As someone who used to grind hard pre 2.0 i can tell you that, in my humble opinion, the flat grind rewards are a much better incentive in the...
20 ped per global flat would be nice hehe. Gratz on purchase lad!
Wow, that was a short reign then. I suppose gratz on sale?!
Let's give it a go...2 hofs to get me started [IMG] [IMG]
I'm happy with this outcome. Hope I can use that shiny new armor sometime this weekend or shortly after. Then I just want to forget about this...
Do they wear funny beards and run around with Ak47s on Arkaida? sorry, couldn't resist :D
Chenghis LuisArkadov Pandoran
Update please!
I'm sure you mean well. Though either you are in the know as Ark adviser or you really are just speculating. I.e. you're adding fuel to the...
Update please
Not sure this is a bug or very intentional however the transport fee is not always 2 ped & 6 ped respectively. I fell for that before where i...
Thanks for the update Are there any plans to implement a tp from Moon to Ark? Is it now possible to claim the Ark mining mission reward from the...
Has the question been asked & answered somewhere on entry fees? If the tp gets fixed & I can tp to Ark & back to the moon for free then there's...
Ok, was just trying to figure out if oversight, bug or just me not finding the mission broker/terminal. Going back to Ark to claim 3 ped mining...
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