Kronan attacks Varyag, are they in league with the pirates?

Discussion in 'PvP' started by happy_hipster, Nov 24, 2017.

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  1. Louise Ranavolana Brooks

    Louise Ranavolana Brooks Active Member

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    Aren't you putting the cart before the horse there SoReal? And it may well have been a typo on Happy Hipsters part - I mean look at the posts here, do you see him posting any insults? I am rather amazed that Monria would act this way - requesting an apology would have been the way to go, and I am sure Happy Hipster would have obliged - as you can see he is rather upset now, and who can blame him.

    hejcior I can not accept your apology on behalf of team Varyag, that is something only Yoshii can do.
    Personally, I just do not care (refer my above post) I have written the lot of you off. Natural Born Killers a name as immature as the people in it.
    I wont be making any posts re this or any future stuff regarding Natural Born Killers. Really I only got involved in this one because of Happy Hipster
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  2. hejcior

    hejcior Member

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    my last post was reffering to its deleted contence, for those who read it before it was deleted.
    Was not my intentions to appologise you, your guru or anyone else in your nearby.
    I am, however, disapointed you've went far enough to involve whole, innocent soc to stuff they have nothing to do with, showing who is inmature here.
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    Last edited: Nov 27, 2017
  3. SoReal

    SoReal Member

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    There was no typo envolved . He was asked at least 4 times to stop being childish and deliberately mis-spelling the moon's name which was obviously done just to piss people off there and try and ruin the event that was going on .

    I'm even more amazed that Hipster would be behaving like this.
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  4. Louise Ranavolana Brooks

    Louise Ranavolana Brooks Active Member

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    Am just replying to you SoReal. You are making a judgement on Happy Hipster about an incident on another forum.
    I don't know the circumstances, what actually was said by parties, and you are describing his behaviour in terms that are contrary to my experience of him. And yours to it seems as we are both amazed.
    You are asking people here to take a lot of what you say on trust.
    From your earlier post I assume you have a cordial relationship with Happy Hipster? Is that the case?
    Then if so you should have said something ON THAT OTHER FORUM. You should have sorted it there.
    Not made comments here
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  5. mastermesh

    mastermesh Active Member

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    It's not hard to get banned from Monria... I had to log out on their ms the other day before I could tell them where I wanted to go since my 3 year old needed my attention immeditately. Logged in again a while later and they had moved me in to space outside of Calypso proper, dropped me off of the guest list, were yelling at me in in-game chat to pay them the same amount of ped it'd take to tp down from Monria to Calypso via the regular tp system... In the mean time during those few minutes from the time I logged off til I logged back in they had already banned me from their damn forum.

    I still visit it through other browsers, but just saying it's not hard to be banned from Monria at all...

    They are brutal and very accusatory over very little. Personally I think it's just DME/MS9/etc. on a power trip since they now can do things in game that Mindark would ban other 'regular' avatars from doing, and that they wouldn't have dared to do in the ancient days when they were regular players too, but that's just my humble opinion.

    Actually, based on the harshness of the way they worded things in in game chat and in the ban message from the forum, I'd almost say in some ways, they are bordering on what some may call cyberbullying...

    Pretty sad that Mindark allows and encourages that type of activity in game, and won't do a thing about it even if you send in support tickets, but they've done it for years on various levels for tons of 'special avatars,' so it's nothing new I suppose.
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    Last edited: Nov 27, 2017
  6. Heidi Stassinopolis

    Heidi Stassinopolis Active Member

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    Must resist temptation,, to wade in....

    don't do it....
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  7. Dylan | Arkadia

    Dylan | Arkadia Administrator Staff Member PAF Administrator Planet Arkadia Official

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    Be careful, do not justify yourself with pretenses of a planet or moon being afraid of your opinion. Sadly you are not stating an opinion, what you are doing is being down right rude and being subtle, extremely immature when you are chatting as I can refer to countless times you were rude and over the edge on #arkadia chat.

    Think twice before posting anything in chat or forum, as you might be surprised that some people pay attention and will call you out on it.

    Monria is a partner of Entropia Universe and I will not allow any slander to any planet partner or partner to the universe on this forum. You have been warned... and as a correction to your lack of game knowledge, it is Monria, not Moronia. Please refer to the following link :

    I have said this countless times before and it was pointed out on post #3, Please keep space politics off this forum. I see no amusement in this as it is just a cesspool of name calling and slandering when space politics are even discussed.


    Any person who tries to discuss the politics of the KISS, Varyag, Normandie or any space politics regarding pirates or calling people out on public spaces will be put on a suspension from this forum and in extremely cases, Banned. You make my job extremely difficult and you bring out the nasty in me. This is Arkadia Forum... Talk about something interesting ... like.... events or loot theory.... Something that can benefit the community instead of providing entertainment to the "few" who enjoy space drama.

    Please do not make me dust off the ban hammer.

    Case closed... and no further discussion.

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