Arkadian Oil Rig Improvements

Discussion in 'PvP' started by Raven Lunchbox, Jan 22, 2014.

  1. Raven Lunchbox

    Raven Lunchbox Adviser Arkadia Adviser

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    I want to start this page to help the A-Team make changes to the PVP oil rig that will make it a fun place that thrives and not just a desolate hole in the desert with a few oratan and almost no oil.

    So, if you or anyone you know want to contribute to this thread please do, no bitching, whinning, griping, stay on topic and keep it clean.

    First things I have noticed.

    From other people waiting for oil I have been told its only about 50 or less barrels every 15 min at best.
    (this needs to increase a huge amount) on caly the main rig drops hundreds or thousands of oil every 5-7minutes thus creating a demand for people to want to be there and control it.

    There are no structures, obstacles for us to pvp with, we should have walls, buildings, bunkers, bridges, sandbags, high-rises, and other such riggery, or urban combat scene type stuff we can utilize as environment immersion.

    Although we all want to go into pvp in pvp armor. I do not think a million oratan surrounding the rig is the way to go. It creates massive decay on extremely expensive L armor. Nobody will do that.

    The oratan should be pushed away maybe 500 to 700m away

    maybe some stray other large animal natural spawn that periodically comes would be cool or

    a rare mob that only shows up periodically (creating more demand for people to come)

    Others please post some thoughts
  2. djinn

    djinn Member

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    Only been there once so far but it does not seem to be as lively as I remember the Rig on Caly and a bit sparse scenary wise. I would think some other mobs with fewer Oratan as you suggest would be nice. I would not like to see it as hard to get to as the main Rig on Caly as remember it being surrounded by Atrox. This would be "fun" but also frustrating to many noobs and other that try to get there.
  3. Cyborg Bill

    Cyborg Bill Well-Known Member Pro Users

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    No real sense for the ATeam to bother any real effort into pvp. Mindark refuses to close the holes that allow people to mod their way to success in EU pvp with crisis "Tricks" Second there's no sense to bother if no rules at all are getting enforced over players infringing on rules regarding interference with others play like the people standing at the gates during events. People using vehicles to exploit as well as other "Flaws" that have yet to be addressed and the list of other issues ignored to favor thievery.

    Not sure but I believe the small rig was put in to help new players get a start not supply the elite that already get everything in game. The pvp mining area up in the snow was for the big boys to play in far as I know.
  4. Neil

    Neil Adviser Pro Users Arkadia Adviser

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    The ark oil rig is intended to be a newbie rig, so we aren't going to see the oil drops increased I think... otherwise ubers would just come and close the rig (not a fun scenario for newbies) and then they'd have to make another newbie rig. Also the PP has to pay out of pocket for all the oil drops from the rigs and I doubt

    I think the oratan add to the challenge... I might think about replacing the oratan directly around the rig with oratan prospectors since the regular oratan do have quite a bit of HP, more than newbies can handle except in team. And people who go to the newbie rig generally don't have peds for a big stack of ammo. I love roads, I think they encourage newbies to explore, and I'd like to see a road from 8 coins down to the outpost near the rig, a road up to the rig with a signpost too.
  5. Snape

    Snape Master of the BanHammer Staff Member PAF Administrator

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    Bill I understand (and share a lot of) your frustration with PvP (and Space for that matter), but this thread is about improving the rig area to make it more popular for new players etc. I'm sure you have some suggestions of how it can be made better for people without specifically catering for the elite few?

    I have to agree with Neil that increasing the oil drop would just result in the "Ubers" coming in a closing the rig. It was one of the main reasons why I never ventured to the old rig on Caly and never actually saw it properly as some paranoid douche with a big gun would blow me away because I was coming to steal his/her oil! (that was sarcasm btw in case you were wondering).

    Anyway, some of the newer lower level Oratan would be good certainly, along with some structures as suggested by Raven. Transient mobs are an interesting idea too....similar to something I have suggested myself before.
  6. zume

    zume Active Member Pro Users

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    An Oilrig in the Lootable PVP for the big-spenders.. Not a bad idea Xplojd.. :D I would never go there myself, but I really like the idea.. :)

    I can actually see it working - especially with all the old caly ppl that has moved to Ark lately..
  7. Raven Lunchbox

    Raven Lunchbox Adviser Arkadia Adviser

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    I agree with Xplojd, it would definitely be more interesting. and more popular. maybe some of those rare mobs popping up on within pvp bounderies that instantly died if people try to drag them out to kill them :)
  8. Cyborg Bill

    Cyborg Bill Well-Known Member Pro Users

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    Well heres the rub.. its not about making rig area better its about pvp advantages. If you want to make rig area better remove pvp set up a rank and file que like a grocery store check out and that's about the best you can do to it.

    I thought what I stated was a valid suggestion. No sense trying to enhance a broken entity. Until the exploits of the engine are addressed there is nothing that CAN be done to make pvp better.

    If eliminating the methods to cheats can be done then the best way to make pvp NOT a matter of the haves vs the have nots is to make PVP primordial. You get no armor, you get X amount of health, you get the same weapon as everyone else and then it comes down to player ability not game exploits and advantages. (and even then you have Ping times as the advantage so there really is no way to make pvp equal for everyone) Until it gets to that point any suggestions will be to help the person stating his opinions to gain himself some sort of advantage over others and we are right back to where we are now.. the haves vs the have nots.

    But then again for the lootable pvp in EU its always been geared to the thief mentality and not the actual challenge of the battle.
  9. Spike Black

    Spike Black Active Member

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    The oratan being there is to make it slightly challenging to stay there not just to get there. Even at the original Caly rig the atrox would rush in a kill a few newbies if there were no players killing them both. Too easy to get the oil and it becomes a freeloaders paradise, too hard and no one bothers with it and it becomes another waste of development and server space.
  10. xavrok

    xavrok Member

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    Tens kinds of truth in this statement. PVP in this game is counter productive. You are basically throwing money away. If you want to spend money and pvp, play BL:R.
  11. Kitten

    Kitten Adviser Pro Users Arkadia Adviser

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    Make a second oil rig an ocean rig dropping bigger stacks but defended by Smuggler defence drones :eek:
  12. anthonymorris

    anthonymorris Platinum Member Platinum Member Arkadia Adviser

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    oil rig

    To be honest the oil rig on arkadia I think was put there for the new player to be able to get some oil for their vehicle that they got from completing the missions. I don’t think it was ever intended to sustain their game play, and Arkadia “IS NOT” a Calypso we do things a bit differently here. See the A-team actually talks to us and is concerned about what is best for Arkadia and their players.

    How many times do you actually get a response from the owner of Calypso????? Here our big cheese is active with his planet and actually cares about his planet and players future. He looks at the long term gain/view not the short term gain/view. My personal opinion is if you want a high yield rig go to calypso and wait in line to get oil which I find amusing because most of the people who are in line get the oil and then go try to sell it. As Neil said the oil that drops is not a freebee someone has to pay for it and with this being a PP it comes out of his pocket, now caly is a different story that come out of the players pocket because do you think as greedy as MA is they will just give you something for nothing? Be realistic.

    And putting a high yield oil rig in the pvp area for ubers well that is just laughable I do not know of many or any ubers that say, wow I think I will go to the oil rig today and get me some free oil . And if they do, then are they really uber has it gotten so bad the ubers have to result to going to an oil rig and get oil? If there was a second oil rig (wich I don’t think we need one) I would support Kittens ideaput it in the ocean and have smuggler drones protecting it. If the uber chooses to get some oil let him fight someone worth fighting for it waste your ped to get a few pec in oil.

    And Pking in the pvp well there is no skill involved most use a rocket launcher where is the skill in that? Cyrene has a pk area and not many pker like it because it put everyone on the same lvl same armor mostly same gun no uber guns or uber rocket launchers. So the game has several other planets that have catered to the PVP/Pker I would hope arkadia would not become one of those planets. Why? Simple we do not need to have a pvp economy our economy relies on our resources not people stealing from others. Say what you want but taking what you did not mine, hunt, or otherwise work to get on your own is stealing. This is why we do not need a PVP oil rig it is basically pointless
  13. Chuck Jarrdhead Wholrey

    Chuck Jarrdhead Wholrey Active Member

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    Yep, we do not need another oil rig. I was not pleased to see the first "Bread Line"

    We dont need players hiding in the footprints of vehicles
    We dont need more people using Mouse macro's for sure shot's
    We dont need players in gear costing 1000's of peds telling other players their SOC is KOS for "stealing" .2 ped of oil from "their" rig
    We dont need new map reveal cheats, "death pill mission" cheats, hacks or any of the other shady / greasy behavior the "Bread Line" brings to the planet
  14. Chuck Jarrdhead Wholrey

    Chuck Jarrdhead Wholrey Active Member

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    Its not that I cannot PK, ask the OP of the last bragger thread, She has a nice pic of herself eating snow posted in her thread, with the simple response "Nothing special to see here".

    The fact of the matter is, PvP is flawed, it is almost as bad as space. If MA would do something about the Mice that allow you to hold the shots till a sure hit is indicated, or players would not hide inside the footprints of vehicles <causing DEV's to remove vehicles from pvp>, or take advantage of the tiny hit boxes and jump around like a moron with a fap.....
    That is not PvP... PvP is more like Battlefield or any game like that. If i wanna go knife snipers, or pistol whip and stick them with a plasma grenade.....

    I found it odd that Dave had stated in an interview that PvP was not a high priority for Arkadia, that they has wanted to get the other systems in place and working like a charm first. And less than a month later we got lootable pvp and an oil rig. It seemed rushed, and not well thought out.

    If PvP worked like it should, You would not want to go there Xpll0jd... since I would be there :p
  15. anthonymorris

    anthonymorris Platinum Member Platinum Member Arkadia Adviser

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    I agree chuck but the main reason the pvp was put there is to get the ores that only spawn in pvp here on ark and the oil rig I think is just for the noobs as you can see people are always crying about the drop rate and the randomness of the drops not like caly where ppl have to stand in line to get oil. Which I find absolutely funny when I go to caly I go to the rig just to cause the rig kings to lose ped shooting me who are they to stand there and say who gets what?

    And what’s even funnier is that people let them do it, that’s why I hope David will never turn up the drop rate in the oil fields nor have it drop at just one certain spot. As far as the pking aspect of pvp way to many cowards, do it the uses rocket launchers or come and have mobs attack you and get the last shot to kill you this has happen to me many times on calypso this is why I do not like the pvp.
  16. Raven Lunchbox

    Raven Lunchbox Adviser Arkadia Adviser

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    the discussion is about improvements to the pvp oil rig on ark, it has nothing to do with if you do or don't like it.. IF you don't agree with pvp you shouldn't be spamming my thread. If you have contributions that will make it worthwhile and exciting, please put them.

    Almost the entire last 8 posts are people crying about how pvp shouldn't be here. DONT HIGHJACK my thread!

    make your own thread of why u think pvp shouldn't be here and why is shouldn't stay, or post in YOUR REALLY COOL IDEAS OF WHAT WILL MAKE THIS PVP SO MUCH BETTER THAN ANYTHING ELSE OFFERED ON ANY OTHER PLANETS IN THE EU. now is the chanse.

    So stop crying and start imagining and putting to paper.
  17. Snape

    Snape Master of the BanHammer Staff Member PAF Administrator

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    EXCEPT, in the case of Space...

    Sorry, just had to point that bit out.

    Anyway, Raven is right, this thread is about what we can do to improve PvP, not whether you like it or not.

    I'm guilty of being off topic about it too, so lets all take a breath and get back on topic please.

    If you want to praise the merits or denounce the whole idea of PvP, then make another thread and keep it civil please.

    Now, I think some good additions to PvP would be the ability to hide behind structures and objects (hence bringing in buildings or some sort of thing to accentuate just bare landscape and give it not just function, but character).

    Give the buildings ambience too, like different sounds when you walk on different surfaces so you can give away your position by making unintentional sounds if you aren't careful.

    Maybe make it so that parts of the environment can be used against other people? Many games I've played with PvP over the years had thing like barrels you could shoot that would explode and hurt/kill the other person.

    Also the ability to go PRONE or kneel would change the dynamic a fair bit too. Hard to feel the part of a sniper if all you can do it stand up

    These are all basic staples of PvP in any decent game for the last 10 years or more. As it stands atm, PvP in EU is a bit of a joke.
  18. Ridan

    Ridan Active Member

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    My 2 pecs here. First off U dont "NEED" to go to space, back OT :p

    My main issue with the rigg atm is the fact that U have to "search for the oil" it should be a more fokused spawn. as it is now if U want the oil U have to fokus on looking for it rather then guarding it :p

    and I do agree kneeling, Laying down sitting. Its just lazy programing not bringing that back into the game.
  19. May

    May Active Member

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    Really, it's specifically aimed towards newbies? I thought it was just a 'small' rig. For what it's worth, here's my newbie experience with it.

    I went to the rig exactly for the reason mentioned above. It took a long time to walk there (being without oil and all), since I was being killed repeatedly along the way. When I did arrive, it was empty besides the Oratans. Who proceeded to (serial) kill me too.
    In the end it probably would have been cheaper to buy the oil (didn't managed to get any).
    But more importantly: it wasn't really a fun way to spend the day, so I haven't returned there since (enjoying Ark fine without it).
    And there weren't even any pk-ers around trying to shoot me (not a PvP fan).

    Maybe I went there too soon, and I was still too much newbie?
    To be honest; I'm not advertising it to other starters. If/when specifically asked about it, I can only tell them my experience.
    Of course there should be some hurdles to overcome to receive free oil, but the mobs around and on the rig were quite impossible to kill for a newbie. There's a difference between difficult and impossible; the latter is no fun.
    Or perhaps that's the 'way-of-the-rig'? I don't know how it's 'supposed' to work successfully.

    The only other rigs I experienced, were for missions on my one-time trip to RT.
    The beergarden was empty, though fine to just finish the mission.
    But surprisingly the oil rig there was really fun. The exploding barrels were unexpected, and very amusing.
    And on top of that, I actually managed to get some oil, even with other people shooting around.

    So I don't know if the rig here is still in development, or if it's main function is to accommodate PvP specific ores.
    But if it's the former, maybe some additional features might make it more interesting for people to visit (something that adds to the experience, along the lines of the exploding barrels).

    And perhaps create a starter mission that sends you to the rig to find oil? So that new players at least know it exists, and where it is?
    Since the starter missions are very complete in showing you around the points of interest on Arkadia, but this place was introduced later, so it could be nice to add it?

    But mainly make the mobs more newbie appropriate (if this is supposed to be a newbie rig at least).
    By now I would probably have a fighting chance against (some of) the mobs, but I'm also able to mine enough oil to fuel my vehicles now.
    So maybe the levels of 'need' and 'difficulty' are not quite in sync.
    Because at the start it would have been really rewarding/satisfying to obtain a few barrels from the rig.

    Since I'm no lover of PvP, I have no suggestions to make to improve that part.
    Though hopefully there is still something useful to be found in this (lengthy) post.
  20. Neil

    Neil Adviser Pro Users Arkadia Adviser

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    Just FYI, for those who like PVP check out the IFN Commando Training grounds. Some of the stuff you want might be there.