Please advertise your mentorship services!

Discussion in 'General Mentoring' started by Neil, Oct 23, 2011.

  1. Neil

    Neil Adviser Pro Users Arkadia Adviser

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    Hi all. This is just a note to encourage everyone who's a mentor and accepting disciples to post here in this forum.

    As an adviser, I'm finding a lot of new players who have simply gone to the mentor register and signed up with Calypso players... and therefore have had no meaningful contact with their mentor. I'd like to be able to point them to this forum knowing that there's a good selection of mentors here and that they'll be able to find someone who suits their style of game play.

    Don't forget to post a word about your game philosophy and what potential disciples can expect from you as a mentor.
  2. Admin

    Admin Forum Administrator Staff Member PAF Administrator

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    Great idea mate. Also worth mentioning the timezone you are in and what times you are normally available... it's very difficult to have a mentor on the other side of the world... many many sleepless nights...
  3. Jenny ferr

    Jenny ferr Well-Known Member Pro Users

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    pft same with same side of the world if you are a night time person like me ;)
    j/k ofc you need to mention the timezone when you're most likely to be online, and a tip use Arkadian Time (aka MA time) so people get used to that as most things in game is advertised with that time in mind

    but good initiative Neil
  4. Few Scars

    Few Scars Administrator Staff Member PAF Administrator Arkadia Adviser

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    I am accepting disciples, mainly Aussie timezone but I am on at very strange times. I am mainly on Arkadia. I am on the register, first disciple graduated last week!

    Bjorn Bjorn Longstaff
  5. Yquem

    Yquem Active Member Pro Users

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    I have now 3 graduated happy students...

    and have room for more

    just search for "vintage yquem port"
  6. Mordrell

    Mordrell Active Member Pro Users

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  7. Snape

    Snape Master of the BanHammer Staff Member PAF Administrator

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    Just to let you all know that all the Mentor Service threads have now been made sticky to make it easier for the new players to pick them out from all the threads that will eventually come to reside in this subforum.

    As new threads are created I will sticky them, but on the off chance i miss the odd one of two, please PM me if and when you make a new one so that i can stick it ASAP for you.

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  8. Mayana

    Mayana Member

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    I will be mentoring on Arkadia as soon as I finish this discipleship with my soc mate...I have 19% to go and won't take too long I hope..I'll put a post in as soon as i'm ready..
  9. Snape

    Snape Master of the BanHammer Staff Member PAF Administrator

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    Guys, do you think it worth us making a separate sub-forum for "Arkadia only" Mentoring Services and another for "Interplanetary" Mentoring Services, like what we have recently done for Shops and Services in the Trading and Business forum?

    If the general consensus is Yes then I'll be asking you guys to BUMP your threads with a post outlining one option or the other so I can sort them out. Something along the lines of "BUMP for Arkadia only service!" or "BUMP for interplanetary service!"

  10. Neil

    Neil Adviser Pro Users Arkadia Adviser

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    What exactly is an interplanetary mentoring service? Do you mean someone like (I think it was) Jay who visits both Calypso and Arkadia frequently?

    My personal feeling is to leave one forum, Arkadian Mentoring Services. In other words, any mentors who are available to mentor players on Arkadia. If they are offering services to one of the other planets as well, they'll already be advertising in those forums too. I don't think newbies should have to look in more than one forum to find a mentor. Maybe down the road we could divide it into professions: crafting, hunting, mining, and general (and then trading, and space) or here's an idea--maybe make title tags to differentiate areas of expertise so you can see at a glance which mentors focus on which profession.
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  11. Snape

    Snape Master of the BanHammer Staff Member PAF Administrator

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    Yes exactly, someone who offers a service to mentor people on both planets so would spend x% of their time on Arkadia mentoring and y% on Calypso.

    I think 1 forum for Mentoring is fine as is too, but for the sake of being thorough, I thought i'd pose the question to you guys and get some feedback.

    Cheers for being the first Neil

    +rep for this idea too
    I'll pass it on and see what we can come up with later.
  12. Yquem

    Yquem Active Member Pro Users

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    Why is it important what planet you are on as a mentor. I think it is much more important that you are online a lot.

    Even thou im at Arkadia i can still mentoring a disiple on Caly. If he should be stucked a place i can call a friend to bring him out. Only problem is a Team hunt side-by-side. About team hunt it is more important for disiples to hunt together than hunt with a mentor (or - hunt with some at your same level).

    What other reasons could there be???
  13. Snape

    Snape Master of the BanHammer Staff Member PAF Administrator

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    Its not particularly important Yquem and I agree with you that its more important to be online. All I'm trying to gauge from you guys that are registered mentors is whether you think there is any point differentiating between a mentor service only on Arkadia and one that is covering disciples on more than just Arkadia.

    I think what I'm asking may be confusing people a bit so lets just drop the idea and leave it as 1 mentor service subforum.
  14. Xandra

    Xandra Active Member Pro Users

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    may I add my 2 PEC's? I'm not available as mentor, since I just started my discipleship (by the one and only most perfect mentor available at all ;-))) ), and it will take me ages to graduate. No fun if you start your discipleship with quite nice skills ...

    But I have "adopted" some newbies already, and have made 2 of them longer lasting players, as it seems. In my book the mentor should be at the planet where the disciple is playing. It's more then just giving advice in the chat, it's showing them to your friends, too, integrating them to the social life of EU, doing stuff together, giving them a task that may be beneficial for both, you get me?

    I'd not make 2 different forums for it. I'd require for interplanetary mentoring services to have [interplanetary] in the subject, wouldn't this be enough?

    In my case, I'd not need my mentor on Arkadia, besides for the team hunt. I'm fully geared, and I can keep care of myself. But from my experiences, it's quite nice to be on the same planet - the best experiences at all was when my "adoptie" managed to maneuver itself into a most remote, sieged outpost, and when we, together, spent hours to escape. This is learning by doing. And this cannot be done by chat.

    For professions, I don't know. Aren't nearly all of the possible mentors firm in any profession? Sure, everybody has it's specialty, but I think that anybody offering mentorship should have at least a raw sight of the different professions, right?

    In the end, IMHO, it comes down to how much effort the mentor is ready to spent for the disciple. Thus I'd love if we only could have 1 disciple at a certain time. Think this would make the system better.

    A lot of off topic talk from me, as usual. Plz excuse!

    Have a good time!
  15. Neil

    Neil Adviser Pro Users Arkadia Adviser

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    I think it would be a good idea to require mentors to say if they're a "Remote Mentor". There's really no difference between a multi-planet mentor who spends 50% of his time on Caly and 50% on Ark... he's still on Ark frequently, just like any other mentor. But a mentor who never spends time on Ark is different from one who is here. Not that a remote mentor can't be a good mentor, that's possible, but a remote mentor isn't going to be a good match for every disciple. As you said, part of a mentor's job is introducing the disciple into society, helping them get trading contacts, etc. It's going to be more difficult for a remote mentor to do that unless they've previously spent time on Arkadia and know who's around.

    In addition to the social introductions issue, there are other benefits too. I run across a lot of new disciples who have a mentor on another planet. Sometimes it works OK (with good, conscientious mentors), but most of the time it doesn't work so well and the disciple eventually ends up kicking the mentor or more likely, they stay and don't get mentored as effectively as they might have done had they kicked their mentor. A few times I have actually had to encourage them to kick their mentor because the disciple hasn't been able to make contact with them for weeks... and they don't want to hurt the mentor's feelings.

    A mentor who can see his disciple standing in front of him can help more effectively. He can see how the avatar acts, how he chats with others, what style of game play he has, what weapons he's using, mobs he's hunting, how far apart he's dropping probes, show him item stats via trade, give him emergency helicopter rides, show him the best hunting or mining spots, etc.

    Yes, I agree all mentors should be careful to give a well-rounded education to the best of their ability. But some disciples have their sights set on, say, crafting, and they would benefit greatly from being mentored by someone who knows crafting inside and out, instead of someone who merely dabbles in it.
  16. Mayana

    Mayana Member

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    I go between planets frequently...At the moment i'm on Calypso, but taking disciples now from both planets and can fly inbetween as well, as I have purchased a ship and thruster...