When will the instances be introduced?

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous Discussion' started by jellyfish, Jun 8, 2012.

  1. jellyfish

    jellyfish Member

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    after several days and countless hours of grinding and a serious blow to my ped card (i really went all-in on this one...) i finally got a bp worth mentioning ^^ (key 9.. wuut wuut!)

    now, naturally i am curious when i will be able to actually use this key :)

    i have searched but haven't really found any info on when this will be, or even a hint.

    so... when will it happen? :)
  2. jellyfish

    jellyfish Member

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    seconds after i asked kitten PMed me ingame and told me it's hopefully in august (tyvm :) ) ^^

    any chance it could come sooner? :)
  3. Neil

    Neil Adviser Pro Users Arkadia Adviser

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    Of course, I don't know for sure, but from what I understand, August is the next scheduled Planet Partner content release. They schedule these things in advance and MA has to coordinate with 5 planets now, so I doubt whether it can be moved up, even assuming the A-team is finished designing them ahead of time.
  4. zume

    zume Active Member Pro Users

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    I can tell that it wont be before august.. Kim from MA (Sorry - Calypso) has stated that there will be no more content updates untill august due to summer vacation period..
  5. jellyfish

    jellyfish Member

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    thanks alot for the replies guys :)
  6. Cyborg Bill

    Cyborg Bill Well-Known Member Pro Users

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    Summer vacation? These people just got back from winter vacations not that long ago..WTH no wonder nothing gets done in a timely manor. Me thinks they seriously need to catch up to the rest of the world and start staggering employ vacations so the office is staffed year round but people still get their proper time off..closeing the offices for 3 or 4 months in each year is simply bad buisness.

    Cant believe that the "platform" has grown as much as it has yet they still continue practices like that. Thank God David doesnt run his buisness like that.. I know several people have been off on holiday in the last year on the A-Team but they didnt shut the office down completly like MA does. Another great example on how to make things run smoothly shown by Arkadia's Developers. Keep settin that bar high guys maybe MA will at least make an effort to catch up at some point.
  7. billairboy

    billairboy Member

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    I my god.. the MA and Calypso hate on this forum is just too much sometims. Do you seriously think they "close the office for 3-4 month" each year? Seriously? They have a "normal" Swedish vacation in july and first part of august when they have a limited office staffing i guess, but they don't close done completly. And aren't the instanced developed by the Arkadia team anyway? If the Arkadia team had the instances ready for launched they should have been lauched with the last content update.
  8. rick_janson

    rick_janson Well-Known Member Pro Users

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    All I know is that Dobson said August in his last interview. They're not done designing them, but they wanted to get the keys out so there would be sufficient supply by the time they did come out.
  9. Klusterbunny

    Klusterbunny New Member

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    I'm curious about the Keys, they are currently unlimited and can be repaired.

    With each key having a max tt value and usable condition values somewhere between 0.00ped and max tt, it makes me wonder if there is any relationship between difficulty|reward/key tt value
  10. harmony

    harmony Active Member Pro Users

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    I assume that the loot in an instance is about 90% of the tt value of the key plus 90% of the ammo shot inside the instance. And ofc the bigger the key the more interesting the loot can get.
  11. AlexSolo

    AlexSolo Member

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    I can understand that due in summer is a more quiet period as alot customers are on vacation with their families and the demand and querries go down.

    Have been working for several companies which have even ten times more employees than mindark and depending on the business trench it can be very quiet. If you are working in a leadership position you can be fast in situations where you get asked if you really need all employees you got in your squads.

    mindark is not a big company they are way from being a medium-sized company even.

    you can follow that in their business report Jan-June 2011 - reduced to 66 employees - in the year before it have been 80.


    im looking forward to august around that time should be a release of the semi-annual report for 2012 to have a look what has been moved.

    still at the moment ingame are some things that can be done like lots discoveries havent been found yet. beside that people work on their missions to finish before the mission reward adjustments.

    there are more things up to come like as I understood the planet cyrene full release is pending as well as some new planets which are to arrive within this year plus ongoing developement of content of the existing planet partners.

    Sometimes can be good to catch the point to leave it a little and enjoy the weather, cruise some around, let loose have a look at nature, meet some people, have some cold ones and tank up energy for new ways and creativity. you can only grow stronger with it.


  12. RexDameon

    RexDameon Active Member Pro Users

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    it's a big culture difference too. Swedes get what 6-8 weeks standard vacation a year, plus a bunch of holidays. In America you are lucky to get 1-2 weeks and very few holidays off work. Even 4 weeks for myself is pretty high and i only got that from working for the same place for 10 years.

    I think the problem is not that they take the summer off but that we really didn't get that much over the last 12 months. MA is behind even there own expectations. Entropia is like over a year behind scheduled functions and they need to play catch up and get with the rest of the gaming world who works there asses off.

    btw if you wondering where i get that from Take a look at when they said all old systems would be put back ingame. Tamming is over a year late to be ingame. And take a look at other game dev companies especailly ones in North America and you will hear of the crazy 1-2 years without much rest to get a game out. Typical teams in the stats work there balls off for 1 to 2.5 years on a game then rest for a year then back at it again for the next game. where in Europe people have less overworking expectations (which really is not wrong, people shouldn't be worked to death like they are in North america) but you gotta realize your competing with games that do have that kind of dev team and you need to keep up espeically when you are way behind schedule at least catch up then you can have your summers off again.
  13. XeroX

    XeroX Active Member Pro Users

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    Sorry to disappoint the OP but from what I heard in the interview it seems to me that the August update will include only lower level instances. This means that the high level 9 etc. will happen at a much later date. heh
  14. Jenny ferr

    Jenny ferr Well-Known Member Pro Users

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    Rex, 5 weeks standard vacation and I think you are only allowed 200hours overtime/year (union regulated) so can be more or less for game industry...

    but yeah they sure take their time, but at least they have improved their communication (if you can call it that)

    And to Alex, by Swedish standards MA is a middle sized company but a small one of that ofc.

    back on topic, I agree with the august vu as some said not sure about the size of them tho
  15. Hideo

    Hideo Active Member

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    hereĀ“s your answer.
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