Not The Post I Came For

Discussion in 'Property' started by Mutant Atrax Stalker, Sep 26, 2018.

  1. Mutant Atrax Stalker

    Mutant Atrax Stalker Active Member

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    Just last night I found out that all of the UL items associated with the platinum starter pack had their TT adjusted. I noticed the armor several days ago, but i'm slow and it took me a minute to make 4 out of 2+2.

    The platinum pack now delivers a more focused experience I guess, with considerably fewer things to try and a lot more Universal Ammo. So I decided to add these modified items to a collection of new player items and starter gifts I have in celeste north #10 level 1.

    I got the IO-Pulse from storage, changed weapons on the shopkeep that had the lite brush, whatever it took me a little time to gather up the items, and prepare for this silly little task. 4B off the harrier, blah blah - this was my morning entertainment today playing with the toys I paid for while I had coffee and caught up on news. Some catch up with my active disciple. I didn't have anything else pressing so I turned to EU to fill the time because I love the game and frequently choose to spend both my time and money here.

    Guess what my light morning entertainment turned into? Foooooooooooking half hour of anger and frustration. Yep Thanks Arkadia Studios.

    Here, after nearly 15 minutes of hoping and handling AFK tasks, is what I was still looking at:

    Entropia 2018-09-26 12.31.12.jpg

    Took a timestamp, continued in chat:

    Entropia 2018-09-26 12.39.45.jpg

    The screen caps don't really do the hopping and bouncing any justice, if you've ever been caught in this. It's worse upstairs than it is in the shops, which pretty much everyone who ever tried to visit a shop on Arkadia has seen.

    Entropia 2018-09-26 12.39.49.jpg

    It's not like I was going to stand there forever just to build up timestamped proof of this going on forever, a couple more minutes and I hit "T" then found my way back to try again.

    So, now you get this post instead of a chirpy little note about how i'm displaying stuff for people who are interested or just noting someone taking pleasure in an oft-ignored facet of the game.

    I'm taking my disciple back to Calypso where she can participate in missions and spend her ped pursuing quests and advancement, instead of grinding irons until she wants to pass a paywall in her first days in the game. So much for all my talk about a planet with deep lore and a long, storyline based mission progression. It's not even the dollar, which she didn't want me to pay for her.

    It's the "pay up or piss off" greeting to a brand new player that you might want to think about. But I digress.

    6 years now? Close enough? Here let me come to the forum for maybe some commiseration with some fellow player who are struggling to stay involved or engaged. Oh crap someone from mindark reached out with the same shiny press release the last two CEOs have published when they temporarily took over and sent the company in some random direction and then left me here holding the bag.

    Really tell me about toxicity. This isn't nasty. This isn't sidewise sniping or trying to make trouble over issues we're not allowed to address directly. This isn't me attacking other players for perceived slights or because I had a bad day. This isn't about free players angry they aren't withdrawing my money any more.

    This is half a decade of feeling screwed. Arkadia I came to you this morning like an old friend. A relationship I've tried several times to cultivate. A system I've invested in, and encouraged others to partake of.

    Anybody unable to guess which direction hey sent me in at this point?

    Maybe the slide viewer will let you ride the rollercoaster a little bit.

    Entropia 2018-09-26 12.39.49_2.jpg Entropia 2018-09-26 12.39.45_2.jpg Entropia 2018-09-26 12.39.43.jpg Entropia 2018-09-26 12.30.31.jpg

    It's not like this is what I'm here for, or I set this tone for my day. I didn't wake up and say "hey maybe I'll go troll MA forums for some lulz today". Somebody spit in my face.

    Yeah blame the "toxic" players.
  2. Granny Rowan

    Granny Rowan Active Member

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    Don't stay because of MA, stay despite them as many of us do. That and because we would miss the friends we made here.
    Yes it can be frustrating, God knows I have hurled abuse at my screen long and often because of bugs, DCs etc, but I still have days that remind me of why I am here, and friends to help on the bad days.

    As for the bug associated with the apartments and shops this is not an Arkadian problem but a platform issue across EU. It seems worse in some places and harbour is very bad, as I suspect it is to do with refresh rates, so the busier the area (water and waterfalls as well as many shops and apartments full of items) the less likely it is to complete drawing before next refresh

    It also provably has something to do with the floor. Get off the floor, if it bugs out jump a few times till it draws in, then hop onto a table or shelf. It then stabilises a lot. Also once through front door walk not run, as this assists the refresh.
    • Friendly Friendly x 1
  3. mastermesh

    mastermesh Active Member

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    ah, the wall/floor bug... look down. Seems like sometimes going in to first person and staring at the floor helps since the engine has to render fewer things right in front of your avatar's camera... At least you stayed on the floor... In RT or Monria you fall to the ground when floor goes invisible... on monria it's worse with those windows in the wall since you fall to your death.
    • Informative Informative x 1
  4. Mutant Atrax Stalker

    Mutant Atrax Stalker Active Member

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    Thanks Granny. Even though we're not really close it's definitely players like you, Morgoth, even Louise with her passion that keep me here playing the game. I didn't come here to start a business or make a "dollhouse" home for myself. But having bought into that part of the game both emotionally and financially, this sort of long term and continuous disarray can become very hard to deal with.

    As I know you are also well aware ;)

    Thanks, jumping backward often helps me in the shop, it temporarily break the collision or something I guess. It wasn't working for me on an upper floor though. I tried getting on a table that I had recently placed but frankly couldn't even move towards it. I'm not a cryengine developer by any means, but I know that Arkadia Studios likes to use effect rather than solids for some visuals and I'm not aware of the floors you are talking about about if they are see-through that might be a shared issue on monria.

    Can't give a solid plane the proper rendering priority? Maybe they should consider putting flat ground under the buildings.

    I have never had this problem in any of several houses and apartments, or the shops on calypso. I'm not saying it doesn't happen, just that I can't recall ever experiencing it.

    I don't know maybe it's a cryengine issue and they've tried over 100 fixes and none have made it to production. There're plenty of threads right now about how mindark and the various planet partners engage with their community I'm not looking to go there again right now. If they would talk about the problem, feelings on the matter would probably be different.

    All I know is X? years later I fell through my floor and spent 20 minutes unable to render my apartment again today. Have never heard a word about fixing it and it's been something like 5 years since the people who sold it to me have acknowledged it. i have some stuff to go back for but I'm not sure when I'll be cycling PED on arkadia again.

    I will stay, despite them as you say. It continues to send a bad message though, and I'm sorry they see that as permission to treat us like crap, nothing but cash cows. If I had the personal resources, I would be building something better right now.

    I wish someone from MA was here the day I was trying to explain to my 73 year old room mate what made a pile of pixels worth USD 2k and decided to show him my shop. I have to admit that it really made me look like an idiot.
  5. Louise Ranavolana Brooks

    Louise Ranavolana Brooks Active Member

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    Oh Atrax, you mentioned me :) even though I did say that I found your posts tl:dr.
    I fibbed because I do find valuable/interesting stuff in them that makes it worth wading through the BS (sorry) to get to them.

    My passion lol,. Was it "The Passion of the Christ" type passion, or Louise has her knickers in a twist again?

    Its enough to make me post here again and I will in another thread - as I do have some concerns. Different to yours here & yes I can see yours would be irritating :(

    About your problems mentioned above, I just consider its lags fault & log out & log in again - usually fixes things, and if not well what can one do? other than what you are doing - eventually MA may take notice?
    Also you could tell your 73 year old room mate that you spend 2K for enjoyment (nothing like poor Space Janitor's costs) - and if your roommate has a bit of trouble with that concept - maybe its dementia starting to kick in with him?
  6. Mutant Atrax Stalker

    Mutant Atrax Stalker Active Member

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    That's an interesting choice of comparisons right there. It's been a hard lesson for me to swallow that as long as the suffering is real, there's not actually a lot of difference between the two. Not that they are equivalent in moral weight or impact on humanity, but both will consume you completely for the duration.

    There is one important difference here though. Nearly every human being in the recorded history of humanity could share a nod and a groan over how quickly and instinctively you react to solve the problem when your underclothes grab something they shouldn't.

    Not that many are going to endure tremendous physical pain and emotional suffering to prove a moral point to someone else. The truth is Louise that more people would want to talk about untwisting your knickers than would honestly care to discuss the passion of the christ with you.

    GG getting the conversation turned over to your panties, BTW :banana:

    I haven't had many interactions with you and in that limited time, within the confines of this shared digital world, you've been at your most beautiful when you put your foot down, clearly stated exactly what you ACTUALLY wanted to say, and then stood behind it. I can admire and respect that, even if I disagree. You made some points that I don't disagree with, though. Sometimes that's enough to completely eliminate the petty nature of the little things that grind us up inside.

    Speaking of which:

    In the end that's exactly what I wound up telling him. And he accepts it, but he doesn't understand it.

    It's understood that sometimes when you buy something it's broken. I don't have the option to return it, or request a refund. I have no recourse to the manufacturer and even if SOMEONE did, I technically bought it second hand. Knowing that it was broken in several ways. Only some of those problems have been fixed and my only recourse then is to try and pass it on to some other person who knows that it's still broken, BUT NOW BASICALLY ABANDONED THAT WAY, before they begin to negotiate the price.

    TBF we all are experts at suspension of disbelief and the market is in my favor on that point overall. Between you and me (lol) that's part of why I tolerate it so lightly. But it doesn't make it any easier to provide a visible or "emotionally tangible" explanation of the pleasure I still manage to find in it to a person who doesn't understand how you would invest in nothing in the first place. Much less nothing that doesn't work right.

    Bluntly it was embarrassing and instead of feeling like I was sharing my own passion for my hobby, I wound up a little defensive about how I could take pleasure in buying something broken, and then keeping it for so long with nearly no hope of it ever getting fixed and an endless reminder of the disappointment pretty much every time I try and use it.

    In the end what I showed him was possibly worse for a person''s long term mental health than, as he put it, throwing money in a hole and making a whole list of wishes.

    As I posted earlier at pcf:

    Quite honestly I'm far past the point where I care whether it's a planet partner issue or a platform problem. All I see is two groups pointing the finger at each other endlessly and doing nothing. I'm frustrated with both of them.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  7. Neil

    Neil Adviser Pro Users Arkadia Adviser

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    You keep referring to it as broken, but in reality it works most of the time. Not saying the bugs shouldn't be fixed, it is super annoying, but it's not completely broken like the Caly shops where you can't even put down items.

    Maybe MA's new work on camera position will improve the issue.
  8. Mutant Atrax Stalker

    Mutant Atrax Stalker Active Member

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    I can't remember the last time I entered my shop to manage items and didn't fall through the floor 1 - xx times. I have PERSONALLY ony fallen through floors on calypso is when I clearly moved into an area during the rendering process on a slow machine. This doesn't meant that I doubt anyone's reports. I haven't spent enough time on monria to actually comment on whether It's the same or a different experience.

    It is super annoying, as you say. Also "working most of the time" is not the same as "not broken".

    I use these tools to convince myself that it's a reasonable situation all the time. "Other people have it worse" or "it could be 100% unusable". My favorite is "well, it was broken when you bought it".

    There's a real cognitive dissonance here. Thanks for the opportunity to discuss it. I don't generally keep broken items that inconvenience me daily, or weekly. "It works most of the time" is for something unimportant that has no priority, and doesn't really affect the course of my day when it stops working again.

    How long would you keep a car, or a television, that works "most of the time". You keep that stuff around as backup. If you watch television you don't want to wrap up your every work day wondering whether or not you're going to be able to watch your show tonight. I've had no choice with cars like this before and honestly, while some people may be economically stuck in these "examples", nobody makes that choice.

    I'm not 100% sure right now if you made that post in commiseration, or to tell me that you don't think my problem is worth speaking out about. The level of gatekeeping at PCF has been ridiculous in these last two months and for now I'm just rolling on the thought that you meant to be supportive in some way.

    I've been making excuses for this crap for a long time. It's gotten past the point where there are questions of blame. The issue for me now has become, how long will I continue to frustrate myself with this? I don't need anyone to tell me how to make excuses to myself for staying in an abusive relationship.

    This is my 'showcase' investment in EU. This was my personal mothership. And IDGAF who thinks that it's just "Atrax has his knickers in a twist" the fact is that it's broken. How long will you sit there telling yourself it's ok because some people had their balls chopped off??

    I'm the only person who owns an entire building in Celeste. It's not a major feat, it's not big money. But I wanted it, and I did it. It's not like I could just buy it, I had to horse trade, I had to convince people to move. I worked it out and now I have an entire tower in the main city of the most cohesively developed planet in the EU (toulan being too young for me to compare). I want to be proud of this.

    The truth is it's mostly abandoned for half a decade now. It hurts me to go there. It's excruciatingly difficult to sustain any immersion on my third, fourth or who knows how many trips beck from the revive walking as slowly as possible with 600kg weight and using the time to realize that sometimes I spend more time dealing with this issue than I'm able to get in to arranging the shop or the merchandise.

    Under these circumstances getting the apartments decorated into something I like is not even worth considering.

    The fact that this is a minor or occasional issue for you does not impact my situation at all.
  9. Spawn

    Spawn Active Member

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    My caly shop has never done this. I get it all the time on Ark, even stuck in windows and forced to press T. Private apartments, stuck in the door press T. There was a shop for sale near a tp at celeste north harbour, so I went to check it out. I got the bugs and didn't want it anymore.
  10. Heidi Stassinopolis

    Heidi Stassinopolis Active Member

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    The Ark shops at celeste are impossible to shop at, I usually browse the shopkeeper pads at the quarry these days, Caly shops and monria shops all seem to work fine for me.

    I did have the experience of spawning my hoverpod at twin peaks last week only to watch it sink into the ground never to be seen until I recalled it to storage :(

    Falling through the decks of a MS is no fun either
  11. Louise Ranavolana Brooks

    Louise Ranavolana Brooks Active Member

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    Just a short comment about my earlier post Atrax, I thought it was obvious I was saying "what does Atrax mean by Passion as he applied it to be either "A" or "B"? Obviously B as you went to the trouble of explaining - you needn't have bothered, people understood without you stating the obvious.

    Re the shop problem, and your unhappiness - you mentioned in the Caly forums that you were happy with the system most of the time.

    I have no problems with Celest shops "most of the time" I walk into them, not run - have you tried doing that?
    Also the graphics, what settings do you use - maybe Very High may be a bit 2 much for things? Try dropping them, won't look as nice but may work better, who knows.
  12. Mutant Atrax Stalker

    Mutant Atrax Stalker Active Member

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    It was 2 AM here. A few extra words on a topic I'm pondering don't really cost me any trouble. Ahhh, I hope you don't think I'm sitting here with a dictionary and a thesaurus doing composition work on these posts?

    I'm still figuring out the people that are so upset by this. Please feel free to 'pontificate' for a moment on what it costs you.

    I don't play the game because I hate it. I'm tired of this sort of problem because it constantly grates at my love of the game.

    I often enter my shop heavily encumbered and unable to run. I'm also spawning items, moving into and out of collision with furniture, and using the "place" tool. Any of these, especially combined with the typical "move to target" action cause me to fall repeatedly through the floor.

    I'm expert at noting what furniture I've intersected, jumping backwards onto tables, and generally nudging my avatar about until the room reappears. Sometimes I manage to do it all without respawning the item that triggered the move or whatever intersection de-rendered the room. I've spent tens if not a couple hundred of hours dealing with this problem in my shop and additional time playing with furniture and arkadian apartments.

    When I got an entire building I had something like 100 pieces of furniture crafted for it, while I crafted more myself. This isn't the first time this happened to me, and just because I don't come here and make another post about it every week for 5+ years doesn't mean that I don't take it seriously. My shop has never been completely abandoned and even in three solid years of "not playing" I don't think it was ever 100% empty of blueprints and other items. I was effectively logging in monthly to remind myself why I wasn't playing actively.

    The experience that you describe as a shopper is part of the reason that this is such a low priority I think. I wonder if anyone at MA or mindark has really tried to perform these activities on a production server?

    What this does mean for me is that people are generally able to enter the shop, view the items, interact with the shopkeeper, and exit without too many problems. This is great. This is the only reason that I would continue owning it at all, and it's the only reason that it has any value on the market.

    I'm glad to hear that you and Neil are having a generally positive experience shopping on Arkadia. I assume most others are, as well.

    I am 98% of the time a safe mode player with my current setup. Of course I caught the tone in that thread but was already off planet so I didn't see what those round service centers looked like in a "normal" graphics setting for several days after that post. I have no idea why they're done that way. Laptops, tablets, thin clients are going on. IMO it shows a strong focus on fancy over functional.

    Anyways this isn't the problem or even an issue for me.

    I understand that it's not an experience shared by many, there simply aren't that many shops, even if people wanted them. Let's take turns not telling each other "your problems aren't important". K?

    I do appreciate the helpful advice, it's just that in this case I've got it pretty well covered. The struggle is real.
  13. Mutant Atrax Stalker

    Mutant Atrax Stalker Active Member

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    Twice this week I've managed to instantly de-render a floor in the old "mobile service center" style buildings on calypso. The ones with two crafting machines and the arch in the middle. Each time it seemed to coincide clearly with an odd camera angle hitting the arch in the center.

    The dropship style service centers at Megavolt, Boreas, etc... continue to render slowly but I blame that on my system and once they're rendered they seem to stay put. Same for the others. Obviously experiences will vary but I've clearly been overlooking this problem in some areas, where in my own property it's been brought to a clear and painful focus.

    As noted above there's no clue if they're ignoring this for years, or trying hundreds of fixes and just haven't got it yet. Obviously the answer is probably somewhere in between. Without communication there's only frustration and waiting.

    If the camera system is the fix, that's great. Being in first person doesn't stop this in my shop, though.