Yeah flying to Arkadia atm just for this, seems like a nice change from the usual caly robot invasions. :)
Wow that looks awesome. Certainly a good idea of the A-Team to make use of the glow functionality on clothes!
Yeah I am looking for an ore trader as well, especially one for the arkadia exclusive ores! I'll probably go to caly every 1000 bombs or soo, but...
So are the Highest Single Global Category items (L) or UL? I guess the event would be pretty pointless if they are (L) but I thought Arkadia UL...
ha ha that seems to be true. ^^ However the auction by Cyrus shouldn't depend on MA much so time to get that started already? Making a short...
yeh the OP has some very strong arguments and suggestions how things could be fixed. I really liked the idea of bound items as part of instance...
Wow still no word from Arkadia Support about this... well I guess there are plenty of support cases to mow through when so many keys get lost due...
pfff if the Arkoin traders aren't turned on soon they will just be tt food. Ok maybe if the items are good MU will rise again and the resellers...
Well I tried again today with a Key I and this time it worked just fine. No idea why that happened yesterday but I am waiting for a reply from...
Thanks for looking into the instance problems. However I was expecting that to be the case so I stood there for quite a long time... 5mins at...
[ATTACH][ATTACH] When I stepped into the lvl1 instance only the stuff shown in the first screenshot was rendered. I ran around for a while as you...
That sounds like an awesome offer! Hp: 156 Main hunting profesion levels: Laser Pistol Hit 53// Dmg 52 Armor: Gremlin+5B,6A or other sets....
Isn't that a bit of a questionable place to advertise a MMO? xD Well better there than nowhere. ;)
The instances sound cool the way they are even though I am still flying to Ark atm. :p However I think a change to the SOOTO finds in the mining...
This is awesome! :)
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