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.Point Shop (Planet Arkadia)

Discussion in 'Selling' started by Gewitter, Nov 16, 2015.

  1. Gewitter

    Gewitter Active Member

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    Hello all!

    I want to sell my last Shop, located on Planet Arkadia (.Point). Celeste North 8
    This is upgraded (3 times) and customized Shop, and one of the biggest Shops on the planet.
    Shop is located in the way of all newbies, started on Planet Arkadia.
    In the Shop usually sold from 2-3 to 10-15 items daily.
    Shop can be customized to any other design, you just need to ask A-Team for 50 item points upgrade (5000 PED).

    For last 3 months (Oct 2015 - Dec 2015) there was 21165.17 PED of sales

    Deal can be finished as:

    1. Shop only (w/o Furniture, items and blueprints)
    2. Shop with Furniture and 3x Shop Keepers
    3. Shop as a business (including all items and blueprints for them).

    1. Price for Shop only is 47500 PED, price based only on Shop item points:
    - 425 item points indoors (can be upgraded)
    - 15 item points display area (cannot be upgraded more)
    - 35 item points additional area (can be upgraded up to 70 item points)
    475 item points summary = 475x100 PED = 47500 PED
    Price is not subject to change.

    2. Shop with Furniture and 3 Shop Keepers:
    47500 PED (Shop) + 3x2000 PED (Keepers) + 500 PED (Furniture) = 54000 PED
    Keepers and Furniture are not for sale separately

    3. Shop as a business:
    This means you can recieve:
    1. Shop
    2. Furniture and Keepers
    3. All items in the Shop (About 20K PED TT!!!)
    4. Blueprints for most items (including rare and expensive, like F-105 BP, Ek-2600 BP and other...), currently selling in the Shop and all my other UL and L blueprints (very large amount, over 2500!!!)
    This variant of the sale will need to discuss, and I have not calculated the price yet (But I can consider offers around 100K PED)

    I'm not in a hurry, and not interested in any items or Deeds, except UL mining amplifiers (Level 2, 3 or 4) or maybe Privateer. Offers below offered prices are not considered at all, I will not respond to messages with low priced offers.

    Do not hesitate to ask questions (also possible in thread), I ask you only not to discuss the price, it is not PC thread

    PS Some of you wonder why I'm selling a business? Because I'm bored of being tied to the Planet Arkadia! Note, if you buy a Shop, you will be bound to this planet during your ownership. I just want to be free miner. This is only reason.
    • Agree Agree x 1
    Last edited: Jan 31, 2016
  2. Orpheus Clay Blades

    Orpheus Clay Blades Member

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    Noooo! Not the best shop on ark please give plenty of notice before you start to shut down so I can get the stuff I want from there first.
  3. Gewitter

    Gewitter Active Member

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    I need change my gameplay, sorry. But Shop will continue to work up to date of possible deal. Time may be significant, due to offered price.
  4. Gewitter

    Gewitter Active Member

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    Still for sale. If you are intersted, PM me please.