Exploring around Calypso and Amethera every now and then, I've come to the realisation that some places must've been designed under the influence of cubensis. Nea's place is an excellent example of this, with purple ground and deep red plants. Heck, most of the vegetation on Calypso looks decently trippy (or resembles sexual organs). So, have anyone found trippy spots on Arkadia yet? Although places that make you go "w... t... f..." are preferred, really good looking views are acceptable as well.
Wel the Kitties on planet looks trippy to me. But havent had any L*D while on arkadia Stupid idea to try and play EU in that state, first everything moves and colors mix, secondly you spend the better part of the trippy state running around the same place or just stairing at the same tree or spot, 3rd you cant figure out our own controles , 4th There is a lot of better things to do during that time.
Epic thread! Must subscribe and see if I manage to find something I can somehow twist into being a sexual organ... I see stuff DAILY that could easily be mistaken for something completely different than what it is...
Well, that's old Calypso, not much hope finding this stuff on any other planet. Even on Calypso u can only find it in the old pre-VU10 mobs and vegetation, all the new stuff seems to be different style. Could be there was some ancient concept in MA that tried to inflence the subconscious? Or maybe it wasn't official at all, just one designer with a little peculiar taste? Guess we'll never know..
I think the trippiest on Arkadia are probably the instances. The stairwells of insanity are impossible to navigate drunk I tried, I can only imagine what they would be like while tripping out LOL. But rest of Arkadia is pretty uniform and like normal wilderness no real wacky color patterns for alieness to the land.
That's what I love about Arkadia... it doesn't look like it was designed by someone on hallucinogens. A little more exotic stuff might be nice, interesting stuff like the underwater glowing pillars on Calypso.
Well, the psychedically coloured giant artichokes now evident near Celeste Outpost might qualify now as Arkadia's trippiest place.
Underground is pretty trippy - the colors, the mobs, the plants (or are they mushrooms?) Arkadia surface is indeed not very trippy, I believe designers went for the beauty-of-nature look. Fog in the ice region can get dreamy, especially when you see a mountain or one of those weird plants appear right in front of you.
on la3 . There are smiley trees. Every tree (or stump) has a smiley face. Coupled with the fog.. you almost get an Alice in Wonderland feel