Hi all.. I have the Interview ready now.. There is sadly a few glitches that i cant fix, but all songs are cut out, and yet it is still 1½ hours long.. We got some juice in here!! Streaming without download: http://www.atlashavenradio.com/dobson.html Download: http://www.thescripters.com/hosted/AHR/DobsonInterview.mp3 Thanks to Rick Janson for providing better links.. Greetings from Zume - who had fun!
ty Zume... *starts download* to watch whilst mowing through the last LTs before I can head to Arkadia.
It took a while to work.. Kept saying "This file is temporarily unavailable." So I'm reuploading it where there aren't download limits. I'll give a link when it's finished. I'll also include a link where it can be listened to without downloading.
Sounds good rick.. thnx.. Must be due to high demand.. didnt have any other options when i was rdy for uploading, so thnx for doing this..
Finally managed to finish listening, rl kept putting it on pause The very late hour for Dave (and maybe you too zume?) was a little noticable in the last half, thanks so much for staying up for us to have this chat, it's appreciated, both of you. Lots of interesting things in there of course, but I'd like to note one point in particular-use the Dev section to report bugs, problems in things not dropping etc etc-they read it daily and they need our feedback to effectively get things fixed if needed. Looking forward to the next patch
Okay, here you go.. http://www.atlashavenradio.com/dobson.html will let you listen without downloading *the margins a bit screwy, working to fix those*. There's a download link on that page, or you can download here: http://www.thescripters.com/hosted/AHR/DobsonInterview.mp3 And no worries, Zume. EDIT: Got margins fixed, so it looks aligned, now.
Now that was a lovely interview with lots of new informations! A bit too many announcements for the far away future maybe as opposed to soon. However I am looking forward to the next Update now. Finally having the texture BPs in place would give Arkadia a huge edge over the other planets. I also liked the positive attitude towards the PP development and to the cooperation with MA.
I just missed it the other day, and just finished listening to it now. A lot of interesting news and according to Cyrus Dave said a little to much on some topics but more info is better if you ask me
Nice to get to catch the end of it, since i had to crash before first hour was finished =) Thanks dave for the things you said, it meant a lot as a friend =). but over all great interview altogether. Its nice not getting answers like, i cant tell u that, no answer, cannot comment, like u get from MA interviews or the select questions they answer, they build us a great game but dont communicate as much as we would like. the effort you and your team put in and the honesty you put forth, makes this planet worth making my new home on. I am and always will be a Calypsonite by birth, but the home you built here will forever be my new home, +++rep dave and a great interview.
i really like the fact that they will do something with the smugglers, that's very promissing and to look forward to for the owners of smuggler guns. the long range guns sound very nice aswell, and ofcourse we can't wait for arkadia underground knowing that furniture expands is a good sign aswell, i still have an appartement to buy and fully decorate for me and a friend. anyways great interview, it releases a lot of vital information for arkadian advisors aswell. I haven't got the chance to completely finish listening to it, but i will this eve and i recommend it to other players who like to learn about arkadia's future aswell.