Ardorjies (Mêlée) Hunting Blog

Discussion in 'Hunting' started by Ardorj, Dec 20, 2015.

  1. IFN Soldier Lizzy

    IFN Soldier Lizzy Active Member

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    I hate to break it to you, but those two missions are pretty much impossible to finish all the way. First few stages might be doable though.

    Calculations showed me that you would need to farm aakas 1 (cheapest options) for 10 hours a days (20 runs on a 30min/run average) for 4 years straight.

    If I were you, do it as a side-goal passed stage 1 and hope the missions are going to be updated in the future.

    And as always, love to read your blog. :)
  2. Ardorj

    Ardorj Active Member Pro Users

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    I've read your reply not long after you've posted it, but thought to wait to answer when I'de my a new update.
    As for the Aakas-missions, the first is a struggle enough in its own right. And I am not very fond of them either, so after Stage 1 I'll leave them be. (Another reason besides the skill-reward is that I want to farm my own Arkoins to join the Smugglers, so maybe I'll run a few more after completing Stage 1.)
    And thanks for the kind words! :cool:

    I promise here and now, this post won't be as long as the previous one lol!

    Let's see what I've hunted and have to say about them. First a small Dromia hunt, they are always bad for me. Just so now. Hadraada second, they have forgotten how to drop a Bloodstained Axe 17 (L) it seemed, and also might have forgotten what a profitable hunt is. Nusul, small hunt of Oro, and the final Nusul hunt for me to finish Stage 4! Here's a little show of what their reward does for me:
    PRINT SCREEN 2017-03-26 18-38-17.jpg PRINT SCREEN 2017-03-26 18-38-32.jpg PRINT SCREEN 2017-03-26 18-39-16.jpg PRINT SCREEN 2017-03-26 18-39-28.jpg
    The notes that I've made of that last Nusul-hunt, wich I always post in the hunting table below, are so many for this hunt (#339), that I post them here:
    "[System]: Your Castorian Combat Mace Mk. I has reached tier 6.9 ; Dominax Original Garter Adjusted (L) ; Dominax Original Habu Improved (L) ; Scott & Barlow LP-10 (L) ; [System]: Your Corrosive Attack Nanochip III has reached tier 0.6 ; 2200 Pyrokinesis ; Nusul Stage 4 Finished"

    And them I had one of the most boring hunt of this year. I took all the Dominax Garters (L) from my Storage that I've looted from the Nusuls. Four at full TT, two about 50%, and went to Relentless Firebase Academy to hunt Halixes, using a Castorian Pioneer EnBlade-6 E.L.M Edition (L) as the main weapon of wich I've found two lying dormant in my Storage. It was so damn boring, that the next few days I was thinking like: "The reason I hunt Halixes if for the Weapon Handling-reward, wich is only good for Whips. The reason I hunt with whips, is because I've looted them myself and these are mêlée weapons after all. It's a circle argument. Hunt with whips to complete the Halix Stage 6, complete Halix Stage 6 to become better in the Whipper-prostanding."
    Luckly I had another whip, looted not long ago, that would be better used on the highest maturities. The Pioneer-6 (L) stayed, but this time as finisher. It was a lot more fun, by large. They were even good enough to grant me a small Global:
    Halix 007.jpg Nothing special, besides that this is my 7th Halix Global lol!

    Then I did my one and only Aakas-run of this period, everytime I promise to myself: "this or that evening I will run as much as I can.", yet when that evening is there I either don't play Entropia at all, or when I do I often deceide to hunt something else. Well, I am making progress towards finishing Stage 1, however slow it goes!
    After that I went to hunt Ferans. I thought that I could do them in one or two hunts, boy was I mistaken! 200 Done now, about 150 remaining. They are quite fun though, hunting the high maturities, and oh! they sure know how to hit. And hard at that too! The last one was quite a failure. I went to the Kadraas, and knew a bit of armour was wise to put on. I meant to take my Musca Adjusted, but took Musca (L) in stead, and thought "oh, why the hell not?" Because a fapfest against a high-regen mob is not a good idea. Because I've died like four times. Because loot, what loot?

    9. Max-out my GYRO Combat FAP-60 Smuggler (37 of 40 uses/min).
    22. Finish Dehera Sentinel & Magurg Female Stage 1 (47 of 100). +1
    23. Completed! Finish Nusul Stage 4 (4.8k of 4.8k).
    25. Buy lamps for my Apartment (3 of 4). +1
    26. Loot a full-TT Bloodstained Axe 17 (L) (111.32 of 124.00 PED).
    27. New! Finish Feran Stage 3 (1.0k of 1.2k). It will be done fast enough, very much likely way before any of the other personal goals will be done.

    Cas.CM1Castorian Combat Mace Mk. I
    Cas.CM2Castorian Combat Mace Mk. II
    Cas.PEnB6LCastorian Pioneer EnBlade-6 E.L.M Edition (L)
    Cor.NC.3Corrosive Attack Nanochip III
    Cor.NC.4LCorrosive Attack Nanochip IV (L)
    Dom.OB.AdjDominax Original Boiga Adjusted
    Dom.OG.AdjLDominax Original Garter Adjusted (L)
    Elec.NC.2LElectric Attack Nanochip II (L)
    Gen.Ice.ELMGenesis Icerage E.L.M Edition (L)
    Khor.IceKhorum Ice Dagger
    Lac.NC.1LLacerating Attack Nanochip I (L)
    S.I. PBS.I. Psy-Blade
    +MTA1Melee Trauma Amplifier I
    +MTA4Melee Trauma Amplifier IV
    +MTA6Melee Trauma Amplifier VI
    Hunts #335 - #346:
    335.275 DromiaElec.NC.2L & Man.KTL043,09037,37086,73%---
    336.2262 KP HadraadaCas.CM1+MTA6 & Khor.Ice+MTA1239,94208,40086,86%Global (64) ; Piron PLR-17 (L)
    337.200 NusulCas.CM1+MTA4 & Cor.NC.3219,79223,43101,66%2800 Clubs ; Level 30 One Handed Clubber (Hit) ; 1200 Power Catalyst
    338.148 OroElec.NC.2L & Man.KTL040,79039,39096,57%Level 17 Electro Kinetic (Hit) ; 2000 Electrokinesis
    339.200 NusulCas.CM1+MTA4 & Cor.NC.3267,58284,64106,38%See above (under Global picture)
    340.1062 KP HalixCas.PEnB6L & Dom.OG.AdjL013,54012,86094,98%Level 22 Whipper (Hit)
    341.5748 KP HadraadaCas.CM1+MTA6 & Khor.Ice+MTA1603,12442,73073,41%Global (69) ; Scott & Barlow LR-13 (L) ; 4000 Bravado
    342.6998 KP HalixDom.OB.Adj+MTA1 & Cas.PEnB6L144,27144,21099,96%[System]: Your Dominax Original Boiga Adjusted has reached tier 0.1 & 0.2 & 0.3 & 0.4 & 0.5 ; Global (16) ; Headshot II (L) ; Level 28 Whipper (Dmg) ; 110 Treatment
    343.A) 1 Dehera Sentinel & 1 Magurg Female & 15 Dehera Defender ; B) 116 Ubo & 63 Rakta & 98 YarrijakA) Cas.CM2+MTA6 & Khor.Ice+MTA1 ; B) Cor.NC.3 & Lac.NC.1L & S.I. PB075,18043,26057,54%[System]: Your Corrosive Attack Nanochip III has reached tier 0.7 ; [System]: Your S.I. Psy-Blade has reached tier 0.4 ; Level 24 Pyro Kinetic (Dmg) ; Level 12 Cryogenic (Hit)
    344.75 FeranCor.NC.4L & Lac.NC.1L048,47025,59052,80%---
    345.126 FeranCor.NC.4L & Lac.NC.1L097,84086,00087,90%Global (25) ; Piron PLR-7 (L) ; 1000 Cryogenics
    346.44 KadraGen.Ice.ELM+MTA6 & Cas.CM1+MTA1226,81168,31074,21%[System]: Your GYRO Combat FAP-60 Smuggler has reached tier 2.6 ; Global (65)

    That's all for now folks!

    Results since tracking:
    Mêlée all the Way!: 89,9% <-- uhhh ... it's going down!
    Mindforce without Remorse!: 5,0%
    Total decay: 45017,05 PED
    Total loot: 43516,83 PED
    Result: 92,66% <-- yukh! Down as well!
    Ardorj :hungry::hungover::greyalien::battleroar::confused::sick::finger:
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  3. Ardorj

    Ardorj Active Member Pro Users

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    The following hunts are almost all I've done in april. The last four of the previous post were the first, and I've finished the second the last of this post in may.
    I've hunted some mobs that I normally don't hunt, or did some things different in another way. First of those is a continues Aakas run, wich I've cut into four sessions. Unfortually the return is still bogus. Just like previous post, the amount of notes is rather big, so I post it here:
    Global (11) ; [System]: Your Corrosive Attack Nanochip III has reached tier 0.9 ; [System]: Your Corrosive Attack Nanochip III has reached tier 0.8 ; Level 19 Pyro Kinetic (Hit) ; 2400 Pyrokinesis ; Level 25 Pyro Kinetic (Dmg) ; Rakta Stage 3 Finished

    Then I tested the Beladoths, just to see how that would go. Loot aside (wich was rather shabby), I didn't like to hunt them. I've finished the Feran Stage 3, wich gave me the Anatomy reward. That didn't gave me an increase in uses/min of my Smuggler-Fap right away, but at the end of these hunts I've got up 1 uses/min. I guess it did its work, and it won't be for long untill I've maxed that one out *fingers crossed*! Some hunts later I did a long Otorugi hunt, the loot was terrible at the beginning, yet I pushed on like I was oblivious that they didn't even grant me a mini. Luckely I found a nice global, but then things went back to what it was before. Still, my overall return on Otorugi is ~106%, so nothing to complain just yet. Unlike the Halixes, with a return less then 75%! Last of the atypical hunts is one on Owekoos. I wanted to try them out, and finish the Stage 2 as well (not for the reward though, Aim *blêh*). Unlike the Beladoths, I did like to hunt them, and it was not for the loot, that was plain awful. I couldn't finish Stage 2 just yet, because I noticed that I didn't had enough Universal Ammo for that (Genesis Icerage uses ammo).

    9. Max-out my GYRO Combat FAP-60 Smuggler (38 of 40 uses/min). +1
    22. Finish Dehera Sentinel & Magurg Female Stage 1 (53 of 100). +6
    25. Buy lamps for my Apartment (3 of 4).
    26. Loot a full-TT Bloodstained Axe 17 (L) (111.32 of 124.00 PED).
    27. Completed! Finish Feran Stage 3 (1.2k of 1.2k).
    28. New! Finish Kadra Stage 2 (327 of 400). Like the Feran-goal #27, this will be completed quite fast.

    Ars.C.1LArsonistic Chip I (L)
    Cas.CM1Castorian Combat Mace Mk. I
    Cas.CM2Castorian Combat Mace Mk. II
    Cas.PEnB6LCastorian Pioneer EnBlade-6 E.L.M Edition (L)
    Cor.NC.3Corrosive Attack Nanochip III
    Cor.NC.4LCorrosive Attack Nanochip IV (L)
    Dom.OB.AdjDominax Original Boiga Adjusted
    Elec.NC.3LElectric Attack Nanochip III (L)
    Khor.IceKhorum Ice Dagger
    Kolu.GlaKolukhar Glacier Sword
    Lac.NC.1LLacerating Attack Nanochip I (L)
    S.I. PBS.I. Psy-Blade
    +MTA1Melee Trauma Amplifier I
    +MTA4Melee Trauma Amplifier IV
    +MTA6Melee Trauma Amplifier VI
    Hunts #347 - #357:
    347.A) 6 Dehera Sentinel & 6 Magurg Female & 91 Dehera Defender ; B) 696 Ubo & 342 Rakta & 588 YarrijakA) Cas.CM2+MTA6 & Khor.Ice+MTA1 ; B) Cor.NC.3 & Lac.NC.1L & S.I. PB0419,790292,56069,69%See above.
    348.30 BeladothCas.CM2+MTA6 & Kolu.Gla+MTA10214,930165,68077,09%Global (51)
    349.2197 KP HadraadaCas.CM2+MTA6 & Kolu.Gla+MTA10234,190336,80143,81%Scott & Barlow LR-13 (L) ; Global (107) ; 160 Treatment
    350.149 FeranCor.NC.4L & Lac.NC.1L0105,090090,42086,04%Global (15, 10) ; Scott & Barlow LR-2 (L) ; 1200 Concentration ; Feran Stage 3 Finished
    351.140 Bokol & 200 NusulCas.CM2+MTA4 & Khor.Ice+MTA10510,290467,82091,68%Global (79) ; Scott & Barlow LP-10 (L) ; Global (46) ; GYRO FAP-14 (L) ; 3000 Clubs ; Level 31 One Handed Clubber (Hit)
    352.450 DromiaElec.NC.3L & S.I. PB0073,400074,55101,57%2x Piron PLR-2 (L)
    353.250 OtorugiCas.CM2+MTA6 & Khor.Ice+MTA1 & Ars.C.1L1112,850890,31080,00%Piron PBR-22 (L) ; Global (126)
    354.11874 KP HalixDom.OB.Adj+MTA1 & Cas.PEnB6L0253,170158,07062,44%[System]: Your Dominax Original Boiga Adjusted has reached tier 0.6 & 0.7 ; Level 23 Whipper (Hit) ; 4800 Shortblades ; 1200 Whip
    355.5718 KP HalixDom.OB.Adj+MTA1 & Cas.PEnB6L0124,710084,03067,38%Global (12) ; Level 24 Whipper (Hit) ; Level 29 Whipper (Dmg)
    356.74 OwekoGen.Ice.ELM+MTA6 & Cas.CM1+MTA10200,400164,17081,92%---
    357.125 OroMak.FTL+MTA1 & Lac.NC.1L0033,290018,87056,68%---
    Now, some of you might be thinking "Why push on with the Otorugies for so long, when the loot sucked? You spend over 1k PEDs on them and nothing to show for it!" The answer is not easy, but I try as I may. Regarding loot, there are basicly two types of people: 1) those who believe in loot-waves & 2) those who do not. I am in most cases the second type, believing that previous loots has nothing to do with the next. It's like a roulette-table, where no matter where the ball has landed on all night, the change that it will land on any number is still the same as all the others. Now, I've said 'in most cases', because even though rationally thinking I don't believe in loot-waves, my mind does see a pattern where one hunt I get minies, items, and globals where-as another hunt I get no-looters, blazars and nothing more. But then I think that we have idea how the loot-waves are rolling. Is it based on the PEDs we spend? For any mob a different wave? How many mobs we kill? I've had enough hunts that started bad, and ended quite good. And the other way around. For this Otorugi-hunt, I was hoping for the loot to catch back on to what I've deemed normal. That means, all previous hunts where I ended with a profit. (Looking back at my data, I've had 4 out of 8 hunts with a profit. See, here my mind is tricking me also, I thought it was more like 6 out of 8!)

    Results since tracking:
    Mêlée all the Way!: 89,8%
    Mindforce without Remorse!: 5,4%
    Total decay: 50245,46 PED
    Total loot: 46260,11 PED
    Result: 92,07%
    Ardorj :jimlad::hungover::poto::battleroar::writing::watching::banana:
  4. Ardorj

    Ardorj Active Member Pro Users

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    I'll start somewhat where I ended last post: continue with a hunt that was bad from the beginning. As my bad luck would have it, I did two of those this time. Same outcome, yet different approaches and thoughts went into it. For both the spendings is not more then even a quarter of the bad Otorugi-hunt, but the relative hurt is just the heavier.
    The first of these two is a Kadra-hunt. I wanted to do them to complete the mission for the Anatomy reward. I did put on some better armour, the Adjusted Musca, but mental note: armour with even better stats would be preferred. I had to kill not even 75 of them, but 20 kills away from that goal I stopped. I simply couldn't keep on going, there just wasn't anything in the loot that could even be called a small mini.
    The second is a Magurg Male-hunt, that I did to complete the mission Stage 1. I did them, because I have an Aakas Key #3 in Storage, waiting to be used, and there are (as far as I know) Magurg Males in that instance. I already hunted them once before and killed some in higher level Aakas Keys with a group. I need to kill just 44 to complete that mission. Logically thinking, there won't be 40+ Magurg Males in Key #3, yet I wanted to complete the mission 'on land' first, before running the instance. Don't ask why, I don't know myself. I think that I did them naked the first time (at least that's what my records tell me), yet I deceided to put on some good armour: Gnome! Mental note: put on something far better next time! Now, although the loot was pretty much the same as that on the Kadraas, I kept going for them. It might had something to do with the fact that to kill 44 of these Magurg, I was killed myself close to 88 times, thus so to be able to say: "See, I can hunt them and complete a mission!"

    Don't I have anything positive to mention this time? Oh! But I do! The first two hunts are Aakas Instances, the first a solo one (divided into three sessions) where I almost did break even. Something weird did happen though, for wich I've opened a support case (and haven't gotten a reply yet after 10 days from MindArk). This is it:
    PRINT SCREEN 2017-05-06 14-47-30.jpg

    For the second I was invited to a teamrun in an Aakas Key #4, where I did end up with a nice little profit.
    Two Halix hunts done, both went quite well, and now I am just one very big or two/ three smaller hunts away from completing the Stage 6! The last Halix hunt went so damn good, that like previous time I post the notes here:
    Global (23, 10, 24) ; S & B Ardenner 6 (L) ; Melee Trauma Amplifier I (L) ; [System]: Your Dominax Original Boiga Adjusted has reached tier 0.8 & 0.9 ; Level 25 Whipper (Hit) ; 260 Treatment
    Wait .. three Halix globals? Yes indeed! Nothing grant, but I like it and this is what they are:
    Halix 011.jpg Halix 012.jpg Halix 013.jpg

    The rest is all nothing very much out of the ordinary.

    9. Max-out my GYRO Combat FAP-60 Smuggler (38 of 40 uses/min).
    22. Finish Dehera Sentinel & Magurg Female Stage 1 (56 of 100). +3
    25. Buy lamps for my Apartment (3 of 4).
    26. Loot a full-TT Bloodstained Axe 17 (L) (111.32 of 124.00 PED).
    28. Finish Kadra Stage 2 (380 of 400).

    Cas.CM1Castorian Combat Mace Mk. I
    Cas.PEnB6LCastorian Pioneer EnBlade-6 E.L.M Edition (L)
    Cor.NC.3Corrosive Attack Nanochip III
    Dom.OB.AdjDominax Original Boiga Adjusted
    Elec.NC.3LElectric Attack Nanochip III (L)
    FG.Elec.ATC.3First Gen Electric Attack Chip III
    Gen.Ice.ELMGenesis Icerage E.L.M Edition (L)
    Khor.IceKhorum Ice Dagger
    Lac.NC.1LLacerating Attack Nanochip I (L)
    Ozp.SB.1Ozpyn RSB S1X1
    S.I. PBS.I. Psy-Blade
    +MTA1Melee Trauma Amplifier I
    +MTA4Melee Trauma Amplifier IV
    +MTA6Melee Trauma Amplifier VI
    Hunts #358 - #367:
    358.A) 4 Dehera Sentinel & 3 Magurg Female ; B) 84 Ubo & 264 Rakta & 180 YarrijakA) Cas.CM1+MTA4 & Ozp.SB.1+MTA1L ; B) FG.Elec.ATC.3 & Lac.NC.1L & S.I. PB080,83076,61094,78%[System]: Your First Gen Electric Attack Chip III has reached tier 0.7 ; See Support Case #---
    359.A) 0 Dehera Sentinel & 0 Magurg Female & 18 Dehera Defender & 6 Magurg Male ; B) 7 Ubo & 5 Rakta & 6 YarrijakA) Cor.NC.3 & Lac.NC.1L ; B) Man.KTL & S.I. PB033,41040,07119,93%Teamhunt
    360.6548 KP HalixDom.OB.Adj+MTA1 & Cas.PEnB6L136,17131,43096,53%Global (15, 15) ; 2x Longreach I (L)
    361.175 DromiaElec.NC.3L & Man.KTL & S.I. PB027,14014,73054,27%Level 18 Electro Kinetic (Hit)
    362.2226 KP HadraadaGen.Ice.ELM+MTA4 & Khor.Ice+MTA1244,63266,28108,85%Global (59) ; 2x Piron PLR-12 (L) ; Skildek P 40 (L) ; 4200 Combat Reflexes
    363.53 KadraGen.Ice.ELM+MTA6 & Cas.CM1+MTA4246,51129,18052,40%2600 Coolness
    364.2391 KP IFN Defense BotCas.CM1+MTA4 & Khor.Ice+MTA1 & Ozp.SB.1+MTA1 & S.I. PB152,69125,20082,00%Melee Trauma Amplifier II (L) ; Piron PLP-12 (L) ; 3200 Clubs ; IFN Defense Bot Stage 1 Finished
    365.44 Magurg MaleGen.Ice.ELM+MTA6 & Khor.Ice+MTA1251,37139,22055,38%Magurg Male Stage 1 Finished
    366.12559 KP HalixDom.OB.Adj+MTA1 & Cas.PEnB6L263,76238,40090,39%See above
    367.1988 KP OstelokElec.NC.3L & Lac.NC.1L040,37025,19062,40%Level 20 Cryogenic (Dmg)

    Good things will come soon: Finish Kadra Stage 2 / Maxing-out my Smuggler Fap / Finish Halix Stage 6 / Get my first solo-Uber / unlock Wounding / Buy enough lamps to light up my apartment during the night / ...
    There's just no way is saying what comes first, isn't it?

    One last thing: I've started to look for a new society. Apart from the clichés like 'friendly and respecful' and I looking for one that fits one or two of my criteria: 1) a mêlée soc, 2) an Arkadian soc. If you are in one, or know of one, please let me know!

    Results since tracking:
    Mêlée all the Way!: 89,9%
    Mindforce without Remorse!: 5,5%
    Total decay: 51722,33 PED
    Total loot: 47446,42 PED
    Result: 91,37%
    Ardorj :blackalien::devilish::laugh::battleroar::poto::clown::spiderman:

    Attached Files:

  5. DaughterOfAnarchy

    DaughterOfAnarchy Active Member

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    I'd kill for those excel files of yours :p
  6. Ardorj

    Ardorj Active Member Pro Users

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    Don't let anyone know ...

    R94 : Random Hunting Generator
    U94 : =IF(T106<R96;S96;VLOOKUP(T106;R96:S103;2))
    S95 : Creature(s)
    T95 : Factor
    R96 : 0
    S96 : Bokol/ Nusul
    T96 : 2
    R97 : =(T96/$T$105)+R96
    S97 : Hadraada
    T97 : 3
    R98 : =(T97/$T$105)+R97
    S98 : Aakas-Key
    T98 : 4
    R99 : =(T98/$T$105)+R98
    S99 : Other (small)
    T99 : 1
    R100 : =(T99/$T$105)+R99
    S100 : Other (big)
    T100 : 1
    R101 : =(T100/$T$105)+R100
    S101 : Oratan
    T101 : 3
    R102 : =(T101/$T$105)+R101
    R103 : =(T102/$T$105)+R102
    T105 : =SUM(T96:T103)
    T106 : =ASELECT()

    • Informative Informative x 1
  7. Ardorj

    Ardorj Active Member Pro Users

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    It's been almost a month past I've made the last update, and with fifteen hunts done it's time for an update. Let me start this time with my personal goals.

    9. Max-out my GYRO Combat FAP-60 Smuggler (38 of 40 uses/min).
    22. Finish Dehera Sentinel & Magurg Female Stage 1 (59 of 100). +3
    25. Completed! Buy lamps for my Apartment (4 of 4). I'm not sure yet if the four lamps are enough to light my home on a dark night by the way.
    26. Loot a full-TT Bloodstained Axe 17 (L) (111.32 of 124.00 PED).
    28. Completed! Finish Kadra Stage 2 (400 of 400). Now according to my records, I've done six hunts with a total costs of >1.4k and I got 92.45%. Somehow, it feels worse for the Kadraas to me.
    29. New! Finish Oratan Stage 2 (8.2k of 10.0k). Same story as with the Kadraas, a relatively easy mission to complete, and it gives rewards that helps me to max out the Smuggler FAP-60. Only one more hunt should to the trick and then I can reap the 3,13PED Dexterity Reward!
    30. New! Buy tables for my Apartment (5 of 10). I want to have so many tables (or benches), because I want to use them to display my mêlée-weapon collection.

    Talking about that. First, here's a picture of what it looks like now:
    Sanctuary Cove 7.1.05.jpg

    Second, I did a check or update if you want to call it that about my collection. I've got a sheet that lists all the mêlée-weapons (and amplifiers) that I've got, and where they are stored. You can see in the picture in the right upper corner Storage Boxes, guess what's in there? I came as a small suprise to me that I own 140 different kinds of weapons!
    I also found a rather large number of (L)-doubles. So now I try to hunt with them till they break, and leave one at full TT for the museum. This includes MANTA K-5 (L), some kinds of Rocktropia Axes, two Katsuichi Retro (L) (I'm not sure of the exact version), and like ten Genesis Icerage E.L.M Edition (L).

    What else have I done? I completed another little side-goal: finishing Halix Stage 6! I complete them with 84,67% return from nearly exact 1.2k PEDs spend. You won't see me hunting that one any time soon again.

    On 21 May the Smugglers attacked one of the bases in the Underground, and as a proud Arkadian Citizen, who likes to collaborate with the Smugglers when I see a profit in it for myself, I helped in the defense. Just as I was about to start, I crashed, but luckely I joined before the last wave attacked us. My contribution was small, my reward even smaller.
    PRINT SCREEN 2017-05-21 17-58-6.jpg PRINT SCREEN 2017-05-21 18-57-20.jpg PRINT SCREEN 2017-05-21 19-0-36.jpg PRINT SCREEN 2017-05-21 19-6-33.jpg PRINT SCREEN 2017-05-21 19-10-7.jpg PRINT SCREEN 2017-05-21 19-18-44.jpg

    One week later I did my first Oratan hunt, and it was a good succes! (The best of these 15 to be exact). I've never hunted them much before, however with two globals of over 100 PEDs that might change. This is one of them:
    Oratan 001.jpg
    I had to drop that weapon in Auction straight away, or I might have became tempted to shoot with it ... a crossbow woohoo! No no no, don't think about it, from now on it's Mêlée all the Way! for me, with some Mindforce because that's kinda cool too!

    So, and now done with most of the talking and on to the Hunting table.

    Cas.CM1Castorian Combat Mace Mk. I
    Cas.CM2Castorian Combat Mace Mk. II
    Cas.PEnB6LCastorian Pioneer EnBlade-6 E.L.M Edition (L)
    Cor.NC.3Corrosive Attack Nanochip III
    Dom.OH.ImpLDominax Original Habu Improved (L)
    Dom.OB.AdjDominax Original Boiga Adjusted
    Elec.NC.3LElectric Attack Nanochip III (L)
    Gen.Ice.ELMGenesis Icerage E.L.M Edition (L)
    Khor.IceKhorum Ice Dagger
    Kolu.GlaKolukhar Glacier Sword
    Lac.NC.1LLacerating Attack Nanochip I (L)
    Man.K5LMANTA K-5 (L)
    Ozp.SB.1Ozpyn RSB S1X1
    S.I. PBS.I. Psy-Blade
    +MTA1Melee Trauma Amplifier I
    +MTA4Melee Trauma Amplifier IV
    +MTA6Melee Trauma Amplifier VI
    Hunts #368 - #382:
    368.3327 KP HalixDom.OB.Adj+MTA1 & Cas.PEnB6L069,36071,03102,41%Global (16, 10) ; Level 38 Knifefighter (Hit)
    369.A) 1 Dehera Sentinel & 1 Magurg Female & 34 Dehera Defender; B) 183 Ubo & 73 Rakta & 87 YarrijakA) Cas.CM2+MTA6 & Khor.Ice+MTA1 ; B) Cor.NC.3 & Lac.NC.1L & S.I. PB106,50092,57086,92%Level 20 Pyro Kinetic (Hit)
    370.5046 KP HalixDom.OB.Adj+MTA1 & Cas.PEnB6L109,59118,18107,84%Global (15) ; Level 30 Whipper (Dmg) ; Level 26 Whipper (Hit) ; 1800 Whip
    371.3487 KP HalixDom.OB.Adj+MTA1 & Cas.PEnB6L077,92051,84066,53%Halix Stage 6 Finished
    372.242 KP* SmugglerCas.CM2+MTA6100,08057,52057,47%Smuggler Attack
    373.4008 KP HadraadaGen.Ice.ELM+MTA6 & Kolu.Gla+MTA1431,74348,06080,62%Piron PLR-12 (L) ; Level 24 Evader
    374.20 KadraGen.Ice.ELM+MTA6 & Cas.CM1+MTA4096,75067,37069,63%Kadra Stage 2 Finished
    375.A) 2 Dehera Sentinel & 2 Magurg Female; B) 56 Ubo & 176 Rakta & 120 YarrijakA) Cas.CM2+MTA4 & Kolu.Gla+MTA1 ; B) Elec.NC.3L & Lac.NC.1L S.I. PB050,69033,95066,99%---
    376.150 DromiaOzp.SB.1 & S.I. PB023,10014,97064,81%---
    377.285 DromiaDom.OH.ImpL+MTA1 & S.I. PB & Lac.NC.1L043,74040,53092,66%Level 27 Whipper (Hit)
    378.363 OroCas.PEnB6L+MTA1 & Man.KTL088,64079,22089,37%3400 Dexterity
    379.3108 KP OratanCas.CM1+MTA4 & Man.K5L+MTA1350,90473,75135,01%Global (101, 103) ; Ardora Ballista MK4 (L) ; Level 32 One Handed Clubber (Hit) ; Level 34 One Handed Clubber (Dmg)
    380.100 OtorugiCas.CM2+MTA6 & Man.K5L+MTA1442,83376,60085,04%Global (53, 83)
    381.135 OtorugiCas.CM2+MTA6 & Man.K5L+MTA1487,20405,55082,24%Global (50 ; 50) ; Teamhunt with -- MeTaTag -- ; Max. 151 HP
    382.3317 KP HadraadaGen.Ice.ELM+MTA6 & Kolu.Gla+MTA1348,69279,81080,25%Level 38 Knifefighter (Dmg) ; Joined NBK Rangers

    While I was hunting the Hadraadaas for the second time, I was thinking "It's time for me to join a society again!" I asked in Ark.Forum if there was any society that would take me on, preferable based on Arkadia and/or with mêlée-hunters as her members. Prompty I got a PM if I was interested in joining the NBK. It became clear that I had it in me to join the top-rank of the NBK-branch with my 153k skills and level 45 Swordsman (Hit), yet it was deceided that I would first take a look around one step below at the NBK Rangers.
    First impression: good bunch of people!

    Results since tracking:
    Mêlée all the Way!: 90,2%
    Mindforce without Remorse!: 5,3%
    Total decay: 54550,05 PED
    Total loot: 49957,37 PED
    Result: 91,58%
    Ardorj :eggonface::android::headphone::battleroar::punch::redface::thumbsup:
    Last edited: Sep 28, 2017
  8. Ardorj

    Ardorj Active Member Pro Users

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    My time is hardpressed at the moment. It's been over a month already, and in less then two weeks I'll be out of the country for a good month. So this will be, most likely, my last post till september.

    First thing I want to say is that I've got my first solo Yarrijak global! At least the first that I've cought on the digital tape, and that is not from an Underground Key.
    Yarrijak 001.jpg

    Later I got on a Mothership with a bunch of soc-mates for a flight to Cyrene. We've hunted so many mobs there! First we did a 'shared loot area' where different kinds of creatures spawned with every other wave. Chaos all along, and it was so much fun! Second we went in two groups, the Dutch and non-Dutch, and summoned some Wasp Queen or something. Later, in the same teams, we hunted Rhino Beetles. Right at the end, we got this sweat baby:
    Rhino Beetle 006.jpg

    ... What is that "Undexpected error" doing in front of my view? I got that with every kill, highly annoying. It had something to do with a bugged mission (I forgot the name of it, stupid!), and I didn't found out what it was till the next day.
    See here for the rest of the pictures I took about the NBK flight to Cyrene:
    PRINT SCREEN 2017-06-16 20-56-36.jpg PRINT SCREEN 2017-06-16 21-4-43.jpg PRINT SCREEN 2017-06-16 21-25-20.jpg PRINT SCREEN 2017-06-16 21-25-37.jpg PRINT SCREEN 2017-06-16 21-29-38.jpg PRINT SCREEN 2017-06-16 21-31-32.jpg PRINT SCREEN 2017-06-16 21-47-52.jpg PRINT SCREEN 2017-06-16 21-54-17.jpg PRINT SCREEN 2017-06-16 21-58-52.jpg PRINT SCREEN 2017-06-16 22-0-11.jpg PRINT SCREEN 2017-06-16 22-15-1.jpg PRINT SCREEN 2017-06-16 22-15-20.jpg PRINT SCREEN 2017-06-16 22-32-27.jpg PRINT SCREEN 2017-06-16 22-38-31.jpg PRINT SCREEN 2017-06-16 22-39-17.jpg PRINT SCREEN 2017-06-16 22-59-59.jpg PRINT SCREEN 2017-06-16 23-0-48.jpg PRINT SCREEN 2017-06-16 23-3-44.jpg PRINT SCREEN 2017-06-16 23-6-28.jpg PRINT SCREEN 2017-06-16 23-17-51.jpg PRINT SCREEN 2017-06-16 23-38-18.jpg Rhino Beetle 001.jpg Rhino Beetle 002.jpg Rhino Beetle 003.jpg Rhino Beetle 004.jpg Rhino Beetle 005.jpg

    Not sorry for the photo-bomb! :photogenic:

    And last, but not least, I've completed the Oratan mission that I was going for! And with a positive result for that hunt as well! Happy! :D

    9. Max-out my GYRO Combat FAP-60 Smuggler (39 of 40 uses/min).
    22. Finish Dehera Sentinel & Magurg Female Stage 1 (61 of 100).
    26. Loot a full-TT Bloodstained Axe 17 (L) (111.32 of 124.00 PED).
    29. Completed! Finish Oratan Stage 2 (10.0k of 10.0k).
    30. Buy tables for my Apartment (5 of 10).
    31. New! Fly to Planet Calypso. You read that right. Why? Hint: Mêlée all the Way!

    Let's take a look at what I've been hunting this past month now.

    Cas.CM1Castorian Combat Mace Mk. I
    Cas.CM2Castorian Combat Mace Mk. II
    Cas.PEnB6LCastorian Pioneer EnBlade-6 E.L.M Edition (L)
    Gen.Ice.ELMGenesis Icerage E.L.M Edition (L)
    Kolu.GlaKolukhar Glacier Sword
    Loka.EleLokabhu Electrifier Sword
    Ozp.SB.1Ozpyn RSB S1X1
    S.I. PBS.I. Psy-Blade
    +MTA1Melee Trauma Amplifier I
    +MTA4Melee Trauma Amplifier IV
    +MTA6Melee Trauma Amplifier VI
    Hunts #383 - #391:
    383.A) 2 Dehera Sentinel & 2 Magurg Female; B) 56 Ubo & 176 Rakta & 118 YarrijakA) Cas.CM2+MTA6 & Cas.CM1+MTA1 ; B) Cas.PEnB6L & Man.KTL & S.I. PB049,60047,87096,51%Global (11) ; Piron PLP-7 (L)
    384.1917 KP OstelokCas.PEnB6L & Man.KTL039,82020,40051,23%---
    385.2370 KP HadraadaGen.Ice.ELM+MTA6 & Kolu.Gla+MTA1258,54146,61056,71%---
    386.Many different from CyreneGen.Ice.ELM+MTA6178,20223,39125,36%Global (78, 72, 87, 106, 130) ; HoF (428) ; NBK Teamhunt on Cyrene
    387.125 KP PaneleonGen.Ice.ELM+MTA6 & Loka.Ele+MTA4051,26032,43063,27%"Meet the Zyn'Kimbro..." Finished
    388.32 KP Mang Chang PunyGen.Ice.ELM+MTA6 & Loka.Ele+MTA4137,43128,83093,74%---
    389.3796 KP HadraadaGen.Ice.ELM+MTA6 & Kolu.Gla+MTA1403,82406,89100,76%Piron PLR-12 (L)
    390.1783 KP OratanGen.Ice.ELM+MTA6 & Kolu.Gla+MTA1198,25218,94110,44%Global (84) ; Oratan Stage 2 Finished
    391.290 DromiaOzp.SB.1 & S.I. PB045,69031,05067,96%Level 21 Animal Investigator

    And now it's time to talk some more about the upcoming Mêlée all the Way! I will held it on Planet Calypso. I've wanted to bring it there for a long time now. More people live there, so potentially more might join me. I've been born there, and there is no shame in going back there for a short time. And I've looked at all the creatures that roam Caly and got a bit of nostalgia feeling ...
    This Mêlée all the Way will be a weekend once again, 22nd - 24th of september. With different fases, like a newbie-fase with TT-weapon and free MANTA K-TT (L) for the starters; a Katsuichi Krazy with old-skool weapons; and a time to show off the biggest baddest sword/ club/ whip/ fist you can handle!
    More info in this link to Caly.Forum.

    I don't know when I'll land on Calypso. But I do know that I will have my Smuggler-fap maxed out - finally!

    Results since tracking:
    Mêlée all the Way!: 90,5%
    Mindforce without Remorse!: 5,2%
    Total decay: 53458,58 PED
    Total loot: 51213,78 PED
    Result: 91,60%
    Ardorj :blackalien::cowboy::nurse::battleroar::whistling:o_O:greyalien:
    • Like Like x 2
    Last edited: Aug 19, 2017
  9. Hans

    Hans Member

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    I hope to join you for the Melee event on Caly.
    • Like Like x 1
  10. Ardorj

    Ardorj Active Member Pro Users

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    With september still a good week and a half away, I yet have the time for a new update. (Or I am neglecting other important things, but let's not talk about, shall we?)
    To say it out loud first: I am on Calypso! I arrived there, ..., I had it noted down, but deleted that line. Sometime between 20th and 31st of july.
    I had been back on Arkadia though just today. I saw enough spamming about the SAGE VI (Swunting Wombana + Togo-hunting), and last time I was overwhelmed by how many people where there when I walked right into the event area. So I said to myself to be sure to attent it next time it is held, and it was a blast! I personally liked the Smugglers and Oratan Lancers most that Dylan gave us to play with. I got one global on the Togolossi with the team, wich was nice. And I helped take down a good share of the globalling and hoffing Smugglers, but I pulled the shortest straw on those bitches. Attenting the SAGE VI also meant that I fired with a rifle again - I've sinned, boohoo! Next time I'm going to attentend this event, I'll protect the swunters from the Smugglers, that I promise!

    On Calypso I had been doing some of the missions there, such as cleaning a swamp. But you have to hunt one particular type of mob, while there are six of them: three flying bugs, Tripudions, Gokibusagies and Allophyls. Next time I'm going back to that swamp is to take down my favorite from the old days (10+ years ago), those that I loved to take down with my Katsuichi Valor + RepEdge 1x0, the Allophyls!
    I also had my first globals on three Caly-mobs: Snarksnot, RipperSnapper and Pupugi. I think it's because back then when I lived on Caly (because there were no other planets, and Caly was good then) all globals were capped at 50PED.
    Here are these globals and two more random hunting pics for you to enjoy:
    Pupugi 001.jpg RipperSnapper 001.jpg Snarksnot 001.jpg PRINT SCREEN 2017-07-31 20-30-37.jpg PRINT SCREEN 2017-08-16 20-3-56.jpg

    And a new photo-bump, of the SAGE VI this time for your pleasure:
    PRINT SCREEN 2017-08-19 11-44-24.jpg PRINT SCREEN 2017-08-19 11-46-40.jpg PRINT SCREEN 2017-08-19 11-47-13.jpg PRINT SCREEN 2017-08-19 11-49-24.jpg PRINT SCREEN 2017-08-19 12-43-37.jpg PRINT SCREEN 2017-08-19 12-43-44.jpg PRINT SCREEN 2017-08-19 12-51-14.jpg PRINT SCREEN 2017-08-19 12-51-58.jpg PRINT SCREEN 2017-08-19 12-52-19.jpg PRINT SCREEN 2017-08-19 12-53-57.jpg PRINT SCREEN 2017-08-19 12-58-19.jpg PRINT SCREEN 2017-08-19 12-58-59.jpg PRINT SCREEN 2017-08-19 13-12-15.jpg PRINT SCREEN 2017-08-19 14-7-43.jpg PRINT SCREEN 2017-08-19 14-7-45.jpg PRINT SCREEN 2017-08-19 14-21-43.jpg PRINT SCREEN 2017-08-19 14-35-22.jpg PRINT SCREEN 2017-08-19 14-36-2.jpg PRINT SCREEN 2017-08-19 14-37-44.jpg PRINT SCREEN 2017-08-19 14-37-49.jpg PRINT SCREEN 2017-08-19 14-41-33.jpg PRINT SCREEN 2017-08-19 14-43-6.jpg PRINT SCREEN 2017-08-19 14-49-0.jpg PRINT SCREEN 2017-08-19 14-52-54.jpg PRINT SCREEN 2017-08-19 14-52-57.jpg PRINT SCREEN 2017-08-19 14-55-33.jpg PRINT SCREEN 2017-08-19 14-58-5.jpg PRINT SCREEN 2017-08-19 16-46-24.jpg
    Let's take a look now how my goals are progressing while I've been on vacation and on another planet, shall we?

    9. Max-out my GYRO Combat FAP-60 Smuggler (39 of 40 uses/min).
    22. Finish Dehera Sentinel & Magurg Female Stage 1 (63 of 100).
    26. Loot a full-TT Bloodstained Axe 17 (L) (111.32 of 124.00 PED).
    30. Buy tables for my Apartment (7 of 10).
    31. Completed! Fly to Planet Calypso.
    32. New! Make the MatW 2017 Caly Edition a succes! (0 of 5). Note it down in your agendas: 22-24 september! With five different time-slot, each being a bit different such as "TT-Mêlée" and "Katsuichi Krazy!"

    I've been rather active on Calypso the last few days, so the hunting list is kind long. (And I'm rather pissed now, because I have about 3/4 of completing the list, when I pressed of wrong combination and my browser redirected me ... I'm enjoying a rather strange beer now, so it makes thins a little bit more durable ... it's an "Je Moer" from DeMoerSleutel brewery, from the Netherlands close to where I live. They describe the type as "Imperial Porter ; Walnut Wine Barrel Aged")

    Cas.CM1Castorian Combat Mace Mk. I
    Cas.CM2Castorian Combat Mace Mk. II
    Cas.PEnB6LCastorian Pioneer EnBlade-6 E.L.M Edition (L)
    Elec.NC.3LElectric Attack Nanochip III (L)
    Gen.Ice.ELMGenesis Icerage E.L.M Edition (L)
    Herm.A0LHerman ARK-0 (L)
    Khor.IceKhorum Ice Dagger
    Kolu.GlaKolukhar Glacier Sword
    Ozp.SB.1Ozpyn RSB S1X1
    S.I. PBS.I. Psy-Blade
    +MTA1Melee Trauma Amplifier I
    +MTA4Melee Trauma Amplifier IV
    +MTA6Melee Trauma Amplifier VI
    Hunts #392 - #406:
    392.125 ZadulOzp.SB.1+MTA1 & S.I. PB067,60054,57080,72%---
    393.A) 2 Dehera Sentinel & 2 Magurg Female; B) 56 Ubo & 176 Rakta & 119 YarrijakA) Cas.CM2+MTA6 & Cas.CM1+MTA1 ; B) Cas.PEnB6L & Man.KTL & S.I. PB046,78028,84061,65%---
    394.40 Bokol & 100 NusulCas.CM2+MTA4 & Khor.Ice+MTA1200,53201,93100,70%Bullseye IV (L)
    395.1306 KP OstelokCas.PEnB6L & Man.KTL027,37045,72167,04%Global (27)
    396.30 GokibusagiCas.CM1+MTA4 & Kolu.Gla+MTA1 & Elec.NC.3L092,21105,66114,59%Global (15, 11) ; 3400 Clubs ; “Clearing the Swamp” Finished
    397.50 TripudionCas.CM1+MTA4 & Kolu.Gla+MTA1 & Elec.NC.3L205,96113,98055,34%“Hunting down the Tripudions” Finished
    398.70 RipperSnapperKolu.Gla+MTA1 & Elec.NC.3L040,30059,95148,76%Global (14) ; Isis BL200 (L) ; Chikara Oni-Ichi (L) ; Iron RipperSnapper I & “Something Fishy” Finished
    399.70 Diripi, Igni, PupugiCas.CM1+MTA4 & Kolu.Gla+MTA1 & Elec.NC.3L193,41160,32082,89%“Help clear the area!” Finished ; Iron Gokibusagi I Finished
    400.Many different from CalypsoCas.CM1+MTA4 & Kolu.Gla+MTA1 & Elec.NC.3L140,49097,25069,22%Level 33 One Handed Clubber (Hit)
    401.40 DroneCas.CM1+MTA4 & Kolu.Gla+MTA1 & Elec.NC.3L115,71099,60086,08%“Robohunter” Finished
    402.75 Snablesot-MaleKolu.Gla+MTA1 & S.I. PB & Elec.NC.3L101,02102,83101,79%Global (12) ; “Snablesnot-Male Hunting” Finished ; “Catalogue the Shinkiba” Finished
    403.Many different from CalypsoKolu.Gla+MTA1 & S.I. PB & Elec.NC.3L009,76005,02051,43%---
    404.223 KP* SmugglerGen.Ice.ELM+MTA6092,28037,41040,54%SAGE VI
    405.42 KP WombanaHerm.A0L004,97004,65093,56%SAGE VI
    406.197 KP TogolossiGen.Ice.ELM+MTA6195,13147,45075,57%SAGE VI ; Global (93)
    And for the coming month I will be enjoying my time on Calypso till the Mêlée all the Way! 2017 - Caly Edition. For reason of promotions, here's a new link. I'm not a good event promotor, but I still hope that lots of mêlée fans will attend!
    My plans in the meantime to spend on Calypso aren't really thought about. I've looked at what mobs there are (trip down memory lane!) and what rewards they give for the missions (if any, Entropedia wasn't up to date anyhow ...). For Paramedics rewards I could go for: Daikiba, Droka (can I kill them?), Kerberos (dunno, but don't think I'll like them), Maffoid, Mulmum (let's not go into lootable PvP ...), Primordial Longu (what?!), Scaboreas, Snarg (oh! I just to like them pretty much!), Ambulimax, Berycled, Caudatergus, Hogglo (would be cool if I could solo these!), Longu, Molisk, Proteron (no way!).
    And then there are still plenty of mobs left that I used to enjoy, such as Allophyl, Eviscerator, Atrax, Argonaut, Bristlehog, Cornundacauda, Scipulor (think only in a team?), Warrior (maybe?).
    Last, I think I also will go looking for a set of 6A plates (bot protection). I had those in my early years, but sold them one day and kinda regretted it more or less ever since. It wouldn't hurt to have a set, and they don't cost that much either.

    Results since tracking:
    Mêlée all the Way!: 90,6%
    Mindforce without Remorse!: 5,2%
    Total decay: 57446,18 PED
    Total loot: 52478,96 PED
    Result: 91,35%
    Ardorj :sorry::smilie::dead::battleroar::alien::vomit::roflmao:
    • Like Like x 1
    Last edited: Sep 28, 2017
  11. Ardorj

    Ardorj Active Member Pro Users

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    I've been quite active lately in the Entropia Universe. Testing what I want to hunt on Caly, and it has to be said - Arkadia is the best planet! Hunting on Ark goes like I want to hunt Hadraada and hunt: H-H-H-H-H-H-H-HH-H-H-H-H-HH-H- etc. Hunting on Caly can go two ways. 1) I want to hunt Snarg and hunt: ---S----S----S----S--S-S----S---S--- etc. or 2) I want to hunt Prancer and hunt: B-B-MM-P---C-C-BCM---P---C-B-M---BPBCMMCP----
    The other thing is that I can't seem to find the mob (or maturity) to hunt that I like. Caly mobs hit harder, or more often. I usually hunt naked, and only need to put on a bit of armour for the strong mobs or for teamhunts. Here on Caly I need it almost all the time, for what I consider medium mobs.

    I will list here all the mobs I've hunted on Caly so far, and my opinion of how it went. It's also for me personal, because if the Mêlée all the Way! goes well, then I'll return to Caly each year. (last update: feb. 2019)
    Allophyl: high regeneration, for the high maturities I need Thunderbird armour. Like it because of nostalgia. PRINT SCREEN 2017-08-21 20-8-42.jpg
    Ambulimax: only hunted them in a team (MatW). They loot great, I might be able to solo them too. PRINT SCREEN 2017-09-24 14-25-38.jpg
    Argonaut: agressive and mid maturities hit rather hard. Haven't tried small yet. Elites are fun in a team.
    Armax: they hid kinda hard, it's still a challenge. Only found them toghether with Feffoids and Molisk. PRINT SCREEN 2017-09-21 22-7-1.jpg
    Atrax: small ones are good to hunt. Can hit hard, but miss a lot.
    Atrox: horrible, can't understand what's so great about them. Only hunted them in a team (MatW).
    Aurli: only on CP. They are strong and agressive, yet fun to hunt.
    Berycled: They hit hard, think like Oro. Young ones (west of Livas) are a walk in the park. Big ones at ~Royal Club~ PRINT SCREEN 2019-02-01 23-12-11.jpg
    Bristlehog: one of my old-time favorities. Small, cute, but can't hug them.
    Caudatergus: better then expected. The mission rewards are also quite good.
    Cersumon: only hunted them in a team (MatW), but might be douable without a team as well. It's a cool mob to hunt, underestimated in my opinion. PRINT SCREEN 2017-09-24 19-18-44.jpg
    Chomper: perfect mob to hunt in a team. Lots of HP, dangerous and they loot just great.
    Combibo: high regeneration, need a good weapon. Quite good to hunt.
    Cornundacauda: no problem hunting these, it's just that the mission rewards are ranged only. (I've chosen Handgun, it gives the most HP/lvl)
    Daikiba: small ones are a walk in the park. Haven't tried higher yet.
    Defender: only found them around Drones and Legionnaires. They are oke to hunt I guess.
    Drone: up to medium maturity are good to solo. For a mixed spawn armour will be needed. Entropedia has the rewards listed in three groups. I thought I would get a little bit of everything in one of those groups, but that's not the case. The skills in Group A are of a bigger ESI-value then in Group B. Group B bigger then those in Group C. I've chosen Combat Reflexes as a reward, because that gives good HP and helps with a lot of professions that I use. For Stage II I picked Perception. PRINT SCREEN 2017-08-29 21-7-27.jpg
    Estophyl: the nephew of the Allophyl, also high regeneration. They are oké, but don't like them as much.
    Eviscerator: high regeneration kind of spider-bots. Thunderbird + 5B is overprotection, they are good to do without armour. The experience of hunting them is oké, but the loot was terrible. PRINT SCREEN 2017-09-09 23-35-49.jpg
    Exarosaur: feels like an Ark-mob when comparing HP vs Dmg. Yet rather boring.
    Feffoid: high regeneration mutant, but they are oké.
    Feffox: crazy breed between a Feffoid and Atrox. It's cool to hunt them in a team. PRINT SCREEN 2017-09-02 22-56-47.jpg
    Formidon: hunted them only in team (MatW). They are fun to take down.
    Foul: high maturities are not to mess with, need armour. Haven't tried small ones yet. One of the few mobs that gave me an item. Haven't found a good/clean spot yet.
    Fugabarba: flightless bird, they can be found at Winter Park together with Snablesnot, Snarkshot and Hiryuu. Good place for a Daily.
    Fungoid: Hunted them for a daily mission. They are good, might return to them. Shame they don't have a normal hunting mission though.
    Gibnib: flightless bird that run away straight over mountains. Terrible, took me three quarters of an hour to kill just 50 for a daily.
    Gokubisagi: quite strong, need a good armour. Only found them in the swamp with many other.
    Gradivore: only hunted them once, underappreciated mob imo.
    Hispidus: a good mob to hunt in a (small) team, there aren't much around unfortuatly. PRINT SCREEN 2017-09-24 22-38-37.jpg
    Kerberos: more HP than is good for them. Small ones are good to hunt naked.
    Kreltin: only on CP. Not as strong as Aurli, still fairly good and fun to hunt I think.
    Legionnaire: I can only destroy generation 01's, and even those are a challenge. PRINT SCREEN 2017-09-17 16-36-33.jpg
    Longtooth: only hunted them in a team. Not my favorite, even though loot was good. PRINT SCREEN 2017-09-02 21-46-21.jpg
    Longu: only hunted high maturities in a team (MatW). Don't know what's so good about them.
    Maffoid: I've only hunted these muties in a team (MatW). The atmosphere in their camp is great. PRINT SCREEN 2017-09-24 16-31-6.jpg
    Malcruentor: only hunted them in a team (MatW), but even then a tough nutt to crack.
    Mermoth: only hunted them in a team (MatW), but I should be able to solo them as well.
    Merp: The annoying merp. Sometimes they pop up in a daily. Missions only give Weapon Handling and Aim.
    Molisk: small, tough bastards. Their damage is too high for their HP to my liking.
    Neomex: They live in a cave, cool to hunt. Only loot was mêh that time. PRINT SCREEN 2019-01-30 15-42-6.jpg
    Nexnecis: small ones are good to hunt, and that was all I could find. Only hunted them in a team (MatW).
    Plumatergus: only hunted them for a daily. Not much to say about them.
    Prancer: hit hard and quite often, also bit agressive. Need good weapon and armour for high maturities. PRINT SCREEN 2017-08-30 9-36-36.jpg
    Primordial Longu: Quite fun to hunt, I've found them together with Tantardion.
    Prototype Robot: Weak types of robots surrounding Fort Sisyphus. Not sure what to think about those yet. They can be found in the flavours Drone and Defender.
    Puny: top of the foodchain. No kidding, I like them better then the Ark Puny. With 10.000 Bones you can get 1pt of Agility, but that will take me 100 years to loot myself (not even 500 collected with over 3,2k kills). PRINT SCREEN 2019-02-01 23-12-11.jpg
    Rextelum: they are strong, the top of what I can hunt. The shared Sand King is cool to participate in. PRINT SCREEN 2017-08-21 22-35-31.jpg
    RipperSnapper: agressive, bite often and rather hard. Mission rewards are ranged only.
    Robots F2-TF: a special kind of shared-loot robots. They are stronger, I think, then their normal counterparts. They come in all flavours, I've seen Drones, Legionnaires, Warriors, SEGs.
    Second Entity: they look cool, they look as the best: first HOF+Uber of the MatW! PRINT SCREEN 2017-09-22 21-9-48.jpg
    SnableSnot: at least something that I can kill with ease! Not an interesting mob.
    Snarksnot: another good one that I didn't quite enjoy when I started all those years ago. I can appreciate them more now and might want to hunt them more often.
    Snarg: youngs are easy, high maturities are good to hunt with armour on. I've found a good spot of them at Southern Ithaca. Like it because of nostalgia. I have an idea to finished at least one stage each year (there are 10). PRINT SCREEN 2017-08-30 16-29-57.jpg PRINT SCREEN 2017-08-31 21-17-42.jpg
    Shinkiba: Daikiba a better, period. But at least I can hunt up to Stalker with relative ease.
    Tantardion: Slow and massive dmg dealing beast. Good to hunt in Thunderbird, because they only do Electic. Found them together with Primordial Longu, so 5B plates comes in handy to deal with those. PRINT SCREEN 2019-02-04 20-37-2.jpg
    Thorifoid: there's a whole community of Berserkers and Shamans in the Cyclops cave. Kinda fun to hunt. Should be other mobs in that cave too like Mind Reavers and Marcimex, but couldn't find those. PRINT SCREEN 2019-01-30 21-33-43.jpg
    Trilomite: underestimated mob, shame they're spawns are so low and that they don't have a normal hunting misson.
    Tripudion: bit harder then expected for their size. Didn't like it.

    Some of the globals I got this time:
    Allophyl 008.jpg Foul 007.jpg Rextelum 001.jpg

    9. Max-out my GYRO Combat FAP-60 Smuggler (39 of 40 uses/min).
    22. Finish Dehera Sentinel & Magurg Female Stage 1 (63 of 100).
    26. Loot a full-TT Bloodstained Axe 17 (L) (111.32 of 124.00 PED).
    30. Buy tables for my Apartment (7 of 10).
    32. Make the MatW 2017 Caly Edition a succes! (0 of 5).

    And now for the hunting list:

    Cas.CM1Castorian Combat Mace Mk. I
    Cas.PEnB6LCastorian Pioneer EnBlade-6 E.L.M Edition (L)
    Cas.SB.BLCastorian Survival EnBlade-B (L)
    Gen.Ice.ELMGenesis Icerage E.L.M Edition (L)
    Khor.IceKhorum Ice Dagger
    Kolu.GlaKolukhar Glacier Sword
    Loka.EleLokabhu Electrifier Sword
    Man.K5LMANTA K-5 (L)
    Ozp.SB.1Ozpyn RSB S1X1
    S.I. PBS.I. Psy-Blade
    +MTA1Melee Trauma Amplifier I
    +MTA4Melee Trauma Amplifier IV
    +MTA6Melee Trauma Amplifier VI
    Hunts #407 - #420:
    407.200 Combibo & 50 Exarosaur & 200 KerberosKolu.Gla+MTA1 & Cas.PEnB6L & S.I. PB347,13257,27074,11%Global (10 ; 20) ; Iron Kerberos I Finished ; “Cleanup at Fort Lahar” Finished
    408.33 AllophylGen.Ice.ELM+MTA6 & Cas.CM1+MTA4176,27191,46108,72%Global (72) ; 6000 Anatomy ; Iron Allophyl/Estophyl I Finished
    409.Many different from CalypsoGen.Ice.ELM+MTA6 & Cas.CM1+MTA4149,50124,93083,57%Global (58) ; “Hunters for Hire” Finished ; “The Missing Miner” Finished
    410.205 KP Berycled & 36 FoulCas.CM1+MTA4 & Kolu.Gla+MTA1088,47120,01135,65%Global (32) ; Isis BL300 (L) ; MarCorp Kallous-2 (L)
    411.146 ArgonautCas.CM1+MTA4 & Kolu.Gla+MTA1155,56110,79071,18%---
    412.474 KP Combibo & 54 KP ShinkibaMan.K5L+MTA1 & Cas.PEnB6L037,07047,94129,32%---
    413.74 AllophylGen.Ice.ELM+MTA6 & Cas.CM1+MTA4393,05226,64057,66%“The Allophyls” Finished
    414.390 KP BerycledMan.K5L+MTA1 & Ozp.SB.1+MTA1165,66195,32117,90%Global (27)
    415.904 KP DroneCas.CM1+MTA1 & Khor.Ice+MTA1190,96176,59092,47%“The Way to Fort Lahar” Finished ; Iron Drone I Finished
    416.282 KP PrancerLoka.Ele+MTA1 & Khor.Ice+MTA1090,28067,39074,65%---
    417.600 KP SnargCas.CM1+MTA1 & Kolu.Gla+MTA1120,18086,58074,04%Iron Snarg I Finished
    418.1215 KP Snarg & 1317 KP PrancerGen.Ice.ELM+MTA6 & Cas.CM1+MTA1355,41300,49084,55%Level 46 Swordsman (Hit) ; 360 Treatment ; Iron Snarg II Finished ; Iron Prancer I Finished
    419.93 KP Daikiba/ ShinkibaCas.PEnB6L & Man.KTL019,08014,43075,63%---
    420.102 KP Daikiba/ ShinkibaCas.PEnB6L & Cas.SB.BL021,25013,03061,32%---
    Looking forward to the Mêlée all the Way! in less then two weeks, and getting back to Ark of course!
    My total result is getting dangerously close to the 90% mark ... I don't know if that's because I am often not sure what or how to hunt here on Calypso, or if there is another explanetion?
    That's all for now folks!

    Results since tracking:
    Mêlée all the Way!: 91,0%
    Mindforce without Remorse!: 5,0%
    Total decay: 59756,14 PED
    Total loot: 54412,01 PED
    Result: 91,06%
    Ardorj :nurse::eek::mooning::battleroar::smile::clown::rage:

    Attached Files:

    Last edited: Mar 26, 2019
  12. Ardorj

    Ardorj Active Member Pro Users

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    I've upgraded the list of Calypsian mobs that I talked about in last post, with the mobs that I've hunted this time.
    I've seen Feffoxes for the first time. They came crawling out of the Queen's Egg about the time that I migrated to this fine Planet Arkadia. I have been watching a few Youtubes about Creationism versus Evolution Theory. Those that claim the Earth is only like 6.000 years old would love to argue that this is the Evolutionary point of view: Feffoid + Atrox = Feffox. Looting an egg, laid by an Atrox Queen, a native creature from the exoplanet Calypso, from a death humanoid specimen of the Homo Feffoidea, that has branced of from the Homo Sapiens line of genetics because of radiation exposure or Lord Teletubby misgivings, wich had been in possession for quite a while of the fellow tridemen of the before mentioned death Feffoid, and after the process of retrieving this egg from the Feffoids and having it on display in two different castles for years, giving rise to the saying "Ahhh ... the Egg!", is a sure way to interbreed two species, wich might have no resemblance to each other even on the eukaryotic level of taxonomy, because of ... reasons, wich the general public will swallow because they have something new and alien to kill and complain about for giving them bad loot.
    It's only a game some say. Oké, so let's forget about the genetic and evolution impossibilities, and let's conclude that I like to hunt the Feffoxes in a team. :panda:

    I have been following some mission chains here on Calypso (one I completed by accident, I had no idea that I promised to kill n Berycled Youngs).
    One of the scientists from somewhere, called 'Crazy some name' (I'm terrible at remembering names, got it? :p) went missing. I followed his trail all over Calypso, some times having to mine a bit in search of a hidden ID-card or missing necklace. All the while hunting ever bigger mobs to protect myself, from small Berycled and Daikiba, to Fouls and Snargs, up to Kerberos and Estophyl now. There still is one at least left. Now the trail leads to a cave, where the Eomons might hide in during the winter. Because we all know they are inflated, and normally are no bigger then a bat and sleep in caves.
    I've completed the mission chain where I had to clean up the swamp. Now I've destroyed some robots near the drill towers and the north-west corner of that island.
    I have one other left, it's called "A hunter for hire", and requires me to kill 200 creatures on 'the' island. For reasons I can't explain, I have killed 1 of the 200, and then stopped. I had no idea what island they meant, but looked it up and now I know. I will leave it for next year, and probably hate myself for giving this vague instructions: it's an island on the west of Amethera, with two LA's left and right of the TP that is roughly in the middle of the island. The area where I have to kill the creatures is located in the left LA, the area itself is probably marked on the map. :confused:

    What else have I done? Like I mentioned earlier in this post, I've hunted Feffox in a team. Also two other duo-hunts where we hunted Longtooth and Allophyl. I was thrilled by the experiences! Joining the NBK is the best I've done in Entropia, since then I've participated in more team- and duo-hunts then I did in Supremacy Reign for the last couple of years, I'm afraid to say.
    While teamhunting is great fun, it also raises a problem for me: Don't bring a knife to a gun fight! Therefor I deceided to get better with Mindforce in the near future. I will now try to twist and turn the fact to prove that Mindforce is not Ranged Hunting. 1) The Profession are divided into five branches, two of these are 'Hunting' and 'Mindforce'. We can conclude from this that MindArk does not count lethally hurting the wildlife with the energies released by the mindforce-chips as hunting. 2) There is no combat skill that helps with any Mindforce Attack (Hit) profession, none at all. See, how I carefully avoid the (Dmg) in my argument? 3) A wise hunter once said on Caly-Forum: "Laser does pew-pew. BLP does ra-ta-ta. That is more fun!" Mindforce is not mentioned, because it can't be compared to either Laser or BLP. 4) Ranged hunting can be divided in different ways. One of these is by weapon-type. That goes like: A. Pistol; B. Rifle; C. Carbine; D. Rocket-launchers. None of these leads to any mindforce-chip.
    I think these are good enough arguments to convince myself that I am not Ranged Hunting when I'm using Mindforce, isn't it? :finger:

    Some of the globals I got this time:
    Allophyl 010.jpg Feffox 006.jpg Longtooth 013.jpg

    9. Max-out my GYRO Combat FAP-60 Smuggler (39 of 40 uses/min).
    22. Finish Dehera Sentinel & Magurg Female Stage 1 (63 of 100).
    26. Loot a full-TT Bloodstained Axe 17 (L) (111.32 of 124.00 PED).
    30. Buy tables for my Apartment (7 of 10).
    32. Make the MatW 2017 Caly Edition a succes! (0 of 5).

    I have a feeling that I will have my Smuggler-Fap maxed-out at last if not before, then during the Mêlée all the Way.
    And now for the hunting list:

    Cas.CM1Castorian Combat Mace Mk. I
    Cas.CM2Castorian Combat Mace Mk. II
    Cas.PEnB6LCastorian Pioneer EnBlade-6 E.L.M Edition (L)
    Cas.SB.BLCastorian Survival EnBlade-B (L)
    Crea.EdLCreator's Edge (L)
    Gen.Ice.ELMGenesis Icerage E.L.M Edition (L)
    Khor.IceKhorum Ice Dagger
    +MTA1Melee Trauma Amplifier I
    +MTA4Melee Trauma Amplifier IV
    +MTA6Melee Trauma Amplifier VI
    Hunts #421 - #433:
    421.221 KP DaikibaCas.PEnB6L & Cas.SB.BL043,92034,71079,03%---
    422.3 LongtoothGen.Ice.ELM+MTA6 & Cas.CM2+MTA4305,66332,99108,94%Global (128 ; 107 ; 86 ; 121 ; 93) ; Teamhunt with Wibbele
    423.130 KP* FeffoxGen.Ice.ELM+MTA6244,29263,40107,82%Global (126 ; 308 ; 143 ; 53 ; 84 ; 153) ; NBK Teamhunt on Calypso
    424.143 KP DaikibaCas.PEnB6L & Cas.SB.BL028,62018,77065,58%Iron Shinkiba/Daikiba III Finished
    425.1014 KP CombiboCas.PEnB6L & Cas.SB.BL080,50067,88084,32%Iron Combibo II Finished
    426.50 AllophylGen.Ice.ELM+MTA6 & Cas.CM1+MTA4343,45368,16107,19%Global (57, 139) ; Teamhunt with whoeier ; 3800 Inflict Melee Damage
    427.48 Atrax & 406 KP CornundacaudaCas.CM2+MTA4 & Khor.Ice+MTA1085,65109,25127,55%Iron Atrax I Finished ; Iron Cornundacauda I Finished
    428.48 EvisceratorCrea.EdL+MTA6 & Cas.CM1200,06100,06050,01%Iron Eviscerator I Finished
    429.236 KP Snarg & 467 KP PrancerCrea.EdL+MTA6 & Cas.CM1092,58078,50084,79%Lacerating Attack Nanochip III (L)
    430.1485 KP Snarg & 1534 KP PrancerGen.Ice.ELM+MTA6 & Cas.CM1+MTA1463,11366,18079,07%Lacerating Attack Nanochip I (L) ; 3200 Perception ; Iron Prancer II Finished
    431.20 BerycledCas.PEnB6L & Cas.SB.BL005,44003,44063,24%“The Missing Scientist 1” Finished
    432.Many different from CalypsoDifferent Mêlée Weapons048,07025,05052,11%“Protect The Teleporters” Finished ; “The Missing Scientist 2 & 3 & 4 & 5” Finished
    433.253 KP Drone & 66 KP LegionnaireGen.Ice.ELM+MTA6 & Cas.CM1+MTA1116,20095,70082,36%“Further Investigation” Finished

    Two last things I want to talk about. First is that I've bought a Mindforce-chip that I haven't maxed-out 'yet'.
    PRINT SCREEN 2017-09-16 16-23-56.jpg
    I've bought quite a large stack to help me max this sweety out before I die. Together with the two I looted lately on the Snargs, I think that I now have 15-20 limited Mindforce Chips that I have maxed-out or very close at. PRINT SCREEN 2017-09-16 16-22-52.jpg
    Second: Come join the Mêlée all the Way on Calypso!

    Results since tracking:
    Mêlée all the Way!: 91,3%
    Mindforce without Remorse!: 4,9%
    Total decay: 61813,69 PED
    Total loot: 56276,10 PED
    Result: 91,04%
    Ardorj :beaver::stig::blackeye::battleroar::meh::nailbiting::bear:
    Last edited: Sep 28, 2017
  13. Ardorj

    Ardorj Active Member Pro Users

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    Yeah, the Mêlée all the Way - Calypso Edition is now over, and it had been a great succes, if I might say so myself. To try to keep this post as short as possible, I'll note you to the thread on Caly.Forum where I wrote how it all went. In picture some of the highlights:
    Second Entity 005.jpg
    Second Entity: The first HOF -and Über!- for the Mêlée all the way! Let's make a promise that the next time on Ark we'll get an even bigger one :jawdrop:

    PRINT SCREEN 2017-09-22 22-35-18.jpg PRINT SCREEN 2017-09-23 22-20-8.jpg PRINT SCREEN 2017-09-24 19-55-47.jpg PRINT SCREEN 2017-09-24 16-30-40.jpg PRINT SCREEN 2017-09-24 21-6-29.jpg
    Other mobs that were good and/or fun to hunt: Formidon & Malcruentor, Rextelum, Cersumon & friends, Maffoid, Chomper. :cowboy:

    Chomper 013.jpg Bristlehog 012.jpg Feffox 008.jpg Ambulimax 007.jpg Formidon 006.jpg
    A few of the other Globals that we got this weekend. And to top it off:

    Ambulimax 008.jpg Ambulimax: the second HOF! :woot:

    As you can see in the Caly.Forum: for me this MatW-17C has been a profit of 123%! And why or how could that be?
    Dynamic: Ahh, we all love this word, don't we? When we don't know any reason why loot sucks, or when in stead of looking how we can improve our own behaviour and gear, let's just presume that it is the 'system' that is to blame. Or in this case: the 'system' that was kind to us.
    Calypso: is a better planet then Arkadia. We've seen good HOFs and Ubers dropping on small(ish) Arkadia mobs too this weekend, so I doubt that is it. Besides, I was doing rather bad on Calypso before the MatW.
    Loot 2.0: I haven't read any of the thoughts and analyses about Loot 2.0. Therefor I can't really say for a fact (or even guess) if it has anything to do with it. Maybe Loot 2.0 favors mêlée hunters in a team more? I don't know.
    MindArk's Blessings: a week prior to the MatW, when I was announcing it in Caly.Chat, I got a PM from MindArkOfficial Thor saying that he found it a very interesting idea, and wanting to know a little bit more about it. Put on your conspiracy hat and proclaim that MindArk put all the goodies in our loot (8x MindForce Chips, of wich two are unlimited - and let you remind me that I've said in the previous post here that I wanted to do more with MindForce, one full TT high-level knife (L), and zero crappy Ranged Weaponry). 8/14 hunts ended in a profit, including the first one and last three. PRINT SCREEN 2017-09-19 20-32-24.jpg

    And to end my talking, after the MatW I wanted to do something easy-going and went for some punies. Collecting the Bone Samples will take me close to 100 years, but oké I got this little shame-global:
    Caudatergus 002.jpg

    And now, let's move over to my goals and the hunting list:

    9. Max-out my GYRO Combat FAP-60 Smuggler (39 of 40 uses/min). : The feeling that I would have had it maxed by the end of the Mêlée all the Way proved wrong, didn't it?
    22. Finish Dehera Sentinel & Magurg Female Stage 1 (63 of 100).
    26. Loot a full-TT Bloodstained Axe 17 (L) (111.32 of 124.00 PED).
    30. Buy tables for my Apartment (7 of 10).
    32. Completed! Make the MatW 2017 Caly Edition a succes! (5 of 5).
    33. New! Attend more Teamhunts/ Sochunts/ Events (0 of 10). I am not always the most social player ingame. More the type that hunts what's in front of him and leave it at that. I do find it exciting to attend sochunts, Smuggler-Events and the like, so this is a 'goal' that I want to get out more (no, not speaking about real-life in this sentence!) and get social with you good people from Arkadia and the wider Entropia Universe.

    Cas.CM1Castorian Combat Mace Mk. I
    Cas.CM2Castorian Combat Mace Mk. II
    Cas.PEnB6LCastorian Pioneer EnBlade-6 E.L.M Edition (L)
    Cas.SB.BLCastorian Survival EnBlade-B (L)
    Gen.Ice.ELMGenesis Icerage E.L.M Edition (L)
    Kat.D.SGAKatsuichi Determination, SGA Edition
    Kat.PKatsuichi Pride
    Khor.IceKhorum Ice Dagger
    Loka.EleLokabhu Electrifier Sword
    S.I. PBS.I. Psy-Blade
    +MTA1Melee Trauma Amplifier I
    +MTA4Melee Trauma Amplifier IV
    +MTA6Melee Trauma Amplifier VI
    Hunts #434 - #454:
    434.698 KP Snarg & 1433 KP PrancerGen.Ice.ELM+MTA6 & Cas.CM1+MTA1287,86262,52091,20%Global (53) ; Iron Snarg III Finished ; Level 26 Paramedic
    435.602 KP Snarg & 1118 KP PrancerGen.Ice.ELM+MTA6 & Cas.CM1+MTA1242,66158,26065,22%Global (27) ; Regeneration Chip I (L)
    436.573 KP Snarg & 842 KP PrancerGen.Ice.ELM+MTA6 & Cas.CM1+MTA1205,15139,11067,81%---
    437.213 KP BerycledCas.PEnB6L & Cas.SB.BL027,47021,74073,77%Iron Berycled I Finished
    438.64 Armax & 65 Feffoid & 102 MoliskGen.Ice.ELM+MTA6 & Cas.CM1+MTA1527,05437,62083,03%Iron Feffoid I Finished ; Max. HP 152 ; 1200 Probing
    439.95 Calypso PunyCas.SB.BL & S.I. PB006,42005,77089,88%---
    440.A) 53 KP Ambulimax & 10 Feffoid ; B) 53 Feffox & 177 KP* Second EntityA) Loka.Ele+MTA4 & B) Cas.CM2+MTA6205,17487,17237,45%MatW!-17 C #01 ; Global (75) ; Corrosive Attack Nanochip V (L) ; Global (135, 327) ; HOF (1170) ; Kinetic Attack Nanochip VII (L) ; Synchronization Chip XIV
    441.305 KP* Formidon & 178 KP* MalcreuntorCas.CM2+MTA6203,96182,28089,37%MatW!-17 C #02 ; Level 35 One Handed Clubber (Dmg) ; Global (52, 65, 71) ; Combustive Attack Nanochip IV
    442.22 Atrax & 232 KP CornundacaudaMan.KTL048,15067,42140,02%MatW!-17 C #03
    443.25 LonguKat.D.SGA+MTA6066,47045,63068,65%MatW!-17 C #04
    444.46 MoliskKat.P+MTA1 & Khor.Ice+MTA1035,22023,63067,09%MatW!-17 C #05
    445.63 Allophyl & 29 EstophylKat.D.SGA+MTA6169,47153,76090,73%MatW!-17 C #06
    446.156 KP RextelumKat.D.SGA+MTA6229,88257,92112,20%MatW!-17 C #07 ; Global (99, 120, 105)
    447.32 AtroxLoka.Ele+MTA4154,95076,74049,53%MatW!-17 C #08
    448.251 KP AmbulimaxLoka.Ele+MTA4158,57347,02218,84%MatW!-17 C #09 ; HOF (855) ; Omegaton Saturn (L) ; Global (288)
    449.59 Argonaut EliteLoka.Ele+MTA4168,55102,99061,10%MatW!-17 C #10 ; Combustive Attack Nanochip I (L)
    450.308 KP MaffoidLoka.Ele+MTA4084,11130,95155,69%MatW!-17 C #11 ; Regeneration Chip V
    451.254 KP* Mermoth & 101 KP* Cersumon & 287 KP* BristlehogLoka.Ele+MTA4183,06251,47137,37%MatW!-17 C #12 ; Global (79)
    452.42 KP ChomperCas.CM2+MTA6145,73157,97108,40%MatW!-17 C #13 ; Global (103, 51, 109) ; 2x Cryogenic Attack Nanochip VIII (L)
    453.104 KP* Nexnecis ; 90 KP HispidusCas.CM2+MTA6 & Loka.Ele+MTA4070,60085,14120,59%MatW!-17 C #14 ; Your Lokabhu Electrifier Sword has reached tier 1.4
    454.321 Calypso PunyMan.KTL & S.I. PB029,82025,05084,00%Global (5)

    I want to stay on Calypso for a short while longer. I want to finished Iron Snarg Stage IV (one hunt). And also as much stackables as possible to other players. Besides, I still have a few guns from Calypso that I haven't sold yet. If none wants it the next try, then the TT will always have them, I'm sure.

    Results since tracking:
    Mêlée all the Way!: 91,7%
    Mindforce without Remorse!: 4,6%
    Total decay: 65066,01 PED
    Total loot: 59696,26 PED
    Result: 91,75%
    Ardorj :borg::barefoot::drowning::battleroar::eggonface::chicken::greyalien:
    Last edited: Sep 28, 2017
  14. Ardorj

    Ardorj Active Member Pro Users

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    Yes! I've finally did it! This is one of my major archievements, if I might say so. :banana::thumbsup::banana:
    Smuggler Maxed-out.jpg

    I've come a long way since I first looted it from a Smuggler Droid in 2014. Since my GYRO Combat FAP-60 Smuggler has always been the best item I've looted - and discovered too! -, a live saver on countless occasions, a jaw-dropper when I link it in chat. It's a Combat Fap that I can be most proud of, and now I am double proud of myself to have it maxed-out, after all those years.
    Discovery 002-A (GYRO Combat FAP-60 Smuggler).jpg Discovery 002-B (FAP-60 Smuggler).jpg Smuggler c.png

    My Smuggler-Fap is one of the fastest with 40 uses/min. It's on par with Hedoc Mayhem Modified, wich does far more heals and have better eco. The EMT Kit Ek-2350's (normal, Adj, Imp, Mod) all four have one more use/min. It does slightly more heals/sec as that Ek-2350 Imp version, but again my Smuggler-Fap lacks in eco. And best are three types of limited Neverdie LS Series, and of course the official Healing Chips and Faps. :nurse:

    Before leaving Calypso I've also done my duty to my fatherland by protecting Fort Medusa against the robot hordes. It wasn't much fun as I hoped, and when I checked my returns, wich were already dismal to begin with, I realized that all they had been dropping was shrapnel. Puh.
    PRINT SCREEN 2017-09-26 22-14-12.jpg PRINT SCREEN 2017-09-26 22-15-33.jpg PRINT SCREEN 2017-09-26 22-23-29.jpg PRINT SCREEN 2017-09-26 22-25-19.jpg PRINT SCREEN 2017-09-26 22-30-36.jpg PRINT SCREEN 2017-09-26 22-36-51.jpg PRINT SCREEN 2017-09-26 22-36-51.jpg PRINT SCREEN 2017-09-26 22-36-51.jpg PRINT SCREEN 2017-09-26 22-45-45.jpg PRINT SCREEN 2017-09-26 22-47-1.jpg PRINT SCREEN 2017-09-26 22-52-22.jpg PRINT SCREEN 2017-09-26 23-11-8.jpg

    I've participated in one BIG Event to hunt some big Allophyls. I think there were some 20 hunters out there, and it was good to see that the spawn remained high till the end. At one time I hold the 1st place, then I got kicked down and had trouble staying 2nd. For a short while I even got down to 4th or 5th place. Yet in the end, I finished good. :ninja:
    Event 002.jpg

    Before flying back to Arkadia I checked by way of the TT what I would be bringing home. I have bought, umh ... quite a bit of (L) Mêlée weapons. I will have to start using those (L) Mêlée one day soon lol. The same goes for the shear volume of MindForce chips I've started to stock.
    PRINT SCREEN 2017-10-05 23-25-26.jpg PRINT SCREEN 2017-10-05 23-26-6.jpg PRINT SCREEN 2017-10-05 23-27-34.jpg PRINT SCREEN 2017-10-05 23-34-19.jpg
    One can never have too many gear, right? o_O

    I'll post the part with the hunting table tomorrow or later this week.
    • Like Like x 1
    • Gratz! Gratz! x 1
    Last edited: Oct 8, 2017
  15. Ardorj

    Ardorj Active Member Pro Users

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    All the talking is done in the previous post, so let's cut it and head straight to the ...

    9. Completed! Max-out my GYRO Combat FAP-60 Smuggler (40 of 40 uses/min). :nurse:
    22. Finish Dehera Sentinel & Magurg Female Stage 1 (73 of 100).
    26. Loot a full-TT Bloodstained Axe 17 (L) (111.32 of 124.00 PED).
    30. Buy tables for my Apartment (8 of 10).
    33. Attend more Teamhunts/ Sochunts/ Events (0 of 10). Just a little note: this can be a team- or sochunt, or an event where a lot or people, say >50, gather. Some ongoing event like with the Robot types F2-TF around Fort Medusa and Fort Lahar (Caly) don't count. Events like the one on the Allophyls also do not count, because that's still practicly solo hunting.
    34. New! Max out Shagadi Disintegration (9.6 of 10.0). After taking years to max-out my Smuggler-Fap and I don't know how long to complete it as a goal, I'll now set the bar a whole lot lower. So this is to max-out the heaviest of the four old Arkadian Swords.

    Arc.C.1LArsonistic Chip I (L)
    Cas.CB.BLCastorian Combat EnBlade-B (L)
    Cas.CM1Castorian Combat Mace Mk. I
    Cor.NC.1LCorrosive Attack Nanochip I (L)
    Cor.NC.4LCorrosive Attack Nanochip IV (L)
    Elec.NC.5LElectric Attack Nanochip V (L)
    Gen.Ice.ELMGenesis Icerage E.L.M Edition (L)
    S.I. PBS.I. Psy-Blade
    +MTA1Melee Trauma Amplifier I
    +MTA4Melee Trauma Amplifier IV
    +MTA6Melee Trauma Amplifier VI
    +NPKA1LNeoPsion Kinetic Amplifier I (L)

    Hunts #455 - #468:
    455.556 Calypso PunyMan.KTL & S.I. PB037,60035,54094,52%Iron Puny Creatures III Finished
    456.753 KP* Robots F2-TFGen.Ice.ELM+MTA6 & Cas.CM1+MTA1310,95189,00060,78%Robot Incursion at Fort Medusa ; Level 43 Swordsman (Dmg)
    457.1358 KP SnargGen.Ice.ELM+MTA6 & Cas.CM1+MTA1291,67300,74103,11%Iron Snarg IV Finished ; GYRO Combat FAP-60 Smuggler maxed-out
    458.184 Calypso PunyMan.KTL & S.I. PB012,60013,56107,62%---
    459.359 Calypso PunyCas.CB.BL & S.I. PB024,57022,97093,49%Omegaton B101 (L)
    460.461 Calypso PunyCas.CB.BL & S.I. PB030,28036,56117,44%---
    461.114 AllophylGen.Ice.ELM+MTA6 & Cas.CM1+MTA4614,16597,73097,32%*FREE* ML Allophyl Stalker : 2nd place = 25PED prize ; Global (60, 82) ; 2x DNA Fragment A ; Aurora Thigh Guards (F,L) ; Aurora Foot Guards (M,L)
    462.128 Calypso PunyCas.CB.BL & S.I. PB008,92008,24092,38%Sollomate Rubio (L) ; Omegaton B101 (L) ; EWE EP-2 Proton (L)
    463.318 Calypso PunyCas.CB.BL & S.I. PB022,91017,30075,51%Skildek Lancehead (L)
    464.346 Calypso PunyCas.CB.BL & S.I. PB023,62018,50078,32%---
    465.492 Calypso PunyCas.CB.BL & S.I. PB033,98032,37095,26%---
    466.A) 4 Dehera Sentinel & 4 Magurg Female ; 112 Ubo & 352 Rakta & 213 YarrijakA) Elec.NC.5L+NPKA1L & Ars.C.1L ; B) Cor.NC.4L & Cor.NC.1L112,24148,54132,34%Global (91) ; Level 26 Pyro Kinetic (Dmg) ; Yarrijak Stage 4 Finished
    467.24 KP* OratanGen.Ice.ELM+MTA6 & Ars.C.1L042,00035,81085,26%Oratan Wave Spawn
    468.A) 6 Dehera Sentinel & 6 Magurg Female ; 168 Ubo & 528 Rakta & 360 YarrijakA) Elec.NC.5L+NPKA1L & Ars.C.1L ; B) Cor.NC.4L & Cor.NC.1L176,59101,29057,36%Ubo Mandible

    One last thing that I didn't say before: I've spend just about 70 PED shy of 10k on Calypso and got back over 9.2k. That is a result of 92,99%, or better then Arkadia. Let's just say that either MindArk was happy that I came back to the Planet on wich I was born, or that it's a random fluctuation.

    Results since tracking:
    Mêlée all the Way!: 91,5%
    Mindforce without Remorse!: 4,9%
    Total decay: 66808,10 PED
    Total loot: 61253,51 PED
    Result: 91,69%
    Ardorj :spiderman::rage::smuggrin::battleroar::angelic::chicken::beaver:
    Last edited: Jan 12, 2018
  16. Ardorj

    Ardorj Active Member Pro Users

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    This forum section seems to be rather lifeless, considering that my last post of almost three weeks ago is still the newest. Yet I'll continue with my blog any way, hope that some one out there likes it, appreciates it, or can do something with it in another way.

    These hunts I've mostly done one (or more) Aakas Keys followed by a Hadraada hunt. The first key ended a bit weird, with a monitor crash just after I killed the end Dehera. When I logged back in, I could continue that key again in the last chamber. And so it is that I now have two more kills of the Dehera then the Magurg.
    And one sochunt with a TT-rifle. I had to deceide between wanting to have a good time with friends or not firing ranged arms.

    22. Finish Dehera Sentinel & Magurg Female Stage 1 (93 of 100).
    26. Loot a full-TT Bloodstained Axe 17 (L) (111.32 of 124.00 PED).
    30. Buy tables for my Apartment (8 of 10).
    33. Attend more Teamhunts/ Sochunts/ Events (1 of 10).
    34. Max out Shagadi Disintegration (9.7 of 10.0).

    Arc.C.1LArsonistic Chip I (L)
    Arc.C.2LArsonistic Chip II (L)
    Cor.NC.1LCorrosive Attack Nanochip I (L)
    Cor.NC.4LCorrosive Attack Nanochip IV (L)
    Elec.NC.4LElectric Attack Nanochip IV (L)
    Elec.NC.5LElectric Attack Nanochip V (L)
    Gen.Ice.ELMGenesis Icerage E.L.M Edition (L)
    Herm.A0LHerman ARK-0 (L)
    Kolu.GlaKolukhar Glacier Sword
    Lac.NC.1LLacerating Attack Nanochip I (L)
    +MTA1Melee Trauma Amplifier I
    +MTA6Melee Trauma Amplifier VI
    +NPKA1LNeoPsion Kinetic Amplifier I (L)
    Hunts #469 - #478:
    469.3685 KP HadraadaGen.Ice.ELM+MTA6 & Kolu.Gla+MTA1406,39422,14103,88%Global (57)
    470.A) 4 Dehera Sentinel & 3 Magurg Female & 45 Dehera Defender ; 354 Ubo & 192 Rakta & 296 YarrijakA) Elec.NC.5L+NPKA1L & Ars.C.1L & B) Cor.NC.4L & Cor.NC.1L252,09174,97069,41%Global (13) ; Yarrijak Thorax ; 3400 Evade ; Level 25 Electro Kinetic (Dmg) ; Level 19 Electro Kinetic (Hit) ; Level 21 Pyro Kinetic (Hit) ; Ubo Stage 3 Finished
    471.3081 KP HadraadaGen.Ice.ELM+MTA6 & Kolu.Gla+MTA1335,64388,84115,74%Global (140) ; Skildek P 40 (L) ; Combat Mask Argentina (F) ; Combat Mask Serbia (M)
    472.A) 7 Dehera Sentinel & 7 Magurg Female ; 196 Ubo & 420 Rakta & 616 YarrijakA) Elec.NC.5L+NPKA1L & Ars.C.2L & B) Cor.NC.4L & Cor.NC.1L171,87136,96079,69%Global (10) ; 1400 Concentration ; Level 27 Pyro Kinetic (Dmg)
    473.2338 KP HadraadaGen.Ice.ELM+MTA6 & Kolu.Gla+MTA1254,07226,28089,06%---
    474.275 DromiaCor.NC.4L & Cor.NC.1L041,04033,27081,07%Level 22 Pyro Kinetic (Hit)
    475.A) 4 Dehera Sentinel & 4 Magurg Female ; 112 Ubo & 352 Rakta & 240 YarrijakA) Elec.NC.5L+NPKA1L & Ars.C.2L ; B) Cor.NC.4L & Cor.NC.1L103,16077,10074,74%Yarrijak Thorax
    476.11 KP* Teladon & 13 KP* Togolossi & 19 KP* Beladoth & 13 KP* HuonHerm.A0L067,80089,18131,53%Global (67) ; Bullseye V (L) ; Global (53) ; NBK Teamhunt on Arkadia
    477.A) 6 Dehera Sentinel & 6 Magurg Female ; 168 Ubo & 528 Rakta & 360 YarrijakA) Elec.NC.5L+NPKA1L & Ars.C.2L ; B) Elec.NC.4L & Lac.NC.1L156,95219,82140,06%Global (64, 56) ; 2600 Ranged Damage Assessment ; 1200 Cryogenics
    478.3053 KP HadraadaGen.Ice.ELM+MTA6 & Kolu.Gla+MTA1325,85282,11086,58%---

    I always note when I get a new rank in a skill, but for some reason I know I've missed some lately. I was wondering in socchat if MA removed that, when I got the message of 2600 RDA only a minute later. I think that the color is now different, or something else so that I just don't notice it that much.
    Anyhow, no big deal. Just something that I like to keep track of.

    Results since tracking:
    Mêlée all the Way!: 90,7%
    Mindforce without Remorse!: 5,7%
    Total decay: 68908,84 PED
    Total loot: 63303,72 PED
    Result: 91,87%
    Ardorj :stig::alien::dead::battleroar::redface::stinkyfeet::bookworm:
    • Like Like x 1
    Last edited: Aug 20, 2019
  17. San

    San Well-Known Member

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    Not only this section. The entire forum has become eerily quiet. I mean this literally and it's not Halloween shivers... Well, at least two old people keep soldiering on ;)
    • Welcome! Welcome! x 1
  18. Ardorj

    Ardorj Active Member Pro Users

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    So, quite a lot has happened since my last update. For one, I've completed Hadraada Stage 6 for the second time. One of my personal goals had been to loot a full TT Bloodstained Axe 17 (L) of them, but in completing Stage 6 two times with mostly hunting the big ones, I've only looted one of these axes. Therefor, I've deceided to abandon that goal. Hadraada remain a good mob, I think, but I won't hunt that in the mean time, because there are many others that I'd also like to hunt and of wich I want to finish the mission chain.
    I did complete another personal goal: Dehera & Magurg! For the last two Magurg Females I went a bit crazy (or nuts) and took a small collection of old skool weapons: Castorian Combat EnBlade-10, SGA Edition & Thorifoid Battle Club for example. The result isn't better or worse then normal lol! PRINT SCREEN 2017-11-03 20-11-39.jpg

    Then some days of uneventfullness (is that a word?), and then I did this:
    Tier 3-A (FAP-60 Smuggler).jpg Tier 3-B (FAP-60 Smuggler).jpg
    I don't want to know how much that costed me.
    I would have done it anyway.
    I've said it a hunderd times already, and I'll say it a thousand times more:
    I am very proud of my Smuggler Fap!

    This saturday I didn't knew what to hunt first. So I did a small Oweko hunt, only 25 kills, yet that was enough to complete Stage 2.
    And last, but not least, I went on a rather long Navi hunt. Loot was rather shabby first, with only one small global. Few minies, and I was thinking to myself: "Why do I continue?" And just when I was about to give up, this baby popped:
    Navi 013.jpg
    My biggest solo Navi! Enough to kick the return of that hunt in the green!

    22. Completed! Finish Dehera Sentinel & Magurg Female Stage 1 (100 of 100).
    26. Abandoned! Loot a full-TT Bloodstained Axe 17 (L) (111.32 of 124.00 PED).
    30. Buy tables for my Apartment (8 of 10).
    33. Attend more Teamhunts/ Sochunts/ Events (1 of 10).
    34. Max out Shagadi Disintegration (9.9 of 10.0).
    35. New! Finish Dromia Stage 5. (4.6k of 10.0k). Eventually I want to complete every mission-chain. Or at the very least get as far as I can handle without losing my sanity. I've made a list of Ark.mobs form small to big (what I consider a good progress), and the Dromia is next in line. (Before is: Gallard, Ark. Hornet, Carabok, Monura M/F. All these are discontinued)
    36. New! Collect Arkoins (17.7k of 50.0k). I'm evil. The Smugglers are good. Down with the IFN!

    Arc.C.2LArsonistic Chip II (L)
    Cas.CB.10SGACastorian Combat EnBlade-10, SGA Edition
    Cas.KnACastorian EnKnuckles-A
    Cas.PEnB6LCastorian Pioneer EnBlade-6 E.L.M Edition (L)
    Cas.SB.BLCastorian Survival EnBlade-B (L)
    Cas.SB.5MECastorian Survival EnBlade-5 Mentor Edition
    Elec.NC.4LElectric Attack Nanochip IV (L)
    Elec.NC.5LElectric Attack Nanochip V (L)
    Gen.Ice.ELMGenesis Icerage E.L.M Edition (L)
    Khor.IceKhorum Ice Dagger
    Kolu.GlaKolukhar Glacier Sword
    Lac.NC.1LLacerating Attack Nanochip I (L)
    Ozp.SB.1Ozpyn RSB S1X1
    S.I. PBS.I. Psy-Blade
    Thor.BCThorifoid Battle Club
    +MTA1Melee Trauma Amplifier I
    +MTA6Melee Trauma Amplifier VI
    +NPKA1LNeoPsion Kinetic Amplifier I (L)
    Hunts #479 - #491:
    479.A) 4 Dehera Sentinel & 4 Magurg Female ; 112 Ubo & 352 Rakta & 240 YarrijakA) Elec.NC.5L+NPKA1L & Ars.C.2L & B) Elec.NC.4L & Lac.NC.1L098,70071,70072,64%Level 14 Cryogenic (Hit) ; Level 21 Cryogenic (Dmg)
    480.1717 KP HadraadaGen.Ice.ELM+MTA6 & Kolu.Gla+MTA1188,09127,33067,70%Hadraada Stage 6 Finished (2)
    481.A) 1 Dehera Sentinel & 1 Magurg Female & 15 Dehera Defender ; 116 Ubo & 63 Rakta & 98 YarrijakA) Elec.NC.5L+NPKA1L & Ars.C.2L & B) Elec.NC.4L & Lac.NC.1L068,75065,66095,91%Level 20 Electro Kinetic (Hit) ; Dehera Sentinels Stage 1 Finished
    482.45 Bokol & 100 NusulGen.Ice.ELM+MTA6 & Kolu.Gla+MTA1208,84173,75083,34%---
    483.A) 3 Dehera Sentinel & 3 Magurg Female & 68 Dehera Defender ; 366 Ubo & 146 Rakta & 174 YarrijakA) Cas.CB.10SGA+MTA6 & Thor.BC+MTA1 & B) Cas.SB.5ME & Cas.KnA261,72212,88081,34%Global (18) ; Magurg Female Stage 1 Finished ; Level 34 Brawler (Dmg)
    484.108 Bokol & 132 NusulGen.Ice.ELM+MTA6 & Kolu.Gla+MTA1379,56326,95086,14%---
    485.175 DromiaCas.CB.BL & S.I. PB030,74035,08114,12%---
    486.215 OroKhor.Ice+MTA1 & Cas.PEnB6L & S.I. PB053,49052,50098,15%Level 39 Knifefighter (Hit)
    487.300 YarrijakElec.NC.5L+NPKA1L & Elec.NC.4L136,88110,23080,53%2x Piron PBP-7 (L) ; 3x S & B Ardenner 0 (L) ; Headshot II (L)
    488.187 Bokol & 248 NusulGen.Ice.ELM+MTA6 & Kolu.Gla+MTA1660,90504,83076,32%Skildek P 40 (L) ; 2x Bullseye IV (L) ; [System]: Your GYRO Combat FAP-60 Smuggler has reached tier 3.0
    489.25 OwekoGen.Ice.ELM+MTA6 & Kolu.Gla+MTA1072,37057,57079,55%Oweko Stage 2 Finished
    490.1943 KP NaviGen.Ice.ELM+MTA6 & Kolu.Gla+MTA1704,74759,82107,82%Global (51 ; 198) ; Combat Mask Philipines (M) ; 5100 Melee Combat
    491.225 DromiaOzp.SB.1+MTA1 & Cas.PEnB6L036,31032,83090,42%---

    Every Aakas Key-run I got back with a few PEDs worth of Arkoins. When I started with the Vault Key-runs (#1), I was wondering at first if they hadn't removed Arkoins from there all together. After 15 Vault-Keys I've opened only one chest with Arkoins. There were seven. I need 50.000, lol.

    Results since tracking:
    Mêlée all the Way!: 90,6%
    Mindforce without Remorse!: 5,9%
    Total decay: 71823,69 PED
    Total loot: 65834,40 PED
    Result: 91,66%
    Ardorj :eggonface:o_O:devilish::battleroar::cry::nurse::borg:
    Last edited: Nov 13, 2017
  19. Ardorj

    Ardorj Active Member Pro Users

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    I'll try to keep this post short and to the point. I know, I fail that promise most of the time ...

    I ran tens of Saldiresh Keys, only to realize that it is a really, really bad way of collecting Arkoins. But they are more fun then Aakas Keysm, in my opinion so it's okay.

    I've maxed-out my Shagadi Sword! Or, not really. The hit ability is at 10.0/10.0 now, so that's good at least. However, my damage output is about 10 points behind the max. At first I thought it would be super easy, and now I have to admit that I couldn't be more wrong about that. Also, because I thought it would be a walk in the park, I had the idea to max it out without the help of any mission rewards. I'm getting back on that idea as well, and looked at what possible missions I could follow. To get my Swordsman (Dmg) pro-standing up, in no particular order:
    Stage 4, Jori for Longblades
    Stage 3, IFN Defense Bot for Longblades
    Stage 5, Yarrijak for Longblades
    Stage 4, Oro for Anatomy
    Stage 5, Dromia for Melee Combat
    Stage 4, Tiarak for Inflict Melee Damage
    Stage 4, Ubo for Inflict Melee Damage

    30. Buy tables for my Apartment (8 of 10).
    33. Attend more Teamhunts/ Sochunts/ Events (1 of 10).
    34. Changed! Max out Shagadi Disintegration (57.1 of 66.0).
    35. Finish Dromia Stage 5. (6.6k of 10.0k).
    36. Collect Arkoins (17.7k of 50.0k).

    Cas.CM1Castorian Combat Mace Mk.I
    Cas.PEnB6LCastorian Pioneer EnBlade-6 E.L.M Edition (L)
    Elec.NC.4LElectric Attack Nanochip IV (L)
    Elec.NC.5LElectric Attack Nanochip V (L)
    Gen.Ice.ELMGenesis Icerage E.L.M Edition (L)
    Kolu.GlaKolukhar Glacier Sword
    Lac.NC.1LLacerating Attack Nanochip I (L)
    Ozp.SB.1Ozpyn RSB S1X1
    +MTA1Melee Trauma Amplifier I
    +MTA4Melee Trauma Amplifier IV
    +MTA6Melee Trauma Amplifier VI
    +NPKA1LNeoPsion Kinetic Amplifier I (L)
    Hunts #492 - #506:
    492.775 DromiaOzp.SB.1+MTA1 & Cas.PEnB6L129,48140,78108,73%Global (16, 10)
    493.850 DromiaOzp.SB.1+MTA1 & Cas.PEnB6L142,38168,75118,52%Global (29)
    494.197 Bokol & 297 NusulGen.Ice.ELM+MTA6 & Kolu.Gla+MTA1769,01690,30089,76%Max. 167 HP ; Dominax Original Garter Adjusted (L) ; Blank Arkadian DNA Cartridge 1
    495.200 YarrijakElec.NC.5L+NPKA1L & Elec.NC.4L091,91075,42082,06%Piron PBP-7 (L)
    496.150 TiarakElec.NC.5L+NPKA1L & Elec.NC.4L121,09080,06066,12%---
    497.130 NusulGen.Ice.ELM+MTA6 & Kolu.Gla+MTA1184,50143,26077,65%Level 47 Swordsman (Hit)
    498.100 YarrijakElec.NC.5L+NPKA1L & Elec.NC.4L047,31039,97084,49%2x Piron PBP-7 (L)
    499.101 MadanaGen.Ice.ELM+MTA6 & Kolu.Gla+MTA1236,09152,64064,65%---
    500.425 DromiaOzp.SB.1+MTA1 & Cas.PEnB6L068,24060,13088,12%---
    501.134 Bokol & 225 NusulGen.Ice.ELM+MTA6 & Kolu.Gla+MTA1563,92569,06100,91%---
    502.161 Bokol & 224 NusulGen.Ice.ELM+MTA6 & Kolu.Gla+MTA1589,13601,57102,11%Bullseye IV (L) ; Global (95) ; Potted – Purplestar ; Canis Foot Guards (M) ; Piron PBP-17 (L) ; 460 Treatment
    502.200 JoriElec.NC.4L & Lac.NC.1L056,66041,51073,26%---
    504.229 Bokol & 361 NusulGen.Ice.ELM+MTA6 & Kolu.Gla+MTA1884,64740,97083,76%Dominax Original Garter Adjusted (L) ; 3600 Dexterity
    505.40 YarrijakElec.NC.5L+NPKA1L & Elec.NC.4L065,18052,89081,14%---
    506.260 YarrijakCas.CM1+MTA4 & Elec.NC.5L+NPKA1L421,27342,08081,20%3x Piron PBR-12 (L) ; Piron PBP-12 (L)

    And one last thing before closing: check my sig! Mêlée all the Way of 2018 is coming to Arkadia february 9-11!

    Results since tracking:
    Mêlée all the Way!: 90,7%
    Mindforce without Remorse!: 6,0%
    Total decay: 76194,50 PED
    Total loot: 69733,79 PED
    Result: 91,52%
    Ardorj :lurking::bookworm::hungover::battleroar::smuggrin::sorry::blackalien:
    Last edited: Dec 16, 2017
  20. Ardorj

    Ardorj Active Member Pro Users

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    I hadn't been slacking the past two weeks, if I might say so myself.
    Lot's of things have happened, including unlocking Avoidance!
    Avoidance Unlocked.jpg

    I've done a first run for Christmas Boxes, now I have 14. I want to do a few more at the start of 2018 and then it's opening time!
    And lastly, we had a sochunt yesterday and it was a blast! I missed the first global on Zadul, yet there were many more on the Yukaas. See for yourself:
    2017-12-29 -- Yuka Mature 53 PED .jpg 2017-12-29 -- Yuka Mature 79 PED .jpg 2017-12-29 -- Yuka Mature 124 PED .jpg 2017-12-29 -- Yuka Mature 212 PED .jpg 2017-12-29 -- Yuka Mature 303 PED .jpg 2017-12-29 -- Yuka Old 53 PED .jpg 2017-12-29 -- Yuka Old 90 PED .jpg 2017-12-29 -- Yuka Old 150 PED .jpg 2017-12-29 -- Yuka Young 54 PED .jpg 2017-12-29 -- Yuka Young 61 PED .jpg 2017-12-29 -- Yuka Young 65 PED .jpg 2017-12-29 -- Yuka Young 94 PED .jpg 2017-12-29 -- Yuka Young 108 PED .jpg 2017-12-29 -- Yuka Young 113 PED .jpg 2017-12-29 -- Yuka Young 125 PED .jpg

    I've also deceided for myself to alternate between a Bokol/ Nusul hunt and something else every time untill I've completed the Nusul Stage 5. I've done about a quarter now, so it's still a long road to walk. I'm aiming to kill at least 100 of both, and so far I've done so almost every time. That does mean that I'm looking forward to at least 90 more hunts ... and somewhere along the way I'll have the Bokol Stage 4 finished.
    The question is, what will be first? Maxing out the Shagadi sword, or finishing Nusul Stage 5?!

    30. Buy tables for my Apartment (8 of 10).
    33. Attend more Teamhunts/ Sochunts/ Events (3 of 10).
    34. Max out Shagadi Disintegration (57.8 of 66.0).
    35. Finish Dromia Stage 5. (7.7k of 10.0k).
    36. Collect Arkoins (18.0k of 50.0k).

    Cas.CM1Castorian Combat Mace Mk.I
    Cas.PEnB6LCastorian Pioneer EnBlade-6 E.L.M Edition (L)
    Com.NC.4Combustive Attack Nanochip IV
    Elec.NC.3LElectric Attack Nanochip III (L)
    Elec.NC.4LElectric Attack Nanochip IV (L)
    Elec.NC.5LElectric Attack Nanochip V (L)
    Gen.Ice.ELMGenesis Icerage E.L.M Edition (L)
    Kolu.GlaKolukhar Glacier Sword
    Lac.NC.1LLacerating Attack Nanochip I (L)
    Lac.NC.3LLacerating Attack Nanochip III (L)
    Ozp.SB.1Ozpyn RSB S1X1
    +MTA1Melee Trauma Amplifier I
    +MTA4Melee Trauma Amplifier IV
    +MTA6Melee Trauma Amplifier VI
    +NPKA1LNeoPsion Kinetic Amplifier I (L)

    Hunts #507 - #525:
    507.3287 KP OratanGen.Ice.ELM+MTA6 & Kolu.Gla+MTA1364,97294,00080,55%---
    508.166 Bokol & 187 NusulGen.Ice.ELM+MTA6 & Kolu.Gla+MTA1541,60438,01080,87%2x Dominax Original Garter Adjusted (L) ; Longreach IV (L) ; Level 25 Evader ; [System]: Congratulations, you have acquired a new skill; Avoidance ; 10 Avoidance
    509.375 DromiaOzp.SB.1+MTA1 & Cas.PEnB6L060,83055,48091,20%---
    510.94 Bokol & 93 NusulGen.Ice.ELM+MTA6 & Kolu.Gla+MTA1292,64238,89081,63%20 Avoidance
    511.3805 KP WombanaCas.CM1+MTA4 & Kolu.Gla+MTA1435,23300,33069,00%Teamhunt with Diesel ; [System]: Your GYRO Combat FAP-60 Smuggler has reached tier 3.2
    512.119 Bokol & 184 NusulGen.Ice.ELM+MTA6 & Kolu.Gla+MTA1453,17424,60093,70%Melee Trauma Amplifier II (L) ; Dominax Original Garter Adjusted (L) ; 40 Avoidance
    513.2534 KP OratanGen.Ice.ELM+MTA6 & Kolu.Gla+MTA1282,89184,78065,32%4200 Bravado ; 77 Strenght
    514.80 Bokol & 105 NusulGen.Ice.ELM+MTA6 & Kolu.Gla+MTA1269,07334,88124,46%Global (93) ; Combat Mask Netherlands (M) ; Blank Arkadian DNA Cartridge 1
    515.240 YarrijakCas.CM1+MTA4 & Elec.NC.5L+NPKA1L389,64318,81081,80%Piron PBR-12 (L) ; Piron PBP-12 (L) ; Piron PLP-12 (L) ; 3600 Clubs ; 67 Avoidance
    516.127 Bokol & 177 NusulGen.Ice.ELM+MTA6 & Kolu.Gla+MTA1483,33404,75083,74%---
    517.575 DromiaElec.NC.3L & Lac.NC.1L095,21082,28086,42%Level 15 Cryogenic (Hit) ; 1400 Cryogenics
    518.107 Bokol & 158 NusulGen.Ice.ELM+MTA6 & Kolu.Gla+MTA1408,23299,30073,32%Level 39 Knifefighter (Dmg)
    519.433 OroElec.NC.4L & Lac.NC.1L111,40104,51093,82%10x Christmas Strongbox ; Level 21 Electro Kinetic (Hit) ; 2600 Electrokinesis ; 4000 Courage ; Level 27 Electro Kinetic (Dmg) ; Level 22 Cryogenic (Dmg)
    520.173 Bokol & 221 NusulGen.Ice.ELM+MTA6 & Kolu.Gla+MTA1592,72525,98088,74%Global (27) ; Bullseye IV (L)
    521.200 DromiaElec.NC.3L & Lac.NC.1L032,72030,83094,22%110 Avoidance ; 1800 Power Catalyst
    522.68 OroElec.NC.4L & Lac.NC.1L018,78019,46103,62%4x Christmas Strongbox
    523.21 ZadulLac.NC.3L+NPKA1L044,34088,45199,48%NBK Teamhunt on Arkadia ; Global (112) ; Combat Mask Netherlands (M) ; Combat Mask Great Britain (M)
    524.67 KP* YukaGen.Ice.ELM+MTA6 & Com.NC.4602,32682,76113,36%NBK Teamhunt on Arkadia ; Global (54, 124, 53, 79, 125, 303, 113, 90, 65, 212, 150, 61, 94, 108, 53) ; 2x Combat Mask Great Britain (F) ; Combat Mask Slovakia (F) ; Combat Mask Croatia (F) ; Combat Mask Poland (F) ; Combat Mask India (M)
    525.133 Bokol & 165 NusulGen.Ice.ELM+MTA6 & Kolu.Gla+MTA1460,97560,08121,50%Global (120) ; Combat Mask Finland (F) ; Bullseye IV (L)

    And one extra note on hunt #518: I normally only note relevant new pro-standings for the weapons that I am using. So why is there a note there that says "Level 39 Knifefighter (Dmg)", when my main weapon was a Genesis Icerage, and my finisher a Kolukhar Sword? That's because I am using two more weapons on those Bokol/ Nusul hunts. First is a Castorian Pioneer EnBlade-6 for all those pesky Nusul Punies. Second is my old Khorum Ice Dagger with wich I've done the Hadraada Stage 1 to 5, and that I use as a second finisher for when a mob has just a tiny bit of HP left. Therefore, the use of one of these 'other' weapons pushed me forward to L39 Kitchenkniver.

    Sometime next week I'll make a 2017 Summary post. And I don't do any 2018 resulations or whatever it's called. I'll continue in the same way as I did before. Following my five goals, one chageing harder then the other. Hope to get the Nusul Stage 5 done, to max-out the Shagadi Sword, maybe get yet another unlock, and even dare to hope for a solo Über one day!

    Happy and Mêlée 2018 to all, and may the HOFs be with you!

    Results since tracking:
    Mêlée all the Way!: 91,0%
    Mindforce without Remorse!: 6,0%
    Total decay: 82134,66 PED
    Total loot: 25121,97 PED
    Result: 91,46%
    Ardorj :joyful::nailbiting::penguin::battleroar::wacky::cat::roflmao:
    Last edited: Dec 31, 2017