Source of 8 Coins?

Discussion in 'History' started by Puck, May 27, 2011.

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  1. Puck

    Puck Adviser Pro Users Arkadia Adviser

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    The unique name of "8-Coins" peaked my curiosity, so I consulted the magic-internet for answers to its origin.

    I can't say this is THE root of Arkadia's 8Coins, but interesting to read another take on it, none the less...

    Tarot Cards - Eight of Coins
    When you re-dedicate yourself to quality work, you will gain greater latitude and independence.
    The Eight of Coins recommends that you focus on your main project and produce as much as you can, while staying healthy. This is an important time for meeting goals, but don’t work so hard that quality suffers. Whether by accident or design, you are in a position where your effort can make a big difference. Apply yourself; do the work and you will be rewarded with flexibility and freedom.
    The Eight of Coins is the card of works. We see here the successful artisan spending time at his bench, hammering out the commissions he has attracted because of his skill. His name is synonymous with “the best in its class.” He is so popular that he can barely keep up with demand. Therefore, he is paid whatever he asks and accepts only the most prestigious requests.
    If there is a problem in this card, it has to do with the trap of workaholism, the feeling of being so indispensable that you will not ask for help or delegate any part of a project. There is also the issue of becoming so identified as the creator of elegant objects, that the personal identity of the creator is consumed by the works themselves. The maker seldom gets to have a home life, time-off, friendships or the like. This card lobbies for a balanced perspective.

    Divinatory meanings: Apprenticeship. Craftsmanship. One who is fast to learn. Candor. Frankness. Modesty. Handiwork. Personal effort.
    Reversed meanings: Lack of ambition. Vanity. Conceit. Usury. Hypocrisy. Flattery. Intrigue.

    Source link:

    Seems a bit relevant to all that David, A-Team, and even Deathifier have put into to things. :)
  2. RexDameon

    RexDameon Active Member Pro Users

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    I'm sure it's [​IMG]
    • Like Like x 1
  3. Snape

    Snape Master of the BanHammer Staff Member PAF Administrator

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    LOL +rep for that
  4. Rjkumar

    Rjkumar New Member

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    its seems very motivating post, and interesting to know about 8 coins, "This is an important time for meeting goals, but don’t work so hard that quality suffers. Whether by accident or design, you are in a position where your effort can make a big difference." found to be really motivational.
  5. KMax

    KMax Well-Known Member Pro Users

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    OH HoF swirlies :D I saw those last night with my 356 PED Aarkan Pellot HoF at 8 coins....
  6. Hodges

    Hodges Member

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    Very interesting topic. I wonder why this just got left to die. I love looking into origins of things, especially since many many things in this game are named after things, places, or people from various mythologies, such as the vehicles being mostly from Norse mythology and space stations being from Greek mythology, as well as planet names having ancient origins.

    I'm also curious about the official origin of 8 Coins.
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