Buying Land In Arkadia

Discussion in 'Land Areas' started by ClarkKent, Apr 21, 2011.

  1. ClarkKent

    ClarkKent Member

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    General question regarding land purchases.
    When will we be givin the chance to buy some land? will it be sold on the auctions or will there be competitions for land as well?

    More info on this topic would be great!
  2. XeroX

    XeroX Active Member Pro Users

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    I second that. We need more infos about that and I really hope MA will have shared land purchases implemented at the time so we can get our share of Arkadia without having to risk falling for some scammer... :)
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  3. Larkin

    Larkin Platinum Member Staff Member PAF Senior Mod Platinum Member

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    I wish I had the money to invest in an Arkadian LA. Damn being a poor student in debt! I'll just keep dreaming of a big loot :D
  4. Telgard

    Telgard Member

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    LoL, I'm a student without debt! ..but I got a job that doesn't allow me to invest time into EU. lol
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  5. Larkin

    Larkin Platinum Member Staff Member PAF Senior Mod Platinum Member

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    Lucky bastard :D
  6. ClarkKent

    ClarkKent Member

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    I just hope there is land not "already purchaced" by other investors that got an inside pick on what they want with what kind mobs. :p
  7. krm398

    krm398 Member

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    smaller land deals

    I wouldn't mind owning a nice little spot somewhere, but just cant afford 30k US for one. Its a shame that EU never got the idea that a small, personal place can be sold for a couple hundred, and many people would jump on it. It wouldn't be as big as the compounds we see sold on Calypso, but maybe just one small island or a little valley between two ridges, just a place for a person to setup his camp and call home.

    A dozen small investors is worth as much as a group of big investor any day.:dribble:
  8. Telgard

    Telgard Member

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    Those are called the original investors. :D I think. I might be wrong but isn't Deathifier one of them.

    One Small island? What? == 100K+ US
    Little valley between two ridges == 60K US
    Camp == Priceless.

    I see the point though. Would be interesting to see a mid-range figure in there. Looks like there is a wealth gap. :D
  9. ClarkKent

    ClarkKent Member

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    Yep he is, I'm hoping he has not got first dibs on all the land with good mobs that have "drops"
    Excited to see if I can finally call a planet my home. The land acquiring will impact that huge for me. (If i find out that one or two people own majority of the land already) I might not be calling it home.
  10. David | Arkadia

    David | Arkadia Administrator Staff Member PAF Administrator Planet Arkadia Official

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    I just want to clarify the state of land ownership at launch. Arkadia has two pre-sold land areas, both mentioned in the back story. 8 Coins property has been purchased by Deathifer and Sanctuary Cove has been purchased by Hawkwing. Both are large premium properties that reflect the very significant sums paid for them.

    It should be very clear that these property sales have played an important role in funding the development of Arkadia. These buyers took a huge risk to purchase land on a planet that was not yet built (1 year prior to launch) and still not proven. Also keep in mind that due to our internal policies, the buyers don't even know what their mobs look like or what their properties look like. They of course have agreed specifications, but that isn't much information for a buyer, meaning both buyers had to put a lot of trust in myself to deliver a great planet.

    In regards to other properties, you can be sure that new properties will be made available over time. As stated in other threads the release of LA's will be linked to new player growth.

    The discussion point I find most interesting though is the gap mentioned. I agree here that we need to look at providing opportunities for smaller properties. There is a challenge however, in formulating what those properties might include. As was seen with the Dome sales on FOMA, it's not the size of the land that makes the difference (each Dome I believe sold for approximately 200k PEDs). On the other hand, owning an island that is just empty land only has limited appeal as it has no economic function. So feel free to make suggestions and discuss.
  11. ClarkKent

    ClarkKent Member

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    First off, Thanks David for the detailed response, much thanks!
    I admire both these two for investing into a game they are both already heavily invested in, One question in response to that would be if these lands that are already sold are mob specific and nowhere else in the game will have the mobs that they have on their land. Deathifier already has land "treasure island" with mobs that are only on his land. This is a bit one sided as it doesn't give a new investor the same chance as it does to the guy that was lucky enough to have started years prior.

    Is this where they specified for control over a mob? as i'm sure you are aware certain mobs loot certain things, thus making people "have to hunt on their land" if it is the only thing that drops it.

    I agree 100% owning a castle or huge estate is pointless clutter. However! if that castle i was to own would have the only (pvp ring) or race track or any "reason" to visit on a constant basis. that would be worth it. EVEN if it was just to have a teleport on my land.
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  12. Deathifier

    Deathifier Member

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    Treasure Island contains the creatures it does due to the investments I made in it after I purchased it.

    It did come with a few creatures, most of which were very common.
    Of those the only rare or unique ones were the Bristlehog (also on various public areas), SEG and Mining Bots.

    Everything else was added by me over the years by buying the DNA parts from the people who found them and assembling the creature myself.

    Usually this happened in a fairly ordinary fashion - the parts are found, the finders put them up for sale, and I put my offers in to purchase them along with everyone else.

    Sometimes, however, it resulted in spectacular bidding wars :)

    So there is equality there - the first part discoveries get broadcast to everyone, and subsequent ones are often announced on the forums, usually alongside a sales thread.

    Anyone is free to make an offer to the seller(s), however keep in mind that if you want to compete at the top end it typically requires a suitably large amount of PED.

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  13. MindStar9

    MindStar9 Deactivated User

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    To ClarkKent ... as Deathifier mentioned in his post, he assembled the specific DNA for the unique mobs he has on Treasure Island. I was invited to the release of 3 of the DNA's and wrote an article about each if you would be interested in reading them. The first was the FUROR, the second was the FRESCOQUDA, and then finally the LETOMIE showed up.

    At the time these article were written, the forum was EF, not PCF, and the gray backgrounds blended in and the photos looked much better, but you'll get the gist of it.

    Once again, it is so appreciated that we get the kind of responses that we do here, no matter what our questions are. If the information is something that can't be released yet, then at least we get that message.

    And "D" ... I can't wait to explore "8 Coins" ... as well as Hawkwing's "Sanctuary Cove" ... just the name alone is incredibly inviting. And besides ... I think it's where Sundari Zhen spends time ... if not, I'll get her there. :p
  14. mobydick

    mobydick Member

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    Thanks for this interesting info. Do you care to make any general comments on the profitability of the three species mentioned...Furor, Fresco, and Letomie?
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  15. Meculus

    Meculus Active Member

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    I think the relative size of the LA is irrelevant unless the area itself is attractive. A big LA with no good mining and no good DNA, far from a teleport, and with mountains that get in your way on top of it, would sell for 100k or less on calypso atm. Where one that you could see from end to end on, if it had a unique mob that looted well, and there was enough dna to keep the spawn quite dense, and a tp. Well that might be worth well over 300k.

    They key is earning potential here, so if you have a land area that is only going to generate you 1-2k a month, then yeah 50-60k makes sense based on current market at least. I think shops, if implemented in a manner that it was convenient for the end user would be that nice middle ground though. Price from 10-20k, and if utilized properly you can get that same 1-2k a month that you would get from your 60k LA. The biggest issue is convenience of the shops, placement etc. but im sure the folks at Arkadia have already given thought to this and maybe this will be what you've been waiting for?

    Food for thought, Cheers!!
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  16. ClarkKent

    ClarkKent Member

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    Of course, this makes complete sense to any investor.

    Bingo, SEG and MinerBots, even Hoggolo (although i believe this was a DNA added creature.)
    Both SEG and Minerbots, mainly SEG brought HUGE income into your wallet as ubers of the game would hunt these for the RARE supremacy and shadow drops I beleive they had. Spending massive amounts of ammo and even getting some ATH's on your land. that is any land owners dream. So that is the only thing i'm trying to narrow down here.
    It would be glorious for you and Hawk to have mob specifics to only your land, but as an outside investor its just one area of the market we could never compete with. (it puts a cap so-to-speak) on our limits.
    Having this advantage yet again over investors is my only question right now.
  17. Dab

    Dab Member

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    It is hard to come up with ideas as you say since smaller opportunities are limited.

    Shared land:

    You could make a large LA with no mobs and divide it up into small plots of land which would be a mining area with some unique ore or enmatter (no event area or PVP). The owners would each have a deed to their small property, but would really only be sharing a geographical land area and would not be business partners.

    So miners would be traveling around the land area mining on many peoples small plots. Divide it up into a 10x10 area and you would have 100 small plots. Not sure if the games architecture would work for this or if the small areas would cause large lag.

    Also you could make a hunting area only like this, but the lag might be worse than a mining type.

    The unique ore or mob would be the key to this.

    Beauty salons etc:

    Make an estate with all the beauty equipment pre-installed. The equipment could not be sold and would remain with the estate.

    It would be easy for the colonists to find.

    The operator could even set regular business hours on the sign outside.

    Also tailor shops with mannequins (pre-installed, always stay with the shop). Only clothes and tailoring materials could be sold in the shop.

    Extending on this concept:

    Other shops which allow you to sell only one class of items. Firearms, mining equipment, ores & enmatters for example.

    Why only one type of item allowed? These shops should be cheaper to buy since you have to specialize in one area of sales. Also this would give a unique feel to the area and aid the shopper.

    Need a new pair of boots? We all know where to go to shop.

    These specialty shops would not be attractive to people who just want them for extra storage.

    Mini games:

    Non-gambling type mini games which would be in estates - chess, backgammon, checkers, chinese checkers, go etc. (GO especially)

    You would enter the establishment and gaming tables would be inside which you would rent for a tiny price (say 50 pecs, or varying prices for different games - split between the estate owner and the PP) then you could invite someone to play and the game would pop-up on both you UI's and your opponent and yourself would play. Just fluff really but something different and cheap.

    The owner wouldn't make a huge amount of money probably but this would keep the price of the estate down to a reasonable level as well.

    Tournaments would be the event of choice for these estates.

    This of course would require coding from MA, but could work for them on different planets.

    Chess Champion of the Entropia Universe = Publicity opportunity.
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  18. ClarkKent

    ClarkKent Member

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    I love the idea of mini games. Instead of sitting on a chair or bar and the feature being completely useless, have a mini game brought up you could play and challenge people. Making a whole new type of events/competetions.

    Good one Dab
  19. krm398

    krm398 Member

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    not money..personal space

    What? No back room poker games and dice? What's the universe coming to? hehehe I don't have a lot to invest so I wont be doing it, but what I meant was NOT about making money, but owning a piece of property just for your own online, small, meaning just big enough for a home, landing pad and maybe dock area, not Atlantis or Treasure Island those were build especially to make money, mine would be just for my own enjoyment, especially if it was a small island and I could fish from a vacation
  20. Meculus

    Meculus Active Member

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    What should also make sense to an investor, is that when someone is the first to shell out 27 grand on a virtual property, they are the one take the huge risk before the masses see that it was a good idea. There are always a few people that step up and take a chance, and for sticking their neck out (in the investment world in this instance) the hold a higher risk of loosing their heads. For taking this risk, they are usually allowed the greatest rewards, same goes for RL stock investments, property investments, and pretty much anything with regard to the development of the human race for that matter (medical technological inventions and implementation etc.)

    Say i buy stock in Cisco when it is a 8 man office, and because I have the ability to retire off of my investment, should I be looked down upon? Should people not be allowed to buy stock in a company until it has succeeded and proven stable? If so the purpose of investment would be completely negated, first phase investors make things possible by putting the cash up that is needed to launch a project(arkadia) or show faith in the early stages of one that has already started(calypso) by taking a greater risk than the general population.

    Thats simply what was done here in my humble opinion.

    I wish i had half a million dollars to invest in a startup venture, but I dont, so I operate within my means and work towards the day i have the cash to make moves like this.

    Not trying to sound harsh, so forgive me if text doesn't allow me to inflect, but If they didn't invest in the way they did, you might not have an Arkadia to even debate this issue on...
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