i hope this is a ok place for this, i was going to post in the feedback/bugreport section, but since this could effect people badly i wanted to be sure people would see it, if not our cuddly mods can move this i just did a instance with a friend, we did 50-50 damage in a lvl9 key, one of us had maybe 2-300 points damage more from a total of over 300K damage, and one of us got 83% of loot and the other 17%. so i suggest people check the loot in teams in instances to avoid unhappy faces.
could be but i though that before team settings had no effect in instances? and we always team together, and as i said, damage was only almost perfectly shared, unlikely to cause that distribution no matter what settings or am i missing something?
Could you list the loot you both received? And what were the team settings you used? Did you have a percent given to the healer?
Unless something changed in update on Tuesday healers never got any percentage of loot even if you had it set. I tried it with friends and there was no healer split in the end. The healer percentage does work out of instance hunting. So prior to this weeks update it always seemed no matter what your team settings were it split the loot by damage share and totally ignored any team settings. So the OP may have found a glitch IMO.
I run instances with a friend. I have team set to most dmg gets loot. I get all the loot then i divide it bewteen us based on dmg done. I have not done one since yesterday update. I will let you know what i find out.
one of us got 830 TT ped loot, the other 170 TT, even the arkoins were not divided equally, i cant really list all the loot it was hours ago and i dumped it in storage, the difference was too big to be accounted for in the 1 extra L nano chip he got, no healer, after discussing with my team mate it might be the team setting that did get applied, we have done a lot of instances together and this is the first one we noticed this difference.
The instance inherits the team setting of the team that initiated the instance. If you start an instance with stack share as the setting, the loot will distribute by stack share, if its looter takes all it will be looter takes all. This applies to all people in the instance, no matter if they remain in the team.
Yes this is correct. The instance inherits the team settings when entering in the instance. Fallen if you want to PM me the team setting and all info about the instance you can I can send it on to MA for investigation.