light cerealkiller revant account test

Discussion in 'Avatar Biographies' started by cerealkiller, Mar 20, 2023.

  1. cerealkiller

    cerealkiller New Member

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    greetings and salutations my fellow arkadians. most of you know me well as either the self appointed mayor of celeste outpost or creator/host of SAGE and duly elected governor of the underground. i've been absent from here for a couple of years due to technical difficulties that zeph has so graciously cleared up for me. i depended on this venue heavily for SAGE III-SAGE VIII and was negatively impacted by not being able to utilize it fully for SAGE IX and X so this is my test post before the one i need the SAGE XI post i hope to make sometime in the next few weeks. if you have no idea what im talking about why are you still reading my post? lets suppose this is a good place for some resume type stuff of who is the governor of the underground. born jan 20 2008 first deposit some time late 2019. the thing that pulled me into being an investor instead of a free player was my interest in the arkadian underground and AUDs. Swunt And Giveaway Extravaganza (SAGE) began as a soc swunt where everybody can win an event. this year it will be better then ever new sponsors new partners working along side experienced sponsors and partners. so that is me i gather sweat, i buy AUDs, and i host events that cost myself and another (ty a million times blast) thousands of ped each every time we do it lol.
    Last edited: Mar 20, 2023