Suggestions: Melee weapon amp + dual wield

Discussion in 'Wishlist' started by Jonny, May 25, 2011.

  1. Jonny

    Jonny Member

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    Since Arkadia will soon be my new home, and the staff seem to be much more responsive than any staff to have ever worked for MA/FPC/SDS/NDS, I figured I would post my suggestion here.

    Laser and Plasma weapons get to use energy amps. BLP (and maybe Gauss? not sure) get BLP amps. Melee? Nothing. There is no counterweight (clubs) or serration (blades) type of amps for Melee weapons at all. The damage the item says is what you're stuck with. It's not fair.

    I originally started this game with the plans of being melee weapon oriented. But when I saw that ranged weapons could far out damage melee weapons because of amps, and at long distances even, I started leveling up guns. Melee weapons need something to bring them up to par with ranged weapons.

    As far a dual wielding, it should apply to both ranged and melee weapons. As long as the weapon is one handed (pistol/shortblade/power fist/club) you should be able to equip one to each hand. They would either automatically alternate, effectively doubling your attack speed, or you could have left click operate the left weapon, and right click operate the right weapon. As a balancing factor miss chance should be doubled, and its checked on each weapon swing.
  2. red

    red Member

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    melee amplifiers have been a popular subject for many years. they might be nice, but I'm not sure if they're absolutely necessary. I almost exclusively use melee weapons and I don't really have much difficulty.

    wielding two weapons in each hand is an extremely difficult task - even for the 15% of the population who are actually ambidextrous. if this were allowed, I'd expect it to have a penalty on the operation of the primary weapon and even more so on the secondary.

    however, I believe the fastest way to improve melee weapons would be to impose a penalty on the use of a firearm at close range (a greater one to rifle than handgun). this way you'd be encouraged to switch to a suitable melee weapon for close combat. much like what happens in the real world.
  3. Jonny

    Jonny Member

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    Well I dont think the best solution to making Melee better is to make ranged worse. No one likes getting nerfed, and from a design and programming standpoint it would be easier to make one weapon type better than to make every other one worse.
  4. XeroX

    XeroX Active Member Pro Users

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    dual wielding was discussed before and no it won´t happen. However ozi mentioned that it might be possible to make ONE item with two objects e.g. weapons being used. That would kinda be dual wieling but won´t happen for quite some time since it needs some special animations.
  5. Raven Lunchbox

    Raven Lunchbox Adviser Arkadia Adviser

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    ok as for duel weilding causing powerloss from primary.. this would be incorrect. look at boxers, knifefighters, kali praticioners, knife and sword, spede ii daga and other weapons use styles. most people who practice weapons learn to use both hands. i am not ambidextrious by any means but can duel with twin knives, sticks or short swords. its a skill you learn... hince the skill for 2 handed weapons... i think that melee users in game get the shaft because you should be able to do a tremendous amount more damage and more quickly as a balance because you are surely taking a beating by mobs while doing it... i wanted to start melee made it to lv 30 in powerfist and sword before changing to blp rifle. why would i take the beating and decay when i can use my R150 which has much higher dps and drop alot of mobs before they can reach me.. or with minimal damage to me. it only seems fair to up the power, speed and effectiveness as well as eco of the melee weapons to promote their use. incorporate an amp or a type of counter, like poison or something like it to increase dmg. if you didnt have an amp but were putting poison on something like a leviathan or yuka they have high hp the poison would hit them for dmg every so many sec while ur still attacking them effectively raising your dps. could have different level poison counter attachments
  6. Lezardine

    Lezardine Active Member

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    I like that poison thing :)

    Regarding the 2-handed melee, where was it stated that it won't happen? (I missed that)
    Geez, it's been such a demand (and promises) for so many years! You just crushed my hope :(

    bah! I'll live on without that!
    any uL arkadian melee weapons so far? :)
  7. Raven Lunchbox

    Raven Lunchbox Adviser Arkadia Adviser

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    i dont think it was ever denied. last i read was it was promised and in the works but we havent gotten nothing so far. its not on the priority list so to speak. something obviously needs to be done to make them more eco in comparison to guns and other weapons. it is simply unfair to the melee player to catch the bad end of the stick so to speak
  8. red

    red Member

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    no, you can't. if you tried, you'd be putting yourself at a huge disadvantage.

    sure, there is a skill element that you learn, but your effectiveness with it will be limited. part of the limitation is due to brain pathways. people who are ambidextrous have already established the pathways and will do better than those who are not. still, ambidextrous people will still favour one hand to the other even if skilled in the task with both. consider switch hitters in baseball. in one direction they are better than in the other. if it was easy to learn this ability, everyone would be able to do it. and, this is just not the case.

    you can't just "up the power" of things. in game design, it's called balance. fair is about balance.

    anyways, the poison idea has been discussed before, years ago. that certainly is one possibility. although, I'm not sure how one would apply poison to an en-blade.
  9. Jonny

    Jonny Member

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    Thats why I said that the miss chance should be doubled, yes you are gonna still gain DPS over long range weapons, but at the expense of twice the misses. It also accounts for the fact that its harder to track the use of two weapons as opposed to a single weapon, although not impossible. With training anyone can learn to use two weapons at once effectively. Perhaps not the same potency of focusing on a single weapon, but with two you have the advantages of being able to deflect an opponent's single weapon while still having the ability to attack with your second weapon while they have nothing.