I did not know BigDawg, but I feel that I would have enjoyed his presence. R.I.P BigDawg, and my condolences to the family. It is always tough...
Third place is going to be a close one :D
Heya, I saw your quad still sitting there today again. Wish MA would work around your bug faster, probably slow because of the weekend :/. Would...
Awesome man! Congratulations and keep on the high swirlies :D
I wish you best of luck man, I hope your business is still as profitable. We all enjoyed your company at the quarry, well I know I did. Kind...
Woah man, gz! Hope you enjoy Ark even more now :) Goodluck!
Lol Raito, =P
Woah, Onciest definately has my vote so far! Goodluck man :D
[IMG] -------------------------------------------------- Heya, These are my...
Pogopogopogo, Congratulations man :) , Don't break anymore terminals please =P
Heya, Welcome aboard! Hope you enjoy this wonderfull planet :) Goodluck with future adventures and all the best! Kind Regards, SpiritGh0st...
Heya there, I have just read through your listed job criteria, and they are exactly the services I offer to people :D I currently have 3 Herb...
Heya, I am currently working on my own idea aswell :P Will post it eventually But so far, it is nice to see the community taking part in this...
Bump Added new services <Healing / Noobmob hunting> :)
Heya, Well, mine will be to persevere throughout my studies next year and perhaps try for an award. A second one would be to establish myself...
Separate names with a comma.