Shopping District Highlights Event

Discussion in 'Other Planet Events' started by Kain Dewey Fall, Jul 1, 2021.

  1. Kain Dewey Fall

    Kain Dewey Fall Member

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    This schedule will be updated as [SPED] Specialized Planet Expedition Dominion sources more opportunities to better expand the event to other areas of Entropia Universe. With 3 Weeks advance update so as to reduce confusion.

    Shopping District Highlights Event
    Show up for Gifts, Stay for the Rewards.

    TheSpedReport Channel on Twitch and YouTube will be featuring a Shopping District in Entropia Universe every Sunday and Wednesday [excluding particular dates that will be identified.]


    This Event is meant to showcase the shopping Districts individually on a live broadcast and to bring the community together to highlight the individual communities and what they offer to the Entropia Universe community.
    There are big and shopping districts so some will have more on Display to show to users in regard to product, but there is more to a community and these shopping districts than just the products available. The surrounding environment tells a story and holds different sources of adventure to be taken on. The infrastructure of these communities hold a glimpse to the intuitive perspective.
    The important part is the community, the shop owners and probable residences within the surrounding area, the directive that they hold together as a whole and individually to bring the life to the the districts in which business is being managed by the resources made possible for them to utilize.
    Show up for Gifts, Stay for the Rewards.


    Every Sunday and Wednesday @16:30 to 18:30 in-game time[10:30am to 12:30pm CST America/Canada]​

    July 4th- Summer Holidays
    July 7th- Cape Corinth Marketplace, Calypso
    July 11th- Deer Mall, Calypso
    July 14th- Sakura City, Calypso
    July 18th- Emerald Lakes Mall, Calypso
    July 21st- Treasure Island City, Calypso
    July 25th- Nahar City, Toulan
    July 28th- Port Atlantis Mall, Calypso ( Power Outtage & Technical difficulties. Moved to different date. )
    August 1st- Genesis Star, Calypso (Added Break Day. Moved to Different Date.)
    August 4th- Twin Peaks Mall, Calypso (Added Break Day. Moved to Different Date.)
    August 8th- Omegaton Habitat, Calypso (Added Break Day. Moved to Different Date.)
    August 11th- Medusa Bazaar, Calypso (PostPoned, My bad, I was actually moving to a different city on this day)
    August 15th- (Canceled Event Date for 2021)

    August 18th- (SPED Just bought a shop at Genesis Star and is working on buying a shop at 4 other planets right now)(Postponed)
    August 22nd-
    August 25th-
    August 29th- Nahar City, Toulan
    September 1st-
    September 5th-
    September 8th-
    September 12th-
    September 15th-
    September 19th-
    September 22nd-
    September 26th- Nahar City, Toulan
    September 29th-
    October 3rd-
    October 6th-
    October 10th-
    October 13th-
    October 17th- Nahar City, Toulan
    October 20th-
    October 24th- United Nations Day [#international event]
    October 27th- Autumn Holidays
    October 31st- Autumn Holidays
    November 3rd- [Off due to S.P.E.D. Business]
    November 7th- [Off due to S.P.E.D. Business]
    November 10th- [Off due to S.P.E.D. Business]
    November 14th- Nahar City, Toulan
    November 17th-
    November 21st-
    November 24th-
    November 28th-
    December 1st-
    December 5th-
    December 8th-
    December 12th-
    December 15th-
    December 19th- Nahar City, Toulan
    December 22nd- FOMA Space Station, Calypso Space Area
    December 26th- Winter Holidays
    December 29th-

    [There may be Sponsorship program on TheSPEDReport Twitch/YouTube, so as to showcase shops during Holidays on a live-feed during "Commercial Breaks"]
    This post is cleared every year with a New Schedule Listing on January 1st.
    Last edited: Aug 18, 2021
  2. Kain Dewey Fall

    Kain Dewey Fall Member

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    Power went out while I was finishing up the letter that I send to all the establishment owners at the Shopping district that will be highlighted. Took me about 45 minutes to get the letter written and everyone's names listed and associated with their shop, now I have to start over. I do this because when someone closes a mail message, it removes their name from the To: section and the shopping district highlights event is about recognizing the local community in its entirety.
    My computer will not startup now, so I am posting this message to let people know the Wednesday, July 28th's Shopping District Highlights Event will not be showcased and the showcasing for Port Atlantis Mall is being moved to a different date...