My sugestion to game developers so that newcommers will stay more often

Discussion in 'Feedback' started by MG Mighty, Jul 5, 2011.

  1. MG Mighty

    MG Mighty Member

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    This in my opinion one of the largest problems with EU.

    An average player comes in Somehow he gets enough PED to get a gun and 4 PED ammo He goes shooting them and finds out that it is normal to get many no loots or worthless (to him) fragments. Making his TT return under 50%, and after markup if he has patince to sell at non rip off prices bellow 70%.

    In average most people will leave the game because of it. Some gamblers won't if, and only if they had acess to lots of information and support by other players.

    When I started all mobs looted gave loot. Loot was at minimum the enough pay costs if used a 4,5 dam/pec 10/10 (when I joined nobody had such skills, and very few even had Commando unlocked; weapons with such caracteristics wasn'thard to find, just needed a A105 and a Mann).

    If I had joined today I would had leave after 2 weaks and never would had deposit. And my loot wasn't much better that 70% of cost most of the time.

    But there was potential for with my increasing effords to come to reasonable costs of pay to play.

    And unless you already have a very large ammount of knowledge (skills and items will help but still are secundary) I don't see that available for anybody, much less a newcommer.

    So my advise is to change the loot returns on puny mobs, and maybe create an sligty bigger puny on steroids with 30-50 HP with same modified loot pattern.

    We know it can be done since there are mobs with same HP which loot very differently in terms of average loot versus random distribution of their loot.

    If people don't find entertainment at a reasonable price they wil try elsewhere.
  2. MG Mighty

    MG Mighty Member

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    Another issue is the miss messages

    Once they go to maximized a weapon most people will get very pissed that when aiming directly at the head of a mob at few inches from it they get:


    My sugestion is to change this to the following:

    Insignificant hit 0,1 damage made.

    I know that a gun can't make less than 1 damage (the example is a gun with interval 0.5-1.0, will always make 1 damage, there isn't lower damage guns otherwise I would use such examples).
    But this isn't to be calculated on how much damage would be given it would be a direct substitution of MISS.

    Again the main beneficiary would be the new players since for any mob above 50 HP
    MISS (0 damage)
    Insignificant hit 0,1 damage made.

    Would be almost the same.

    The justification for such low damage to the new players would be simple:
    somehow the place where you hit had already been damage to maximum extent.
  3. AttacKat

    AttacKat Active Member

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    and FAIL messages ... Why did the weapon failed?
  4. MG Mighty

    MG Mighty Member

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    I post this here since it is the only place where I believe it has some chances of geting to people who have decision capabilities and are willing to consider it.

    (MA has no official forum, Calypso was never good in the communication (even bugs that cost them money I had an hard time explaining them why) and it has been months since I have any will to provide their forum my insights and the other 2 aren't in my opinion so constructive has this one seems to be to me.)
  5. MG Mighty

    MG Mighty Member

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    That unfortunatly is most likely due to fails of communication with the server; hopefully with better hardware and connections on the servers one day that will end.

    (example your gun as a reload of 1200 miliseconds and the order for the next shoot is received and processed at 1050 and the server doesn't allow it),

    But I do I agree that it is very stupid to recieve fail messages when using the auto tool
    Since in such case you defaulted your order to the server to make such shoot.
  6. Lee DeLioncourt

    Lee DeLioncourt Arkadian Outrider Platinum Member

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    Moved over to the Developer's Feedback area
  7. harmony

    harmony Active Member Pro Users

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    Yes i think it is a good idea to have newcomer mobs with a more stable return. The experienced players know that in the end you get 90+% back in loot, if just just shoot enough. A starter has less turnover (even when deposited), so if he gets a really bad run with 50% tt return, he can get discouraged.

    It should be on really easy mobs only though. (i mean i would like more stable tt returns overall, but i guess that's something MA doesn't like since hofs/ubers are more fun to a lot of people then boring near break even runs without globals)
  8. Atlan Leticron

    Atlan Leticron Active Member

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    On the other hand you risk that some more experienced players grab a TT gun and go annihilate the puny spawns because "the returns are great" with there skills.

    And leave nothing to hunt for newcomers.

  9. MG Mighty

    MG Mighty Member

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    If experience players decide to go hunt those puny mobs

    then the newcommers:

    will have arround people to whom they can ask questions and gt some doubts answered.

    Since "loots aren't so bad" the experienced players will give the newcommers a sweet perspective since they aren't in a bad mood.

    It is quite impossible to run out of mobs; if balanced to spawn over a decent range, and in significative numbers, it is a known fact that due to the Mothership competition at least one PP increase the mob spawn number and location ("almost on the fly").

    Do you think many experienced players will have patience to go hunt 10 HP mobs ?
    (if they do then there might be many other things that the game developers need to correct).

    The only possible bad situation would be an uber player gathering lots of mobs and do splash damage on them.
    If that become a big annoyance then the Insignificant hit 0,1 damage made. would be made valid just for 1 mob of the assigned to received possible damage and the others would get the MISS message and 0 damage like today.

  10. Therred

    Therred Member

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    Im no uber but I have been playing since '04 and I would hunt 10HP mobs that returned better than average loot... at least in hard times. Even if the only reason I did it was to build up the PED card before hunting higher level mobs. Im not against the idea but I doubt it will fit in with MAs bottom line. Thats the problem with a RCE is that MA has to make their buck too.
  11. MG Mighty

    MG Mighty Member

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    Who says that better than average loots allows you to profit ?

    The current average loots on puny doesn't pay a very significative ammount of the costs.
    That isn't what I call newcommer friendly.
    And even if it did made you profit would you do it if the profit was 2 PEC (after mark up) per 30 PED cycled ?
    (it is up to the balancer to decide how much is right, but making it smaller than the ammount one would get while instead gathering vibrant sweat is a good starting point)
  12. Colbey Kal

    Colbey Kal Member

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    Could improving newbie loot be done by simply removing Animal Muscle Oil from larger mobs?
  13. KikkiJikki

    KikkiJikki Well-Known Member Pro Users

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    Noo! Hard enough to get muscle oil as it is. In fact I would really like to know a higher HP mob for looting muscle oil so I can get reasonable quantities.
  14. MG Mighty

    MG Mighty Member

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    No since most of the potencial profit would go for traders instead.
  15. Therred

    Therred Member

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    Well it was said:
    Honestly loots arent that bad on Oro... so I assumed you meant a mob that wouldnt hit me (or at least not hard) but that had loots similar to Oro... to me that would equal a profit. So yes, I would hunt them.

    You're right, the current mobs are not friendly to newcommers and it would be nice if there was something that was better for them (and me). If I was only guaranteed ANY profit it would be better than what I currently hunt... so again, at times, I would certainly hunt them. The fact is that sweating can be profitable but it takes a long time... and I still sweat! So if hunting these small mobs was profitable but took a long time... then yes, I would hunt them at times.

    All I was saying was that I dont think you are correct about non-newcommers not wanting to hunt mobs that had a more personable return rate.