Watch This Desert Island for Sale!

Discussion in 'Land Areas' started by Cyrus, Mar 13, 2013.

  1. Cyrus

    Cyrus Well-Known Member

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    The Arkadian Colonial Administration (ACA) is proud to present the first two of six private island estates.

    The result of substantial land reclamation near to the coast of Sentosa, the first two estates have been constructed with a Desert theme. In due course, the ACA plans to introduce two Arctic islands and two Jungle islands.

    Of the two released Desert islands, the first is currently for sale from the Arkoin Broker located at the IFN Supply Depot.

    Price: 15,000,000 (fifteen million) Arkoins

    The Arkoin Broker is selling a claim which can be redeemed with Community Manager Cyrus Chen for the actual land area deed. Therefore, the first colonist with 15,000,000 Arkoins to purchase the claim from the Arkoin Broker will be able to exchange this claim with Cyrus for the Land Area Deed.

    Each island:

    • is located a short distance off-shore, not too far from a mainland Teleporter
    • has an approximate area of 2 square kilometres
    • includes an elegant residence complete with lounge, decking, lower floor bar, spiral staircase and panoramic views from upper floor viewing gallery. The residence comes with a Revival Point and an Estate Terminal, which can be used to claim the estate and set access to the residence.
    • All-in-one "LA Marker" that gives the estate owner access to two interfaces:
      • Land Area Settings - here the estate owner can set:
        • Hunting Tax
        • Mining Tax
        • Whether anyone, or only the owner, can create events on the Land Area
        • Whether or not PvP (Player Vs Player) mode is enabled on the Land Area
        • Whether or not SatNav is enabled on the Land Area
      • Creature Management - from here the estate owner can:
        • Utilise up to 6 (six) creature DNA slots to spawn creatures across the Land Area
        • Purchase Improvement Points by adding Fertilizer
        • Spend Improvement Points to control maturity of DNA spawns

    A variety of estate upgrade options are available. Further information is located here.

    Remember, whoever gets 15,000,000 Arkoins to the Arkoin Broker first, gets the deed!

    Good luck!
  2. anthonymorris

    anthonymorris Platinum Member Platinum Member Arkadia Adviser

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    what the ........... man you going to make me u my dp lol
  3. DxBlueIce

    DxBlueIce Adviser Arkadia Adviser

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  4. harmony

    harmony Active Member Pro Users

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    good for arkoin markup, wish i had more peds :)
  5. Nor Alien

    Nor Alien Active Member

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  6. giuly_adm

    giuly_adm Member

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    What would mean in peds 15M Arkoins? :huh:
  7. Jenny ferr

    Jenny ferr Well-Known Member Pro Users

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    1 arkoin = 1 pec (too late/early for math, but tt is correct lol)
  8. KikkiJikki

    KikkiJikki Well-Known Member Pro Users

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    + MU, which has varied between 102 and nearly 200% since they were released. When I checked yesterday I think some were in auction for 133%.
  9. M Rufen Power

    M Rufen Power Member

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    This is how land should be won, by people participating to grab it first! Of course those with funds can get it quicker but those who try just as hard in other ways have a chance at least. And ofc this isn't a bid war its a bid of will power.
  10. giuly_adm

    giuly_adm Member

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    Yeah but who would pay more than 150k peds for a LA on Arkadia? To me it seems high at 100% MU too, Arkadia has 1/10 of Calyso population, that means to pay it back might need ages too.
  11. KikkiJikki

    KikkiJikki Well-Known Member Pro Users

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    I guess it depends on your level of confidence in the future of Arkadia. Realistically I don't think I can get funds together but I will be certainly thinking on how I could possibly get there.
  12. AxeMurderer

    AxeMurderer Active Member Pro Users

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    And it doesn't seem exactly like Calypso lands and not sure about the size compared to Calypso lands

    Each island:

    • is located a short distance off-shore, not too far from a mainland Teleporter
    • has an approximate area of 2 square kilometres
    • includes an elegant residence complete with lounge, decking, lower floor bar, spiral staircase and panoramic views from upper floor viewing gallery. The residence comes with a Revival Point and an Estate Terminal, which can be used to claim the estate and set access to the residence.
    • All-in-one "LA Marker" that gives the estate owner access to two interfaces:
      • Land Area Settings - here the estate owner can set:
        • Hunting Tax
        • Mining Tax
        • Whether anyone, or only the owner, can create events on the Land Area
        • Whether or not PvP (Player Vs Player) mode is enabled on the Land Area
        • Whether or not SatNav is enabled on the Land Area

      • Creature Management - from here the estate owner can:
        • Utilise up to 6 (six) creature DNA slots to spawn creatures across the Land Area
        • Purchase Improvement Points by adding Fertilizer
        • Spend Improvement Points to control maturity of DNA spawns
  13. Ardorj

    Ardorj Active Member Pro Users

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    Awesome, this will be great for the future of Arkadia I believe!

    Gotta ask though aboout those creature DNA's that the owner can spawn. Are those only Arkadian DNA or is every Entropian DNA possible? It will be a huge turn-off for me to get bitten in the arse by an Atrox, licked by an Exarosaur and ripped open next by a Berycled anywhere on Arkadia.
    Might be something to consider for the buyers as well.

    Good luck to all the competitors!
    PS. How do you earn Arkoins? :confused::cowboy::confused:
  14. Few Scars

    Few Scars Administrator Staff Member PAF Administrator Arkadia Adviser

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    Hmmm can I buy the residence alone?

    The MV of Arkoins is gonna explode! Should have bought more at 105% LOL!

    so looks like DNA is going to be possible as well, awesome!
  15. Neil

    Neil Adviser Pro Users Arkadia Adviser

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    Arkoins are looted from instances. Keys 1-7 are for sale in my shop (see my sig).
  16. BB Global

    BB Global Member

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    Definitely, one controlled spawn of max maturity 'anything' would give great opportunities gunning for specific items, and Combibo Courtyard doesn't do too badly considering how many people attend the events there, I might have only gone through 300ped per event but 20+ people probably did too, at tax, that does become a lot as they cost each to kill and usually get a lot of attention, globals often (3 per event average), and the occasional hof. A herd of Halix Prowler would be worth a bomb, Yuka's would just be insanity but hey, a land area and DNA for Arkadia mobs is a good thing and a relatively cheap investment at $15k compared to LA's on Caly, if the DNA drops regularly there is nothing stopping the LA owner from running weekly's,

    Halix 1st week, zadul next, Oro the following, all would get competitive hunters grinding through the missions, it's an easy way to bump up the green line return of skills, if someone gets an extra couple of ped dex at the end or evade/paramedic it can bump up 1000% of tt value, usually negating the 10% 'evaded your attack' loss incurred getting ~100% mob killed return - 10% miss.

    I do, however, doubt that ostelok's would be a "must have DNA"
  17. In Love With

    In Love With Member

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    wrong move imo

    Lots of people never set foot into a taxed LA and ontop of lots of mobs that are only available taxed on ARK you create even more taxed area's.


  18. Neil

    Neil Adviser Pro Users Arkadia Adviser

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    I went out to check out the new islands. I like them. You can see how they're "naturally" divided into six compact areas corresponding (I assume) to the six available spawns. It's not flat and boring, yet not too many hills or weird terrain to interfere with hunting or mining. And, the flora on each LA is unique, so screenshots will be easily identifiable (free advertising for owners).

    If the owners can get their hands on Huon or Scoria DNA they could charge a lower tax and get a lot of business.
  19. Larkin

    Larkin Platinum Member Staff Member PAF Senior Mod Platinum Member

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    Yep I had the same thoughts as I traveled through both, I quite enjoyed it :) They look great! Tour of both uploading to Youtube now for those who haven't had the chance to look.
  20. Few Scars

    Few Scars Administrator Staff Member PAF Administrator Arkadia Adviser

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    My concerns are that the value of the Arkoin may deter potential buyers.
    If the LA was put on Auction for 150000Ped, then a buyer would appear fairly quickly.
    Assuming 15 million Arkoins is worth TT = 150000Ped, then fine, we all know 15 million Arkoins is worth anywhere from 130% - 200% depending on sales. Thus the overall cost of this LA is going to be way more than 150000Ped, maybe 175000 to 200000Ped depending on how much the buyer pays for his Arkoins. Unless they spend a huge amount of time doing instances over a few months, then they may get the Arkoins needed.

    I think it is a nice idea to use Arkoins, but some of these LAs should be sold for Ped as well, or a competition to win one? :)