Suggestion Brawly Towns

Discussion in 'Wishlist' started by Bear, Aug 19, 2011.

  1. Bear

    Bear Member

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    Towns should be a place to live, work, to do buissines and to socialize. I will try to make a suggestion how this could be achieved.

    1. Teleporters

    With Teleporters (TPs) you can transport your Avatar all over the planet. Even from the most remote Outpost if a TP is available.
    Of cause, this is very handy and "user friendly" but it "flattens" the Game in a boring way.

    There should be altast 2 Types of Teleporters:

    1. Planet wide
    A Planet wide TP works the same way all current TPs work. You can transport to any other TP, Area Teleporters included.
    Planet wide TP should be only located in Big Towns or Big Settelments. There should be only a few of them, maybe just 3.

    2. Area Teleporter
    Area TP should be located in Outposts (those which have a TP allready) and small Towns or settlements. They are only able to Transport you to the next Area TPs around your location.
    If a Planet TP is near, that one will be available too.

    The result will be that one might need to do some "hops" to get to the desired location. This will take only a little more time. But with this comes a big benefit to the overall Player distribution in towns:
    Locations with Planet Wide TPs will be preferd by Players as long as they are not on a "mission" of whatever kind. These locations will work as true Centers - Commercial and Social.
    Centers like these have allways exisited on Calypso, Port Atlantis because of the Noobs and Twin Peek as Commercial Center for a reason i am not sure of.
    Players like those Towns filled with people. Using two types of TPs is the easiest way to actualy "create" them. Else, every TP location is even to each other (as long as there is an auction terminal).

    With this an architectual overhaul would be next thing to do. Having a TP just next to a service Box is fine if its an outpost, but a stupid thing if you want to create a Town:

    2. Town Layout:
    A wide and open layout for Towns looks good if you just do that - look at it. But that does not mean it works well. Think of Hadesheim on Calypso - a dead city.
    Now think of the Malls of Calypso. Why is the TP on top of the building? Who enters a building from the Top? In this game we have such a thing as TPs. Thus the TP should be located INSIDE the Mall, not on Top of it.
    The Prime Location of the Mall would be the Shops next to the TP, next to the elevator and next to the entrance.

    There are no Mall no Arkadia (and i hope the will not be). Shops however would be a nice thing.
    A TP should be allways the Center of a town. Its the Gate to the town, a Gate which can be placed inside because its a TP!

    This would be a layout i would suggest(crude look but you get the idea):
    View attachment 1737
    Of couse, this looks ugly at first, but it should just show the principal layout - think of it as design layout.

    3. Redesign of the Storage System.
    At the moment you have all your stuff avaliable in every Storage on one Planet. The storage is somewhat limited to 500 Items, but it holds more if you use boxes or just don´t care.
    Question is why do we need Appartemnts?
    Acutally, nobody really needs one.

    This could and should change:
    Limit the Planet Storage to maybe just 50 items. Make it a hard limit! Boxes inside storage are not allowed. Add a Personal Storage Box to every Appartment. That Storage could be unlimited, or have a quite high limit.
    New players don´t need too much storage, high lvl players would not care too much buying an Appartment or house, rent it or even do some kind of "Landgrab" for them.
    Towns with Appartment would draw players just because they might need to get to their storage inside their Appartment.

    Those changes are not too hard to implement and are basicly available allready in the system. So, if you want a Brawly Town, consider my idea :)

    What do you think?
  2. Fopsie

    Fopsie Active Member Pro Users

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    I dont quite understand why you want to change the TP system inorder to try and make a more sociable town.

    Hadieshame nether became anything because MA nether did anything to the town. They just created it gave it a few TPS and a few empty buildings and nether did anything more on it when it had to possability of being the gratest town / city ingame.

    Celest is quite simular to that town size wize and TP wize but with one big diffrance, Buildings will actualy become shops and appartments and from the layot of the town its clear that the Dev team envisioned it to be the main trading city ingame (you even enter the planet above Celest when you enter it from space)

    As for appartments players actualy already use it as a storage and most thats doing Hairstyling / bodysculpting and facesculpting also use their appartments as shop. An appartment can also be a cheap alternative to buying a shop if you buy a shopkeeper and place it inside. Others also use appartments to socialise like hold soc meetings in them or hold parties.
  3. Jenny ferr

    Jenny ferr Well-Known Member Pro Users

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    About apartments all people who play on limited budgets but still want to keep alot of single items or small stacks should now be forced to make a huge investment into an apartment just to bring people to cities?

    Celeste is well thought out as it is easy to get to and to run along the city TPs. The Area TPs I dont like much either but what I do like to see back into the game would be pure outposts that only have TT, Repair and Revive like we used to have.
  4. Bear

    Bear Member

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    Apartments had (and have) some use. But the use is very limited and the Apartment Complexes were not frequently visited.
    True, there had been some shops in Apartments or some Business. But - please - the Complexes have almost been as dead as Hadesheim. Same with many Towns on Calypso.

    With a change in the TP system you can channel the Traffic of Players through certain places. People attract people almost like gravity. Channelling them means there will be clusters....

    Apartments don´t need to be costly.
    I bought my first Apartment on Calypso for 500PED. Sure, prime location and a show-off Apartment might cost you a lot. But a little crapy hole to put your stuff in - inside a Complex - that does not need to be expensive.

    Yes, my idea means forcing people - taking some freedom of them. But i really think that the game would benefit of it.
  5. Jenny ferr

    Jenny ferr Well-Known Member Pro Users

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    last I checked the apartments in one of Calypso's cities went for 3-400peds and they are all in a crappy complex with nothing else, and 3-400peds for people are alot of peds if it's of no other use then storage so dont force people to spend this on an apartment and since there might be less apartments(storage) then players the price will go up ofc, making the game even more expensive...

    I like your thing about plants and such with a bit of tweaking which I'm still thinking of, but this idea is not doable if you ask me (and please ask players in game what they would pay for storage)
  6. Neil

    Neil Adviser Pro Users Arkadia Adviser

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    I think I really like the idea of a dual-tier system of TPs, that would really add a bit more "sense of bigness" to the planet, which I think makes makes the planet more interesting and less "fake" feeling, and it would create natural hubs where trading and meeting would go on. However, I hate the idea of decreasing planet storage. It would really hamper trading.

    Now, if you want people to have apartments, how about make them really DO something interesting, like your avatar gets a health/speed/skill boost after getting a good night's sleep in your apartment, instead of sleeping out in the open. :)
  7. KikkiJikki

    KikkiJikki Well-Known Member Pro Users

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    Not in favour of limiting storage like this. Is a real pain for newer players who 1. dont have a big budget, 2. build up small amounts of lots of stackables. Not only that but as some who hunts for hours at a time, I dont want to have to head back to my apartment to drop off loot, chg armour, chg weapons etc.

    Sorry but I am in favour of making storage more usuable rather than less. Increase the limit. Allow a text display (similar to auction). Allow search filter.

    I think it is shops that are going to make or break cities. There needs to be a shop console interface that allows: 1. shops to advertise, customer to search thru all shops for current stock listings. Then I know who has the thing I want for a decent price and where it is.

  8. Milena

    Milena Adviser Pro Users Arkadia Adviser

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    Hmm Appartments as storage ? How much will you build ? Imagine hundreds/thousends of player need one than...and all visitors from another planet aswell....How much towns you will build than? If you would do so, every old and new avatar must be able to buy one and I think the planets would be overcrowded by towns and houses.......And the end would be that more people put there stuff in TT coz nobody is willing and/or able to pay for thing would be to pay for revival :(
  9. Neil

    Neil Adviser Pro Users Arkadia Adviser

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    Yes, please! I realize this is an MA thing, so not likely to happen, but it would make trading easier.

    Hear, hear! I'd buy a shop if it would do that!
  10. krm398

    krm398 Member

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    A good point

    If you want to make the planet seem more like a planet and less like a small region, or state size, the answer is easier than you think...Do away with some TP's... just enough, in the right places to make you use your car,or plane or whatever unless you want to mine/hunt from one city to another. It would also fit the storyline, they supposedly just got us all here a month ago, or so,so how can every little place have a TP?

    A few special areas, like the quarry, or a few 'dig sites' that were mentioned, and all major citys, but many outposts don't need them or any small towns just starting out somewhere wouldn't have them because there hasn't been enough time and resources to build them everywhere yet. I know there are people in game that wants everything fast and easy, but on a real new planet,isn't this a little too easy to get around, and why do we have vehicles that we don't need or use?
  11. Jenny ferr

    Jenny ferr Well-Known Member Pro Users

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    Agree, but as usual as you say people want everything fast and easy, it worked pre vu10 without vehicles or TPs everywhere and I think it should work again
  12. Neil

    Neil Adviser Pro Users Arkadia Adviser

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    I do agree. To make that work, tho, you'd need to have different resources only available in the different areas, so there is actually a reason to go to the remote places. Otherwise people will go there once to explore and then go back to the most accessible place to live and trade. You can build the coolest town, but if there is no economical reason for people to go there, it won't become a popular place. Also, the services really need to be quite close to the TP or people won't use it as a trading center. When I'm on Caly, I might go to PA to find new people, but when I need to get something from a terminal, I'll TP to another place that has services right beside the TP, even if it's just some random outpost halfway across the planet. I won't run for 2 minutes just to retrieve something from storage.

    Also, and this is another lesson I got from PA, a city needs to be easy to navigate. PA is like a maze. Now, maybe I'm thicker than others, I don't know, but even after wandering around PA a hundred times, I'm still confused how to get from one place to another. It reminds me of some of that architecture that looks cool but is completely impractical and useless. CH is not so bad, but I wouldn't say it's practical either. I'd much prefer a simple, normal town setup, something like the Brawly town, with a TP in the center, and streets running out from it, making navigation simple. There is a place for mazes, but the main trading center is not it.
  13. Bear

    Bear Member

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    Well, i can agree with you at a certain point. Even if a building in a VR World can be unlimited big and hold as many appartments as you like, it would not make much sence... agreed.

    What about a big (or unlimited) Storage inside one specific building. Like those storages at a Train Station or Airport?
    The point would still be: ONE big Storage at ONE Place + Planet wide small Storage