Never believe in loot theories

Discussion in 'Loot Theories' started by Smoerble, Jul 4, 2011.

  1. Zanzibarjones

    Zanzibarjones Member

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    Most likely, loot probably works like this, as it should.
    1) Hunting- The more PED that is used in hunting a particular mob, the loot reflects that over time. For instance, new mobs show up, watch the screen for Globals and HoFs for that particular MOB. It just happened and still is happening with the update to Calypso recently.

    2) Mining- Same thing, except the mining is split into Ore and EnMat, instead of particular MOBs.

    3) Crafting- the only difference here, is your skill set. There is no way you can say that loot for crafting is random, when I can stand right next to someone at the same crafting station, and they get global after global after global on the same item they are crafting, while I get nothing but regular returns.

    I am not complaining in anyway, I am just stating what I have seen over years of playing this game.

    Nothing you do on a computer is ever random. It is programmed to act random, however it is still programmed within a set of parameters. And since it is, it can not be random at all. Yes, it can be less than calculated, but not completely random.

    And since loot is based on value and not item, then you can say it all has to do with the bottom line, the amount of money/PED spent.

    Returns at 90% over time? Do not believe this statement at all. No company can survive on 10%.

    MA is in the business to make them money, not make you money. Same as a casino.
  2. KMax

    KMax Well-Known Member Pro Users

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    Both hunting and crafting global are more common on bigger mobs and bigger crafted items der, they cost more to hunt and make so the more globals will show up for them. Take Huons vs Oro, you see tons of Huon globals very few Oro globals, reason is it takes tons of ammo, bigger guns etc to hunt a Huon then it does a Oro so it makes sense more globals are returned on Huons. Same goes for crafting when a person gets a global crafting a level 10 amp that happens more often crafting level 1 amp reason is crafting those bigger amps return a higher value item so the 50 ped mark is reached much more often with the residue that is returned.

    Mining however I believe that is all random lol, the more you spend dropping probes the more likely you will get a strike, I believe it is more money spend over drops then on particular ore vs enmatter, no-one can convince me otherwise.

    Just my two pecs from what I have seen. We will never know really until someone at MA leaks the secret so everyones guess can be taken as a grain of sand really.
  3. Zanzibarjones

    Zanzibarjones Member

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    Well the case is that, we will never know. And if someone ever does figure it out (provided that there is anything to figure out) MA will change it so quick it will make your virtual head spin.
  4. Luckycharm

    Luckycharm Member

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    Oh but that's perceived the wrong way! You see the 90% return ppl always speak of is the return of your money that goes to all other players and mindark as well! You actually end up with 10% of your deposits after all the years lol

    There are a few exceptions as you may have seen over the years xD