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Over the Hills and Far Away

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Louise Ranavolana Brooks, Apr 9, 2017.

  1. Louise Ranavolana Brooks

    Louise Ranavolana Brooks Active Member

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    Here's forty shillings on the drum
    For those who volunteer to come,
    To 'list and fight the foe today
    Over the Hills and far away

    O'er the hills and o'er the Main
    Through Flanders, Portugal and Spain
    Queen Anne commands and we obey
    Over the hills and far away

    When duty calls me I must go
    To stand and face another foe
    But part of me will always stray
    Over the hills and far away

    If I should fall to rise no more
    As many comrades did before
    Then ask the pipes and drums to play
    Over the hills and far away

    Then fall in lads behind the drum
    With colours blazing like the sun
    Along the road to come what may
    Over the hills and far away

    my etravels on EU, over the hills & far away. Presently serving on a spaceship I was listening to "martial music" heavy metal crap. And I compared it to this, pleasant light - but what a hard brutal reality.
    I wonder if we all now are quicker, slicker, softer than earlier times :(

    I think people were made of stronger stuff than they are today

    Look at that soldier, obviously needs a bath and a new set of clothing - but he appreciates beauty & has feelings. Look at that musket (a brown bess I think they called them) how many people could even lift them up and aim them, let alone load them aim and fire them while standing in line facing enemy soldiers firing at you. All soldiers were heroes then
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    Last edited: Apr 9, 2017
  2. Louise Ranavolana Brooks

    Louise Ranavolana Brooks Active Member

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    Hunting will only take me so far - I want to create \o/ to craft stuff - I have a lumber yard full of timber, and I intended to create Composite Planks, make a killing on the building boom - like that seems to be happening (not).

    I am sick of not being able to read maps (or blueprints) properly, its costing much wasted materials & ped. I am getting sick of having to have things mansplained - so...
    I decided to get Blueprint Recognition - and to do this I need to do a lot of repairing, and what better way than on a Spaceship. They keep falling apart & seem to be mainly held together with welding wire.

    So here I am "Roger the Cabin Girl" on the Good Ship Lollypop and I will be talking about my experiences, maybe because I like rabbiting on, and also there are things to learn - it maybe could assist other players going down that path :)
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  3. krazykat

    krazykat Active Member

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    Yes, it was called a Brown Bess. Fired a 1 oz lead ball and a trained British infantryman could load and fire at the rate of about 4 rounds a minute. It was smoothbore and only really accurate to a range of maybe 100 yards/metres though that did not matter very much as the tactic was to have the entire line fire at once in the general direction of the enemy.

    That song was used as the theme music for the TV series "Sharpe" which was based on the book series about a British rifleman of that name in the war against Napoleon in Spain . Worth watching :) Or reading the books if you can get hold of them.

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    Last edited: Apr 9, 2017
  4. Louise Ranavolana Brooks

    Louise Ranavolana Brooks Active Member

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    I signed up as a crew on the MS Varyag and things I found out that may help other players considering crewing to increase their skills through repairing.
    Instructions that would have helped me if I was aware before I started my space adventure.

    You will need a Vehicle RK 5 and welding wire - actually you will need many RK 5s, one lasts me about a day.
    You will need miles of welding wire 51K lasts about the same time.
    Do not invest in a RK 20, the cost does not come anywhere near the benefit unless you are very skilled in their use, and if you are signing up to get skills, obviously you wont be.
    Equipment & wire can be purchased from the Captain & Officers - usually at very competitive prices. But check what these will be before you start.
    Signed on as a crew member, you will receive a summons to the ship - you have a short time to accept (maybe 10-15secs) and if accepted are TPd to the ship & will appear near the ships TP in the hanger.
    There are 4 command centers, the command center at the bridge (CC) the Reactor (RR) Propulsion Unit (PP) and Hanger (actually a flight of steps down from the Hanger floor) HH
    It is vitally important to find where these are located - I started off running down corridors, thru televators up & down stairs to end up - back where I started out. After a while things become clear though it does not seem so when you start out.
    There are two televators in close proximity - one will take you halfway to the floor you want - then go to the next one to finish the journey.

    The ships regularly runs to the training grounds (check out the map, blue square) there they take on Space Monsters- the aim is to give the pilots, gunners & crew skill & experience.
    When these monsters attack they deal out damage - and the health lines on the various centers will begin to decrease - you will be directed to a center to repair, and if others need urgent help - directed to them. The captain will advise which ones & when you get there and start repairing, you report. Communication is vital.
    There can be aggravating situations when you are at station and try to repair, but nothing happens - go to first person view and make sure your RK5 is actually aimed at the station, maybe move a bit closer or to the side.
    When you are repairing there will be a torrent of system messages & skill gains appearing in green - make sure that the ship channel is in a different tab, otherwise you can easily miss messages.
    When the ship is docked at a SS you can TP from ship to SS & then pay (7ped I think) to TP to planet. You cannot tp back to SS, but you can by way of summons.
    If the damage to a center reduces its health to 0, ship blows up & you die - and get revived somewhere (has not happened to me yet :) )
    And of course - do NOT take stackables - including fuel into space (fuel is safe in a vehicle tank thou)
    Things I probably have missed - or don't know about yet. But I have gained a lot of skills quickly - I actually can recognise a blueprint now :)

    Entropia Varyag 4 PP 2017-04-07 19-08-16-06.jpg
    The Reactor is going critical and Scotty over there just canna change the laws of Physics :(
    I just should have worn my set of lead underwear
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  5. krazykat

    krazykat Active Member

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    Just to add, the RK-20 has minimum requirement of Lvl 25 VSE (Vehicle Structural Engineer) to use and one set, RK-5 and 50k wire, should last for about 3.5 hours of continuous use. Useful info for anyone wanting to repair skill :)
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