How to use Big screen tv for apartment.

Discussion in 'Housing' started by Cyborg Bill, Apr 6, 2012.

  1. Cyborg Bill

    Cyborg Bill Well-Known Member Pro Users

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    I just got one for my apartment. It has low tt so I know I will have to repair it...I saw that it cost 14 ped and change decay for each upload. I remember back with the ad terminals and people getting charged by MB for uploads.. does that also apply to the TV's after the 14+ ped decay?

    I know it stated that the content will be in there permanatly until deleted by me but it said nothing about that per MB charge I remember reading about.
  2. Jenny ferr

    Jenny ferr Well-Known Member Pro Users

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    checked an ordinary sign just a little while ago and the charge /kb was still there, but there is a bug* existing now that wont let you preview the pictures before upload as it used to :(

    *confirmed by support
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  3. Cyborg Bill

    Cyborg Bill Well-Known Member Pro Users

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    Need to confirm if that same per MB charge is for TV's as well or simply one time charge in decays since its not planet wide distrubtion. thanks for looking into it tho
  4. Snape

    Snape Master of the BanHammer Staff Member PAF Administrator

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    Thanks for confirming this. I had open support cases running for ages and this was one of the questions i had, yet never got answered. +rep
  5. Mutant Atrax Stalker

    Mutant Atrax Stalker Active Member

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    I paid 40 ped to upload a static image to the servers the other day. Here's an approximate log of my expenses, i didn't take notes and I'm not ingame to check actual sign decay, etc.

    Once you have paid the deposit and upload fee, the image will reside in you PC cache and you can use it in as many signs or other displays as you like anywhere on the EU. However each time that you assign that media to a sign or other use, you will still pay the decay required by the sign to create your message.

    Cost to create the Opto sign on the front of CN 10:

    Approx 40 ped to upload "level 7" image - this is a 40 KB jpeg, the cost quoted to upload an 80kb version was nearly 42 ped I believe. In trying several image sizes the least charge i saw (20 KB jpg) was approximately 38 ped.

    Also i was notified that approximately 7.50 ped of that 40 ped is held in deposit and will be returned to my pedcard when i delete the image from the PC cache.

    100 ped to repair TT of sign to usable
    Approx 5.50 ped to create ad containing level 7 image
    Approx 5.50 ped to create text message for "atrax shop/atrax tower"

    Master Chief paid approximately 40 ped to upload his H.A.Z.E. logo into his PC cache.
    Approx 5.50 ped for Master Chief to create the H.A.Z.E. ad using PC and text.

    So far that opto sign has consumed approximately 197 ped, and it cycles between those three messages with no effect or animation. However Chief and i can also use those images in other PC sign/display/screens without paying additional upload ro hot fees for the image.

    If i wish to remova an ad frrom the rotation, i believe it's free. However each time i wish to adjust a text ad or change it's text the original 5.50 decay will apply again. Changing the order of rotation appears to be free.

    I've probably spent 250 ped messing with that sign, and sorting this out. And I still haven't done any animation or used the native backgrounds with text images.
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  6. Cyborg Bill

    Cyborg Bill Well-Known Member Pro Users

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    Wow that stuff is really expensive...

    Still need to know how the big screen TV for the apartments works. I dont have any of the ad screens. Thats a good break down of the pricing for those who own the ad screens tho Atrax. Ill send some rep to ease the pain of the ped spent to do that.
  7. Mutant Atrax Stalker

    Mutant Atrax Stalker Active Member

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    Thanks for the rep, I appreciate that.

    I went ahead and put it here because as far as i know, the big screen TV you are talking about should be a "display" (edit: i did some math i think you have a plasma screen) and while the piece i describe is a "sign" there really only one difference:

    The "display" and the "screen" models can handle the native text animations of EU signs that a "sign" model can 't handle.

    The "display" model is the only model of every sign series that can handle animation in it's (PC) media.

    Other than the initial upload fee for the (PC) upload of the multimedia file that would make it look liek a "TV" the general operation is probably the same and the only differences will be the larger fee for a larger file upload, and the increased decay of using a "display" instead of a "Sign" to display your animation.

    I can't find anything anywhere named "big screen tv" so i hope you mean a plasma display. If you've got a "plasma screen(PC)" with decay of 14.25 you won't, i'm afraid, be able to display a moving image on it in any case. The identical looking but multimedia-capable "Plasma display(PC)" costs 21.37 decay per ad, and that's after you ahve already paid the fees to load your (PC) files to the server.

    You might be able to get a .gif in there without them calling it "Multimedia" but, i doubt it. I'll try really soon.

    edit: you can move your (PC) files into your archive and preview it and the system will tell you the exact charge before the upload is started. This allows you to look at the fee for uploading different files or versions without actually paying the fee.

    But i think it's like a shop, you ahve to actually have the ped to see the fee. Otherwise it may just tell you "insufficient balance", i'm not sure yet.

    next time I'll document it.
  8. Cyborg Bill

    Cyborg Bill Well-Known Member Pro Users

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    Thanks again. Yes it is a plasma and stated decay was 14.25 ped.

    Ok It will sit in the apartment and look pretty earning no decay for them not using common sense to program something without being vague and illusive on its abilities and workings. If I wanted an expensive picture frame I would have bought one... I guess stoner logic ruled the day on that issue.
  9. KMax

    KMax Well-Known Member Pro Users

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    I wonder how much it would cost to run Cyrus's video on a Plasma Display (PC) which allows multimedia? What was the size of that video file? That would be kind of cool thing to play on an apartment display.
  10. Jenny ferr

    Jenny ferr Well-Known Member Pro Users

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    you cant today...

    you cant use any video on the displays/screens or whatever since vu 12.4.0 I think it was since MA stopped supporting the "Bink" format which you used for video files.
    they are investigating to allow youtube streaming videos tho