How to calculate (L) BP sell value?

Discussion in 'New Player Discussions' started by wournos, Mar 31, 2015.

  1. wournos

    wournos Active Member

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    What's the key to calculating the value of a (L) blueprint?
    Someone mentioned it's based on clicks but didn't elaborate on it further. Do I calculate the TT cost per click to make said item and multiply it with the amount of clicks left? Or do I use a different method?
  2. KikkiJikki

    KikkiJikki Well-Known Member Pro Users

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    There isn't really any hard and fast rule. Personally I look at the effective cost per click, eg 50000% = 5 ped per click, look at the TT value and the likely sale value of the item and see how that affects my likely profit margin. And then I adjust for rarity.

    If I am making a 50TT item, and I estimate 3 clicks per success, then 5 ped per click is adding an average 30%TT to the cost of crafting. Clearly not sustainable. But if the item is 500TT then 5 ped per click is adding 3%TT to the cost and that is probably not going to affect my bottom line too much if I am charging a reasonable MU.

    Selling bps I just look at that same process, putting myself in the role of the buyer and working out what I would be willing to pay. And I compare to the market history. Then put minimum SB I would be willing to accept and a BO somewhere higher than my calculation of the value.

  3. svena

    svena Active Member Pro Users

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    Don't forget about charged L bps. Several different L bps will take tt you would have gotten from whatever mini/global/hof you looted it in and rolls it into the return from clicking that L bp.

    So say you were clicking tools, you get a 20 ped mini with a X click L fap bp. Normally success from the unL version of the bp would be say 2 ped, but with the L version it will average 20 ped. When selling or buying bps like that you have to take that into account.

    Recognizing and learning which bps are charged can earn/save you quite a bit of ped as a crafter.
  4. KikkiJikki

    KikkiJikki Well-Known Member Pro Users

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    Svena has a lot more experience crafting than I so I defer to that experience but I wonder how I would be able to recognise a charged bp, especially if I were the prospective buyer.

    Is it that particular bps drop if they are charged? For example I looted a 3 click dominax original mamba bp and got 2 successes at over 2kTT each.
  5. wournos

    wournos Active Member

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    Thanks for your replies, both of you. It made me none the wiser. :confused:
    I'm not exactly a crafter yet as I mainly dabble with textures once in a while. The BPs I have come from those sessions and they were not the result of a global - unless they were silent ones.

    But am I on the right track that calculating a click is adding up the TT value of the components to make an item?
  6. KikkiJikki

    KikkiJikki Well-Known Member Pro Users

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    I don't pay any attention to the TT value of ingredients as I am not really interested in TT returns. I look at the MU value of the ingredients and of the finished product.
  7. svena

    svena Active Member Pro Users

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    In my experience, only certain specific bps are charged. They will always be charged so you know when you loot one that you got that bp instead of a XX ped tt mini/hof/global. However there really isnt a way of knowing before hand (unless you are really in tune with the different multipliers of a specific bp) with out clicking them yourself.

    Some examples on ark are the regular L gyro L bps (I don't think the combat versions are charged but not 100% on that) and herman LAW bps. Charged bps are more of an advanced thing and can get confusing some times. Its best if you don't know to trust the auction MU. 98% of the charged bps are known and bid up by resellers at the very least so its usually pretty accurate.
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  8. wournos

    wournos Active Member

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    Ok, thanks. I'll figure it out somehow.