bug report

Discussion in 'Bug Reports' started by krm398, May 26, 2011.

  1. krm398

    krm398 Member

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    ok, here's what happened, was mining got into a fight and lost..but that's not important. Was sent to a revive nearby, when I looked around there only seemed like 4-5 machines there, looked odd, but I walked out the door thinking it was a small outpost somewhere, and then I fell...and fell, for a little while. I hit water, and amazingly stayed alive. I came up looked around and everything, and I mean everything...was floating in the air above me, the building I fell from, all the trees were at least 50 feet or more above me. I started to swim to shore, and even on the map, it showed I was swimming over land and trees,and I never got to shore after maybe ten minutes, I took a coordinates reading, and came her to report it. When I go back, the nearest revive is right back up there so I'm not too sure what I'll do about that. The coordinates I took while swimming were: 22136,21892,west of a fire-base cant remember the name starts with an R lool, sorry best I can do.:huh:
  2. Nikto

    Nikto Active Member

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