Hi i am new in this game, my mentor just transport me from caly to arkadia(rly nice planet , but i rly cant find out any sweat buyer so if someone will wanna buy would be great having 5k/3ped . Thx in game Tony SandMan Jurča. ^.^
You could always refine it to Mind Essence then sell the ME on auction. That will sell much faster then sweat alone. But you wont get a great price that way. Prob around 2p/k that way. But you move it much faster.
i play activ...2ped would be just fine if i will be able to sell it but first i need some PEDs to buy refine machine probably
You would need a refiner + force nexus. The better refiners decay much less. Feel free to add me to FL, you can use my F-105 if I am available. Just trade it back when your done and pay the decay on the refiner Force Nexus + Sweat = Mind Essence.
btw but i must first mine those force nexus or ? and i need 1k of those force nexus as well for 1k mind essence ?:X
Mine or buy it yes. 1,000 FN + 1k sweat yes = 10 ped of ME. 1 FN = 1 pec. Also the tt refiner stinks, it has high decay. Better refiners decay much less.
The simplest thing is to reduce your price. That's just how the economy works: if you can't sell loot at a high price, reduce the price to sell it. If you're willing to sell it at 2.5 ped per k, I can buy 4 k from you.
actually i get rid of 8k already thx to david...very supportive 8ped for 2k i lvoe you man and yesterday from ASU team sold 6k for 18 peds...ofc i tried to go down with price before i was yelling 3 days on quarry without results. I am very into this game and will gladly sold you 4k tomorrow cause thats the time i need for such amount ...i just wanted to know ifi t has any meaning to sweat cause from the beginning i could not sell anyting....but like this i will start mining in no time(needed more peds to calculate runs already made a few statistics what and where to mine just need more runs to get more data ) so again thx all for helping new players we rly appreciate it