Okay, after the newcomer TT weapons thread, I started doing some long blade swinging on the Halix near Resolute FB ... Equipped with the Canis armor, oro youngs does only 1 dmg per hit at best, but those Halix can do 4-10 dmg on every hit. Swapped out to TT armor and the same result. Oros are suppose to be harder. Something you guys may want to look into ... jc
Different aminals do different kinds of damage (impact, cut, burn, electricity) and different armors protect different amounts of all those types of damage. Does that change your equation?
An armor set at 3x the expense cannot protest as good as a TT armor? Besides, Helix is lvl 2-4, oro is lvl 9-13 ... jc
actually yes it can. compare stats of things on Entropedia. You will see that some armors are very expensive but do not protect against acid very few do. and a low level creature that does Acid will do full damage with that expensive armour. where as a cheep armour like Goblin(tt+10 for a set) would protect more then Angel(TT+37800 for a set) Goblin would protect better agaist a snable snot then Angel would. If Halix do cold or shrapnel damage then what you say is totally possoble
yup based on the green stuff coming from halix mouth when they attack I assume they do acid damage...and canis has no acid protection...musca only has 1 acid protection...
the green things they spit doesn't mean they do acid unfortunately :/ Tested that on Madana, Gremlin with acid got hit harder then Knight without any acid... (will go test halix now) Did some tests on Jori, and I can tell you they dont do acid or impact but the do some cut, haven't had any armor with stab only to test with so if anyone can test that would be great as I suspect they do cut/stab And AttackKat, levels dont tell you anything I wish MA would remove that, you should look at the maturity of each species instead, as well as what kind of damage they do. I wish I had more armors/plates to try the dmg types of the mobs but I dont have that many different ones. And I never done it before so might not know all the secrets to testing, so please educate me and I go out and test. Own Grem, Knight, Goblin, Pixie, Settler, Ghost(borrowed), Kobold + 2A, 3A, 4A(can probably borrow), 5B, 6A and 6B plates (and ofc I could use arkadia tt armor too but dont think it adds somethign I dont have already) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- EDIT: Quick test on Halix seems to be Acid + Cut dmg type. This was a fast and low sample test on goblin and pixie so dont take it as facts as we need larger tests to be sure
I know the mob lvl thing is new and not a true indicator and was only introduced recently. This is why stuff like this needs to be reported IMHO. We all know in all mob grinding games, mob lvl is going to be your clue on how effective your armor/weapon will be. When such differences are seen between a group lvl 2-4 vs a group of lvl 9-13, then fine-tuning is still required. If these things are not correctly indicated, it will be especially misleading to a newcomer on Arkadia. jc
Theres no problem here. As halix does acid damage, musca offers more protection than canis in this one situation. You'll find that its important to know what type if damage is done and pick ur armour accordingly.
And this is exactly the reason I hope MA realize they should remove levels all together, as in EU it's not "dmg vs dmg" as in other games. Here we have "dmg type vs dmg type" which is impossible to make a level system to reflect, and never ever change to "dmg vs dmg" system MA!
The level does not take attacks into account. Level is more a "how tough is this creature to kill" metric. Also, tracking damage types is very important. If you were on Calypso, I'd direct you to test out some of the electric only mobs You would soon get to the conclusion that the way armor works makes no sense. Armor in this game does not provide just some X HP of protection. Armor (plus plates ... did anybody tell you about plates yet? it gets more interesting there) needs to be matched to the damage the mob does to you. Otherwise the mob my bypass it completely.
ATM the lvl doesn't seem to indicate anything Carabok is now lvl 10, 2-3 swipes w a long sword and dead. Oro Young at lvl 9 takes 6+ swipes. jc
Actually, this IS possible and would be a very interesting improvement! If each creature had a base level and that level would go up or down depending on the armor type you had on as well as how many pieces.. i mean it would take some math but certainly possible! Then again I dont see this being high on MAs list of 'features'.
Then where is the fun? Or do people think it's fun to get everything for free always?(I mean free knowledge, free peds I would find fun too ) I know I like the challenge, and I doubt our community and/or game would have been the same that it is today if MA told us everything from the start.