Read sleep on it then respond.

Discussion in 'PvP' started by PostHistory, Oct 31, 2017.

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  1. Suza

    Suza Member

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    Pirates are a legitimate part of the game, yes, but several of them take it to an extreme level which is why they tend to have such a bad name. The OP wanted to know WHY space PVP has such a bad reputation and this is the main reason why. But he continues to deny the fundamental aspect of pirate actions. Whether the game allows it or not, he and his ilk are stealing from the people who fly in space. All he has to do is admit to this truism and the argument ends. But he wants to be painted into the same semi-white knight aspect that the planet pvp had, which will never happen as no amount of in-game skills will affect the outcome of a pvp battle in space. In the game, like in real life, you have bad winners and bad losers. Just this morning the pirates launched another 'verbal' attack in the hopes of stirring the pot to cause more vindictive to flow into the game. The people who tend to pirate in this game fall into the former category as they seem to have this NEED to throw it in people faces over and over. If you were to try and analyze it I would have to say that they are simply so desperate for attention that they will do anything for it, even if it is negative attention. Otherwise they are just petty vindictive people who have a sadistic need to make others feel worse than they do, even if they have to make things up in order for this to happen...

    Mindark may be the biggest 'acquirer' of ped, but that is the price that is paid in order to have this game to play. Everyone loves to have a free game to play, but in reality someone HAS to pay for that game to stay around. But it's so much easier to blame the game for poor loot than to blame the people who seem to think this is a free ride for them and never invest a dime.
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  2. Louise Ranavolana Brooks

    Louise Ranavolana Brooks Active Member

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    "if we", "I think we", "anything we" "days where we" they are acceptable but "WE ALL" get that you don't like pirates" is not because everybody plainly does not.
    You do understand the distinction because you said " I also understand that..."
    I am truly expecting you to qualify every use of a pluralisation, because it can affect the meaning of the post.

    I am not setting out to belittle anyone Granny, if you see my post as doing that to you, maybe you are being a bit thin skinned.

    And I don't think that we can get back to the topic of space and pirate activities because sadly this thread has strayed too far into bullshite territory to ever find its way out. It reminds me a lot of a thread in the Caly forums a while back where Xane was determined to prove that Pythagoras was wrong which was why pirates ships could overtake their prey & not because of some pirate exploit.
    He could go on & on & on about stuff to
    • Disagree Disagree x 1
    Last edited: Nov 13, 2017
  3. Granny Rowan

    Granny Rowan Active Member

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    Oh so you are now saying I cannot post unless I use qualifiers to every pluralisation, what else would you like me to clarify ? and since when did you become a forum mod. Or is it just self-appointed grammar police...or maybe just because you are from Varyag and see me as an enemy. Whichever it is,I fail to see how it has contributed anything useful to this thread... so seems you and your friends have indeed derailed it beyond repair.

    Shame really - I used to believe conversation was tempered with reason and common sense on Ark forum.

    Sorry PostHistory, was a good thread while it lasted.
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  4. Morgoth

    Morgoth Member

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    no... I do not. To claim such considering how much opposition there is you should make a poll first so you have some proof to back such a statement. Only folks I see agreeing with you are members of your crew.

    Hopefully San gets the new Emocon he was talking about, would be useful now.

    She slandered another player in RL for what he does ingame that is allowed by the game. Not how he does it, or for what group he's attached too, but just the action of playing the game in a way it is allowed. If someone calls me a thief in RL I would consider that a very personal attack.

    she is rather better educated then you? say that out loud Lol.

    Personally who cares about education if you can make sense of it right? it's about what they mean, not what you can twist out of it with your text books.

    @post - add to my original list of reasons why people hate "piracy" - Propaganda, people attempting to correlate one thing to another with the idea of smearing it's legitimacy in the game by relating it to real world crime and the victims of it.

    Any of you wanna call me a pirate lover, wear an NVE tag and come see how I treat pirates :)
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  5. San

    San Well-Known Member

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  6. Louise Ranavolana Brooks

    Louise Ranavolana Brooks Active Member

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    Looks like the Space Opera has arrived in all its hypocritical virtue signalling glory.
    It had to happen I suppose.
    Now if the good general can wipe enough blood off his paws to add something as well.
    then I would be able to post a video "The Three Stooges go Camping, I mean Hunting Pirates
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  7. Dylan | Arkadia

    Dylan | Arkadia Administrator Staff Member PAF Administrator Planet Arkadia Official

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    I have been following this thread for a while now and I am going to end it here.

    Firstly, This is Planet Arkadia Forum, Not Entropia Universe Space Forum.

    There have been quite a few mentions of things where people are extremely misinformed and accusations are thrown around like beads at a Mardi Gras festival.

    The original post, boiled down, asked why Space has such a bad reputation and I think it is clearly stated within this thread from a players point of view. There has been no constructive discussion instead a fueled battle of egos.

    I am closing this thread down because it has clearly been derailed to some other form of discussion.
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