Arkoin Land Fund

Discussion in 'Land Areas' started by db123189, Mar 13, 2013.

  1. db123189

    db123189 Member

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    Hi my name is Daniel and I am from New Zealand, my ingame name is db123189 db123189 sk123189 and I have been playing Entropia Universe for a number of years now. With the new islands on offer it is a perfect opportunity for everyone whose passionate about Arkadia and land ownership to have a chance of going into a joint venture and owning a share of land for as little as 50 ped worth of arkoins! We all have a few arkoins stored away, its time to get them out and invest in the future!

    I would like to propose a joint venture in which everyone interested can invest from 5000 up 75,000 akoins per share and in exchange can become a land own. There will be 800 shares and each person can buy as many as they like. It is an opportunity of growth for those interested and provided at a low cost too.

    Shares come in three options
    Gold Shares cost 75,000 Arkoins (750ped worth) and there will be 100 of them on offer = 75,000 x 100 = 7,500,000
    Silver Shares cost 25,000 Arkoins (250ped worth) and there will be 200 of them on offer = 25,000 x 200 = 5,000,000
    Bronze Shares cost 5,000 Arkoins (50ped worth)and there will be 500 of them on offer = 5,000 x 500 = 2,500,000

    Income will be paid out each month for Gold Share owners, every month for Silver Share owners and every two months for Bronze Share owners and you can at anytime choose to opt out provided someone else would like to buy your share or the fund has enough cashflow to buy your share, which you will be paid on the basis of 180% MU. e.g 5000 arkoins (50ped worth) will be valued at 90ped and if someone decided to opt out then they will be paid out on this value.
    80% of all income will be paid out in dividends, while 20% will be retained to create events, used for marketing and other growth creating activities. The share payout time may be reduced depending on the income received. Currently this is seen as the best option due to the amount of shareholders in each share option.

    Monthly reports will be made available in terms of expenses, revenue and strategic on goings to all shareholders.

    All shareholders can have an input into what direction they would like to see the fund head in.
    We all dream about owning a piece of land at a low cost, well here is the opportunity, let's make it happen together NOW! LET OTHERS KNOW ABOUT THIS GREAT OPPORTUNITY AND GET THOSE ARKOINS OUT NOW AND BUY A SHARE!

    Those who are interested please post below or private message me, at this stage I would like to see what the numbers are for those who are interested. This fund will only go ahead provided the land area has not already been claimed and that we are able to raise the required Arkoins.

    I am not very rich, but I would as commitment to this venture like to offer the big investors collateral. It won't be of equivalent value, but rather my commitment to you and the added bonus of that is receiving the benefit of that collateral item, while also receiving the benefits of land ownership at the same time.
    The threshold to qualify for collateral is 200,000 or more in Arkoins worth of shares.
    Anyone who invest 1,000,000 or more Arkoins in shares will receive my shop as collateral and enjoy the benefits of both that and land ownership.

    Subscription for Shares:
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  2. Milena

    Milena Adviser Pro Users Arkadia Adviser

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    Since you are a very new member here maybe you should ad at least your avatar name ? ...i dont think it can work otherwise :)
  3. db123189

    db123189 Member

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    Yes thanks for mentioning that.:D Well my account here says I'm a new member, but I have actually been in the game for a very long time (which it can be date back to my discovery of the game back in 2007), except that I haven't been using the forums for posting on Arkadia, though I do come on often to read about what others have to say and what new events are posted on. My ingame name is db123189 db123189 sk123189, feel free to contact me ingame anytime if you have further questions.
  4. KikkiJikki

    KikkiJikki Well-Known Member Pro Users

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    Perhaps I am misreading but it appears your proposed shares total 1.5 million arkoins. Don't you need 15 million?
  5. KikkiJikki

    KikkiJikki Well-Known Member Pro Users

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    I've known DB for a couple of years now. He is a member of my society. I have found him to be honest and trustworthy in all of my in game dealings with him.
  6. db123189

    db123189 Member

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    Nice spoting Kikki I wrote many versions on documents and must have put my older numbers in, rest assure the numbers have been revised and works out now. :D Thanks
  7. Few Scars

    Few Scars Administrator Staff Member PAF Administrator Arkadia Adviser

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    This is an interesting idea. I am surprised they decided to use Arkoins, I doubt there are 15 million in game at the moment, hence the encouragement to use the Instances. But its not just the 15 million Arkoins, its the Market value they carry as well. This needs to be recognised in the deal. They have a current MV between 139-207% so players will not be happy to unload them unless the market value is taken into account as part of the share.
    ie 5000 Arkoins isnt worth 50Ped, its more like between 69.5-103.5Ped so you need to guarantee the value of the share. I would not give you 5000 Arkoins if they cost me 77Ped and you value them at 50Ped. If I decided to sell my shares I would not be happy getting 50Ped back.

    Arkoins isnt the best way to sell this land, I think Peds would be better.

  8. db123189

    db123189 Member

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    Thanks Bjorn for that point. First of all when I say 50ped worth, I mean the TT worth of it to be more exact when I say 5000arkoins, so that everyone can be certain of the tt value of arkoins required, which of course people will be obtaining them for more. This can be quite a problem when it comes to valuing the Arkoins, which is why the chosen value will be set at is 180% and based on this market value is what user who chose to opt out can be paid out on. The user will be paid out on this option of ped, unless they want to be paid out in Arkoins, which would be revised on the basis of market price and the availability of Arkoins. I think this is a fair value given some people can obtain them for much less and some for much more, that a fair price must be chosen and based on this everyone can decide if it is worth it for them. e.g 5000 arkoins (50ped worth) will be valued at 90ped and if someone decided to opt out then they will be paid out on this value. I however would hope people are staying for the long run, but in the case that they chose to opt out this would be how it would be treated.
  9. KikkiJikki

    KikkiJikki Well-Known Member Pro Users

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    At the risk of derailing yet another thread,

    While I appreciate there is a level of uncertainty in just how much an Arkoin is worth, there are considerable economic benefits to the Arkadian economy and the PP in doing it this way. To obtain arkoins people need to decay weapons and armour and buy keys. All of these produce demand for crafting which in turn drives demand for relevant materials, helping hunters and miners. Lower level players have incentive to do instances, either for a consortium like this one or to sell the koins for good markup.

    So I really like they way the PP is implementing this sale.
  10. db123189

    db123189 Member

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    I am not very rich, but I would as commitment to this venture like to offer the big investors collateral. It won't be of equivalent value, but rather my commitment to you and the added bonus of that is receiving the benefit of that collateral item, while also receiving the benefits of land ownership at the same time.
    The threshold to qualify for collateral is 200,000 Arkoins worth of shares.
    Anyone who is willing to invest 1,000,000 Arkoins in shares will receive my shop as collateral and enjoy the benefits of both that and land ownership.
  11. BB Global

    BB Global Member

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    This looks appealing on so many levels...... and the way A Team are handling this sale prevents Medusa Head style undercutting, uses ingame ped (as mentioned above) and relies on community participation.

    Simply put, one does not simply pay solely for the right to receive taxes, there is community inclusion in the purchase.

    Good Job.
  12. db123189

    db123189 Member

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    To finalise the plan of how this venture will be running I would like to understand what most investors want, so I am listing another four options and deciding if maybe there will be more interest in other options. Like this venture I am open to everyones input and will proceed with what everyone is most happy doing. I have set below different phases to how this venture will proceed, so that everyone has an idea of what they will need to do for certain dates if they are interested. I would also like to give this time for everyone to gather their Arkoin because to gather large sums is no easy task and given the high market price at this stage it would be best suited in everyones interest to have time to gather Arkoin in a economical manner.

    Share Option Plan B
    Gold Shares 150,000 Arkoins (1,500ped worth) x 50 = 7,500,000
    Silver Shares 75,000 Arkoins (750ped worth) x 75 = 5,625,000
    Bronze Shares 25,000 Arkoins (250ped worth) x 75 = 1,875,000

    Share Option Plan C
    Diamond Shares 500,000 Arkoins ( 5000ped worth) x 25 = 12,500,000
    Gold Shares 100,000 Arkoins (1000 ped worth) x 25 = 2,500,000

    Share Option Plan D
    Gold Shares 250,000 Arkoins (2500 ped worth) x 60 = 15,000,000

    Share Option Plan E
    Diamond Shares 1,000,000 Arkoins (10,000 ped worth) x 15 = 15,000,000

    Interest Phase - 15 -31 March 2013
    During this phase I would like to understand how many people are interested and how they feel about the different investment options available to them. At the end of the phase I will see where the major interest lie and proceed in that direction.

    Confirmation Phase 5 April
    At this phase the option that we will be proceeding with will be known as well as confirming with interested parties that they are still interested and finding other interested parties if needed.

    Final Phase - 15 - 18 April
    During this phase we will be putting all our Arkoins together and making our claim and becoming land owners.
  13. db123189

    db123189 Member

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    All interested parties would love to hear your thoughts. All feedback is much appreciated. DB
  14. Mordrell

    Mordrell Active Member Pro Users

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    I've got 100k coins saved up so far, I will continue to run instances and stack up coins for the foreseeable future. Not sure atm what investment opportunity I will go for and if indeed I will buy into one of the LA. I may perhaps sell of all my coins at a later date.

    Personally I am leaning more towards D or E, either way I hope to be able to commit anything from 1-3 mil at the end of the day.

    Also atm I am testing to see how viable it is to collect the coins, early indications however aren't very promissing. With the low tt return setup of the instances unless I get some high mu items to counter balance the losses it may be better to buy the coins or just focus on something else. Anyway testing is continuing :D

    GL in your venture but atm its to early for me to commit to anything.
  15. Castle

    Castle New User

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    I like the option D and E that you suggest and plan on joining in as we discussed in-game. Some of us may have more difficulty obtaining Arkoins though (expecially given recent price manipulation) and would be nice if there was an option to contribute ped instead. Perhaps you will end up with enough Arkoins and can make this work.

    Look forward to it!
  16. Darkpan1th8er

    Darkpan1th8er New User

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    I'll be able to buy one or two