Hey! im the bird!

Discussion in 'Greetings' started by TheBird956, Jun 19, 2013.

  1. TheBird956

    TheBird956 New Member

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    Hi again guys. I just wrote another topic where I ask some questions about the game, so you might want to help me and answer some of these. Here is the link to the topic: http://arkadiaforum.com/showthread.php?8677-Hey-everyone!-The-Bird-is-here!

    So I will introduce myslef here, so you can know who I am (or at least, who I want you to think I am! Moahahahahahaha!)

    So my name is Julien, but my friends call me The Bird or Bird (heres why: http://youtu.be/dWhcKWZezzg?t=1m30s). I am a 18 years old guy living just next to Montreal, Quebec, Canada. I speak French and English. I am a student in Multimedia Integration, so I learn everything related to the web and the medias (video production and recording, sound recording and editing, web programmming, 3D and 2D animation and a bunch of things that make me an internet master.

    I play all sort of games, like DayZ, WarZ (yes, I play both), Halo, a bit of Call of Duty (Halo is way better) but I am mainly a PC gamer, so the console war is really funny :p

    Based on my DayZ and WarZ experience, I am a good teamplayer, and also a good person to hide behind in a gunfight (im a good shield apparently...). But I really like to play with a team, but the team must be able to have fun and do some stupid things because being serious all the time is boring, but when I am trying to, lets say, lead a team to raid Salvation City in DayZ origins, you must be serious (the last guy that wasnt serious got killed, and everyone else survived).

    I dont know what else to say so yeah, hi everyone!
  2. Puck

    Puck Adviser Pro Users Arkadia Adviser

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    Bonjour, Bird!

    Ahhh, DayZ... So much fun. :)

    Welcome to Arkadia, EU, and the challenge and thrill of managing real worth assets in a virtual environment.

    I hope you get to explore all you have time for and talk to as many folks as you can.

    Bon chance!