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Competition Gold Rush 2015 - Hunting Division

Discussion in 'Company Events' started by Mathias | Arkadia, Oct 16, 2015.

  1. Medema

    Medema Member

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    Question? If your in the middle of an event session and lose connection, will that time we were in the session still be counted. My last session I was in for an hour when I was lost connection. When I came back in the timer was gone so i left and started another. This has happened on several occasions now.

    Also, because of this occurrence I have no idea how much time I have spent in these sessions. Are they providing a way of tracking this? If not, maybe next year they should add a timer on the mission. This way you can track your points and time spent in the session.

    1 more thing, I wonder if they could add a tab for loot so that you can track it. They can even add a feature that calculates what you've earned and a way to delete that total so that we can keep track of different things. It would be nice. So, if I spend 100 ped on ammo i can then track all of the loot to see how I'm doing on my gain/loss ratio. When I'm done hunting/mining/crafting I can then reset the calculator and start all over again.
  2. wournos

    wournos Active Member

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    I would recommend applications such as Excel or Numbers (Mac) to keep track of everything you want/need to keep track of. It's not difficult at all to set up a spreadsheet, and you would be able to keep track of more than what MA's possible tools would let you track.
  3. the Prophet

    the Prophet Active Member

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    sorry for your (temporary) loss, but i suggest to get yourself a refiner for the hides, as it solves the weight problem!
  4. Fifth

    Fifth Member

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    anybody tested if those breeders are cut/stab/imp like other magurgs?
  5. Forgo

    Forgo Member

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    Skills during event were fantastic, I cant say much about the rest though personally. The first day seemed great and on par... then it just never seemed right from then on out for me, no items, very little arkoins ect. Really seemed like something was missing in loot and many others I spoke with thought same. (to the point that only one of those actually bothered to try to finish)

    Just for those who are curious just how bad these events can be, here are my stats for 4:
    T10 assassin r150 UL (tiered to 10 1/2 way thru) / T6 arson III TEN
    Harrier armor w/ adj 5b ( the noob cheap stuff, so mostly plate decay)
    No fap/mod chip (very little costs, no fap time)
    Gold Rush Result Table


    Time: 65.35 Hours

    Points per hour: 211.37

    Kills: 5,347

    Damage Inflicted: 22,365,876

    Damage Taken: 1,723,355

    Heals on Self: 530,100

    Crits: 5,978

    Armor Decays: 1,727.64 PED

    Healing Decays: 71.63 PED

    Weapon Decays: 26,748.94 PED

    Total Starting Ammo: 62,636.64 PED

    Total TT of Universal Ammo Left: 14,738.53 PED

    Total TT of Loot Returned(incl. non Uni ammo): 65,174.22 PED

    Running return: -11,272.10

    Cool event and the evade chips/pills were very nice, but Unless things change a bit I will have a hard time justifying any further attempts. Its one thing to lose some PED, its another to lose 792 ped in an hour with 800 ped starting ammo.(happened twice)

    There really should be some caps on the lower limits of loss in place for the sake of sanity, and the ability to continue to cycle. In my opinion anyhow. This is not to say that my particular cycle is the fault of the event either if there is such a thing, the loot just seems off for whatever reason, and that is how it rolled for me at least.
    • Agree Agree x 2
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    Last edited: Nov 22, 2015
  6. harmony

    harmony Active Member Pro Users

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    Hmm about 3-4 times the points per kill i had. Wish i started first few days as well :(
  7. Angel O2 Mercer

    Angel O2 Mercer Member

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    I have to agree with Forgo. Once the (L) weapons drop stopped the loot return went to hell. About 3500 PED loss doing cat 2, 65 hours completed and of course a lot less points than you. I imagine point drops in cat 4 were much better, makes sense tbh.

    Fun event otherwise, and the skill pills was a good idea.
  8. KikkiJikki

    KikkiJikki Well-Known Member Pro Users

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    Well that was a lot of fun. No really it was. I enjoy shooting mobs for hours on end and with these big guys taking around 45 seconds each I was able to read while I hunted. I confess there were a few occasions in the where I got a bit snoozey. 70 hours in cat 4 at around 260 pts per hour, which will not be enough for a prize. Around 4k skills and 2 hp gained including 2 iterations of the evade mission. Two levels in laser pistol, taking me to lvl 75. OMG! 100 hours of double skilling goodness are still in inventory waiting for the right occasions.
    I didn't track my returns but I am reasonably confident I spent a shitload of money. Lots of hofs and globals giving me that regular swirlie feeling. Notable loots include 5 high lvl axes that I TT'd, a small esi. An arsonistic V (L), gyrofap40 (L) and a bunch of L sights and scopes. I have around 30kTT of oils in storage now and I'm selling 100 to 400TT per day at 102 to 107%.

    I cashed in almost all the liver oil to complete stage 7 of the galactic mission so now i just need 8.5kTT of Rad Conveyors to get the restore chip I am aiming for. Might be a few weeks but I can see the end goal from here.

    So no complaints here.

    Congratulations to Quin and Fluske who I am tipping to win the prizes in Cat 4.

    Now to catch up on my crafting backlog, and then in a few days time, back to the wombana to try and get stage 6 completed before the smuggler instances open.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  9. Heidi Stassinopolis

    Heidi Stassinopolis Active Member

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    I think if the loot and arkoins in Cat 1 hadn't been so good early on I wouldn't have carried on, I have 5 hours left to go, and have gone from being roughly 250ped ahead to now being 100 ped down, but I am going to keep at it just for completeness. On the plus side having killed nearly 16000 of them so far I have increased my skill points by about 18000 and got nearly 10k of arkoins.
    I'm close to 200 point per hour but I doubt if that is good enough. On that subject not only has the loot dried up but the tokens are now mainly 5 pts each drop instead of the good mix early on.

    I think a consistent event all the way through would make more sense.
  10. Mistogan

    Mistogan New Member

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    I'm doing Cat 2 and I resume this event :

    -First day : 500 ped arkoins in one session (2hour), after that I looting ~5-10 ped / session
    -2 next weeks : Every sessions, looting 2 or more Gun (L), after that I looting 1 gun (L) on ~10 sessions
    -Week 3 : only TT ressources and I hardly have the budget that I had managed to keep during my life Arkadian to hunt
    -Week 4 : I dry a tear knowing that I did not win this event because I have not had the chance to loot a point 5K as did : Qster Qster QQQ Fri, October 30, 2015 8:50:47 p.m. ( Entropia Life )

    This might sound like a complaint, and it is at the half.
    But not on the appearance of having lost my budget

    I know this game and dynamism, I know we can get through a bad time and see the yellow stars near future but especially this redesign loot giving the impression that the economy is made daily to fit this event

    First weeks the loot pool can be contained too many weapons , but then to remove all following weeks, I wonder if the officials do not have the capacity to anticipate this kind of event that brings many people ?

    Is that your case this redesign loot overnight ?

    I may be in the grip of anger and would have to wait a bit before my current recount this adventure but I felt resigned to participate in another event of this type.

    That said , the rewards are interesting and congratulations to future winners.

    To summarize, and avoid misunderstanding, I made a semi- complaint, we can also see it as a remark concerning the redesign of loot that change every week and I somehow destabilized .

    But I remain a Arkadien, it does not have an attack.

    and who knows, maybe I 'll loot 5k point in my possible next sessions ! :)

    And sorry for my bad english and my google translate !
    I'm a French Arkadien.
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  11. JackCaptainBlack

    JackCaptainBlack Member

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    Agree with Forgo and had a similar result if not worse doing cat 3. With the exception of maybe 4 runs (8 hours), I was loosing 500-700 ped each run. I'm not sure if this is MA's ploy to lure people to there baby (calypso) or what but this is ridiculous. I've never experienced losses of this magnitude. I did the 65 hours but will not be participating next go round unless something changes. Would of been nice if those that completed the minimum 65 hours had some incentive to complete the event with more prizes other than just top 2. Or did the few that did complete the minimal time in cat 3 and 4 just throw away 1k + usd away? And why 65 hrs? Its 2 hrs per run, should of been 50 or 60 hrs minimum. ..Anyway.. Gratz to those that didn't give up even after the worst looting event in the history of EU.
  12. KikkiJikki

    KikkiJikki Well-Known Member Pro Users

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    I guess I am a glass 3/4 full sort of guy but to me the skill pills and evade missions were worth a lot. Appreciate that a 60 to 70 hour event can be quite expensive though. Even if your loot is ok it's going to take a while to turn the loot back into peds unless you through it all in the TT
  13. San

    San Well-Known Member

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    I think the Arkadia team did the best they could, and I want to again say thanks for that. The loot return is not under their control and this was foreseeable. The evade bonus was a nice compensation, and since this is my mission anyway I could't be happier. Of course I too was tempted to step up after the first weekend's luring returns, but felt it was wiser to remain in cat 1.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  14. Qster

    Qster Member

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    I might have looted a 5k token but I've quite a few ped into this event (which is the only event I have ever seriously competed in). right now I've spend 5k+ ped in losses on guns and ammo. But the 20+ neurostim and the 6 completed breeder missions bbalance out the losses.
  15. Angel O2 Mercer

    Angel O2 Mercer Member

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    Agreed 100%, the Universal Ammo rewards they gave on calypso should be implemented here too.
  16. John Black Knight

    John Black Knight Member

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    Is there a way to get a confirmation that we are qualified ?
    I have been in lots of instances and had a fair share of disconnects and crashes and i think i have now enough hours to be qualified with a decent score - so would like to avoid damaging that score with further hours. I made a support case asking for a confirmation, hope this can be done.
  17. DannyO

    DannyO Member

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    I did 4 mission runs in cat 4, so 4 lots for 22 ped evade was nice, along with the skill pills. Even for an old timer like myself.... it was nice to see some skills move a little!

    Not sure on total amount of hours, but I did in excess of the 65hrs required I think! (Average of 110 to 120 kills per hour)

    I appreciate that Ark has no control over the loots, but overall, it was pretty poor, even with getting a 16k hof, I have still ended up loosing in excess of 18k. (40 runs, with a total loss of 34k, less a 16k hof = total loss of 18k - Average loss per run 450 ped)

    Tokens seemed slow to start with and got even slower.

    5 items looted in over 8000 kills, 2 x small esi, 2 x axe and 1 x table, oh and a few scopes and lasers, which were all tt fodder.

    In my opinion, the event was a real grinders event, it lacked a bit of imagination, and could have had other mobs spawning after say 30 or 50 kills, just to break it up a little and make it a bit more interesting. 65 hours for your average gamers is probably a bit much.

    I should think that Quin or Fluske will win, but Lindsay & VVV seemed to be lucky towards the end, so we shall see how it pans out.
    Last edited: Nov 24, 2015
  18. memnarr

    memnarr Member

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    no clue how many hours I have in cat 1, but im only sitting on 1700 points, pretty sure that wont get me anything, but the skill gains have been amazing for this low level noob lol.
  19. Heidi Stassinopolis

    Heidi Stassinopolis Active Member

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    I've done 64 hours in cat 1 now, completed the mission 8 times, lost a small amount of ped, probably will have lost 2-300 by the end of the week as I've decided to go for 20000 kills, 10 lots of evade is too good to resist, and considering my skill points have nearly doubled, I'm not complaining, I've enjoyed it.
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  20. JackCaptainBlack

    JackCaptainBlack Member

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    I'm a glass half full kinda guy myself but I'm not sure 10k plus peds is worth a few skill pills and a few evade points. I also wish there was some sort of tracker to keep track of total hours or at least something saying 65 hrs completed. I know this is all MA's doing and nothing to do with the Ark devs, the ark devs are great, best of all planets ;)
    • Agree Agree x 2