Ardorjies (Mêlée) Hunting Blog

Discussion in 'Hunting' started by Ardorj, Dec 20, 2015.

  1. Ardorj

    Ardorj Active Member Pro Users

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    Three weeks later, and I haven't completed my Hadraada Mission yet. Though I did some other fine hunts and got good progress along the way.
    Two weeks ago I tested the Navi. I am glad, and a bit proud too, that I can solo them without any armour. Oké, should be said, the Providers are just out of reach, and if they can be avoided, the Olds too. :oldman:
    Sometime during that hunt I got this suprise:
    67 Agility.jpg PRINT SCREEN 2016-08-08 22-2-47.jpg

    Later, during one of the Hadraada/ Ostelok hunts, I got another fine Attribute level-up.
    40 Psyche.jpg
    I've also decended into the Sal'diresh Vaults. At first I had to test and tweak wich weapons to use for wich room. Simply going with MindForce Chips from start to finish, when all I got is a Combustive I and Lacerating I, does not work. Not at all. In the end I used those chips for the smaller maturities, and the Ozpyn for the higher rooms, but I think that a Khorum Dagger is better suited for the two bosses at the end.
    About the Lacerating Chip: at the start of this blog I had a Corrosive Attack Nanochip I (L), but that is finally broken, and now I am using a Lacerating Attack Nanochip I (L) as MindForce Finisher. It's the first time I use any Cryogenic, so the skills and ranks were flying. Normally I would list all relevant skill-ups in the Hunting Table, but since it would be pretty boring to see all the small levels, I'll just note the last one. :coldfeet:

    And that's not the end of all the good skills that I got. At one of the last Sal'diresh Vaults I got this baby:
    2000 Coolness.jpg

    On to the goals, so close to finishing at least two! I promise, next update I will have done the Hadraada Goal, I do! :spiderman:

    6. Finish Hadraada Stage 5 (11.8k of 12.0k).
    9. Max-out my GYRO Combat FAP-60 Smuggler (31 of 40 uses/min).
    11. Be part of a Shared-Loot ATH with at least 1000 PEDs (229 of 5644).
    13. Get a promotion in the IFN (Day 11 of 14).
    14. Sal'diresh's Vault Key #1 runs (15 of 39).

    Com.NC.1LCombustive Attack Nanochip I (L)
    Cor.NC.1LCorrosive Attack Nanochip I (L)
    Gen.Ice.ELMGenesis Icerage E.L.M Edition (L)
    Khor.IceKhorum Ice Dagger
    Lac.NC.1LLacerating Attack Nanochip I (L)
    Ozp.SB.1Ozpyn RSB S1X1
    +MDA1LMelee Durability Amplifier I (L)
    +MTA1Melee Trauma Amplifier I

    Hunts #161 - #170:
    161.100 Oratan ProspectorCom.NC.1L & Cor.NC.1036,25031,56087,06%Oratan Payback Day 8 of 14 ; Scott & Barlow BP-2 (L)
    162.A) 200 Hadraada; B) 570 KP OstelokA) Khor.Ice+MTA1 & Ozp.SB.1; B) Com.NC.1L & Cor.NC.1178,24157,12088,15%Global (11)
    163.100 Oratan ProspectorCom.NC.1L & Lac.NC.1037,25042,49114,07%Oratan Payback Day 9 of 14 ; Level 6 Cryogenic (Hit) ; Headshot I (L)
    164.630 KP NaviGen.Ice.ELM+MDA1L & Khor.Ice+MTA1224,65173,91077,41%67 Agility ; Longreach IV (L)
    165.120 YarrijakA) Ozp.SB.1+MTA1 & Mak.FTL+MTA1L; B) Com.NC.1L & Lac.NC.1055,78035,89064,34%Level 14 Cryogenic (Dmg) ; S & B Ardenner 0 (L)
    166.100 Oratan ProspectorCom.NC.1L & Lac.NC.10034,69040,59117,01%Oratan Payback Day 10 of 14 ; Level 21 Pyro Kinetic (Dmg) ; Level 15 Pyro Kinetic (Hit) ; Scott & Barlow BP-2 (L)
    167.A) 200 Hadraada; B) 650 KP OstelokA) Khor.Ice+MTA1 & Ozp.SB.1; B) Com.NC.1L & Lac.NC.1L183,56176,19095,98%Max. 146 HP ; 40 Psyche ; Global (41) ; Scott & Barlow LR-6 (L)
    168.100 Oratan ProspectorCom.NC.1L & Lac.NC.1042,26027,66065,45%Oratan Payback Day 11 of 14
    169.A) 200 Hadraada; B) 572 KP OstelokA) Khor.Ice+MTA1 & Ozp.SB.1; B) Com.NC.1L & Lac.NC.1L181,91194,09106,70%160 Cryogenics ; Global (39, 25) ; 2x Bullseye I (L) ; Scott & Barlow LR-6 (L)
    170.180 YarrijakA) Ozp.SB.1+MTA1 & Mak.FTL+MTA1L; B) Com.NC.1L & Lac.NC.1078,00063,72081,69%2000 Coolness ; Level 7 Cryogenic (Hit) ; Piron PBP-7 (L) ; Headshot II (L) ; 3x S & B Ardenner 0 (L)
    I got a grouphug at one of the Oratan hunts, and deceided that it would be good for my Evade & Paramedic skills. Unfortuatly, the Smuggler-Fap is still stuck at 31/40 uses/min. I need a new plan for how to increase it. Right now I am thinking about going for some Paramedic-Mission-Rewards. :jimlad:

    Results since tracking:
    Mêlée all the Way!: 80,7% --> going down! :eek:
    Total decay: 14983,09 PED
    Total loot: 13693,33 PED
    Result: 91,39%
    Ardorj :cyclops::roflmao::punch::borg::panda:

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    Last edited: Sep 18, 2017
  2. Ardorj

    Ardorj Active Member Pro Users

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    Putting words into action!
    PRINT SCREEN 2016-08-20 22-1-29.jpg
    My Evader-Prostanding went from 21,77 to 22,03 and my Dodger-Prostanding from 16,22 to 16,49, I'm very happy! :D

    The last Hadraada-run was a good one with two globals and one item ... ranged of course!
    2016-08-20 -- Hadraada Young 22 PED .jpg

    I went to celebrate finishing Hadraadaas by hunting big Nusuls. They are a lot weaker then I can remember from last time that I did that. I don't know when that was, believe when the Smugglers opened their base north of Cobra Digsite. Back then I was swarmed, killed, needed heavy armour, killed again, and only barely survived. Now I had to run from Nusul to Nusul, killed them quickly and cleanly, only had to heal after 4-5, and got rewarded with two globals of wich this is the first and the best:
    2016-08-20 -- Nusul Old Alpha 69 PED .jpg


    6. Completed! Finish Hadraada Stage 5 (12.0k of 12.0k).
    9. Max-out my GYRO Combat FAP-60 Smuggler (31 of 40 uses/min).
    11. Be part of a Shared-Loot ATH with at least 1000 PEDs (229 of 5644).
    13. Get a promotion in the IFN (Day 12 of 14).
    14. Sal'diresh's Vault Key #1 runs (15 of 39).
    15. New! Finish Navi Stage 1 (3.5k of 5.0k KP). Navi has always been a mob that I think of as one of the baddest, most strongest mob. It is not, I know, I know. However, it feels incredebly good that I can solo them. So that is the first reason why I want to hunt them. The second is that Stage 1 gives me an Anatomy-Reward, wich is good for Goal #9.

    Com.NC.1LCombustive Attack Nanochip I (L)
    Gen.Ice.ELMGenesis Icerage E.L.M Edition (L)
    Khor.IceKhorum Ice Dagger
    Lac.NC.1LLacerating Attack Nanochip I (L)
    Ozp.SB.1Ozpyn RSB S1X1
    +MDA1LMelee Durability Amplifier I (L)
    +MTA1Melee Trauma Amplifier I
    Hunts #171 - #173:
    171.100 Oratan ProspectorCom.NC.1L & Lac.NC.1L038,06042,26111,04%Oratan Payback Day 12 of 14 ; 800 Concentration
    172.A) 200 Hadraada; B) 185 KP OstelokA) Khor.Ice+MTA1 & Ozp.SB.1; B) Com.NC.1L & Lac.NC.1L175,56195,75111,50%Hadraada Stage 5 Finished ; Global (21, 22) ; Piron PLR-12 (L)
    173.127 NusulA) Gen.Ice.ELM+MDA1L & Khor.Ice+MTA1; B) Lac.NC.1L274,01380,37138,82%Global (69, 54) ; Scott & Barlow BP-16 (L) ; S & B Ardenner 13 (L) ; 260 Cryogenics ; Level 15 Cryogenic (Dmg)

    Some statistics! I got from Stage 1 to Stage 5 Hadraada 136 Globals. According to Entropedia there is one more, totalling just 1 PED under 3k. From the start of this blog I had a return on them of 95,72%. My highest was on 20.feb, a Mature worth 87 PED. I've only hunted them south of Celeste Quarry, that means Young to Old with the odd Provider and I can count on one hand the Guardians.

    Results since tracking:
    Mêlée all the Way!: 81,1% --> up again! :battleroar:
    Total decay: 14749,97 PED
    Total loot: 14311,71 PED
    Result: 92,51%

    Ardorj :dead::blackalien::laugh::)
    Last edited: Sep 18, 2017
  3. Ardorj

    Ardorj Active Member Pro Users

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    I've been making some very good progress, if I might say so myself. I've completed no less then three of my personal goals. This first is my promotion in the IFN on 23rd of august. :borg:

    I know there's some dispute about wether or not Prospectors are worth to hunt, since they removed the ammo-reward. From my small tracking, 20 daily hunts, I've got a return of 98.1% Include the skill-reward (what you'll get at most missions, so I don't get the argument that the daily is worthless now), and I'll say that it is worth it. Not sure when I'll go for the next rank though, I don't like all the single maturity hunting much. But that's just me.
    IFN Sergeant.jpg

    One day later I finished Navi Stage 1. :alien:
    PRINT SCREEN 2016-08-24 15-29-16.jpg
    My Anatomy went from ~5622,7 to ~5649,8. That brought my Paramedic Prostanding from 23,3853 to 23,4209. The uses per minute of my FAP-60 Smuggler has been at 31/40 for a long time. I am not sure exactly when it went to 32/40, but it's been before the Navi-reward. Where it still is now.

    Again the next day I run the last of the accumulated Sal'diresh's Vaults #1. :bucktooth:
    I've also tried to shoot Ferans out of the sky with my Mindforce, but I either must go for smaller maturities, or I need bigger chips. Stopped at 25, because it just didn't work.


    9. Max-out my GYRO Combat FAP-60 Smuggler (32 of 40 uses/min).
    11. Be part of a Shared-Loot ATH with at least 1000 PEDs (229 of 5644).
    13. Completed! Get a promotion in the IFN (Day 14 of 14).
    14. Completed! Sal'diresh's Vault Key #1 runs (39 of 39).
    15. Completed! Navi Stage 1 (5000 of 5000).
    16. New! Finish Nusul Stage 3 (900 of 1200). Same reason as why I wanted to complete the Navi, for the Paramedic-reward. Nusul gives one at this Stage, and at Stage 5.
    17. New! Storage Cleanup-Sale (1,23% of 80,00% of 20570,64). I am a hoarder, and I've been hoarding for a lóng time now. So yes, that's >20k worth of stuff I have in my Storage that I have for sale now. Many hunting stackables, some mined resources (not only from Oratans), few items and clothes that I don't use or wear, and many, many pistols, guns, and attachments. This goal is to sell at least 80.00% of the TT-value to other players. It's a bit abbritiary chosen, but I think I can sell at least that much, if only if it's at 101%. Click on the link for a complete list.

    18. New! Sal'diresh's Vault Keys #2 runs (0 of 46). #1 done, onwards to #2.

    Com.NC.1LCombustive Attack Nanochip I (L)
    Gen.Ice.ELMGenesis Icerage E.L.M Edition (L)
    Khor.IceKhorum Ice Dagger
    Lac.NC.1LLacerating Attack Nanochip I (L)
    Ozp.SB.1Ozpyn RSB S1X1
    +MDA1LMelee Durability Amplifier I (L)
    +MTA1Melee Trauma Amplifier I
    +MTA4Melee Trauma Amplifier IV
    Hunts #174 - #185:
    174.100 Oratan ProspectorCom.NC.1L & Lac.NC.1L042,11038,91092,40%Oratan Payback Day 13 of 14 ; Scott & Barlow LP-3 (L)
    175.518 KP NaviGen.Ice.ELM+MDA1L & Khor.Ice+MTA1189,63282,45148,95%Global (62) ; Arsonistic Chip II (L) ; 2x Piron PBR-27 (L) ; 3000 Perception
    176.25 FeranCom.NC.1L & Lac.NC.1L020,31017,81087,697%Global (10) ; 3200 First Aid
    177.100 Oratan ProspectorCom.NC.1L & Lac.NC.1L035,13033,55095,50%Oratan Payback Day 14 of 14 ; Promotion to IFN Sergeant
    178.320 YarrijakA) Khor.Ice+MTA1 & Ozp.SB.1; B) Com.NC.1L & Lac.NC.1L141,53112,80078,70%7x S & B Ardenner 0 (L) ; 2x Headshot II (L) ; Longreach I (L) ; 360 Cryogenics ; 800 Power Catalyst ; Level 16 Pyro Kinetic (Hit) ; 3600 Serendipity
    179.483 KP NaviGen.Ice.ELM+MDA1L & Khor.Ice+MTA1178,42088,45049,57%3800 Bravado
    180.506 KP NaviGen.Ice.ELM+MTA1 & Khor.Ice+MTA1L181,27320,32176,71%Navi Stage 1 Finished ; Global (66) ; 2x Piron PBR-27 (L)
    181.160 YarrijakA) Khor.Ice+MTA1 & Ozp.SB.1; B) Com.NC.1L & Lac.NC.1L074,00056,53076,39%Headshot II (L) ; S & B Ardenner 0 (L) ; Level 8 Cryogenic (Hit) ; Level 22 Pyro Kinetic (Dmg)
    182.150 NusulA) Gen.Ice.ELM+MTA1 & Khor.Ice+MTA1L; B) Lac.NC.1L338,21324,47095,94%Global (65) ; Scott & Barlow BP-16 (L) ; Bullseye IV (L)
    183.150 NusulA) Gen.Ice.ELM+MTA1 & Khor.Ice+MTA1L; B) Lac.NC.1339,55273,30080,49%2x Piron PBP-17 (L) ; Scott & Barlow BP-16 (L)
    184.250 OroA) Kolu.Gla+MTA1 & Ozp.SB.1+MTA1; B) Mak.FTL & Man.KTL077,81060,98078,37%---
    185.175 OroA) Kolu.Gla+MTA1 & Ozp.SB.1+MTA1; B) Mak.FTL & Man.KTL050,75044,34087,37%---
    Now if only I can keep on the speed of completing my Goals like I did last month! :blackalien:

    Results since tracking:
    Mêlée all the Way!: 81,9% --> up! :spiderman:
    Total decay: 16360,64 PED
    Total loot: 15995,62 PED
    Result: 93,03%
    Ardorj :whistling::coldfeet::battleroar::cat::ninja:
    • Gratz! Gratz! x 2
    Last edited: Sep 18, 2017
  4. Ardorj

    Ardorj Active Member Pro Users

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    I haven't done that much in particulair, yet it has been very good. First thing to note is that I've finished the Nusul Stage 3 already. Not that it had been much of a challenge, but still it's a nice bonus of Dexterity, that I forgot to note how much it did for my Paramedic. :nurse:

    Second thing to note, last week I bought an unlimited Club, tier 6 (can't check the name now, something Mk. 1 I think it was). I haven't maxed it out yet, so I thought it best to take a look at what mobs give Clubs-rewards. Otorugi was the one I went for, also because it gives Dexterity in Stage 2 where I am at now.
    I went in, like I always do, naked. Damn, these guys know how to stand their ground in a hand-to-hand combat! I killed one Old, but that was more luck then wisdom. It was a hit-heal-hit-heal-hit-heal-hit-heal-hit-heal for most of the time, where hit stands for hits the Otorugi deals me! I stopped after only 9 kills, but while checking the returns I found out that the hunt excually went good. I made the decision to put on some Adjusted Musca for a bit of protection, and continued. One Otorugi was so kind as to give me a GYRO FAP-22 (L), wich is the same as my in-combat-fap. Then only a few mobs later I got this suprise:
    Otorugi 004.jpg
    #100 on the HoF-list! But at least I can say that I've made it on that list once more! :biggrin2:

    9. Max-out my GYRO Combat FAP-60 Smuggler (32 of 40 uses/min).
    11. Be part of a Shared-Loot ATH with at least 1000 PEDs (229 of 5644).
    16. Completed! Finish Nusul Stage 3 (1200 of 1200).
    17. Storage Cleanup-Sale (2,98% of 80,00% of 20570,64).
    18. Sal'diresh's Vault Keys #2 runs (8 of 46).
    19. New! Finish Otorugi Stage 2 (100 of 400). No suprise there, I shoudl think!

    Gen.Ice.ELMGenesis Icerage E.L.M Edition (L)
    Khor.IceKhorum Ice Dagger
    Lac.NC.1LLacerating Attack Nanochip I (L)
    Ozp.SB.1Ozpyn RSB S1X1
    +MTA1Melee Trauma Amplifier I
    +MTA4Melee Trauma Amplifier IV
    Hunts #186 - #191:
    186.100 NusulA) Gen.Ice.ELM+MTA1 & Khor.Ice+MTA1L; B) Lac.NC.1L224,29200,94089,59%---
    187.100 NusulA) Gen.Ice.ELM+MTA1 & Khor.Ice+MTA1L; B) Lac.NC.1L219,33365,58166,68%Global (93) ; Scott & Barlow BP-16 (L) ; Piron BPB-17 (L) ; Corvus Helmet (M) ; Level 36 Knifefighter (Dmg)
    188.80 YarrijakGen.Ice.ELM+MTA4 & Khor.Ice+MTA1 & Ozp.SB.1+MTA1120,93090,53074,867%3x Piron PLP-12 (L)
    189.100 NusulA) Gen.Ice.ELM+MTA1 & Khor.Ice+MTA1L; B) Lac.NC.1L236,78199,52084,26%Global (59) ; Piron PBP-17 (L) ; Nusul Stage 3 Finished
    190.34 OtorugiGen.Ice.ELM+MTA4 & Khor.Ice+MTA1166,73477,78286,56%HOF (203) ; Global (102, 58) ; Piron PBR-22 (L) ; Headshot III (L) ; GYRO FAP-22 (L)
    191.80 YarrijakGen.Ice.ELM+MTA4 & Khor.Ice+MTA1 & Ozp.SB.1+MTA1120,61081,70067,74%Piron PLP-12 (L) ; Piron PBR-12 (L) ; Piron PBP-12 (L)

    I've also realised, what I've know for a long time, is that I am not a trader, seller, handler, or any of that kind of guy. A few items from my bottumless put has been sold, but way too little. Now I've made promise to myself, to really start promoting, and actively selling stuff, the next time I'll log on. :nailbiting:

    Results since tracking:
    Mêlée all the Way!: 83,0% --> let's aim for the 90,0! :beaver:
    Total decay: 18249,73 PED
    Total loot: 17381,67 PED
    Result: 95,24%
    Ardorj :vamp::blackeye::photogenic::D:rage::battleroar:
  5. Ardorj

    Ardorj Active Member Pro Users

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    Some weeks later and I've progressed a few steps up that endless ladder. I've already broken my self-promise to start selling off all the stuff I've been hoarding in Storage, I must admit shamely. It doesn't help much that I have >1.7k PED in Hadraada Hides that have almost no known sales-history. I've put a few items on Auction, to see how that goes. Some got sold, others did not, even though in theory those can sell for like >130%. Click on this link to see the many stacks and items that are still left to continue gathering dust.

    I've hunted Oro, Hadraada, Yarrijak, Ostelok, Nusul, Feran, and of course the Otorugies. They apparently blame me for taking that nice HOF earlier, because the returns are horrendeous now.
    There are some positive things to note too, of course. For example this skill stepping stone:
    3600 Courage.jpg

    Or my latest Hadraada-global, I went to test what the big Hadraadaas feel like. I think I'll try to complete Stage VI first, and then see if that Evade-reward does any good for when I turn Otorugi-prey.
    Hadraada 137.jpg

    9. Max-out my GYRO Combat FAP-60 Smuggler (33 of 40 uses/min).
    11. Be part of a Shared-Loot ATH with at least 1000 PEDs (229 of 5644).
    17. Storage Cleanup-Sale (09,36% of 80,00% of 20570,64).
    18. Sal'diresh's Vault Keys #2 runs (19 of 46).
    19. Finish Otorugi Stage 2 (200 of 400).

    Com.NC.1LCombustive Attack Nanochip I (L)
    Gen.Ice.ELMGenesis Icerage E.L.M Edition (L)
    Khor.IceKhorum Ice Dagger
    Kolu.GlaKolukhar Glacier Sword
    Lac.NC.1LLacerating Attack Nanochip I (L)
    Ozp.SB.1Ozpyn RSB S1X1
    +MTA1Melee Trauma Amplifier I
    +MTA4Melee Trauma Amplifier IV
    Hunts #192 - #202:
    192.200 OroA) Kolu.Gla+MTA1 & Ozp.SB.1+MTA1; B) Mak.FTL & Man.KTL059,72063,21105,84%Global (12, 12) ; 2x Scott & Barlow BP-3 (L)
    193.50 OtorugiGen.Ice.ELM+MTA4 & Khor.Ice+MTA1257,56113,69044,14%---
    194.160 YarrijakGen.Ice.ELM+MTA4 & Khor.Ice+MTA1 & Ozp.SB.1+MTA1262,59174,28066,37%4x Piron PBR-12 (L) ; Piron PBP-12 (L) ; 3x Piron PLP-12 (L)
    195.100 FeranCom.NC.1L & Lac.NC.1L018,51023,19125,28%Piron PLR-2 (L)
    196.1362 KP OstelokCom.NC.1L & Lac.NC.1L028,03037,14132,50%2000 Pyrokinesis ; 3600 Courage
    197.125 NusulA) Gen.Ice.ELM+MTA4 & Khor.Ice+MTA1 ; B) Lac.NC.1L289,93335,73115,80%Global (78) ; 2x Scott & Barlow BP-16 (L)
    198.175 FeranCom.NC.1L & Lac.NC.1L032,90028,44086,44%Level 16 Cryogenic (Dmg) ; 460 Cryogenics
    199.2018 KP HadraadaGen.Ice.ELM+MTA4 & Khor.Ice+MTA1219,50219,01099,78%---
    200.80 YarrijakGen.Ice.ELM+MTA4 & Khor.Ice+MTA1 & Ozp.SB.1+MTA1132,28089,60067,74%2x Piron PBR-12 (L) ; Piron PLP-12 (L) ; Piron PBP-12 (L)
    201.50 OtorugiGen.Ice.ELM+MTA4 & Khor.Ice+MTA1275,44156,48056,81%---
    202.2017 KP HadraadaGen.Ice.ELM+MTA4 & Khor.Ice+MTA1221,84253,36114,21%Global (62) ; Scott & Barlow LR-13 (L)

    Looking back now on these eleven hunts, I think that it's quite good. Sure, the Otorugi are bad, same as the Sal'diresh's, yet that's rather well compensated by the Nusul and Hadraada hunts. Well, cracking down the numbers is showing that it is not. Subresult is <83%, eugh!

    Results since tracking:
    Mêlée all the Way!: 84,1%
    Total decay: 20054,47 PED
    Total loot: 18875,80 PED
    Result: 94,124%
    Ardorj :bag::pompus::punch::battleroar::doctor::walkingdead:
    Last edited: Sep 18, 2017
  6. Ardorj

    Ardorj Active Member Pro Users

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    I've only done six hunts since last update, but I've made an important decision in my goals that I wanted to write about. So let's start with that.
    I do not only have the five personal goals that I list every update, I also have some more in my back. Some goals are part of something that I believe I can call a "goal-chain". Yet I've deceided to change a few things in this goal-chain, and also change one of the goals slightly.
    9. Max-out my GYRO Combat FAP-60 Smuggler (33 of 40 uses/min). I've only increased it by 3 uses/min since the start in late january. It's getting there, but at a much slower space then I first expected it would be. It's part of the "Skill & Maxing-out Chain".
    11. Be part of a Shared-Loot ATH with at least 1000 PEDs (229 of 5644). I am not actively joining shared loots (I was hoping/ thinking there would have been more of the Oratan & Smuggler-Events). Because of that, and because of the idea that "it comes, when it comes" this goal is now Abandonded.
    17. Storage Cleanup-Sale (14,07% of 20,00% of 20570,64). This goal is Changed from 80,00% sold to 20,00%. first I was much too positive, now I'll take it in smaller batches of 10% and see where it ends. I've also made a promise to myself to sell items as soon as I loot them, and it works quite well.
    18. Sal'diresh's Vault Keys #2 runs (27 of 47). I'm getting there alright. It costs a tadload more then I thought it would be, but alright. I've also looted one more Map 2 from an attacking Wombana, so that's added as well, meaning a slight Changed goal. It's part of a "Aakas & Sal'diresh's Chain".
    19. Finish Otorugi Stage 2 (200 of 400). Kindof on hold, because they are at the top of what I can kill. That also means that my new goal is:
    20. Finish Hadraadag Stage 6 (6.0k of 60.0k). This one is New! and I suspect that the reward (Evade!) will improve my ... ehh ... Evade well enough to retry those Otorugies. This is part of a "Kill mob X Chain".

    Now, some other good things to note. When I ran to the Sal'diresh's Vault I got attacked by a Wombana, that didn't happen before. I defended myself, he started calling two of his friend, and in the end I got this lovely reward:
    Wombana 003.jpg
    And when I did the Key-run, I got another suprise, something that also didn't happen to me before:
    Sal'diresh's Vault 001.jpg

    I've tried to hunt the Badgers one time, but I quickly learned that those are like mechanisized Otorugi, and that you need Dodge in stead of Evade for them.
    And now onwards to the huntingtable:

    Gen.Ice.ELMGenesis Icerage E.L.M Edition (L)
    Khor.IceKhorum Ice Dagger
    Kolu.GlaKolukhar Glacier Sword
    Ozp.SB.1Ozpyn RSB S1X1
    +MTA1Melee Trauma Amplifier I
    +MTA4Melee Trauma Amplifier IV
    Hunts #203 - #208:
    203.40 Yarrijak & 32 KP WombanaGen.Ice.ELM+MTA4 & Khor.Ice+MTA1 & Ozp.SB.1+MTA1067,14161,46240,48%Global (40) ; S & B Ardenner 8 (L) ; Global (94) ; Piron PBR-12 (L) ; 2x Piron PLP-12 (L) ; 4000 Combat Reflexes
    204.250 OroA) Kolu.Gla+MTA1 & Ozp.SB.1+MTA1 B) Mak.FTL & Man.KTL076,12113,69082,03%Global (10, 17) ; Scott & Barlow BP-6 (L)
    205.40 YarrijakGen.Ice.ELM+MTA4 & Khor.Ice+MTA1 & Ozp.SB.1+MTA1062,92049,43078,56%2x Piron PLP-12 (L)
    206.377 KP Badger_710RGen.Ice.ELM+MTA4 & Khor.Ice+MTA1137,66075,70054,99%---
    207.80 Yarrijak & 10 KP WombanaGen.Ice.ELM+MTA4 & Khor.Ice+MTA1 & Ozp.SB.1+MTA1131,05092,27070,41%2x Piron PLP-12 (L) ; Piron PBR-12 (L)
    208.210 KP HadraadaGen.Ice.ELM+MTA4 & Khor.Ice+MTA1217,68165,66076,10%Piron PLR-12 (L)

    And I'm afraid I've caught a cold, *sniff*

    Results since tracking:
    Mêlée all the Way!: 84,6%
    Total decay: 20757,03 PED
    Total loot: 19502,35 PED
    Result: 93,96%
    Ardorj :blackalien::meh::coldfeet::D:battleroar::turtle:
    Last edited: Nov 11, 2016
  7. San

    San Well-Known Member

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  8. Ardorj

    Ardorj Active Member Pro Users

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    Time for a new update! Going my own slowpoky-way, but I'll be getting there one day. Some day.
    And thanks San for the link to your Hadraada-details! It will be interesting to see how much I'll get. I'm just over 1/3rd now. It will be hard for me to complete it before the end of this year lol!

    I wanted to try the Magurg Breeders one day. Just to see how well it would go, and to make an attempt at that Evade-reward. Not only do I have no idea how I could have spend so many in just those two hours, the result was also very poor. So, trying to compete in the Gold Rush is postponed again for a year. :oops:

    On a side note: I managed to sneek in the Jori Stage III.

    9. Max-out my GYRO Combat FAP-60 Smuggler (33 of 40 uses/min).
    17. Completed! Storage Cleanup-Sale (20,43% of 20,00% of 20570,64).
    18. Sal'diresh's Vault Keys #2 runs (42 of 47).
    19. Finish Otorugi Stage 2 (200 of 400).
    20. Finish Hadraadag Stage 6 (21.0k of 60.0k).
    21. New! Storage Cleanup-Sale (20,43% of 30,00% of 20570,64).

    Dom.OGaALDominax Original Garter Adjusted (L)
    Elec.NC.2LElectric Attack Nanochip II (L)
    Gen.Ice.ELMGenesis Icerage E.L.M Edition (L)
    Khor.IceKhorum Ice Dagger
    Kolu.GlaKolukhar Glacier Sword
    Lac.NC.1LLacerating Attack Nanochip I (L)
    Ozp.SB.1Ozpyn RSB S1X1
    +MTA1Melee Trauma Amplifier I
    +MTA4Melee Trauma Amplifier IV

    Hunts #209 - #227:
    209.1974 KP HadraadaGen.Ice.ELM+MTA4 & Khor.Ice+MTA1209,01175,67084,05%---
    210.321 KP HalixKhor.Ice+MTA1 & Ozp.SB.1+MTA1008,62006,96080,74%---
    211.510 KP OratanGen.Ice.ELM+MTA4 & Khor.Ice+MTA1058,44045,51077,87%---
    212.1985 KP HadraadaGen.Ice.ELM+MTA4 & Khor.Ice+MTA1207,40415,98200,57%Global (190) ; Piron PLR-12 (L) ; Piron PLR-17 (L) ; Scott & Barlow BP-13 (L) ; Skildek P 40 (L)
    213.2536 KP HadraadaGen.Ice.ELM+MTA4 & Khor.Ice+MTA1278,35328,58118,05%Global (90) ; 2x Piron PLR-17 (L) ; Skildek P 40 (L) ; Scott & Barlow LR-13 (L)
    214.1327 KP OstelokElec.NC.2L & Lac.NC.1L027,88030,04107,75%Level 9 Cryogenic (Hit)
    215.140 YarrijakGen.Ice.ELM+MTA4 & Khor.Ice+MTA1 & Ozp.SB.1+MTA1214,70153,43071,46%3x Piron PBR-12 (L) ; 2x Piron PLP-12 (L) ; 4800 Melee Combat
    216.2491 KP HadraadaGen.Ice.ELM+MTA4 & Khor.Ice+MTA1260,53218,71083,95%Global (67) ; Skildek P 40 (L) ; Level 36 Knifefighter (Hit)
    217.350 OroKolu.Gla+MTA1 & Ozp.SB.1+MTA1 & Mak.FTL & Man.KTL104,27191,64183,79Scott & Barlow BP-3 (L) ; [System]: Your S.I. H.E.A.R.T. has reached tier 2.5
    218.2469 KP HadraadaGen.Ice.ELM+MTA4 & Khor.Ice+MTA1266,64263,51098,83%5700 Anatomy
    219.75 Bokol & 75 NusulGen.Ice.ELM+MTA4 & Khor.Ice+MTA1 & Ozp.SB.1+MTA1230,53230,04099,79%Global (34) ; Dominax Original Garter Adjusted (L) ; Max. 147 HP
    220.110 JoriElec.NC.2L & Lac.NC.1L031,45025,14079,94%Piron PLP-2 (L)
    221.144 Magurg BreederGen.Ice.ELM+MTA4 & Khor.Ice+MTA1526,58347,05065,91%5700 Anatomy
    222.2522 KP HadraadaGen.Ice.ELM+MTA4 & Khor.Ice+MTA1265,28260,70098,27%Piron PLR-17 (L)
    223.140 Monura FemaleDom.OGaAL007,63007,84102,75%2x Piron PLP-0 (L)
    224.981 KP HadraadaGen.Ice.ELM+MTA4 & Khor.Ice+MTA1114,22087,00076,17%Piron PLR-17 (L)
    225.140 Yarrijak & 10 KP WombanaGen.Ice.ELM+MTA4 & Khor.Ice+MTA1 & Ozp.SB.1+MTA1220,64159,71072,38%3x Piron PLP-12 (L) ; 3x Piron PBR-12 (L)
    226.125 TiarakGen.Ice.ELM+MTA4 & Khor.Ice+MTA1 & Ozp.SB.1+MTA1093,36075,03080,37%3x Piron PLP-12 (L) ; 3x Piron PBR-12 (L)
    227.75 JoriElec.NC.2L & Lac.NC.1L034,68026,17075,46%Jori Stage 3 Finished

    I'm also thinking about launching a Mêlée Hunting Event again, like I did the 24 Hours Mêlée all the Way! in the beginning of this year. It will be a different setup, it won't be 24 hours, but I'll promise that it will be cool!

    Results since tracking:
    Mêlée all the Way!: 86,3%
    Total decay: 24030,07 PED
    Total loot: 22551,06 PED
    Result: 93,85%
    Ardorj :borg::redface::coldfeet::battleroar::walkingdead::nurse:
    • Like Like x 1
    Last edited: Nov 11, 2016
  9. Ardorj

    Ardorj Active Member Pro Users

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    The latest hunts can be seen in two parts. The first part are from 11.nov. up to 19.nov. with 11 hunts, including one done at 05:30 in the morning, because I couldn't sleep any longer. :sleep: One other is a very small Kiana-hunt, where I went to see if I could hunt them. Well, I'm not capable by any long shot, but I did finish the Stage 1, and got a very nice global:
    Kiana 005.jpg

    Then, after 19.nov. I had a busy time in real life. One more hunt from nov. 19th untill last weekend. And then I found some more time again, and cramped in 4 more hunts.

    I completed my personal goal of running the Sal'diresh's Vaults #2, wich keys I got from the Dromiaas earlier on. For the Yarrijak I now have an amazing 83% return (some hunts mixed with other mobs from the Aakas Keys). Can't say I'm happy, can't say I'm suprised either. :eggonface:
    I finally got through my smallish collection of (L) faps, so that now I will be using my GYRO Combat FAP-60 Smuggler for what it is made for - panic fap! I hope that now I will come closer to maxing this baby out a little bit faster, and perhaps got a few tier-ticks along the way as well. :nurse:

    A friend traded me his Ozpyn RLB S1X2 and Trauma VI for me to decay (he doesn't have the Ozpyn maxed, so that's 1025 PEDs tied-up for him). I put the amp on the Genesis Icerage for some extra damage, wich is nice. So nice indeed that I am now considering to get one myself. The Ozpyn does wonders against the Nusul and Bokol, such a lovely weapon!

    The last hunt I did for this update was big Hadraada, that I do now since the start of Stage VI. It was one of the most terrible Hadraada hunts, I think even one of the most terrific from all hunts. See for yourself in the table further below. Yuk! :vomit:

    9. Max-out my GYRO Combat FAP-60 Smuggler (34 of 40 uses/min).
    18. Completed! Sal'diresh's Vault Keys #2 runs (47 of 47).
    19. Finish Otorugi Stage 2 (200 of 400).
    20. Finish Hadraadag Stage 6 (44.4k of 60.0k).
    21. Storage Cleanup-Sale (20,43% of 30,00% of 20570,64).
    22. New! Finish Dehera Sentinel & Magurg Female Stage 1 (25 of 100). Yes, Stage 1. I didn't run any Aakas Key much at all. But I want to change that, if not only for the small Anatomy and Dexterity rewards that are promised when I complete these.

    Elec.NC.2LElectric Attack Nanochip II (L)
    Gen.Ice.ELMGenesis Icerage E.L.M Edition (L)
    Khor.IceKhorum Ice Dagger
    Lac.NC.1LLacerating Attack Nanochip I (L)
    Ozp.LB.2Ozpyn RLB S1X2
    Ozp.SB.1Ozpyn RSB S1X1
    Pir.LP0LPiron PLP-0 (L)
    +MTA1Melee Trauma Amplifier I
    +MTA4Melee Trauma Amplifier IV
    +MTA6Melee Trauma Amplifier VI

    Hunts #228 - #243:
    228.2530 KP HadraadaGen.Ice.ELM+MTA4 & Khor.Ice+MTA1272,22259,99095,51%Skildek P 40 (L) ; Piron PLR-17 (L) ; Level 24 Paramedic ; Level 44 Swordsman (Hit)
    229.2489 KP HadraadaGen.Ice.ELM+MTA4 & Khor.Ice+MTA1269,73227,90084,49%First run with GYRO Combat FAP-60 Smuggler
    230.100 YarrijakGen.Ice.ELM+MTA4 & Khor.Ice+MTA1 & Ozp.SB.1+MTA1155,24103,00066,35%3x Piron PLP-12 (L) ; Piron PBP-12 (L) ; Piron PBR-12 (L)
    231.17 KianaGen.Ice.ELM+MTA4 & Khor.Ice+MTA1069,82243,52348,78%Global (151) ; GYRO FAP-22 (L) ; Kiana Stage 1 Finished
    232.2996 KP HadraadaGen.Ice.ELM+MTA4 & Khor.Ice+MTA1318,59572,03179,55%Global (62, 97, 57) ; Scott & Barlow LR-13 (L)
    233.1195 KP HadraadaGen.Ice.ELM+MTA4 & Khor.Ice+MTA1130,28118,19090,72%---
    234.44 Yarrijak & 45 DromiaSix different kinds of weapons034,93017,02048,73%Teamhunt
    235.160 Monura FemalePir.LP0L008,25008,53103,39%Piron PLP-0 (L)
    236.2310 KP HadraadaGen.Ice.ELM+MTA4 & Khor.Ice+MTA1249,95253,42101,39Piron PLR-12 (L)
    237.100 FeranElec.NC.2L & Lac.NC.1L018,47010,53057,01%Level 12 Electro Kinetic (Hit) ; Level 19 Electro Kinetic (Dmg)
    238.125 TiarakGen.Ice.ELM+MTA4 & Khor.Ice+MTA1 & Ozp.SB.1+MTA1092,58106,15114,66%Level 41 Swordsman (Dmg) ; 2200 Coolness
    239.4987 KP HadraadaGen.Ice.ELM+MTA6 & Khor.Ice+MTA1528,63540,29102,21%Global (78, 79) ; Piron PLR-17 (L) ; Bloodstained Axe 17 (L)
    240.100 Bokol & 153 NusulOzp.LB.2+MTA4 & Khor.Ice+MTA1 & Ozp.SB.1+MTA1402,18310,78077,27%Bokol Stage 2 Finished
    241.100 Bokol & 107 NusulOzp.LB.2+MTA4 & Khor.Ice+MTA1 & Ozp.SB.1+MTA1310,68310,78100,02%[System]: Your Ozpyn RLB S1X2 has reached tier 1.3 & 1.4 ; Global (81) ; Dominax Original Habu Improved (L)
    242.3501 KP HadraadaGen.Ice.ELM+MTA6 & Khor.Ice+MTA1372,85452,83121,45%Global (149) ; Bloodstained Axe 17 (L) ; Skildek P 40 (L)
    243.3008 KP HadraadaGen.Ice.ELM+MTA6 & Khor.Ice+MTA1330,17161,89049,03%---

    I haven't set a date yet for any kind of Mêlée all the Way, but I'll promise that it will be somewhere in january or february (most likely).
    I also think that I can finish the Hadraada Stage 6 before the start of spring 2017, jippy-yeah! :spiderman:

    Results since tracking:
    Mêlée all the Way!: 87,9%
    Total decay: 27710,70 PED
    Total loot: 26247,86 PED
    Result: 94,72%
    Ardorj :cold::poto::battleroar::blackalien::snaphappy::smilie:
    Last edited: Dec 25, 2016
  10. Ardorj

    Ardorj Active Member Pro Users

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    Not more then two weeks later, and I've done enough hunts and made some very nicely progress to warrant another update.
    First, as a kick-off from where I ended last post, I completed the Hadraada Stage 6! I have been feeling sick since a couple of days now. Too sick to work, or do much at all. Too tired to stay awake all day, yet not that sick that I can't log-on occasionally. And that spurred me on greatly to complete that Hadraada Mission. :coldfeet: Unfortuatly, beside me being sick wich just sucks, I rather be healthy without having completed the Hadraada Stage 6, is that the loot also went the same way as where I ended last update ...
    Before that, I completed the Ostelok Stage 3. As I reward I got Courage, going from 3669,9 to 3735,8. Quite impressive, I should say. That brought my Evader pro-standing from 22,5023 to 22,5485. The reward for the Hadraadaas were the long awaited Evade, getting me from 2996,8 to 3204,2, and the Evader pro-standing from 22,5624 all the way to 23,0807! :spiderman:
    And that's not all the missions I've finished, oh no! I also completed the amazing, powerfull, dangerous, the ones that strike terror in all but the strongest of hunters ... it's the Stage 3 Monura Female! I feel so weak ...

    A thing to note on the last Ostelok hunt, is that I did it with one (or more?) of the S & B Ardenner 0 (L) that I try to sell, but can't even seem to get rid of for the TT-price. I hunted them south of Celeste Quarry, and one Hadraada also sniffed me out. I thought: "Well, let's see how far I can get with this puny-gun." To my suprize, I killed it. The last few Osteloks were also hiding between a couple of Hadraada, so I killed those the same way and got this as my reward:
    Hadraada 149.jpg

    And that got me thinking: what is the impact of the weapon on the loot? Would it always have given me those 29 PEDs with those stacks and item? Could it have been higher or lower would I have killed it with another weapon?
    I tested it a little bit on the last 1000 KP of the Hadraada, the big brothers, doing about ten with all kinds of noobish weapons. I scored one global that way (the only global of that hunt), a 69 Dominant with a Piron PLR-12 (L). I really have no idea if it is better or worse, but I kinda like that challenge. Yestereve I killed the Aakas #1 boss with a TT-knife. That hurted, I needed more then one and a half knife (TT of one is 9 PED), and got only 3 or 4 in return.

    Speaking of the Aakas Key, I finally started that one for my personal goals. I have done five so far, and the best to show for it is this:
    3000 Scan Animal.jpg

    Umh, yes. I admit, I like to scan mobs. Not that it gives me anything worthwhile, but I do. :bear:

    And now, without any further typing, ...

    9. Max-out my GYRO Combat FAP-60 Smuggler (35 of 40 uses/min). : +1, getting there!
    19. Finish Otorugi Stage 2 (200 of 400). : soon to be restarted.
    20. Completed! Finish Hadraadag Stage 6 (60.0k of 60.0k). :biggrin:
    21. Storage Cleanup-Sale (24,38% of 30,00% of 20570,64). : oils! hides! weapons & attachments! You know you want it!
    22. Finish Dehera Sentinel & Magurg Female Stage 1 (30 of 100).
    23. New! Finish Nusul Stage 4 (0.6k of 4.8k). I come to like them, and think they might replace the Hadraada, in the sense of being a mob where I can fall back on if I don't know what to hunt.

    BRCAxeLBrutal Road Crew Axe (L)
    Cas.Kn1Castorian EnKnuckles-1
    Cas.KnACastorian EnKnuckles-A
    Dehe.ImmDehera Immolation Sword
    Elec.NC.2LElectric Attack Nanochip II (L)
    Gen.Ice.ELMGenesis Icerage E.L.M Edition (L)
    Khor.IceKhorum Ice Dagger
    Lac.NC.1LLacerating Attack Nanochip I (L)
    Ozp.LB.2Ozpyn RLB S1X2
    Ozp.SB.1Ozpyn RSB S1X1
    Pir.LP0LPiron PLP-0 (L)
    Pir.LP2LPiron PLP-2 (L)
    SB.A0LS & B Ardenner 0 (L)
    S.I. PBS.I. Psy-Blade
    +MTA1Melee Trauma Amplifier I
    +MTA4Melee Trauma Amplifier IV
    +MTA6Melee Trauma Amplifier VI
    Hunts #244 - #256:
    244.1263 KP OstelokElec.NC.2L & Lac.NC.1L029,53013,73046,50%---
    245.500 Monura FemalePir.LP2L & Pir.LP0L026,35020,69078,52%Monura Female Stage 3 Finished ; Piron PLP-0 (L)
    246.100 Bokol & 140 NusulOzp.LB.2+MTA4 & Khor.Ice+MTA1 & Ozp.SB.1+MTA1356,28225,36063,25%[System]: Your Ozpyn RLB S1X2 has reached tier 1.5 ; Level 17 Cryogenic (Dmg) ; 3600 Martial Arts
    247.655 DromiaElec.NC.2L & Lac.NC.1L104,77089,17085,11%Headshot I (L) ; Level 13 Electro Kinetic (Hit) ; Level 10 Cryogenic (Hit) ; Level 20 Electro Kinetic (Dmg) ; 1400 Electrokinesis
    248.3489 KP HadraadaGen.Ice.ELM+MTA6 & Khor.Ice+MTA1367,65294,55080,12%Global (53) ; Bloodstained Axe 17 (L)
    249.5497 KP HadraadaGen.Ice.ELM+MTA6 & Khor.Ice+MTA1595,83431,53072,43%Skildek P 40 (L) ; Piron PLR-17 (L) ; 800 Medicine
    250.3512 KP HadraadaGen.Ice.ELM+MTA6 & Khor.Ice+MTA1378,74423,04111,70%Global (56) ; 2x Piron PLR-17 (L) ; Piron PLR-12 (L)
    251.1990 KP Ostelok & 55 KP HadraadaSB.A0L026,33044,74169,92%Ostelok Stage 3 Finished ; Global (29) ; Bullseye I (L)
    252.2431 KP HadraadaGen.Ice.ELM+MTA4 & Khor.Ice+MTA1256,86147,71057,51---
    253.1022 KP HadraadaGen.Ice.ELM+MTA4 & Khor.Ice+MTA1 & Six different kinds of weapons148,40148,10099,80%Hadraada Stage 6 Finished ; Global (69) ; Piron PLR-12 (L)
    254.A) 1 Dehera Sentinel & 1 Magurg Female ; B) 28 Ubo ; C) 88 Rakta & 60 YarrijakA) Dehe.Imm+MTA4 & Khor.Ice+MTA1 ; B) BRCAxeL & Man.KTL ; C) Mak.FTL & Cas.Kn1027,16012,98047,79%3000 Scan Animal
    255.A) 2 Dehera Sentinel & 2 Magurg Female ; B) 56 Ubo ; C) 176 Rakta & 119 YarrijakA) Dehe.Imm+MTA4 & Khor.Ice+MTA1 ; B) BRCAxeL & Man.KTL ; C) Mak.FTL & Cas.KnA050,41040,22079,79%---
    256.A) 2 Dehera Sentinel & 2 Magurg Female ; B) 56 Ubo & 176 Rakta & 120 YarrijakA) Dehe.Imm+MTA4 & Khor.Ice+MTA1 ; B) BRCAxeL & Mak.FTL & S.I. PB062,69046,86074,75%---

    Some few side notes. I am testing some different kinds of setup for the Aakas Keys, so that I don't have to carry (and thus calculate) my entire Mêlée collection, yet also keep the Rakta/ Yarrijak overkill to a minimum.
    I am cured from mining for the year 2017. I did one run, in the Underground (I know, might not have been the best place). Out of ~125 drops, I got 3 small claims. :sour:
    I liked the Trauma VI that I loaned from a friend so much, that I bought one myself.

    It is here! Mêlée all the Way 2017! From friday 17th february till sunday 19th. A Mêlée Team Hunt for all, from the fresh of the ship newbie, to the highest ranked Swordsman!

    Results since tracking:
    Mêlée all the Way!: 88,2%
    Total decay: 28526,79 PED
    Total loot: 28186,54 PED
    Result: 93,36%
    Ardorj :sick::cyclops::blackalien::battleroar::punch::barefoot::cat:
    • Gratz! Gratz! x 2
    Last edited: Jan 1, 2017
  11. Ardorj

    Ardorj Active Member Pro Users

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    In a little week I've hunted so much, that I need to make another post.
    I officially write too many words. This post is only my thoughts and considerations about the hunts I've done. The raw data (goals, hunting-table, results since tracking) is in the follow-up post. Enjoy the wall of text! :troll:

    So, let's see what I've done. I try to write it chronologicly, if I can. And ofcourse, only when I have something interesting to say or brainfart about.
    The first mob was the Zadul, a rather short hunt with mindforce-chips that were a tad too weak for them. I've hunted them more before I started tracking for good, since then this is only the second time. I think I'm going to up them on my hunting list, since I'm already working at Stage 4, and they give quite good skill-rewards.
    Second another Bokol/ Nusul hunt, where I looted a new whip that I used in the third hunt. That third hunt was using-up some more of the looted whips from past Bokol/Nusul-hunts by killing Dromia. I don't hunt with whips often, you can see how low-skilled I am in the hunting-table below (next post). To my suprise I got 'Weapon Handling'. I thought that skill was only for ranged professions, seems I can learn a new thing still after almost 12 years ingame lol. Because the Halixes give Weapon Handling as the Stage 6 reward, I had them in red previously. (I have a list of all the Arkadian mobs and their respective mission rewards, where I keep track in wich stage I currently am. Green meaning that it's a good choice, for now those give medical-skills somewhere in along the chain. Red meaning that it's a no-go, because it will only give ranged-skill now and further on.) I've set the Halix in the orange now, Whips is really the least likeable of all mêlée-prostandings if you ask me. I might even dare to say that I've enjoyed hunting small game with looted fast-firing rifles and pistols more. I've set my mind to hunting the Halixes with the whips that I loot myself, so that perchange I can on day claim the Halix Stage 6 reward. :turtle:

    Next one hunt consisting of three Aakas Key#1 runs, nothing special in that. Followed by a great Otorugi hunt. There are a lot of difference from before I finished the Hadraada Stage 6. Here's a small table to show it:
    Weapon+Trauma IV+Trauma VI+8 dmg
    ArmourMusca AdjustedViceroy-11 dmg
    FapGYRO FAP-22 (L)GYRO Combat FAP-60 Smuggler+18 uses/min
    Arsonistic Chip I (L)not availableused50-100 dmg
    And all that really payed off! Before I died more times then I care to remember. Now, in a hunt where I killed 100 of them Otorugies, I didn't die once (but came close). I even survived a few occasions where I had two on me. About halfway I got this amazing global, being the second best of me according to tracker - beating the previous by exactly 100 PEDs, wich remarkedly also happened to be an Otorugi. :cool:
    Otorugi 002.jpg
    My best remains a Calypsian mob, to my shame. A fierce creature with no less then 40HP - a Snablesnot-Female Young worth 571 PEDs ... more shame to me. Haven't beat that one in 8 years lol. :finger:
    Funny thing about this Otorugi hunt is that you see in the global-pic above one of six (!) looted Piron PBR-22 (L)'s. I think MindArk/ ArkTeam is trying to tell me something? lol.
    6x Piron PBR-22 (L).jpg

    Next came the first of two Monura Males hunt, so I could finish that mission. Followed by the second of four Bokol/ Nusul hunts. They all ended up quite bad, with this one the worst. I have an itch that every time I hunt Nusul in combination with Bokol that my results are worse then when I hunt only Nusul. I want to continue with the Bokol/Nusul combination untill I've finished Bokol Stage 3. I think it's only 600 more Bokol. After that maybe I'll do a little comparision between Bokol and Nusul (solo hunting) ... yes, I know, I have to do these little tests and experiments lol. :bag:
    Another Dromia hunt, with MindForce this time. I start to like MindForce more and more, the levels of professions and skill ranks fly by! I defiatly want to get better in this, so that I can use bigger chips and hunt stronger mobs with it then I do today.
    For the next Aakas Key I needed a new weapon to kill the Uboos, since the Rock-Axe broke last time. I went for the Labrys, since that's about the same dmg as the Road Crew Axe. But is it too much to ask to have it lasting more then two runs?! It's also a tad too slow for my liking.

    And then, I did the last of the Monura Male hunt so that I could finish Stage 3 and claim the Longblades reward (it went up a few points, can't remember how much). I used a Piron PLR-2 (L) and a S & B Ardenner 0 (L). And then, to my shock and horror, I got this:
    3200 Rifle.jpg
    3200 Rifle! What the [insert your favorate monosylabble here]!? That is too much, way too much, for me to pretend "Mêlée all the Way!" :eek:
    I believe, but not sure and can't check at the moment, that it is the 10th best of my skills! :vomit:
    I only got myself to blame ofcourse, curse me! buying that Sollomate Opale back in the Calypso days to hunt Daikiba. Going on, because I already had Markmanship in a matter of hours or days and Ranged Damage Assessment was close by, and I couldn't let that go. And a Marber Bravo that I looted later, some (L) rifles so that I could do something more then walking behind the facts during team-hunts, more then enough looted (L) rifles that I looted on Arkadia and used to hunt all kinds of small game with. And then let's not forget about the countless other pistols and rocket launchers as well.
    I do want to imply here to the Ark.Team that it is very, very difficult for beginners to not turn to the path of the Ranged. These are all the little weapons (max 2) I've looted since tracking (this is excluding the whips and Skildek P40's, of wich I've looted one nearly every Hadraada hunt, and the numberous Bullseyes and other attachments):
    3Piron PBP-0 (L)BLP Pistol
    4Piron PLP-0 (L)Laser Pistol
    5Piron PBR-0 (L)BLP Rifle
    1Piron PBP-2 (L)BLP Pistol
    1Piron PLP-2 (L)Laser Pistol
    11Piron PLR-2 (L)Laser Rifle
    9S & B Ardenner 0 (L)BLP Rifle
    4Scott & Barlow BP-2 (L)BLP Pistol
    1Scott & Barlow SB-0 (L)Shortblades
    You see, from 34 low-levels weapons I've looted only one mêlée. That's 3%! So please Ark.Team, let it rain down more noob-mêlée! (and for us higher skill too of course ...) It should, in my opinion, be TT-food so that a) the noobish-hunters will get them pretty often themselves and might become tempted to try it out and b) because paying markup for a mêlée weapon is far more expensive then for a ranged weapon, due to ammo being without an extra markup available at the TT (or from scrapnel). :spiderman:

    After the Monura Males I went for another Aakas Key, a #2 this time. Ubo! Uboos everywhere! My Labrys was a bit weak for it, and I had to repair it every level. Because of that I am now looking for something with a bit more dmg, and that does more uses/min., while I also find the Labrys to be a tad bit on the slow side. I have a rather large collection of mêlée weapons, but nothing else in that range that I've maxed (otherwise the Mez-1 EnergyGlove fits the description perfectly). I haven't decided yet what I want, but I'm looking at one of the Loughlin-weapons like the Smacker Two/Three or the Basher Two. Or else something Mindforce like the Lacerating II/III or the Corrosive III.
    For the second to last hunt I went to something that I don't hunt that often, so little in fact that I haven't once since doing the tracking as I do now. It's the Madanaas, and with only 71 kills I finished Stage 2 (BLP Weaponry feel oh-so welcome!) They are a nice mob to hunt, a little bit of a challenge yet not something to frustrate me. Stage 5 Reward sounds very great with First Aid, but that's still very far away ofcourse.

    The last hunt can be summorazed with this one picture:
    Joined the Smugglers.png
    That's right, on december 24th 2016 I am proud to announce that I joined the respectable brotherhood of the Smugglers!
    Now I need to loot myself only ~49.000 more Arkoins to become worthy Smuggler. :blackalien:
    Down with the IFN!

    Ardorj :punch::kiss::battleroar::borg::vamp:
    • Gratz! Gratz! x 1
    Last edited: Dec 26, 2016
  12. Ardorj

    Ardorj Active Member Pro Users

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    All the talking/ writing has been done in the previous post, so I can start right away with:


    9. Max-out my GYRO Combat FAP-60 Smuggler (35 of 40 uses/min).
    19. Finish Otorugi Stage 2 (300 of 400). : soon to be restarted.
    21. Storage Cleanup-Sale (27,11% of 30,00% of 20570,64).
    22. Finish Dehera Sentinel & Magurg Female Stage 1 (36 of 100).
    23. Finish Nusul Stage 4 (1.3k of 4.8k).

    Ars.C.1LArsonistic Chip I (L)
    BS.Ax.17LBloodstained Axe 17 (L)
    BRCAxeLBrutal Road Crew Axe (L)
    Dom.OG.AdjLDominax Original Garter Adjusted (L)
    Dom.OH.ImpLDominax Original Habu Improved (L)
    Elec.NC.2LElectric Attack Nanochip II (L)
    Gen.Ice.ELMGenesis Icerage E.L.M Edition (L)
    Khor.IceKhorum Ice Dagger
    Lac.NC.1LLacerating Attack Nanochip I (L)
    Ozp.LB.2Ozpyn RLB S1X2
    Ozp.SB.1Ozpyn RSB S1X1
    Pir.LP2LPiron PLP-2 (L)
    Pir.LR2LPiron PLR-2 (L)
    SB.A0LS & B Ardenner 0 (L)
    SB.B0LScott & Barlow SB-0 (L)
    S.I. PBS.I. Psy-Blade
    +MTA1Melee Trauma Amplifier I
    +MTA6Melee Trauma Amplifier VI

    Hunts #257 - #274:
    257.79 ZadulElec.NC.2L & Lac.NC.1L046,18042,36091,73%Global (17) ; Scott & Barlow SB-0 (L)
    258.115 Bokol & 130 NusulOzp.LB.2+MTA6 & Khor.Ice+MTA1 & Ozp.SB.1+MTA1377,03302,56080,25%Global (40) ; Scott & Barlow LP-10 (L) ; Dominax Original Garter Adjusted (L)
    259.330 DromiaDom.OH.ImpL & Dom.OG.AdjL & SB.A0L051,77067,42130,23%Piron PLR-2 (L) ; S & B Ardenner 2 (L) ; 800 Whip ; Level 21 Whipper (Hit) ; Level 27 Whipper (Dmg)
    260.A) 3 Dehera Sentinel & 3 Magurg Female ; B) 84 Ubo & 264 Rakta & 179 YarrijakA) Gen.Ice.ELM+MTA6 & Khor.Ice+MTA1 & Arc.C.1L ; B) BRCAxeL & Mak.FTL & S.I. PB063,26044,82070,85%---
    261.100 OtorugiGen.Ice.ELM+MTA6 & Khor.Ice+MTA1 & Arc.C.1L462,31690,69149,40%Global (303) 6x Piron PBR-22 (L) ; GYRO FAP-22 (L)
    262.500 Monura MalePir.LP2L & SB.A0L025,35021,36084,26%2x Piron PBR-0 (L) ; Level 29 Ranged Laser (Dmg)
    263.110 Bokol & 170 NusulGen.Ice.ELM+MTA6 & Khor.Ice+MTA1 & Ozp.SB.1+MTA1402,57289,21071,84%Global (28) ; Piron PLR-22 (L) ; Skildek P 40 (L)
    264.123 OroBs.Ax.17L+MTA1 & Ozp.SB.1+MTA1108,12069,80064,56%1400 Clubs ; Level 24 One Handed Clubber (Hit)
    265.3007 KP Ostelok & 13 KP HadraadaPir.LR2L & Pir.LP2L & SB.A0L029,52037,07125,58%Piron PBP-2 (L)
    266.320 DromiaElec.NC.2L & Lac.NC.1L050,75033,16065,34%[System]: Your S.I. H.E.A.R.T. has reached tier 2.6 & 2.7 ; Level 14 Electro Kinetic (Hit) ; 800 Cryogenics
    267.A) 2 Dehera Sentinel & 2 Magurg Female ; B) 56 Ubo & 176 Rakta & 120 YarrijakA) Gen.Ice.ELM+MTA6 & Khor.Ice+MTA1 & Arc.C.1L ; B) Laby & Mak.FTL & SB.B0L046,30027,26058,88%---
    268.75 Bokol & 125 NusulGen.Ice.ELM+MTA6 & Khor.Ice+MTA1 & Ozp.SB.1+MTA1294,61247,04083,85%Piron PBP-17 (L)
    269.100 Bokol & 175 NusulGen.Ice.ELM+MTA6 & Khor.Ice+MTA1 & Ozp.SB.1+MTA1420,46335,48079,79%[System]: Your Khorum Ice Dagger has reached tier 4.1 ; Global (38) ; Dominax Original Garter Adjusted (L) ; Piron PBP-17 (L) ; Scott & Barlow LP-10 (L)
    270.500 Monura MalePir.LR2L & SB.A0L025,99018,16069,87%3200 Rifle ; Monura Male Stage 3 Finished
    271.A) 1 Dehera Sentinel & 1 Magurg Female ; B) 16 Dehera Defender ; C) 116 Ubo & 63 Rakta & 98 YarrijakA) Gen.Ice.ELM+MTA6 & Khor.Ice+MTA1 & Arc.C.1L ; B) Khor.Ice+MTA1 & Ozp.SB.1+MTA1 ; C) Laby & Mak.FTL & SB.B0L074,29044,39059,59%[System]: Your Labrys has reached tier 0.2 ; Dehera Defender Stage 1 Finished
    272.350 DromiaElec.NC.2L & Lac.NC.1L054,65041,97076,80%Level 18 Cryogenic (Dmg) ; 1000 Power Catalyst ; Level 21 Electro Kinetic (Dmg) ; 1600 Electrokinesis
    273.71 MadanaGen.Ice.ELM+MTA6 & Khor.Ice+MTA1157,39129,63082,36%Scott & Barlow LP-13 (L) ; 3600 Heavy Melee Weapons ; Madana Stage 2 Finished
    274.100 NusulGen.Ice.ELM+MTA6 & Khor.Ice+MTA1218,68215,10098,36%Scott & Barlow BP-16 (L) ; Piron PBP-17 (L) ; Becoming a Smuggler

    Next time I'll see you guys around in 2017 (on forum that is). First update of the new year might contain a little of me looking back on 2016.
    I promise myself not to even equip one more ranged weapon from now on!
    I'm currently trying to update my Mêlée all the Way!-percentage counting to include the MindForce as well. I have only some mediocre Excell-programming skills. Can't see to get another rank or level in that lol.
    Short term goal is to finish the Otorugi mission before the end of this year (should be doable).

    Results since tracking:
    Mêlée all the Way!: 88,4% <-- let's see if I can get that above 90.0% in 2017!
    Total decay: 33317,84 PED
    Total loot: 30844,02 PED
    Result: 92,58%
    Ardorj :hungover::nurse::battleroar::beaver::stinkyfeet:
    Last edited: Dec 26, 2016
  13. DaughterOfAnarchy

    DaughterOfAnarchy Active Member

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    Back to game, back to forums and back to reading the log of your adventures. :)

    Just wanted to let you know that (together with San's log) is probably my favorite one, so please do keep the updates coming through 2017, 2027, 2037 and so on and on. :p
    • Friendly Friendly x 1
  14. Ardorj

    Ardorj Active Member Pro Users

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    Thanks DoA for your kind words. Let me start 2017 with a little looking back of the previous year. Yes, I'm getting old, I've felt for that end-of-the-year-listing ...

    But before that, first a little update of the last hunts done in 2016. The best of wich is that I've cramped in finishing the Otorugi Stage 2! The reward was Dexterity, wich went from 3129 to 3311 (new rank: inspiring), and helped the Paramedic from 24,6451 to 24,6999.

    9. Max-out my GYRO Combat FAP-60 Smuggler (35 of 40 uses/min).
    19. Completed! Finish Otorugi Stage 2 (400 of 400).
    21. Storage Cleanup-Sale (29,14% of 30,00% of 20570,64).
    22. Finish Dehera Sentinel & Magurg Female Stage 1 (40 of 100).
    23. Finish Nusul Stage 4 (1.4k of 4.8k).
    24. New! Organize a succesful Mêlée all the Way! 2017 (0 of 3 days). Not really a goal in the direct sense of the word, yet I think I can say that I'll put it as a goal so as to remind myself to spam about it. :sneaky:

    Ars.C.1LArsonistic Chip I (L)
    Elec.NC.2LElectric Attack Nanochip II (L)
    Khor.IceKhorum Ice Dagger
    Ozp.SB.1Ozpyn RSB S1X1
    S.I. PBS.I. Psy-Blade
    +MTA1Melee Trauma Amplifier I
    +MTA6Melee Trauma Amplifier VI
    Hunts #275 - #279:
    275.1013 KP OstelokS.I. PB009,48008,38088,40%[System]: Your S.I. Psy-Blade has reached tier 0.3
    276.A) 4 Dehera Sentinel & 4 Magurg Female ; B) 112 Ubo & 352 Rakta & 240 YarrijakA) Gen.Ice.ELM+MTA6 & Khor.Ice+MTA1 & Ars.C.1L ; B) Elec.NC.2L & Mak.FTL & S.I. PB094,61054,43057,53%[System]: Your S.I. H.E.A.R.T. has reached tier 2.8 ; Level 15 Electro Kinetic (Hit)
    277.100 OtorugiGen.Ice.ELM+MTA6 & Ars.C.1L & Khor.Ice+MTA1470,19680,23144,67%Global (56, 54, 73, 218) ; 2x Piron PBR-22 (L) ; GYRO FAP-22 (L) ; S & B Fractal Katana 40 (L) ; Otorugi Stage 2 Finished
    278.125 TiarakGen.Ice.ELM+MTA6 & Khor.Ice+MTA1 & Ozp.SB.1+MTA1114,16117,79103,18%Bullseye II (L)
    279.100 Bokol & 160 NusulGen.Ice.ELM+MTA6 & Khor.Ice+MTA1 & Ozp.SB.1+MTA1385,59318,41082,58%Dominax Original Garter Adjusted (L)

    PS. Have I said how much I like the Otorugies?
    2016-12-30 -- Otorugi Provider 218 PED .jpg
    I would have liked this baby more when the S & B Katana would have been at full TT, because I collect mêlée weapons and I want the limited onces at full TT. But hey, I'm not complaining with such a baby. And better yet: I've almost maxed this S & B Katana. I'm at 9.6/9.7 or thereabout. :thumbsup:

    Results since tracking:
    Mêlée all the Way!: 88,3%
    Mindforce without Remorse!: 4,6% <-- yes, it means that I'm better skilled with the ugly ranged ...
    Total decay: 33820,00 PED
    Total loot: 32023,26 PED
    Result: 94,69%
    Ardorj :wideyed::jimlad::chicken::battleroar::droid::punch::bucktooth:
  15. Ardorj

    Ardorj Active Member Pro Users

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    2016 Summary

    I'll try to keep it short. Really, I promise!
    2016 has been a fantastic Entropia/Arkadia year for me, that's for sure!

    I've spend this year a total of 32850,15 PED. Of those 31404,64 (95,60%) was the weapon-decay and ammonution used. 909,85 (2,77%) was my total defense cost. 318,47 (0,97%) was the cost of everything else, that means flying with the DragonFly when I'd been killed or jumping with the TP-chips. Also the cost of the Aakas and Sal'diresh Keys are in here. 217,19 (0,66%) is left for my Chikara InvestaFoe ES300 scanner-decay, plus a bit when I've used a LifeScanner-V for the last, and abandonned, Dromia-Experiment.
    At first I was extremly thrilled when I calculated my return for 2016. It came to over 99%! But then I realised that I was deviding by the wrong cell (the weapon-decay, not the sum). With a total return of 31222,56 PED or 95,05% I am still quite happy. It's a loss of 1627,59 PED. But well, it's money well spend if you'de ask me! :nailbiting:

    All that hunting (for some that might be their monthly budget, for others a lifetime) went, among others, into finishing the following missions:
    Stage 1: Otorugi, Beladoth, Wombana, Navi, Kiana, Dehera Defender
    Stage 2: Monura Male, Ubo, Bokol, Madana, Otorugi
    Stage 3: Dromia, Tiarak, Yarrijak, Nusul, Jori, Monura Female, Ostelok, Monura Male
    Stage 4: Carabok, Gallard, Dromia
    Stage 5: Hadraada
    Stage 6: Hadraada :bear:

    I've made two graphs to show how it went from hunt to hunt. Ardorjies Hunting 2016..png
    Here you can see for each hunt # on the x-axis (first hunt of 2016 is #1, it's not the same as the numbers in this blog, because I've started end of 2015) how much the total return % is for 2016 on the y-axis. The view can be a bit misleading, because there's a huge range in hunting costs. With the cheapest I've only spend 5,56 PEDs (621 KP Ostelok with a Herman PF-TT (L)). While the most expense has been a hunt of 1014,68 PEDs (Oratan Attack on Repulse Firebase where I did my duty with a Genesis Icerage E.L.M Edition (L) amped with a Melee Durability Amplifier I (L)).

    Ardorjies Hunting 2016.B.png
    This graph shows the accumulated (som of) the hunting costs on the x-axis versus the accumulated return on the y-axis. Can you guess where that 1k hunt is? It might look that I've been in the positive right at the beginning, but that's not so. The closest I've been was after the 5th hunt with a loss of only 24 PEC.

    And I want to close this small summary with a top 5 of the best and worst mobs for me in 2016. This is heavily flawed, because some I've only hunted one time (4) or twice (4). Others are often, or always, hunted in combination with another mob.
    Worst mobs---Best mobs---
    Oratan Miner45,12%Kiana203,48%
    Magurg Female65,74%Magurg Male133,37%
    Zadul67,76%Dehera Defender129,07%
    Funny how both of the Magurgs sexes are 3rd place! o_O

    And now there's only one thing left for me to say, and that is: ....

    Best wishes to all of you and happy HOFfing in 2017!!
    • Gratz! Gratz! x 1
    Last edited: Jan 1, 2017
  16. Ardorj

    Ardorj Active Member Pro Users

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    One month in the year of 2017, and I haven't played much Entropia. Only twelve hunts done, and not many of those to get better at one of my personal goals. Speaking of wich ...

    9. Max-out my GYRO Combat FAP-60 Smuggler (36 of 40 uses/min).
    21. Storage Cleanup-Sale (29,54% of 30,00% of 20570,64).
    22. Finish Dehera Sentinel & Magurg Female Stage 1 (41 of 100).
    23. Finish Nusul Stage 4 (1.7k of 4.8k).
    24. Organize a succesful Mêlée all the Way! 2017 (0 of 3 days).

    Cor.NC.3Corrosive Attack Nanochip III
    Dehe.ImmDehera Immolation Sword
    Elec.NC.2LElectric Attack Nanochip II (L)
    Gen.Ice.ELMGenesis Icerage E.L.M Edition (L)
    Khor.IceKhorum Ice Dagger
    Ozp.SB.1Ozpyn RSB S1X1
    SB.B0LScott & Barlow SB-0 (L)
    S.I. PBS.I. Psy-Blade
    +MTA1Melee Trauma Amplifier I
    +MTA6Melee Trauma Amplifier VI
    Hunts #280 - #292:
    280.2988 HadraadaGen.Ice.ELM+MTA6 & Khor.Ice+MTA1316,33289,77091,60%Piron PLR-12 (L) ; Level 37 Knifefighter (Dmg) ; 3600 Inflict Melee Damage
    281.127 OroKhor.Ice+MTA1 & Elec.NC.2L & S.I. PB038,81026,71067,43%---
    282.1985 HadraadaGen.Ice.ELM+MTA6 & Khor.Ice+MTA1216,81277,48127,98%Global (61) ; Piron PLR-12 (L)
    283.3013 HadraadaGen.Ice.ELM+MTA6 & Khor.Ice+MTA1318,85244,07076,55%2400 Coolness
    284.12 Magurg MaleGen.Ice.ELM+MTA6 & Khor.Ice+MTA1053,02041,91079,05%Max. 149 HP
    285.100 Bokol & 180 NusulGen.Ice.ELM+MTA6 & Khor.Ice+MTA1 & Ozp.SB.1+MTA1430,07315,15073,28%Global (24) ; Melee Trauma Amplifier II (L) ; 3400 First Aid
    286.A) 1 Dehera Sentinel & 1 Magurg Female & 16 Dehera Defender ; B) 116 Ubo & 63 Rakta & 98 YarrijakA)Gen.Ice.ELM+MTA6 & Khor.Ice+MTA1 & Ozp.SB.1+MTA1 ; B) Cor.NC.3 & Mak.FTL & SB.B0L077,25068,06088,10%Level 17 Pyro Kinetic (Hit)
    287.175 DromiaElec.NC.2L & Man.KTL034,87015,37044,08%1000 Concentration
    288.125 TiarakDehe.Imm+MTA6 & Khor.Ice+MTA1088,01065,07073,93%---
    289.125 TiarakDehe.Imm+MTA6 & Khor.Ice+MTA1127,38100,07078,56%---
    290.3013 HadraadaDehe.Imm+MTA6 & Khor.Ice+MTA1334,05270,93081,10%Piron PLR-12 (L)
    291.100 Bokol & 130 NusulDehe.Imm+MTA6 & Khor.Ice+MTA1 & Ozp.SB.1+MTA1339,64360,40106,11%Piron PLR-22 (L) ; Piron PBP-17 (L)
    292.1203 WombanaDehe.Imm+MTA6 & Khor.Ice+MTA1194,92225,65115,77%Melee Trauma Amplifier I (L) ; Piron PBP-12 (L)

    I guess I don't have much to say for this time. Except: see you at the Mêlée all the Way! See the link in my sig. :wink:

    Results since tracking:
    Mêlée all the Way!: 88,9%
    Mindforce without Remorse!: 4,5%
    Total decay: 36390,01 PED
    Total loot: 34323,36 PED
    Result: 94,32%
    Ardorj :droid::doctor::walkingdead::battleroar::troll::redface::cat:
    Last edited: Feb 5, 2017
  17. Ardorj

    Ardorj Active Member Pro Users

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    Mêlée all the Way! is over and done, and I loved every second of it! Thanks to all who were there with me! This post is not about that though, it's about five hunts I've done before that, and that I haven't posted about yet.
    Not special really. Only thing worth nothing is that I've hunted for the first time the IFN Defense Bots. That was quite cool, almost broke even on that one. I am adding more and more mobs to my list-of-mobs-that-I-like-to-hunt. There are more on that already then I can hunt in a week, lol!

    9. Max-out my GYRO Combat FAP-60 Smuggler (36 of 40 uses/min).
    21. Storage Cleanup-Sale (29,54% of 30,00% of 20570,64).
    22. Finish Dehera Sentinel & Magurg Female Stage 1 (41 of 100).
    23. Finish Nusul Stage 4 (1.7k of 4.8k).
    24. Organize a succesful Mêlée all the Way! 2017 (0 of 3 days).

    Dehe.ImmDehera Immolation Sword
    Khor.IceKhorum Ice Dagger
    Kil.RKilic Rex
    Ozp.SB.1Ozpyn RSB S1X1
    S.I. PBS.I. Psy-Blade
    +MTA1Melee Trauma Amplifier I
    +MTA6Melee Trauma Amplifier VI
    Hunts #293 - #297:
    293.100 Bokol & 130 NusulDehe.Imm+MTA6 & Khor.Ice+MTA1 & Ozp.SB.1+MTA1330,89278,08084,04%Dominax Original Garter Adjusted (L) ; 3800 Serendipity
    294.1981 KP HadraadaDehe.Imm+MTA6 & Khor.Ice+MTA1209,10148,46071,00%---
    295.1543 KP IFN Defense BotDehe.Imm+MTA6 & Khor.Ice+MTA1 & Ozp.SB.1+MTA1 & S.I. PB172,69171,34099,22%Global (36) ; Scott & Barlow LP-8 (L) ; Level 37 Knifefighter (Hit)
    296.50 Bokol & 140 NusulKil.R+MTA6 & Khor.Ice+MTA1 & Ozp.SB.1+MTA1298,97329,91110,35%Global (66) ; Bokol Plush Toy ; Melee Trauma Amplifier II (L)
    297.125 DromiaMan.KTL020,02012,73063,59%---

    Results since tracking:
    Mêlée all the Way!: 89,9%
    Mindforce without Remorse!: 4,1%
    Total decay: 38111,40 PED
    Total loot: 37197,50 PED
    Result: 93,46%
    Ardorj :depressed::doctor::angelic::battleroar::headphone::cautious:;)
  18. Ardorj

    Ardorj Active Member Pro Users

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    This post is mostly about the hunts I've done for the Mêlée all the Way! My time is often sparse, so I've only been able to do one more hunt ... and see below what and how.
    In here I will also talk nerdy. In the thread of the MatW! I'll make it a bit more like a story with pictures (at the moment, that still has to be written).

    In a way, this was a mild one. I've only spend about 2370,31 PED. Why do I say about when I have a cost down to the PECs? That is because I've used an Excel-sheet where I note all the costs related. That means: UnL Weapon, (L) Weapon, Enhancers, FAP, Armour, Pill(s), Others, and IF300. Others are costs like flying with the heli, the IF300 is my scanner. But the point is why I say about, is that as a controll I've also noted the value on my PED-Card before and after. That should then also have gone down by 2370,31 PED minus the (L) decay and such ... but that was down by (taking trading into account as well) 2285,55 PED. There's even a third way for me to calculate my costs, because in my original Excell-sheet (from wich the numbers in this blog all come from), I can also substract the hunts done during the MatW!, wich ammounts to 2370,31 PED. Conclusion: I like mathematics quite a lot, yet I haven't missed my calling as a mathematician lol!
    And what about the returns? That sucked. With twelve hunts done, I've had only one with a meager profit, and that was on one of the smallest as well. Summing it all up got me 1922,35 PED back ... or 1969,12 PED when I took it all from Storage again. Ehh ... that's ~81%.

    What is also good to say are what all those PEDs got me to. I've noted down the mêlée-prostandings, and those of Paramedic/ Evade/ Dodge as well, and these are the ones that are noteworthy:
    Swordsman (Hit) : 44,9836 -> 45,1113
    Brawler (Hit) : 30,9049 -> 31,0060 (and that with no powerfist hold in my hands!)
    Clubber One-Handed (Hit) : 24,3865 -> 25,9970
    Clubber One-Handed (Dmg) : 28,8806 -> 29,9787 (ahh ... almost two levels up!)

    The Top-10 of items & stacks I've looted are:
    2.Huon Hide154,80
    3.Weapon Cells106,89
    4.Animal Eye Oil101,20
    5.Navi Hide67,50
    6.Togolossi Hide67,00
    7.Miluca Timber55,80
    8.Animal Muscle Oil55,59
    9.Piron PBP-42 (L)45,24
    10.Scott & Barlow LP-13 (L)41,15
    One other thing I want to say here is about my personal goals. I've had a hard time selling all my loots ... but saturday before started another round of the MatW! I saw someone wanting to buy Adrenal, Eye and Muscle oil. Let me had a few k of that in Storage! One trade later my PED-Card got a boost of 4.1k, and The Storage Cleanup-Sale went all the way through the 30'sh % and into the 40%!

    9. Max-out my GYRO Combat FAP-60 Smuggler (36 of 40 uses/min).
    21. Completed! Storage Cleanup-Sale (41,82% of 30,00% of 20570,64).
    22. Finish Dehera Sentinel & Magurg Female Stage 1 (41 of 100).
    23. Finish Nusul Stage 4 (2.0k of 4.8k).
    24. Completed! Organize a succesful Mêlée all the Way! 2017 (3 of 3 days).
    25. New! Buy lamps for my Apartment (0 of 4). I've bought one of the Sanctuary Cove apartments when they were put on Auction, I don't know the number, it's the second floor of the left building when you are looking from the TP. I want to turn it into a mêlée museum one day (I have too many plans), but it's not really kickin'-off. So that goal is to start a chain to get that one going.
    26. New! Loot a full-TT Bloodstained Axe 17 (L) (111.32 of 124.00 PED). I like it when I can add some of my own loot to my collection of mêlée-weapons. This Bloodstained Axe being one of those, and because I want (L) gear at full-TT, that's my aim for this goal. And it never hurts to hunt more Hadraadaas and get another Evade-reward along the way, does it?

    Cas.CM1Castorian Combat Mace Mk. I
    Dehe.ImmDehera Immolation Sword
    Khor.IceKhorum Ice Dagger
    Loka.EleLokabhu Electrifier Sword
    +MTA1Melee Trauma Amplifier I
    +MTA4Melee Trauma Amplifier IV
    +MTA6Melee Trauma Amplifier VI

    Hunts #298 - #310:
    298.14 Bokol & 48 NusulMan.KTL069,50062,66090,16%MatW!-17 #01 ; Melee Trauma Amplifier II (L)
    299.103 OroMak.FTL022,53013,56060,19%MatW!-17 #02
    300.34 KadraCas.CM1+MTA6118,14089,29075,58%MatW!-17 #03 ; Level 29 One Handed Clubber (Dmg) ; Piron PLP-27 (L)
    301.130 OwekoCas.CM1+MTA6182,40151,35082,98%MatW!-17 #04 ; Scott & Barlow BP-16 (L)
    302.1487 KP WombanaCas.CM1+MTA1136,80124,50091,01%MatW!-17 #05 ; Level 25 One Handed Clubber (Hit) ; Global (56)
    303.1060 KP NaviCas.CM1+MTA6257,23200,69078,02%MatW!-17 #06 ; Global (68) ; Piron PBR-27 (L)
    304.640 KP TogolossiCas.CM1+MTA6283,99180,23063,46%MatW!-17 #07 ; Global (105, 56) ; Piron PBP-42 (L)
    305.53 KP HadraadaMan.KTL039,67040,81102,87%MatW!-17 #08 ; Global (28, 26, 148)
    306.152 MadanaLoka.Ele+MTA4173,27146,61084,62%MatW!-17 #09 ; Global (51) ; Scott & Barlow LP-13 (L)
    307.148 ZadulLoka.Ele+MTA4147,26103,47070,26%MatW!-17 #10 ; [System]: Your Lokabhu Electrifier Sword has reached tier 1.3
    308.1105 KP OratanKhor.Ice+MTA1099,30066,93067,40%MatW!-17 #11
    309.135 HuonDehe.Imm+MTA6840,24742,25088,34%MatW!-17 #12 ; Global (62, 56, 67, 53, 51, 61, 62)
    310.905 KP OstelokMak.FTL008,48011,27132,90%---

    One thing before closing of this post: I am thinking about doing a second MatW!-weekend later this year. That will be on Planet Calypso sometime end of the summer or beginning of autumn. Keep your eyes open!

    Results since tracking:
    Mêlée all the Way!: 89,9%
    Mindforce without Remorse!: 4,1%
    Total decay: 38111,40 PED
    Total loot: 37197,50 PED
    Result: 93,46%
    Ardorj :bear::pigeon::cow::battleroar::whistling::jimlad::borg:
  19. Ardorj

    Ardorj Active Member Pro Users

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    Quite a lot has happened since my last update.
    To begin with, on the second hunt I've completed the Bokol Stage 3. The reward was a small Combat Reflexes, with helped my Hit-prostandings and Evader/ Dodger a little bit onwards. After that I've concentrated more on the solo Nusul-hunts, rather then a combination of Bokol and Nusul.
    A few hunts later I got shocked by this:
    Treatment Unlocked.jpg

    I had no idea that I was close to unlocking Treatment (or any skill at all)! It feels like it has only been yesterday that I've unlocked Medicine. I've lost when I've unlocked that skill, for some reason I didn't thought to save a picture of that. The first note I have about Medicine is that I've gotten to 600 on 4th of march 2016. I've only been tracking my hunts for good since december 2015, so Medicine was unlocked before that. :nurse:

    Again a few hunts later I got a nice Nusul Global.
    Nusul 016.jpg

    I remember thinking first: "couldn't that whip be at least with a better TT then about 10%?" Yet when the hunt was over, I got a nice suprise when I when to the Repair and clicked on 'weapons' to see that whip also going over. See, I've looted an unlimited Boiga Adjusted! Now, whipping is one of my least favorite mêlée skills, as I've said before, and taming is not my kind of thing, but I can't complain about it. It also seems that the unL Boiga Adj. are dropping like flies lately.
    I've almost maxed it out too. It might be a long time since I'll do a hunt or two with it, and then maybe only from full TT till broken and leave it at that. If nothing else, it's a nice weapon to add to my mêlée collection.

    And now for my personal goals. I've failed to note how far I'm in the Nusul Stage 4 now, if I remember correctly it's 2.7 or 2.8k.
    9. Max-out my GYRO Combat FAP-60 Smuggler (36 of 40 uses/min).
    22. Finish Dehera Sentinel & Magurg Female Stage 1 (45 of 100).
    23. Finish Nusul Stage 4 (2.0k of 4.8k).
    25. Buy lamps for my Apartment (0 of 4).
    26. Loot a full-TT Bloodstained Axe 17 (L) (111.32 of 124.00 PED).

    Cas.CM1Castorian Combat Mace Mk. I
    Cor.NC.3Corrosive Attack Nanochip III
    FG.Elec.ATC.3First Gen Electric Attack Chip III
    Khor.IceKhorum Ice Dagger
    Lac.NC.1LLacerating Attack Nanochip I (L)
    Ozp.SB.1Ozpyn RSB S1X1
    SB.B0LScott & Barlow SB-0 (L)
    +MTA1Melee Trauma Amplifier I
    +MTA1LMelee Trauma Amplifier I (L)
    +MTA2LMelee Trauma Amplifier II (L)
    +MTA4Melee Trauma Amplifier IV
    +MTA6Melee Trauma Amplifier VI
    Hunts #311 - #322:
    311.66 Bokol & 132 NusulCas.CM1+MTA6 & Khor.Ice+MTA1 & Ozp.SB.1+MTA1292,86224,95076,81%Level 26 One Handed Clubber (Hit) ; Level 30 One Handed Clubber (Dmg)
    312.70 Bokol & 60 NusulCas.CM1+MTA6 & Khor.Ice+MTA1 & Ozp.SB.1+MTA1189,43161,46085,23%Bokol Stage 3 Finished ; Global (43) ; Piron PLR-22 (L)
    313.A) 2 Dehera Sentinel & 2 Magurg Female & 2 Dehera Defender ; B) 232 Ubo & 126 Rakta & 196 YarrijakA) Cas.CM1+MTA6 & Khor.Ice+MTA1 & Ozp.SB.1+MTA1 ; B) Cor.NC.3 & Man.KTL & SB.B0L140,50095,89068,25%[System]: Your Corrosive Attack Nanochip III has reached tier 0.3
    314.2965 KP HadraadaCas.CM1+MTA6 & Khor.Ice+MTA1316,82283,15089,37%Level 25 Paramedic ; [System]: Congratulations, you have acquired a new skill; Treatment
    315.270 NusulCas.CM1+MTA6 & Khor.Ice+MTA1293,57302,42103,01%Global (41) ; Dominax Original Garter Adjusted (L) ; 2x Skildek P 40 (L) ; Scott & Barlow LP-10 (L) ; Level 27 One Handed Clubber (Hit)
    316.163 NusulCas.CM1+MTA2L & Ozp.SB.1+MTA1L223,91220,11098,30%Global (36) ; Dominax Original Boiga Adjusted
    317.275 NusulCas.CM1+MTA2L & Ozp.SB.1+MTA1L383,55392,94102,45%Global (49) ; 2200 Clubs ; Level 31 One Handed Clubber (Dmg)
    318.50 FeranFG.Elec.ATC.3 & Lac.NC.1L037,29018,41049,37%[System]: Your First Gen Electric Attack Chip III has reached tier 0.1
    319.1985 KP HadraadaCas.CM1+MTA6 & Khor.Ice+MTA1213,92106,68049,87%---
    320.A) 2 Dehera Sentinel & 2 Magurg Female ; B) 56 Ubo & 176 Rakta & 120 YarrijakA) Cas.CM1+MTA4 & Ozp.SB.1+MTA1L & FG.Elec.ATC.3 & Lac.NC.1L S.I. PB047,31030,48064,43%[System]: Your First Gen Electric Attack Chip III has reached tier 0.3 ; Level 22 Electro Kinetic (Dmg)
    321.1493 KP OstelokFG.Elec.ATC.3 & Lac.NC.1L031,68018,32057,83%1800 Electrokinesis
    322.1011 KP OstelokFG.Elec.ATC.3 & Lac.NC.1L021,62023,71109,67%Level 16 Electro Kinetic (Hit)

    One more thing to note, is that yesterday after 10 years, 2 months, 2 weeks, and some hours I've left the society Supremacy Reign. The main reason is that I've grown away from SR.
    I had been looking for another society from time to time, but haven't found one that suited me. For now I'll be roaming Arkadia as a freelancer, and using Ark.Chat as a kind of defailt, so beware! :wink:

    Results since tracking:

    Mêlée all the Way!: 90,0%
    Mindforce without Remorse!: 4,3%
    Total decay: 41992,93 PED
    Total loot: 39076,02 PED
    Result: 93,05%
    Ardorj :speechless::blackalien::vamp::battleroar::bear::vomit::thumbsup:
    Last edited: Mar 23, 2017
  20. Ardorj

    Ardorj Active Member Pro Users

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    This is my Nusul-update! I've hunted down over 1.4k of those purple huggies, wich resulted in having only 400 left to hunt to finish Stage 4. Let me first disclose the reason behind me wanted to hunt Nusul in the first place. That is my Smuggler-fap, or to put it more precisely: completing missions that give paramedic skill rewards to boost my prostanding so that I'll have the GYRO Combat FAP-60 Smuggler maxed-out. :nurse:
    There is just one problem ...
    Nusul give a First Aid reward for Stage 5. At first I looked at it quite simple (a bit too simplistic I now know). What gives First Aid, can I hunt it, and how close am I to it? Answer: Nusul! What I didn't do, was question "What is the value of the skill reward?"
    And last week, I did just that. And the answer is right here. The list goes from the skill that contributes most to Paramedic (between brackets the percentage), and listing the mob (between brackets the Stage) that gives the highest skill value all the way down to the lowest of the low.

    First Aid (37%)
    Yuka (5) : 105,26. I don't have a death-wish yet. :walkingdead:
    Korwil (5) : 78,07. I still don't have a death-wish.
    Badger_710R (4) : 13,39 or 4,28. Not in any near future.
    Dehera Sentinel (4) : 13,03. Soon ... I'll have completed Stage 1.
    Madana (5) : 11,70. Far away, so very far way.
    Mutaged Oro (6) : 6,00. Yeah, if only.
    Nusul (5) : 2,89. Rather small skill value I am chaging, is it not?
    Carabok (1) : done that.
    Gallard (1) : done that too.

    Anatomy (13%)
    Beladoth (6) : 94,87. Nope, not very likely. :cautious:
    Mutated Oro (4) : 12,23. At least a bit more likely to happen in my lifetime that Stage 6.
    Yuka (2) : 11,70. Ehh ... let me think about it. No.
    Mutated Nusul (2) : 8,83. I don't know. Not very likely that I'll do this.
    Jori (5) : 8,10. I don't like 'm.
    Oro (4) : 6,30. Less then 2,6k to go.
    Kadra (2) : 5,85. Only 113 more to go, and I can solo them too!
    Yarrijak (6) : 4,88. I am quite well on my way in Stage 3, so ... the answer is still no.
    Feran (3) : 1,50. I can do them in one big, or two smaller hunts.
    Dehera Sentinel (1) : 1,29. I can say that I am working on it ... slowpoke-mode on!
    Kiana (1) : done.
    Navi (1) : done as well.
    Ostelok (2) : it was hard, but it has been done.

    Diagnosis (8%)
    Scoria (5) : 109,32. I've got bad memories about them. :hungover:
    Beladoth (5) : 52,57. Ummh, well ... no.
    Kiana (6) : 19,58. In galaxy far away ...
    Oweko (5) : 19,32. ... a thousand years from now.
    Magurg Female (4) : 8,79. Yeah right, if only.
    Zadul (5) : 2,38. Reward is low for the Stage 5, but they can be done.

    Intelligence (5%, Tokens)
    Dehera Sentinel (3 and 5) : 50 and 100. Not bloody likely. :turtle:
    Mutated Beladoth (1 and 5) : 25 and 100. Let's see how I stand against the normal Beladoth first ...
    Beladoth (4) : 100. ... Speaking of wich, nah.
    Kiana (4) : 100. I might, just might try them next decade.
    Oweko (5) : 100. At least it goes well with the Diagnosis reward ...
    Teladon (4) : 100. Not gonna happen soon.
    Badger_710R (4) : 100 or 0. Depends on the First Aid reward, but still same answer.
    Magurg Male (3 and 4) : 25 and 75. I can solo them, but more likely to have the Smuggler maxed out by the time I get there.
    Hadraada (5) : been there, done that.
    Yuka (3) : 50. FWD: I don't wanna die.
    Bokol (4) : 25. It's the Stage I am in right now. Just haven't killed a single one yet.
    IFN Defense Bot (5) : 25. They are quite well doable. It's just that I haven't even finished Stage 1.
    Magurg Female (3) : 25. Why do they hate me so much ...
    Mutated Nusul (3) : 25. Yeah ... well, I don't know.
    Ubo (4) : 25. Tempting ... but no.
    Wombana (4) : 25. Could be, it's just that I haven't hunted them much at all.
    Dehera Defender (4 and 5) : unknown. Yeah right. That means no.

    Dexterity (3%)
    Teladon (6) : 111,73. It's tempting, but I will have it maxed-out twice over by the time I'm done. :borg:
    Madana (6) : 33,74. Stage 5 first for the First Aid reward, wich is not very likely to happen.
    Zadul (4) : 8,70. Only 2,4k to go on them, not fast but I'm getting there.
    Jori (5) : 8,10. Still don't like them.
    Mutated Oro (3) : 6,11. Still not likely to hunt more then 10 in a week.
    Togolossi (1) : 5,88. It's about time for me to find out if I can solo them.
    Oratan (2) : 3,13. Less them 4,9k Killpoints to go, that is about halfway.
    Kamaldon (1) : 1,72. Why haven't I tried to hunt them yet ... ?
    Magurg Female (1) : 0,88. Checking Slowpoke-mode: it's on!
    Pandi (1) : unknown. Time to find out if I can solo them ... or not?
    Carabok (2) : unbelievable, but ...
    Gallard (2) : ... I've completed this mission.
    Nusul (3) : done, on my way to Stage 5!
    Oro (3) : done, on my way to Stage 4!
    Otorugi (2) : done, and loved them for it!

    Now to get it all into some kind of workable plan. I will go for these mobs, in roughly this order. One might be finished sooner then one above.
    1. Feran (3) for 1,50 Anatomy.
    2. Kadra (2) for 5,85 Anatomy.
    3. Oratan (2) for 3,13 Dexterity.
    4. A) Dehera Sentinel (1) for 1,29 Anatomy and B) Magurg Female (1) for 0,88 Dexterity.
    5. A) Oro (4) for 6,30 Anatomy and B) Zadul (4) for 8,70 Dexterity.
    6. Bokol (4) for 25 Intelligence Tokens.
    7. A) Complete Hadraada (6) at least one more time for Evade reward. B) Togolossi (1) for 5,88 Dexterity.
    After each of these steps I will check to see how far I am to maxing-out my beloved Smuggler-fap. I'll start with the Feran as soon as I have the Stage 4 completed ... although I also want to burn through those looted whips I got from them ...
    If I still haven't maxed it by the end, then I'll consider some other options outlined here above.

    And now for those other five goals that you might know me for.
    9. Max-out my GYRO Combat FAP-60 Smuggler (37 of 40 uses/min). +1
    22. Finish Dehera Sentinel & Magurg Female Stage 1 (46 of 100). +1
    23. Finish Nusul Stage 4 (4.4k of 4.8k). +a whole lot
    25. Buy lamps for my Apartment (2 of 4). +2
    26. Loot a full-TT Bloodstained Axe 17 (L) (111.32 of 124.00 PED).

    Cas.CM1Castorian Combat Mace Mk. I
    Cas.CM2Castorian Combat Mace Mk. II
    Cor.NC.3Corrosive Attack Nanochip III
    Elec.NC.2LElectric Attack Nanochip II (L)
    FG.Elec.ATC.3First Gen Electric Attack Chip III
    Khor.IceKhorum Ice Dagger
    Lac.NC.1LLacerating Attack Nanochip I (L)
    Ozp.SB.1Ozpyn RSB S1X1
    S.I. PBS.I. Psy-Blade
    +MTA1Melee Trauma Amplifier I
    +MTA1LMelee Trauma Amplifier I (L)
    +MTA4Melee Trauma Amplifier IV
    +MTA6Melee Trauma Amplifier VI
    Hunts #323 - #334:
    323.2239 KP HadraadaCas.CM1+MTA6 & Khor.Ice+MTA1240,36195,08081,16%Piron PLR-17 (L) ; Level 28 One Handed Clubber (Hit)
    324.300 DromiaFG.Elec.ATC.3 & Lac.NC.1L047,97032,63068,02%[System]: Your First Gen Electric Attack Chip III has reached tier 0.4 & 0.5 & 0.6
    325.463 NusulCas.CM1+MTA4 & Ozp.SB.1+MTA1L611,17603,71098,78%Global 30 ; 3x Piron PBP-17 (L) ; Dominax Original Garter Adjusted (L) ; Scott & Barlow LP-10 (L) ; S & B Ardenner 13 (L) ; 2400 Clubs
    326.199 NusulCas.CM1+MTA4 & Cor.NC.3260,49201,34077,29%Piron PBP-17 (L)
    327.200 NusulCas.CM1+MTA4 & Cor.NC.3270,58211,43078,14%[System]: Your Corrosive Attack Nanochip III has reached tier 0.4
    328.200 NusulCas.CM1+MTA4 & Cor.NC.3261,39217,39083,17%76 Strenght
    329.102 ZadulCas.CM1+MTA4 & Cor.NC.3171,09124,26072,63%Teleportation Chip II (L) ; Zadul Plush Toy ; [System]: Your S.I. H.E.A.R.T. has reached tier 2.9 ; Level 29 One Handed Clubber (Hit)
    330.200 NusulCas.CM1+MTA4 & Cor.NC.3272,00291,07107,01%[System]: Your Corrosive Attack Nanochip III has reached tier 0.5 ; Global (59) ; Scott & Barlow LP-10 (L) ; Level 32 One Handed Clubber (Dmg) ; 2600 Clubs
    331.121 OroElec.NC.2L & Lac.NC.1L032,75044,19134,93%---
    332.200 NusulCas.CM1+MTA4 & Elec.NC.2L274,20257,34093,85%Scott & Barlow LP-10 (L)
    333.100 OtorugiCas.CM2+MTA6 & Khor.Ice+MTA1435,43502,87115,49%Global (136) ; Headshot III (L) ; Piron PBR-22 (L)
    334.A) 1 Dehera Sentinel & 1 Magurg Female & 16 Dehera Defender ; B) 116 Ubo & 63 Rakta & 98 YarrijakA) Cas.CM2+MTA6 & Khor.Ice+MTA1 ; B) Cor.NC.3 & Lac.NC.1L & S.I. PB072,57043,31059,68%Level 19 Cryogenic (Dmg)

    Some last few couple of notes before closing.
    I. I don't really like running the Aakas Keys (or the Underground ones for that matter either). I have no idea how people do these so quickly in a short amount of time. It's not my habit to leave mobs be and rush to the end boss, so that could be it. Even without that, results are often poor. There is one more reason why I run them, and that is to loot my own Arkoins so I can bribe the Smugglers to let me in their more closed circle.
    II. I've had a rather long stroke without any global. Almost making me believe in some kind of Global-button that had been switched off for me.
    III. When I have Stage 4 of the Nusuls completed, then I want to use-up some of the looted whips on Halix. Let's see how that goes.
    IV. I've made a simple equation in Excel that comes up with that to hunt. With a factor I can make one mob more likely to show up. Most of these hunts are chosen this way.
    V. Now I am tired. :sleep:

    Results since tracking:
    Mêlée all the Way!: 90,1%
    Mindforce without Remorse!: 4,6%
    Total decay: 44942,93 PED
    Total loot: 41800,64 PED
    Result: 93,01%
    Ardorj :wtf::smilie::coldfeet::battleroar::whistling::writing::sneaky:
    Last edited: Mar 25, 2017