

    Damage Type:
    Stab33 %
    Impact33 %
    Penetration33 %

    Statistical data:
    Health LevelPunyFrailFrailFrailWeakWeakWeakWeakMediumMediumMedium
    Damage PotentialMinimalMinimalMinimalMinimalMinimalMinimalSmallSmallSmallLimitedLimited

    IFN Daily Challenge
    : Oratan Payback Mission
    Accessible at any IFN Terminal, after completion of IFN Recruitment Mission chain as an IFN Private.
    (IFN Recruitment requires an Arkadian Passport.)]
    Mission I - Oratan Prospector Puny7 days100 kills each1.60 ped Universal Ammorank at completion: Lance Corporal
    Mission II - Oratan Prospector Thugs7 days100 kills each2.40 ped Universal Ammorank at completion: Corporal
    Mission III - Oratan Prospector Bandits14 days100 kills each2.40 ped Universal Ammorank at completion: Sergeant
    Mission IV - Oratan Prospector Thieves30 days100 kills each2.40 ped Universal Ammorank at completion: Staff Sergeant
    Mission V - Oratan Prospector Vandals45 days100 kills each3.20 ped Universal Ammorank at completion: Warrant Officer C2
    Mission VI - Oratan Prospector Looters60 days100 kills each4.00 ped Universal Ammo rank at completion: -
    Oratan Prospectors do NOT count towards the general Oratan mission: IFN Killpoint Challenge.

    Puny lvl 2 10 hp
    Thugs lvl 3 50 hp
    Bandit lvl 3 60 hp
    Thief lvl 3 70 hp
    Vandal lvl 4 90 hp
    Looter lvl 5 110 hp
    Menace lvl 5 130 hp
    Rogue lvl 6 140 hp
    Villain lvl 7 160 hp
    Fiend lvl 9 180 hp
    Enforcer lvl 10 200 hp


    Mob maturityLocationWaypointDetail
    Puny Wave SpawnSouth East of Celeste Quarry(32365, 8660)timed wave spawns
    PunyBetween Repulse Firebase & Academy(15000, 15300)mainly Puny
    ThugEast of Repulse Academy(15100, 15400)Thugs to Vandals spawn
    BanditSouth of Kestrel Digsite(14600, 12300)Thugs to Looters spawn
    Bandit to LooterNorth of Implacable Firebase(28100, 22100)Thugs to Menace spawn
    ThiefNorth of Victorious Firebase(18600, 10600)Thugs to Menace spawn
    Vandalfar East of Robot Factory(22800, 13600)Thieves to Menace spawn. Revive @(22470, 13540)
    LooterNorth/East of Indomitable Firebase East(10800, 30300)Thieves to Rogues spawn
    MenaceSouth of Cobra Digsite(27800, 26700)Vandals to Villains spawn
    RogueWest of Redoubtable Firebase(22900, 21650)Looters to Enforcers spawn
    VillainNorth/East of Dauntless Firebase Academy(21900, 17800)Menace to Enforcers spawn
    FiendNorth of Valiant Firebase(17200, 23400)Menace to Enforcers spawn
    EnforcerRocky Ridge(16600, 17400)Villains to Enforcers spawn
    [​IMG] prospectors map.jpg <--- new spawn map from newsletter 25-03-2015

    Minimum Global level:
    10 ped or higher (most of them)

    - Bullseye II (L)
    - Headshot I (L)
    - Melee Trauma Amplifier I (L)
    - Pickaxe PA-22 (L)
    - Pickaxe PA-27 (L)
    - Piron PLR-0 (L)
    - S & B Ardenner 4 (L)
    - Scott & Barlow BP-2 (L)
    - Scott & Barlow BP-3 (L)
    - Scott & Barlow BP-4 (L)
    - Scott & Barlow LP-3 (L)

    - Advanced Cloth Extractor
    - Animal Hide
    - Animal Muscle Oil
    - Animal Oil Residue
    - Basic Cloth Extractor
    - Basic Leather Extractor
    - Basic Plastic Extractor
    - Basic Skin Color Set
    - Basic Stone Extractor
    - Blazar Fragment
    - BLP Pack
    - Diluted Mineral Extractor
    - Edres Resin
    - Fine Wool
    - Focus Lens Component
    - High Speed Control Component
    - Hydrogen Steam
    - Inferior Cloth Extractor
    - Kaz Stones
    - Make Up Remover Rough
    - Miluca Timber
    - Nova Fragment
    - Ospra Stones
    - Paint Can (Blue)
    - Paint Can (Green)
    - Paint Can (Olive)
    - Paint Can (Steel Blue)
    - Shrapnel
    - Socket I Component
    - Soft Hide
    - Strong Cloth Extractor
    - Surface Hardener Component
    - Thin Wool
    - Tier I Component
    - Weapon Cells
    - Wool
    - Zolphic Oil

    Not sweatable.

    Entropedia.info link.
    EP Wiki link.

    Additional info:

    Passport Mission Chain Video by Lizzy: a detailed video of the Passport Mission.
    IFN NEEDS YOU: thread with info and experiences from players.

    If you are starting these missions, and are reading about spawn issues: here are a few basic tips.

    If there are no/few mobs of your maturity:
    - Check the other spawns.
    - Shoot the other maturities to respawn your own.
    - Cooperation: bring in a friend, or someone from #arkadia who has another rank.
    - Or just wait a bit and check again in half an hour / an hour or so.

    If you consistently have problems: consider changing the time you do the Daily.
    A lot of people do the mission at the same time every day.
    So starting at a time when few hunters are shooting the same maturity, can make it easier.
    E.a. in a good period I can finish it in an hour (with a tiny gun).

    These are Daily missions, that have a cool-down period of 20 hours.
    This doesn't mean you have to do it within that time.
    It just counts 20 hours from when you have finished a mission, to when it will be available again.

    With 12 different spawn locations, the situation is better than it was before.
    Each location has basically 1 maturity in the majority, but they largely overlap over many spawns.
    If a few hunters just cleared out a specific spawn of your desired maturity, it can be that there are hardly any left. This doesn't mean that the above Location list is incorrect.
    They will respawn, so no worries, it just takes patience.
    Good luck & happy hunting.

    This is not 'your average mission'.
    From the first mention on, it's been described as a long term mission chain to get promoted through the IFN ranks.
    Gaining a high rank will require dedication, time and effort.
    Since a Navy can't exist of Generals only: reaching the 'top' ranks cannot be something that's easily done.
    Each rank is an achievement that you've earned.
    It can also be seen as a way to show the outside world your dedication to Arkadia.
    Because ranks can't be bought: the only way to gain them, is by putting in the time.
    So upon seeing your rank, people will know what you've accomplished to get that title.
    Whether ultimately it is worth it, remains a personal decision.
    But it is a very long term goal: so if you don't have the time and/or patience for it, then it might make sense to skip this one.

    Currently the only rewards are the UA and your rank.
    Further content will be released later on: whether you will be able to access that, will likely depend on your rank.
    There are many 'rumours' and 'wishes' floating around, about what the ranks eventually will do.
    Ranging from NPCs who salute you, different uniforms to reflect your rank, living quarters/apartments at the FireBases, etc.
    But since we don't have a crystal ball: we can just 'speculate' for now, about what likely will be implemented in the future.

    Considering how long it takes to climb ranks, it may be smart to start now.
    Waiting to see what the ranks are exactly for, and only start at that time, will put you a long way behind the people who have prepared.
    Since so far, to finish up mission VI takes 165 days = 5.5 months.
    And there will of course be many more ranks after that one: becoming a 'General' has been described as taking a couple of years.

    But there is more to consider: it's not just about these dailies.
    After all, there is a Smuggler quest in the works.
    Though it has been confirmed that you can do both IFN and Smuggler quests.
    And that we will be told beforehand if there are any missions that would exclude us from doing other future missions.
    But... will you have time to do them both at the same time?
    And who knows, perhaps there could be some sort of interaction between the various faction's missions?
    So, what will you decide to do?

    ps. This part is my personal interpretation, and in no way all 'hard boiled fact'.
    Listen to David's interview of May 3rd, 2014 where the IFN and Smuggler missions are described.
    • Informative Informative x 15
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    Last edited: Jun 11, 2015
  2. AxeMurderer

    AxeMurderer Active Member Pro Users

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  3. wournos

    wournos Active Member

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    Isn't that Oratan area a wave event too? Or has that been removed?
  4. Nikto

    Nikto Active Member

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    May, could you add those coordinates as well, please? (Mostly Thug's and Bandit's there)
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  5. May

    May Active Member

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    The specific spawn between the Repulse TPs is not a wave spawn, but there is an Oratan Camp wave spawn somewhere in the neighborhood.
    However, those aren't Prospectors: which I discovered the hard way, when I was killed by them. [​IMG]
    Thank you; it's added to the OP.
    I'll edit it on the map too, after I can pinpoint it on the map in-game.
  6. Murkalael

    Murkalael Active Member

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    add to loot list of prosperctor thug basic leather extractors, basic stone extracots, soft hide and paint can blue
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    Last edited: Dec 24, 2014
  7. May

    May Active Member

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    Thanks for the info on the drops. [​IMG]
    I've added them to the Loot list.

    But since you specify Thugs: is there a difference in loot of different maturities?
    I always just assumed all maturities of a mob had the same loot (just in a different rate).
    Should I specify what drops from which maturity on the list? [​IMG]
  8. Murkalael

    Murkalael Active Member

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    That I don't know, just finished oratan payback mission II for the first time
  9. Haruto Rat

    Haruto Rat Active Member

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    There isn't much difference in loot between punies and thugs, just that punies need a multiplier to drop anything that has unit tt of 0.04 PED or more - hence the bigger ones will drop e.g. edres resin more often.

    As for loots, miluca timber is quite common; on the other hand, I haven't seen any veda stones in the last couple thousand kills.
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  10. May

    May Active Member

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    Ok, thanks for the clarification. :)

    They used to drop Veda before, but I guess not anymore then.
    I'll add Miluca to the list.
  11. Murkalael

    Murkalael Active Member

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    more loots for oratan prospector, fine wool, high speed control component and inferior cloth extractor
    Last edited: Dec 26, 2014
  12. May

    May Active Member

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    Thanks for the info, they've been added to the Loot list. :biggrin:

    The map has been updated.
    Btw, has anyone found a clean Thug spawn? Apparently [28018, 22055] consists mainly of Bandits.
    And have any Thieves or Vandals been sighted already?
  13. Murkalael

    Murkalael Active Member

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    They're mostly mixed behind Implacable Firebase, if 2 players hunt only thugs they'll spend at least half hour due delay of new mobs spawn, that's also why I've got a puny glob on a thief
    Entropia 2014-12-24 22-00-18-13.jpg

    I would agree their spawn should be like the punies, meaning, mostly thugs with 2 or 3 other type among them.
    • Gratz! Gratz! x 3
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  14. wournos

    wournos Active Member

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    Basic Leather Extractor?! Hello, Oratan Prospectors!!! :battleroar:
    • Agree Agree x 1
  15. KikkiJikki

    KikkiJikki Well-Known Member Pro Users

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    Finding the thug mission very frustrating.
  16. ceaseer

    ceaseer Member

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    Looted a Piron PLR-0 today off of a puny during the daily mission
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  17. Murkalael

    Murkalael Active Member

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    Yup, you waste 10ped or more ammo (not counting overall decay) to get 2.4 ped ammo and waste a lot of time since the ammount of them in Implacable Firebase is 1/20 of other mobs, also sometimes you have to share with other players
  18. May

    May Active Member

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    Thanks for posting the weapon drop, Ceaseer. :biggrin2: It's added.

    And I saw a post in another tread, with a recommendation to kill the whole spawn to 'reset' it.
    Which does make sense: I've killed specific maturities in a mob spawn, and ended up with the wrong ones.
    I.e. I avoided the higher maturities, so they stayed there. It seemed the re-spawning mobs weren't all of the same maturity as I killed. So after a (long) period of hunting, the higher maturities became the vast majority.
    Though I didn't check if killing those would have 'reset' the maturity balance.

    But with the Thugs being a Daily Mission, I can imagine that most people are hunting Thugs specifically.
    So if you arrive after that has been going on all day: it might explain why the Thugs are thin on the ground?
    Meh, just a guess. :unsure:

    KAZZAKURA New Member

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    First of all, thank you so much for all the new mob/mission threads you have. Its helping a lot! :)
    And just wanted to contribute an interesting info... today while working on my Oratan payback II mission, a very generous Thug gave me a 53 ped global! ( mostly muscle oil ) . :biggrin:
    • Gratz! Gratz! x 5
  20. May

    May Active Member

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    Gratz! That's a nice Muscle swirlie. [​IMG]
    Thanks for sharing that: it's encouraging to see that they can drop loots like that.

    I want to add the info to the OP, but I prefer get some further confirmation first (so I don't end up posting incorrect data). [​IMG] Because I don't know how people calculate the Minimum Global level for a mob.
    Is there a formula? Or is it just checking the Global messages and see what the lowest swirl has been to date?
    I'm guessing the Minimum Global level is 50 ped? But I don't feel confident to put that in the OP just now. [​IMG]