Zip's Pure Peds Payouts!

Discussion in 'Events' started by Zip, Apr 22, 2020.

  1. Zip

    Zip Member

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    No longer active on Arkadia!
    Last edited: Apr 26, 2020
  2. Zip

    Zip Member

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    Here you can check the weekly spreadsheet on the globals and how much peds you have collected so far!

    Check in the bottom so you are on the correct week and not on old weeks :)


    If you are not on the list then register with a post or contact me ingame!
  3. Zip

    Zip Member

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    Will update this with changed about event or landareas

    New active Landarea on Arkadia. Sentosa's Reach at [14873, 32369] on Arkadia is the new landarea!

  4. Zip

    Zip Member

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    Hof of Fame on my Areas!

    27 Sep 2019 - Baelrahyn Bael Riverwind killed a Mutated Otorugi Alpha worth 917 PED!

    29 Sep 2019 - Forgorth Forgo Lundain killed a Mutated Otorugi Alpha worth 1 693 PED!

    29 Sep 2019 - Will Newman Tisen killed a Shinkiba Old Alpha worth 2 584 PED!

    03 Oct 2019 - Bundy Rum Bear killed a Mutated Beladoth Dominant worth 765 PED!

    09 Oct 2019 - Thererosol The Gimp Magina killed a Atrox Guardian worth 1 508 PED!

    18 Oct 2019 - Linus Zip Lindström killed a Atrox Alpha worth 1 455 PED!

    21 Oct 2019 - TEAM DINGO NUTZ killed a Mutated Beladoth Dominant worth 842 PED!

    24 Oct 2019 - givendale chevrons skelton killed a Atrox Alpha worth 734 PED!

    24 Oct 2019 - Kimmey Kimolo Johansen killed a Atrox Guardian worth 869 PED!

    14 Nov 2019 - Jim Jimbo Steinman killed a Atrox Guardian worth 1 812 PED!

    16 Nov 2019 - Henke Floppy Deluxe killed a Atrox Guardian worth 1 948 PED!

    19 Nov 2019 - new SANDAX hunter killed a Atrox Alpha worth 2 958 PED!

    24 Nov 2019 - Martin breckan pettersson killed a Shinkiba Stalker worth 1 136 PED!

    25 Nov 2019 - Tally Talanz DeClaw killed a Atrox Dominant worth 975 PED!

    27 Nov 2019 - Isabella Isabella Sweetgirl killed a Shinkiba Stalker worth 1 352 PED!

    30 Nov 2019 - Amanda Mandy Swift killed a Atrox Dominant worth 2 461 PED!

    01 Dec 2019 - angel1 angel fly killed a Atrox Dominant worth 1 271 PED!

    07 Dec 2019 - Usurper Adamas Sheridas killed a Atrox Alpha worth 6 544 PED!

    21 Dec 2019 - debud po3blck avizov killed a Atrox Dominant worth 1 173 PED!

    30 Dec 2019 - Stella Bella Mella killed a Atrox Dominant worth 1 565 PED!

    31 Dec 2019 - Slakt Tboost Fest killed a Atrox Provider worth 1 766 PED!

    11 Jan 2020 - John Black Knight killed a Mutated Beladoth Young worth 4 682 PED!

    23 Jan 2020 - Slakt Tboost Fest killed a Atrox Guardian worth 1 515 PED!

    01 Feb 2020 - Stelios AKALYPTOS ntelinatsos killed a Atrox Dominant worth 1 971 PED!

    16 Feb 2020 - John chaoz Anderson killed a Atrox Alpha worth 7 141 PED!

    24 Feb 2020 - ippo minerguyfin finitto killed a Mutated Beladoth Young worth 1 568 PED!

    29 Feb 2020 - Riley Shädouken Rocket killed a Combibo Stalker worth 1 145 PED!

    04 Mar 2020 - josef OHYZD pepanec killed a Atrox Alpha worth 2 571 PED!

    07 Mar 2020 - pivo pivoczpivo pivo killed a Atrox Dominant worth 1 176 PED!

    08 Mar 2020 - Madmartigan Maxell Maximus killed a Atrox Dominant worth 2 216 PED!

    09 Mar 2020 - Leola Leola Resident killed a Atrox Mature worth 1 770 PED!

    12 Mar 2020 - xardenia xardenia bla killed a Berycled Stalker worth 1 478 PED!

    17 Mar 2020 - R4 1M 31 killed a Kool Kat Provider worth 1 073 PED!

    31 Mar 2020 - pivo pivoczpivo pivo killed a Atrox Dominant worth 1 490 PED!

    11 Apr 2020 - RAHJAR RAR RANDOM killed a Atrox Guardian worth 5 318 PED!

    11 Apr 2020 - dopey lost soul Dragon mlk has found a rare item (Isis Project Zero-Three) on a (Berycled Stalker)
  5. Zip

    Zip Member

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    No longer active on Arkadia!
    Last edited: Apr 26, 2020